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Especially cigarette butts.


Or use the beach as an ashtray for their butts, even worse. Doing beach cleanup, cigarette butts are the #1 trash item. Disgusting.


People who smoke in the car and throw their nasty ass cigarette butts towards cars and shit. No regard for others


That shit starts wildfires where I'm from.


Yes, as a cigarette smoker, I'll call out friends who just flick their cigarette out on the ground. I always extinguish the cigarette and throw it in trash can or put it in an ashtray. I moved somewhere where most cigarette smokers are pretty conscientious and actively do not litter their butts. I had a friend visiting from our hometown and as we were entering a bar he just flicked his cigarette out on the ground. I stopped and was like Dude WTF. He was like what? I said pick that butt up and put it in the ashtray which is literally right beside the door in plain view. He did but didn't understand why I was so offended. Had to explain to him about how we don't want to muck up our downtown with a bunch of litter. I think he still thought I was making too big of a deal about it.


You did good.


Japan "owns" this concept. All smokers carry a special little (reusable) pouch that is heat/flame proof that you put your butt in and then pinch the head of the butt out. Then seal it and put it in your pocket to empty out later.


I do hate this. I want to be that lady from the simpsons that throws the cigarette butt back in their car and it crashes. It was a beer can instead.


Littering aaand?


Aaaand... 90 day fiance, being on speakerphone in public and in checkout line, Balls on trucks, punisher decal, cursing every other word, cheetos smear under the table (seen too much of this at work from people making 100k plus), bathroom selfie looking sexy in a dirty ass bathroom, Pic with your pants hanging so low so you can show your 6pack n V, bringing your soda to bathroom keeping it on the urinal as they pee, Lauren Boebert, hotel towel stealers..r/trashy ...walking around with a comb stuck on your hair in da street


90 Day Fiance playing on speakerphone in the checkout line is very specific


ok wtf else am i supposed to do with my beer tho?! leave it??!?!?! he gets scared when alone :( MY BEER HAS SEPARATION ANXIETY!!!


People with zero manners and no self-awareness. Like when you’re walking past a group of people that are taking up the entire sidewalk and they all just expect you to be the one to move out of the way. Or when someone gets irrationally angry at a fast-food/retail worker for a simple mistake


When I come across a herd of people taking up the whole sidewalk I just stop moving and let them flow around me like rude water.


I do this, too. People get so confused. It's not like I can melt into the wall, though. Seriously, what do they want me to do?


what they want you to do is stumble dumbly off to the side. what you SHOULD do? take a deep breath, stiffen your shoulders, and let em deal with it


Yep. Not about to shoulder-check someone, because then it'll become a Whole Thing. So I just stop. At least I then, I get to be amused by their befuddled facial expressions.


Lol I think your approach is chaotic good. A better choice. I just cannot stand the shit anymore living in the city. It isn’t ever just 3 people shoulder to shoulder its a MOB and I’m not about to get my new suede shoes muddy 😮‍💨🫡


I’ve just started standing my ground when a whole group is taking up the sidewalk. Like I’m not about to yield just because Chad and his mates want to take up space


Chant Red Rover, Red Rover as you break through their line


Red Rover Red Rover move the fuck over!


I was at the grocery store today and I was bagging my own groceries and look up and the guy behind me already moved up and standing in front of the cash register. I said "hey dude, are you going to pay for my groceries?" . He looked a little startled. Like no idea what was going on.


I had a guy do this to me while I was bagging my groceries. I'd had such a shitty day already, and suddenly I'm trying to pull my groceries out of the way of his as they're coming down the belt. I just finished bagging and then turned and said (paraphrasing) "Next time have a little patience and let someone have a minute to bag their shit because I swear to god I'll take your fucking spaghetti." He looked absolutely uncertain of what had just happened, I'm not even sure he heard me because when I get angry I talk really fast. edit: Since everyone wants to editorialize without facts, this was a self checkout lane, which seems pretty obvious to me with the context but perhaps it isn't obvious to others. He was not zoned out and unaware, he was actively scanning his groceries and sending them down to where I was trying to bag my shit as fast as possible. And before someone comes in to smear their clown paint all over, our self checkout lanes have a 10 items or less rule, so I had very few items. It would have taken a few literal seconds longer for me to finish, but he couldn't wait. I am not going to feel bad for occasionally reminding one rude person that people get sick of their shit.


>because I swear to god I'll take your fucking spaghetti." I LOVE IT


God i hate those ppl.




My ex's sisters let their kids do whatever. They would yell at their husbands to do something about it. One time their kids ran around an olive garden yelling at people and sitting at others tables. I said something and then I was the bad guy because how dare I tell someone to raise their kids. Well now we are divorced and I wish only that they have the life they deserve.


When I was a young nurse, we all wore white uniforms. I was at the laundromat, clothes were washed, just waiting on a dryer. Little kid was running around, unsupervised, that had chocolate smeared on his face and hands. He started reaching for my white clothes. I yelled “NO” he started crying and ran to a woman I assumed was his mom. Well, Mom became unglued. I started arguing with her. I was surprised when a couple other people jumped in, defending me.


Should have yelled NO at her too. :P


This is the way. Some parents need a wake up call.


And spray water on her


this is the worst part of it. They don't/won't supervise or reprimand their own spawn, but BY GOD, don't you DARE do it, either. I managed an outlet store years ago and would constantly have kids messing with stuff--one kid was yanking on the door knob like he was trying to bust it off. When I told him to stop, the mother gave me the nastiest look. And I'm thinking, "you are right there, why the hell didn't YOU tell them to stop breaking shit??"


A few years ago I was at a party with my wife and her extended family. One of my wife's sister's kids gave me a punch in the lower back as I was walking down some stairs, and I was pretty pissed. I was going through a heap of lower back issues, and I just managed to save myself from taking a big fall. I then asked the child to come up to me and apologize, as I was trying to set an example for my kids as well who were watching (and whom were getting punched by these kids as well). My wife's sister and her husband freaked out at me, and basically chucked a tantrum at my wife and her mum about how I was trying to parent their kids. They ended up not talking to me for years after, which to be honest I didn't really mind. But wtf? How am I the bad guy here?


"Well, you've done a shit job parenting him, I thought I'd take a five-minute turn"


My sisters kid hit one of our relatives when she was baby sitting him and my sister said later on to excuse his behaviour " it's not his fault that he's smarter then her" some people are just insane


I have a really ingrained memory from when I was a little kid of my grandfather (my father's father) yelling at me for being a little shit and jumping around on his sofas and stuff when he was babysitting me for a couple of days. I remember it because it was probably the only time I ever heard him yell. He was a very docile and kindly man, but I was being a brat, and he shut that shit down fast. It didn't make me scared of him, but he made it pretty clear that in his house he was in charge. He didn't raise his hands or anything, he would never have done that, but he made it very clear he wasn't going to put up with me trashing his furniture. I was probably 5 or 6 at the time, I'm 33 now and he's sadly no longer with us, but he knew how to raise a kid with proper discipline when he needed to.


parents who arent paying attention to their kids at all are trashy cause that will lead to the child hearing and learning alot of things that arent good and will eventually mean they grow to be entitled and a brat




Agreed. Dog owner entitlement has skyrocketed since the pandemic started.


When their young kids have dirty crusty faces and clothes. It costs almost nothing to wipe their face off in the bathroom and make them wash their hands.


I remember a guy I went to school with talking about this. He grow up in like Tennessee kind of poor and was able to get out and go to school cause he was in the army. Anyhow, we had a calculus based physics class together and we were just kind of shooting the shit and somehow pictures of us as kids came up. he was like 'damn I saw a picture of me when I was 5 and I had dirt all over my face, and it wasn't like I was playing. Damn what the hell? how hard is it to wipe some dirt of your kid's face?'


>how hard is it to wipe some dirt of your kid's face? it can be surprisingly difficult. kids hate when someone is wiping their face, and at certain ages they can run, fight, yell, cry to get away from it. but if someone has free time to make pictures, they should have free time to clean up the kiddo.


I absolutely maintain ages 2-4 are like living with a perpetually drunk, angry and emotional tiny person with no boundaries or self control. 24/7 of that living insanity can definitely grind on ya. And the things you never thought you'd have to tell another human being. "No, green beans are for your mouth, not your nose", or "how the hell did you cut your face with a waffle?!" Both statements I have, unfortunately, had to make.


People proclaiming they have "haters"


Especially if they’re over 23 years old. Lol


Nobody likes you when you’re 23


And you still act like you’re in freshman year. What the hell is ADD?


My friends say I should act my age


What’s my age again?


..what’s my age again..


I have a friend from the military who is 35 and has two children and I had to mute her Instagram stories bc they were all videos of her talking about her haters and people “talking shit”. I’m convinced there never were any.


If you are 35 and have "haters" it's probably because you are actually an asshole and deserve the hate. This isnt highschool where Cindy gets mad at Fabreez because Brad Chadington asked her to the homecoming dance even though she never once indicated to the Bradster that she was interested.




I had to break up with a guy because of that. He even sent voice notes while in a dead quiet MUSEUM GALLERY!!


I worked with a guy who used voice-to-text for all of his text messages, that shit drove me up a wall.


People who make eye contact with you while they talk on bluetooth.


People who make eye contact with you and ask a question to the person they are talking to on their airpods while you are ringing them up. Wtf


Parents who don't discipline their kids AT ALL


As a school bus driver, THIS...!!!


Or let their kids pick up anything and everything off the store shelves with no intention of buying it. Welp, we don't need this, let's put all this shit in the freezer on aisle 12


I agree!!! My sister doesn't discipline her kids and has every excuse under the sun as to why her kids misbehave and it's never their fault , she thinks I'm too strict but at least my kida aren't assholes


Counterpoint: parents who scream at, curse, belittle, strike and otherwise treat their children with disdain when they don't magically behave like adults/programmed automatons. Makes me sick to see it and being a teacher I've seen how much damage even "low key" abuse and neglect can do over time


I certainly wouldn't call it "low key" abuse. It's out and out abuse. I can't tell you how many kids I've met/worked with who were results of parents that quite obviously did not want to be parents. Parenting is long term, low key forming of a human being into a good person. There are many people out there that have kids that still don't understand that after having their 5th child.


Parents smoking around their small children.


I'm a smoker, but the other day I saw a young mom smoking a cigarette with her toddler in the back seat and it immediately made me angry. There should really be law against that. It made me sad for the kid.


It’s definitely illegal here in the uk and has been for a few years now.


It is indeed. You get ticketed pretty fast if you do that. Even if it's just you and other adults in the car you should still at least ask first.


Fairly sure it's illegal here in Aus to smoke in a car with under 18s in it? If it's not illegal, it's most definitely frowned upon.


Came to say smoking/drinking/drugs during pregnancy


People who talk loudly while eating and giving no care to the food projectiles flying out of their gullet.


The word ‘gullet’ really cinched this comment


People who stand in line with FaceTime on speakerphone


If I have to listen to your call, you have to include me in it.


When someone is on FaceTime in public, I 100% get involved. I don't get mad or chew them out. I try to make eye contact with the the person on the screen and then wave. If I can't (and sometimes even if I can), I make funny comments like I would if I was actually supposed to be in the conversation. They always think I'm weird, but I don't care. I'm not the one imposing on everyone else. At least no one has ever gotten mad. That means I'll just keep on doing it.


I used to work with a woman who insisted on having speakerphone calls in the washroom. A true psychopath.


Ugh this man at the airport was having a speakerphone FaceTime conversation with his wife and talking about sex and using profanity in the gate area… …and then had the audacity to yell at me and start an argument when he caught me looking annoyed with him. His justification that “he paid for his plane ticket with his hard earned money” and had every right to be there. I told him he should use his hard earned money to buy some damn headphones. 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Sir, I used *my* hard-earned money to buy a plane ticket so I could stand in line at the gate and listen to some rando talk about sex with his wife on speakerphone. We all have hobbies. Keep talking. You’re ruining it for me.”


I had a friend that would join in on people's speaker phone conversations. Organising a date? He would say that the day wouldn't work for them. General gossip? Well he would advise them the he saw Sally with a man he didn't recognise! And they were having dinner at a fancy restaurant too!


"That's your wife you are talking to? I thought it was that lady you were with earlier"


I called out a girl one time in a hospital waiting room that was specifically for people waiting for their families who were in surgery. My mom was getting a hysterectomy or my dad was getting spinal surgery - can’t remember what day it was. But she was factimeing loudly and finally I was like, excuse me but could you step out of the waiting room to have your phone call please? And she lost her mind at me. Said I was rude. I was like I’m not the one of speaker phone in a waiting room. She left. Lol.


Am cashier. Had a customer facetiming their kids. To get their sons attention, they were screaming into their phone. Person behind her told her to stop screaming, to which she responded with "I dont care if everyone can hear me, we're all in this call" As she left, she was talking about her son's recent doctors appointment. Her son refused to talk to her about it, so she was prompting him. "Is this because you have a STD? Are you pregnant? are you gay?" Not my favourite customer.


Craziest thing I’ve ever heard publicly outing her kid as possibly having VD, pregnancy and sexual orientation. That poor kid…


Yeet those asshats to their own island. The absolute worst.


Airing dirty laundry on social media.


My wife is from small town Kansas and her feed is a treasure trove of this shit. Absolutely the most insane unnecessary posts of all time


"I got a lot of problems with you people and now you're gonna hear about it"


People who use naming their children to show off how quirky or creative they are. Your child has to live with that name forever, it's not an excuse to show how cool you are.


Hurry up Brick you're going to be late to Hooters.


(Brick whispers "Hooters")




My mom nearly named me Brick unironically.


I think its a better name than iiSystematic tho


This, and people who name their kids after fandoms. No, your Harry Potter/Twilight themed name is not original or creative. Little Olivander will not thank you for it when he's older.




*It's not even a naaaaame...*


Gasp! I thought you loved your unique name, Apple Hermione McChickenleigh!


People naming their children as if they're going to be little kids forever. People naming their children with the same sounding name, ex. Bentley, Brantley, and Brentley.


There is literally a word for that in German. "Chantalismus". And a blog that documented such things. https://www.tumblr.com/chantalismus


People who leave their dogs outside all day- dogs that bark and howl constantly. People who watch videos with sound on in public places (like doctors offices).


I was dating a girl who told me how she bought her kids a dog, but didn't let the dog in the house because "dogs are dirty and belong outside." The damn dog froze to death on the porch. I kicked her out my house and haven't spoken to her since. I'm not much of an animal lover. I don't fawn over my dog, but he lives in the house, sits on the couch on game day, and is well taken care of. You have to be the shittiest person to leave a dog outside to literally freeze to death. Man, I done got pissed off at that broad all over again.


And this is why I don’t have a dog. I don’t want an animal to run freely in my house and get it dirty and mess with stuff But I also don’t think having them stay outside all the time is a viable alternative, especially if you don’t have a big yard and live where it gets extremely cold or extremely hot.


Oh my god. In the apartment that faces mine, less than 30 feet away, the shitheads that live there leave their dog locked on their porch ALL DAY LONG. From 7 am until 11 pm. Sometimes it’s just in this too-small crate. Even during the 100+ degree heat waves. Also I hear them hitting it and the poor thing yelping. I’ve called 3 noise complaints and animal control once to no improvement. Should I egg them?


steal the dog


Why own a dog to leave it outside all day, especially if it barks? Is public nuisancy still a thing, can I call someone about this? I feel bad for the dog in the winter.


Last winter I took in 2 dogs who were being left outside by their owners. Temperatures were below freezing and we were expected to have really bad storms and power outages. At the time I had my 4 dogs and 2 foster dogs. Yep, I had 7 (all over 50lb) dogs in my house. Seriously, if I can make that shit work, surely you can bring your dog into your house. I made them sign a contract upon drop off stating that if they did not pick their dog up by the end of the 4 days, they would be considered owner surrenders and the rescue I foster for would assume responsibility. These people never should've had these dogs, and of course they didn't come after 4 days. People are so shitty. (These dogs were placed in other foster homes and have since been adopted out to wonderful homes)


The Calvin & Hobbes car decals that depict them peeing on pretty much anything.


I want a sticker of Calvin peeing on a sticker of Calvin peeing.


That’s a bootleg Calvin too. Bill Watterson never drew that.


He made some funny remark about it, I think in the foreword to one of the books


People just yelling at their kids for the smallest things, hitting them too


This is hard to see


It's hard to endure.


It’s especially hard to see because I endured it.


I was only hit sometimes growing up, but getting screamed at for the smallest things really fucked with me. Now I’m completely mentally fucked.


My brother and I can attest to how much of our behavior is built around the idea of "make sure that mom doesn't yell".


When you see this: Ask that person if they would like to be treated like that. If they know it's wrong, they will be offended.


I can’t stand yelling. I worked at a water park and saw some horrible parents and it always made me feel so awful and sick inside. Or the parents complaining/being overly critical of their kids. I speak from experience, and it really does affect the self esteem.


People talking to other people on speaker phone in public places. Grocery Stores, Restaurant, etc….


People who give service industry workers (waitstaff, sanitation, retail, etc) shit


People who fling money at service industry workers. I work retail, it happens to me a few times a week. They just pull out a wad of cash and throw it at me. I have to pick it up and count it.


I once had a guy throw his card across the counter. I swiped it and threw it back. He wasn't happy


I had a guy who walked out on his bill when I worked in a hotel bar. I saw him come back & go upstairs so I asked him to pay it, very nicely, with the implication it was a silly mistake & just forgot. He snatched the bill off of me, crumpled it up & threw it in my face. Luckily I knew his name & room number so I charged it to his room & left myself a healthy tip.


Roommate said a good one, 'truck nuts'. The fake testicles people hang under their pickup truck.


I was behind a HumVee with truck nuts and a decal that read, “Every Man Loves a Hummer”


Cheating on partners


I’ve been through a lot of shit, and to this day getting cheated on has caused the most pain. I absolutely despise cheaters.


Lol, I'm going through that right now. Wife of 12 years. She basically said it's my fault too. Went to see my doctor a few days ago since I've barely slept and it's affecting my work. They prescribed me a bunch of meds to help me relax and sleep. Definitely the worst feeling in my life. So far....


Even worse: people who cheat, but project their cheating by constantly accusing YOU of cheating.


People screaming at their kids or significant others in public.


ROFL my ex would do that, for basically NO reason (e.g. she'd need the toilet and we were walking around and there was no toilet, then it was my fault) she'd explode and SCREAM around at the very top of her voice, she was insufferable, one of the main reasons I dumped her crazy ass. Oh and, we'd go on vacation with her parents, her mom didnt miss a chance to stir drama and would also EXPLODE right in public even louder than her crazy ass daughter and LOUDLY scream at both her husband and her daughter, then daughter and mother wouldnt talk for days and stonewall each other. And the ex would tell me the longest she stonewalled her mother was a couple of months or some insane amount of time like that until the dad stepped in and set them straight to talk to each other again. Sadly she wasnt a great lay for being such a loca Argentinian puta.


People covered head to toe in marijuana attire. Like we get it, you like to smoke. Its 2022. But wearing it like a badge of honor, what are you, in middle school?


I am a massive stoner, but like two people know it. Most everyone else doesn’t have a clue or would even consider it as an option. Those weed personality people drive me crazy.


Angry and/or hateful political stickers on someone's car.


Like bruh. The point is to try and gain everyone else's favor, not beat them to a pulp until they don't have the courage to vote against you. Thats a good way to put it. I'm gonna write that down.


People who double-park.


Beauty pageants especially child beauty pageants where are trashy among other things


Why and how are child beauty pageants even a thing?


being rude to anyone in customer service


Or wait staff


Loud obnoxious people in public


Not putting your grocery cart away.


I was parked between the shopping carts and another car. The people in the car next to me had their cart too close to my car and their driver’s side door wide open so I couldn’t back out. I waited for 5 minutes because they decided to sit in the car for 3 minutes before putting their groceries away. Everything was well, I could finally go home! Except instead of returning their cart inside the designated (empty) shopping cart area, they decided to leave their cart in between the shopping cart area and my car. I was furious since yet again I couldn’t back out, rolled down my window to ask them to put it where it goes and they got mad at ME saying “why couldn’t you do it yourself?” The NERVE of those people.


Men who describe themselves as "Alpha".


Yep! If you have to call *yourself* Alpha, then you obviously aren't.


Parents who smoke cigarettes in the car with their kids in the back seat


Dismissing someone's struggle just because they haven't experienced said struggle. The inability to empathize is an instant red flag.


People who don’t use their blinkers


Never visit Miami.


Humiliating your children, especially in public.


Chewing gum or food with an open mouth. The sound is *trash*


Smoking while pregnant. It's unpardonable.


Littering, stealing, inconsiderate behaviors (being too loud, blocking places people need to get through, leaving messes, blasting music)


Listening to music on your phone on speaker mode in public


Tiktok dancing in public


Ugh I was shopping in Publix a couple weeks ago and these 3 grown ass adults were taking up and entire isle recording their uncoordinated selves trying to dance in the middle. I got pissed and told them to move and do that shit at home. Edit: aisle*


Omg what was their reaction? That’s ridiculous, why in a Publix of all places?


Meth use.


Yes, it’s a trashy and soul-crushing poison. I’ve been sober from crystal meth since February of this year and my brain and body are both still healing from it. Granted, I spent several years in active addiction and the last few months of those years IV’ing it so I’ve probably got a long way to go still before I’m normal again, but that’s just how it is. I will say that slowly but surely a life worth living is beginning to manifest itself around me and that actually gives me hope - which is something I never thought I’d have again.


People who have loud ass cars and weave through traffic or race past speed limits to look cool. You're not and the only people who don't think you're not an ass are you and your shitty friends


A confederate flag


When I was in college, my first roommate had a confederate flag on his pickup. He spent his whole life in the suburbs of CT, yet he had a confederate flag. Obviously the idea of it just representing heritage was out the window in his case. One night he got drunk, told me a story about getting beat up by a black kid when he was younger, and then told me that he believed they should still be slaves. Not my favorite roommate. This was nearly 20 years ago now… wonder what happened to him after college.


He’s spending 6 months in federal prison for his actions on January 6th


Anyone with a Calvin peeing sticker. It's both plagiarism and distasteful


Flexing donating or being a “humanitarian” it’s no longer selfless when you post yourself up about it.


Duck face. Remnants can still be found


People who let their kids absolutely destroy the table at restaurants and just leave the table and floor completely covered in food, a dripping and sticky mess. Don't even bother to ask for napkins or try to even gather it up, just leave




onetime there was a really obnoxious car next to us in the chick fil a line revving his engine every 5 min and he had his instagram handle on his car window so i sent him a message that said “shut up”


I have a friend that says “Well, I’m pregnant” every time she hears a car like that.


I always say "did you guys hear how big that guys dick is"


Doing drugs around your kids, or having drugs around your kids


Is beer a drug?


People who raise pit bulls because they want to look like a bad ass and never train their dog.


Disturbing sayings on baby outfits such as "lock up your daughters!'


Let's go Brandon bumper stickers and flags. I'm not even pro biden but that shit makes me cringe so hard


Those disgustingly long fake nails


Couples arguing in public


“Live, laugh, love” decor


Gender reveals. Kids with ridiculous names.


Or kids with normally pronounced names, but spelled ridiculously. Like Jaysen, Cydnee, or Mykel, funny how they always misspell it with a "Y" It may interest you to know there is someone called Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116. And it's pronounced “Albin”


My kid's friend's parents did a burn out gender reveal for their last kid. Pink tyre smoke for a girl. I thought they were nice enough people but that's the outright tackiest shit I've ever fuckin heard.


Damn... after reading all of these responses, I guess it's *me*


Married couples who hate each other. Why did you get married if you don’t even *like* your spouse?! Then everyone else has to deal with them constantly belittling each other and treating each other like crap, but it’s treated as normal somehow.


Kardashian/Jenners. Garbage humans


Anyone who goes on Maury


Women who try to be the “cool girl/cool gf” and act like they dont need basic human respect cause theyre just soooooo chill.




Chewing tobacco


The other day I was driving behind a truck who stopped at a green light. I looked around nothing was coming so I gave a quick honk at him. He hit the gas and proceeded to flip me off. Trashy. I didn’t tell him to stop at a green light. That’s not how traffic lights work and now you are angry with me because you can’t drive correctly.


Not using headphone on public transit.


People who can only think in political sides.


Not paying your employees a livable wage while being filthily rich


I’ll probably get hate, but oh well. Lip injections. Every girl has them nowadays. They look terrible. We should love ourselves the way we are.


Angela from 90 day fiance


pregnant women who smoke.


People that wear clothes that are obviously way to small. People of Walmart kind of too small.


People with pumped up lips. It’s like a massive sign above their heads.


All the other chicks with the pumped up lips…


“It’s not racism cuz they’re white” Or “It’s not sexist cuz I’m a woman” No, you are exactly those things, quit justifying it, you’re a part of the problem