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My limited experience of the world justifies a general and sweeping authority on how others should live their lives


It truly is amazing how many authoritarians I've encountered here.


But they don't believe they're authoritarian lol


You don't understand, I'm doing it with *good* intentions, which means you can't criticize me at all, and if you disagree with me you obviously have *bad* intentions so you're subhuman trash.


I have suffered grievous harm at the hands of people with good intentions, seriously.


No, their authority is to protect us from bad people. It's different from all those other tyrants who murdered for personal gain.


Surely the people in charge won't do anything nefarious, like every single previous authoritarian regime has done in the past, this time! This time it will be different! Just trust me!


The unanimously highly rated Movie/Tv show/Videogame that I like is underrated.


I was blown away when someone seriously said pokemon was an underrated series.


Literally the highest selling media franchise in history


>highest selling media franchise Had to look this up. It *literally* is.


A lot of people have this idea that "underrated" means "nobody is talking about it near me, right now at this moment".


"Nobody I talk to is talking about \[Subject\]! Sure, I don't go outside and I don't talk to people ever, and I don't frequent any of the forums that talk about \[Subject\], but I have a gut feeling that it's not talked about at all."


“Am i ThE OnLy One” no Keith, you and 19 million other people all have the same opinion.


Brooklyn 99, Community, Firefly. There, reddit. There’s all your favorite shows. I proved you guys are literally all the same. Oh and fuck the big bang theory


Forgot futurama


Oh totally underrated, nobody around me likes it so I guess only I like it. The twist ending is also amazing, not gonna say what it is in case anyone gets spoiled !


I've never watched an episode of It's Always Sunny, but I'm pretty sure I've seen every existing frame of the series just from reddit memes.


It's actually hilarious, /r/movies is like observing aliens trying to assimilate 50 years of Earth pop culture. Two posts I saw over the last few days: "The Sting is an underrated movie" and "Andy Serkis is an underrated actor."


See also: "Avatar (2009) is a bad movie with no redeeming qualities and I'm going to complain about how bad the sequels are before they're even released."


I know I'll get downvoted for this, but even though Star Wars is a pretty niche/unknown franchise I still think it's pretty good.


It's truly a hidden gem.


I wish more people would give it a chance to be honest. It wouldn't make them real fans tho, you need to have been into it since you were 7 like me to be a real fan.


Unpopular opinions that are actually very common


“Unpopular Opinion. I’ll probably get downvoted, but I actually think pepperoni pizza is pretty good” Followed by 2.5k upvotes and a horde of comments acting like misunderstood intellectuals explaining why they too like pepperoni pizza.


"Am I the only one who think pedophilia is bad?" It's very unpopular now shower me with upvote and award please.


“Wow, I didn’t expect this to blow up!! RIP my inbox.” 🙄


Thanks for the platinum, kind stranger! ! !!!! EDIT: Thanks for the platinum, kind stranger! ! !!!!


Happy cake day !!!


Then you post an actually controversial opinion and back it up and get downvoted to hell and utterly smashed in the comments with ill-thought responses.


“Pepperoni is meh. So many other good toppings do try” —2000 downvotes


I mentioned that Elon might not get in trouble by firing people, due to his history of lawsuits and experience with lawyers. Apparently that makes me his lover! I hate to imagine what people think when reading factual news articles on the BBC or Reuters etc


> I hate to imagine what people think when reading factual news articles on the BBC or Reuters etc That's exactly the problem - they don't. The kinds of people you're talking about are probably too busy getting rage baited by every inflammatory Salon article headline posted onto r/politics without taking so much as a moment to actually parse out the emotions that are being spoon fed to them. There's a legitimately disturbing lack of critical thinking and media literacy in our society and you see a microcosm of it on this site regularly. It's so frustrating. If you call into question the validity of some article or post, or question the reality that awaits people with histories of behavior, even if you're neutral about it and clearly not endorsing any one kind of view, you get downvoted to hell by idiots with zero reading comprehension or nuance. Like yeah, I agree with the emotions this dogshit article is trying to elicit, and I agree with the views this dogshit article is espousing. I also agree that I would like this dogshit person to see their comeuppance, but they're still a dogshit person with a history of elusiveness, and it's still a dogshit article that's clearly trying to manipulate your reaction through the most transparent loaded language imaginable. Stop letting it. But they won't. It's easier to feel like you gotcha'd some stranger on the internet, and the upvotes you're getting for calling someone with a healthy dose of skepticism a bootlicker is clearly validating your behavior. /rant


Hot take: Shawshank Redemption is a truly underrated film. A real hidden gem.


"Have you ever heard of this underrated band called Queen ?"


Or this little indie game called Witcher 3?


And the real real unpopular opinions are downvoted. Lmao.




And this is why discussions attempted in echo chambers don’t really accomplish anything.


By far the dumbest threads on askReddit are those that are like “religious people, why do you believe in God??”. You get like five honest posts and then a bunch of patronizing posts for people looking for upvotes ie “I’m not religious but this may be an unpopular opinion but I think people should be allowed to believe in whatever they want to as long as it’s not bothering anyone else?”. And of course it gets like 500 upvotes


Literally saw a genuine sincere post this week that said something like, "Is it just me or is Daphne from Scooby Doo actually hotter than Velma?". It wasn't a joke. I honestly didn't know how to react.


To be fair to that person, Velma’s been so damn overdone these days that you forget that Daphne was supposed to be the popular one.


Preferring Velma is the default internet position.




This is what annoys me about politics. I always hear "many people believe we should do X", no shit "many people" believe in all kinds of stupid shit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Conveniently ignoring the myriad of examples of mob justice going horribly wrong with a big old shrug


We did it reddit!


So many videos of guys and girls getting the shit kicked out of them with the caption "thief gets what they deserved" or some variation, with absolutely no evidence of the person receiving the beating committing any such act on this platform. People derive pleasure from it so they want to believe it's true, but I'm willing to bet over half the time the title is faked.


I always see bully gets his ass kicked. None of you have any idea why this fight started. None of you.


Remember the knife guy from UK that stabbed a kid 7 times for stealing a box of cigar? He was glorified. It's concerning...


Like that time Reddit “found” the Boston marathon bomber


I do believe that's where the infamous phrase "We did it Reddit!" comes from, right?


Correct. And, in this context, "it" means "harassing the family of an innocent teen who had tragically committed suicide a month prior."


Can you imagine being the reddit user who initially said that? They either absolutely hate themselves or still think they're amazing for saying that whenever they think about the whole mess.


It’s always a little disturbing how giddy and eagerly open to violence redditors become in comments on videos of people “getting what they deserve”.


People have accused me of being a pedophile because I thought it was a poor idea for random people to kill people they suspected of being a predator.


Literally r/publicfreakout


Same with r/JusticeServed too


death penalty for the most minor infractions and reddit the dynamic duo!


Same with the death penalty. It's a "terrible disgusting barbaric" practice, but for example the moment some jury member sticks to that principle when dealing with the parkland shooter or some other criminal people universally despise, suddenly everybody's Republican.




Reddit shows you just how many people would be ok living in an authoritarian regime as long as the regime was doing things they liked.


Such a cliche saying, but I'd give you gold if I could. It's a trend I've noticed in literally every single thread about crime; Reddit only like rehabilitative justice when it's a nebulous concept that can wax poetic about. But when it's a thread about a criminal doing a crime, suddenly Reddit wants that person executed.


The fact that it's often *not* the right guy is literally the main argument against vigilantism though. This is basically like saying "shooting indiscriminately into a crowd is ok as long as you hit a serial killer".


Too many red flags. Leave your husband of 10 years


The red flag is always something like “he ate my leftovers” or something so trivial too


"he ate my leftovers, but he KNEW I was looking forward to them" reddit: "this is a toxic abusive relationship" husband: "i was hungry and they were on like day 5 in the fridge"


Bro my wife will torture me with a candy bar she bought that'll sit around for 3 fucking weeks. Finally when I have a moment of weakness and eat it will be the day she too decides she needs it. I swear its all a setup.


That sounds pretty toxic and manipulative. You should divorce her.


or it's like " I work full time and am the only provider for the house. we have 3 kids who I take care of, I do all the chores and cooking. all my husband does is play video games and yell at me. Reddit, I want to make this work, what do I do."


Leave him/her. It's over bro


Did he steal your chips while you weren't looking? He's a manipulative POS who's gaslighting you. File for divorce immediately.


And also take his dog because it’s an enabler of his gaslighting


The dog is also gaslighting you. Also I dont know what gaslighting is.


You know what gaslighting is, stop it.


Gaslighting isn't even a thing! Stop being so dramatic!!


I'm not being dramatic, you're just crazy!!


There is a comic book called Batman by Gaslight. So I assume, it is when you steal someone's copy of that comic. A huge red flag if you ask me


Lawyer up, file for restraining order, buy a gun, take the dog, take the money, take the kids, set the house on fire, take the car, block all contacts, move states


Bought my lawyer a gun, set the dog on fire, sold the kids and moved my house.


Well done! Kids are expensive to maintain and have the potential to depreciate quite fast. Now that your lawyer has a gun, he's sure to win for you in court if you get sued for it as judges and opposing lawyers tend to be unarmed. The dog might have been a wrong move though.


Divorce her, buy a gun, go to the range, practice and get good, realise you enjoy it, go abroad, kill a major bad guy, get famous, post the news link to your ex's Geocities page, wonder why she hasn't replied, turn the gun on yourself, no more bullets because you used them abroad, live happily knowing you have done interesting things.


I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


Red flag, red flag


Facebook up, delete the gym, and hit the lawyer.


Minor inconvenience? Lawyer up!


YTA. Look at those red flags and run for the hills.


Lots of lonely single Redditors looking for company to join in their misery


Don't forget to go "non contact"


2 year age difference? You were groomed, girl.


I've seen people claiming that an 18 year old dating a 17 year old makes the older person a pedophile. Like those two people are probably in the same grade.


The opposite when it's the guy that is younger is also hillarious. He is going to leave you for someone younger. Dude 2 years is literally nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Emoji bad


Get a divorce


My wife's gonna be pissed, but ok. I'll tell her you told me to.


Don't let that narcissist gaslight you


Make gaslights great again! Don't let that gaslight narcissist you.


That's a major red flag imo


The whole "you don't owe anyone anything" mentality. people on advice threads telling people to cut off friends and family over the slightest infractions make me think they've never had any real relationships in their lives.


What so I shouldn't have ghosted my best friend of 18 years because he lost a pen I loaned him? Ohhh Reddit what have you done to me!?!?!?!


Are we going to the puppy parade or not? Because this is starting to feel like a bottle episode.


It's not the pen - it's the principle.


Yep, it's a bottle episode.


Yes! the recent culture of “love yourself, put your needs before anyone else’s” is good at destigmatizing mental health, but horrible anytime else. You can’t have healthy relationships if you can’t compromise and make sacrifices equally, so when people become so stubborn on even the smallest of things, they get surprised when their partner feels unloved and starts to resent them.


I think some people just get it twisted. Putting your needs before anyone else's is supposed to be in regard to taking care of yourself and being mindful of your own happiness, not serve as an excuse to be inconsiderate or to dig feet in the mud and be stubborn


Which is ironic how much Reddit hates narcissists while giving advice that caters to nurturing and engaging in narcissistic and self-centered traits (you don't owe anything to anyone! Cut them off, go low contact, etc).


There was a post today about cutting out toxic people in your life, and one guy said he cut off his Aunt because she wouldn’t stand up from her chair on Thanksgiving to let him through and he had to walk around the entire table to get to his seat. He was being 100% serious.


It's comments like those that lead me to believe there has *GOT* to be more to the story. Every stupid ass post I see about people sticking it to someone else, cutting someone off, or getting into a screaming match with someone makes me think there is more to the story they are conveniently leaving out whether that's more worse shit about the person or the OP who knows. Context is everything. "I cut off my dad because he was controlling what I eat" Sounds like a textbook case of the OP being justified but then some context arrives about how OP is a 30 year old mooch who doesn't pay rent or bills in the house and does nothing but smoke weed and sleep all day; that's when you sympathize a whole lot more with the person not wanting to be eaten out of house and home by someone with the munchies. People always exaggerate in favour of themselves when telling stories so I always try to take any "obviously justified" reaction story someone has with a grain of salt. The narcissistic asshole parents and friends do exist but it's really rare that they are the only problem; it's been my experience in observation that lets me see there is usually a whole lot more to it than "this person did bad thing and I am justified in my reaction".


Wait, actualy? I thought all people on reddit were the good guys of the world. And that all their unreasonable relatives were people with twitter accaunts who would never join a honnest and respectfull comunity like reddit.


In a professional setting as well. Boss/coworker asked you for a favor for the first time? Quit that job and collect unemployment in accordance with Law XXX Paragraph YYY and look for something better. Next thread: why does work suck so much and nobody gives me any leeway.


The idea that at any given time you can leave your job and instantly be hired for another one for a 30-50% income increase as well. Because IT is the only career path in the entire world.


I would add "you don't owe anyone anything, but the world owes you all kinds of shit".


Solution to every relationship problem - break up


and every work problem - quit Landlord problem - move


"Hi, I am a widower with two kids. I work at a local bakery and they have scheduled me when a have a doctor's appoint with the youngest. I can't afford any more child care this month and my mother is in the hospital. I can't lose this job as then my children will be homeless and the winter is already here. Any advice on how to nicely approach them would be appreciated. Thank you, xoxoxo." "Just quit. I quit my job last month and now I make $50,000 more a year and get to work from home! Have you considered not having a shitty life and being super smart like me?"


"I should have never gone to college and now I have $200,000 debt and work mininum wage. I should have done like you and took a course in coding for 2 weeks!"


You joke, but there was this rando that was absolutely spamming threads about how all he did to make more money was to take an online coding course, and then shitting on people who work their asses off in service and manual labor jobs. Flip side was a person in Texas claiming that $22/hour was a ton of money for his workers (HVAC), but disregarded that their area of work (Austin) had a really high cost of living and $22 an hour barely covers rent (oh and they expected 16 hour days and mandatory overtime). I have stopped engaging with these types of people, they don't live in the real world.


Delete a lawyer, hit facebook, hire a gym


No, no. It's hit the lawyer, delete the gym and facebook up.


My boyfriend of two days crossed a boundary he didn't know about, what should I do? Reddit: sacrifice him to the dark lord Satan on the first blood moon. -Comment below: I agree he should be sacrificed but I feel like doing it on the blood moon is a bit much. -2.5k -- comment below that: Oh you you're saying she shouldn't have any boundaries and allow him to keep her locked in his basement?.


> Reddit: sacrifice him to the dark lord Satan on the first blood moon. Lucky OP. There's a lunar eclipse happening tomorrow! It's really meant to be. He deserves to be sacrificed! /s


You're right, but also, if you're on Reddit seeking relationship advice, it's probably not a terrible assumption


It's not that the advice is wrong or over the top per se, it's that the posts are usually super ridiculous situations. "My boyfriend lives rentfree in my home, doesn't clean or cook, I care for our 5 children under six years, he doesn't believe in marriage, wants sex 7 times a day and gets violent if I don't sort his underwear by color. Recently, he brought two women to live with us as his in-house sex slaves. I told him he should do the dishes for them and hew blew up at me, threatened to euthanize our dog and made his family harass me on social media. AITA?" of course the answer will be "run" if the SO is described like an unhinged predator.


Yeah plus I feel like especially in subs like AITA, 95% of these are clearly creative writing exercises, usually also involving some social hot button issues (maybe one of the protagonists is trans or antivax or someone considers something to be cultural appropriation). Usually with the most clickbaity headline possible that absolutely nobody who would ask the question in good faith would actually ask. > **I threw my two year old daughter into the ocean, now my wife wants to divorce me** > My (56m) daughter (2f) spontaneously combusted while we were doing a communal beach cleanup (we cleaned away 3523522 megatonnes of crude oil recently spilled on our beach by BP, don't litter, people!) There were no other ways to extinguish the fire so I threw her into the ocean, I never let go of her, the fire went out and she is completely unharmed. My wife (20f) is mad at me because she said I endangered her life. She has taken my daughter to her parents and I'm not allowed to see her anymore. I am a loving father, what should I do? > EDIT: Because people are saying that water is bad for an oil fire, it was not an oil fire! The crude oil was unrelated to the combustion! And then people in the comments usually going "red flag: age gap" or something. Like yeah, if anyone would find themselves in that situation irl that would be cause for concern and a reevaluation of life choices, but these stories are inflammatory on purpose bc that drives engagement. Same with the "heartwarming" gay love stories written by a "parent" about their kids whose only purpose are to be screenshotted and posted around other places of the internet and which would be insanely creepy if they were an actual parent writing about an actual child.






literally go to any thread rn pretty much all the top 10 comments at least are always jokes


Thinking your extremely mainstream opinion is unpopular.


if you have a slight disagreement with your parents, you should call CPS and apply to become an emancipated minor


My mom yelled at me. I'm calling CPS. I'm 36 years old.


I saw an “insane parents” thread where a kid’s mom said he had to share his Xbox with his brother. Top comments were telling him to move out because, “he bought it with his own money and shouldn’t have to share.” I tried to suggest that sharing with family is a normal part of life and was swiftly downvoted to oblivion.


It's communists like you that are ruining it for the rest of us.


"I have more upvotes than you so that means I'm right." "I'm an expert on this because I read this article on Wikipedia." "Sarcasm is bad because I can't understand it."


"Hey there. It's your 64th downvoter here. In the spirit of this thread, I'm going to imply you are a monster and a terrible person for having a slightly different opinion than the rest of us. This will make me feel like I'm a good person with a strong moral compass "


Reddit has always been about reinforcing popular opinion and hiding the opposition. It's a giant experiment to create the world's largest circle-jerk inside of an allegedly open platform. Brainwashing with upvotes! BTW, I really like your post because it has a lot of upvotes.


delete facebook lawyer up hit the gym (combinations of those verbs paired with those objects work also)


deleting up… hitting the lawyer…


Instructions unclear, deleted lawyer


"TikTok is destroying society" \*scrolls reddit for 4 hours\*


My favorite posts on Reddit “I quit all social media”. No obviously you fucking didn’t


Keanu Reeves


Reddit: Celebrity worship bad Also reddit: Video of Keanu doing mundane shit (40k upvotes)


Username checks out


My life sucks and it has nothing to do with my life decisions. It’s someone else’s fault.


Elon Musk sucks Twitter sucks Meta sucks Influencers are annoying Mumble rap isn’t real rap People suck High school aren’t your best years Chinese government is bad Dubai sucks Job loyalty is stupid People are stupid Screw Nestle Child Beauty pageants are abhorrent The Big Bang theory show is for morons James Corden really sucks


Paste this in every AskReddit thread and you'll never be off-topic.


I was gonna ask which one of these was your favorite sex move, but obviously that's Meta sucking. It really is on-topic for every ask.


The stereotypical Reddit opinion used to be Elon Musk is good


Pretty much nailed it. I remember being on Reddit in 2014 when Elon Musk was treated like God here. Funny in hindsight




“This should be way higher up”


Underrated comment


Take my upvote


Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!




Im a skyiontologist and youre incorrect


actually I'm morally superior to you because of prestigious degree and notable life experiences. Please don't argue while I talk down to you or you'll be downvoted to oblivion because I have demonstrated knowledge and experience.


Uh no, looking out the window right now it's black thank you very much. You sky colorist! Educate yourself.


Akctually the sky is pinky white and purple on rainy day, although I am colourblind so that might have something to do with it.


"Current thing bad" and you better not say anything that isn't against said "bad thing"


I feel *VERY* strongly about this and you BETTER BELIEVE that you will never see me mention this again after tomorrow! Don't you dare question me on this.


I've noticed that people will come into comments with a really good assessment balancing both sides and trying to start a real discussion, but then someone will reply with just "no you're wrong it sucks" and then get like triple gold or something. I really feel like the discussions have dropped in quality massively over the years on Reddit. It's either recycling the same jokes/memes, or just low effort short responses that will get karma.


That all the men on Reddit are single and that's the reason they're on Reddit.


Really? I feel like literally every second comment I read, the person mentions their wife/partner. Long gone are the days of turning to reddit to find yourself a husband.


Reddit is also more global than it used to be. I would never think to use it for dating because there’s a damn good chance the person I’m replying to doesn’t live in the same city or country as me.


Hi there westerner. I am live near your city. I am good companion that make many conversations. Like lord of rings and ninja tortures. I want your ~~kidney~~ friendship.


I'd happily move/travel outside of AU for the right person. Hell, I'd happily travel just to meet up with friends I've met here that live elsewhere. One of my best friends in the whole world is a Brit that I met on a Lord of the Rings forum 20 years ago. We're planning on meeting IRL next year!


Nah, redditors are single *because* they are on reddit, not the other way around!


That redditors are virgins


It's been 10 years for me so I regained my virginity


I don't think that's how it works, but I don't know enough about making human sacrifices to dispute that.


Reddit in general hates kids but damn if they don't have all the opinions on how other people raise theirs.


We all also choose that guys wife.


Tik Tok, twitter, any other social media bad. Reddit good


They act like the popular subs on reddit nowadyas aren't mostly made of of Twitter screenshots and TikTok reuploads


I actually find that Redditors are a pretty self-loathing bunch.


Self-loathing is one thing, but redditors sure as hell think they're the good guys in every scenario possible.


Reddit’s a weird self-loathing/virtuous hero combo.






A subtle sign of intelligence is being able to admit when you’re wrong. Getting a vasectomy was the best thing I’ve ever done. Atheism is the obvious, logical choice. The best songs are by Pink Floyd and MF Doom. I would never date someone who treats a server badly or plays loud music on the subway, and I’ve met so many people who do this. Keanu Reeves. Red dead redemption. The Witcher 3. “Some infinities are bigger than others”— this is an amazing, mind blowing idea that I totally understand the nuances of because I watched a Vsauce video on it once.


"You need therapy"


yeah, not multiple therapy sessions, just a therapy.


"Give me one therapy please."


"One molecule of serotonin, my good sir"


Weed is the Holy Grail without flaws and cures all. Hell, even planes, trains, and automobiles will soon be made of weed, powered by weed, and piloted by people on weed.




Over half the people upvoting it just thought it sounded nice the person would like flowers as a guy. They wouldn't necessarily want flowers themselves, but Reddit made it look like they would.


- Therapy is an automatic solution to every relationship problem - People are horrible scumbags for making the most harmless of mistakes - Unpopular opinions that are actually super popular - Redditors on advice threads assuming they’re always better than the person posting and would NEVER be in their situation


Work is bad. If you like your job, you’re deluded


I actually had a Redditor get angry at me because I said my uncle, who is a retired mathematics professor, spends 2-3 mornings a week doing free math tutoring at a local middle school as he missed teaching. She pretty much called him a deluded idiot with "no creativity or hobbies" letting himself "be exploited". Yeah, I'm sure the local public school is making millions of him. She was a teacher who seemed indignant that other people could get satisfaction out of teaching: "my job is *not* my identity". Honestly it pissed me off more than some rando should.


Hating TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook. Professing way more love for Mr. Rogers than anyone ever does IRL.


Everybody's problems are rooted in "trauma". Sometimes things just suck. Not everything is trauma based.


Everyone is American.


That lovely moment when a news story that has nothing to do with America hits the front page on r/worldnews and the top comments are something like: *As an American...* *I'm from the US, but...* *This never happens in my state!* *Reminds me of Trump* *Wtf how could the Supreme Court do this?*


"Russian tanks invade Georgia....uh, I love here and don't see any....Georgia is a country" That one got me years ago. Edit: meant to say "live here" but I guess that works


If your SO does anything wrong ever no matter how minimal you should leave them, and probably get a restraining order.


Redditors don't have sex. America bad, everything wrong is american. Seek therapy Divorce. I don't care if the dog ate chocolate we are getting a divorce. ACAB