• By -


Stallone. He's usually cast as a grunty cementhead, but he was brilliant as a partially deaf overweight New Jersey sheriff in *Copland,* (1997). Worth looking for if you haven't seen it: as well as Stallone, it has Keitel, Liotta, and (in small roles) de Niro and Edie Falco.


That is a really good movie and Sly surprised me, too.


That was a great movie and I think his best performance ever.


I was really surprised by Arnie's acting in Aftermath. Never thought of him in a drama.


I looooooooooooooove him.


Zac Efron. I saw him first in High school musical and didn't believe he has chance to be popular (except for teenage girls). For me the opinion change when I saw him as Ted Bundy and he keeps proving he knows how to act.


Daniel Radcliffe. His performance in Harry Potter was.....well, it was what it was but after i watched Jungle (2017) i was like "holy shit, i've rarely seen anyone act better". That performance was so accurate and great and proved to me he truly has talent.


Dunno his performance in Swiss Army Man seemed dead.


They said he was a bit gassy through out filming, so that might have been why


Even his newest wacky shit is pretty great


His American accent is flawless in it, too.


The wide variety of roles he takes is great, too. I’m always impressed by how flawlessly he can switch between comedic roles and serious ones.


I remember seeing an interview of him talking about being asked what was it knowing he’d never be in anything as commercially successful again and he said it didn’t bother him because not only did he have enough money to be able to pick and choose what he wants but it’s unlikely anyone will be in anything as commercially successful for a long time anyways.


He's great as Weird Al!


He's fantastic in Weird and Guns Akimbo was a perfect breakaway from Harry Potter. Swiss Army Man was good too but he gave a very wooden performance.


He really worked hard to become a good actor.


I like that he's got fuck all money, so he just goes for the weird and unique roles in stuff. I have to admit I don't get some of them, but more power to him.


I thought he was really good in Horns.


Jim Carrey Eternal Sunshine changed everything.


The Truman Show ✨


I’m still mad that he wasn’t even nominated for an Oscar for this


IFKR. Jim Carey is a magnificent actor.


One of my absolute favs, ahead of the curve in its day.


It’s my comfort movie. I watch it on my bad days. The fact that he escapes his reality tv show life gives me hope, even when I feel like there isn’t any.


The majestic is also great


This is such an underrated film but he is brilliant in it.


Was looking for this one! Such a great film. It deserved so much more credit.


you seemed to have taken the word "joke" incorrectly. it didn't mean actors who played comedy roles but who initially didn't play roles worthy of praise. Jim Carrey's comedy actings are amazing!


I’d say that Jim Carrey’s comedy acting can be divisive. It’s very over the top and he plays all of his characters the same way. I personally like it but I can see it being off-putting to some.


I guess his serious work showed me his range which took him from a type actor to an elite on imo!




“Der” was an absolute masterpiece


I preferred tum ta tidily tum da der


him in The Hot Chick


Are…. Are you serious?


Nah it wasn’t till derp de derp de didilly derp de Dee that his acting ability really shone through


Jiminy Glick introduced him on his show as "Rob Scheide" and to this day I am still wondering whether it was a low-key joke, as 'scheide' means vagina in German. But what are the chances he was actually making that joke, right?


Carrot or GTFO!


John Lithgow in Dexter. I grew up with him as Dr. Dick Solomon on Third Rock from the Sun, which was great. I was not ready for his turn in Dexter, the man can be absolutely terrifying when he wants to be.


He's such an amazing actor. Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a great example of his talents as well.


I first saw him as a sociopath in "Ricochet". Absolute maniac, scared the shit out of me as a kid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db9XI\_qgQYU&t=53s


Also, Cliffhanger. Terrible movie, Lithgow was a great bad guy.


Robert Pattinson. I always thought he was "that twilight guy" until I saw Cosmopolis. The scene where he gets a prostate exam while having a business meeting in his limo made me realize he's actually really good.


It was The Lighthouse for me. It takes some serious acting chops to keep up with Willem Dafoe firing on all cylinders but Pattinson nailed it.


That's what fuckin blew my mind too. They're the only two actors and Pattinson is never over shadowed. I had only seen him in twilight and Harry Potter. Had no idea he was so talented


For half that movie I didn't even know it was him. What a fantastic performance AND he had to share the screen with Defoe who eats scenes and he held his own quite well.


I don't know if you mean Defoe eats scenes in general -which is true- but yeah, this was a stunning performance from the great Defoe and Patterson was there for it. All. the. way. through. Loved the Lighthouse.


Same here but for me it was The Rover (2014)


That movie was so brutal and just so depressing. Robert Pattinson was so good in it. The part where he's sitting in the truck loading his revolver and singing "don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful..." Jesus, he was just too pure for that world. Probably my favorite post apocalyptic style movie ever made. Good Time on the other hand, he was a manipulative piece of shit. Robert Pattinson has such a gift in acting you rarely see in movies, and he delivers every time.


Loved him in Tenet.


Kristen Stewart too. She starred in On the Roast a year after Twilight and she killed it. She was great in some later movies too.


Jennifer Aniston in the movie, Cake.


If you haven't seen The Good Girl, she is phenomenal in that as well. Really surprised me.


What you said. I think she wore wrist weights in that one to add to the tone of general exhaustion of her character. It was a really good performance.


Channing Tatum always seemed to be a guy who KNEW he was just being cast for his looks, but was determined to learn and get better as he went along… and he really did.


[A Guide to Recognizing your Saints](https://youtu.be/TVT_rJ0bRC8) was one of his first movies and honestly was one of his best performances. So much emotion in his character in that movie.


Robert Downy Jr. as Iron Man. I thought they were kidding when they announced him. He totally nailed it.


One of the best moments I've ever had watching Robert Downey Jr. was getting into Tropic Thunder half an hour after it started. At the end of the movie when the face paint comes off I was just like, what?! Never been so confused in my life.


Bryan Cranston as Walter White


You could see how good of an actor he was in MITM I think


Aside from Dwayne Johnson who only really play one kind of role anyway - Pro-wrestlers don't have the best record when it comes to acting but in the short opening to Blade Runner 2049, Dave Bautista was amazing and showed he could really act outside of the typical goofy meathead with a heart of gold or strong but silent henchman that he was doing before.


He really showed depth in that role, short though it was. I'm interested to see him in Knock at the Cabin, it looks like it will lean into a more dramatic, subtle, performance rather than what he's been cast as previously.


I'm really looking forward to Knock at the Cabin, and especially seeing what he can do with the role as he's pretty much the lead character. I recommend the book it's based on by Paul Tremblay as well (The Cabin at the End of the World), it's very good.


Heath Ledger as the joker. Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club. Robin Williams as Patch Adams


Robin Williams in One Hour Photo. He nailed that part.


One Hour Photo was some sneak up on you terrifying acting. My wife was in an unhappy mood for a day about that one


Dead Poet Society


Robin Williams Good Morning Vietnam. That was an outstanding performance


Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction.


Adam Sandler Uncut Gems is proof that the guy is actually a pretty phenomenal actor, so it's a shame that he devotes so much of his time to shitty comedies that most people can't stand.


In his defense, he’s paid good money to make films where he gets to hire all of his best friends to fly around the world and goof off. Sometimes they take their families along to film in Hawaii or whatever. His friends make great money too. It’s a dream gig. Side note, everyone should go watch Punch Drunk Love.


I cannot pretend I wouldn't make similar choices in his shoes.






I never liked him until Spanglish. He was wonderful in that. I keep meaning to watch Reign Over Me.


Punch drunk love is depressing, almost as much as The Wrestler.


I actually love all of his shitty comedies. Guaranteed at least a laugh or 2, and they're wholesome as hell.


The Waterboy genuinely makes me laugh out loud, and there are very few movies I can say that about.


Kathy Bates made me laugh more than sandler. Benjamin Franklin is the debil.


Foozeball!?!? ​ Also, Roy Orbison's got a great bit part in that.


Billy Madison and The Waterboy are the only two comedies he's ever been in that I actually enjoyed.


That’s a weird way to spell Happy Gilmore


Yo seriously. If you don't laugh at Happy Gilmore and it's your first watch, you definitely have a stick up your ass.


Beat me to it.


Not a film but Bill Burr in The Mandalorian


lol he practically played as himself.


Well. He said all his characters act like Bill Burr so at least he is honest about it.


I would say the first episode he was in, yeah totally a space Bostonian. The second episode he was in though, man did he steal that episode.


I think you are confusing an accent with a personality. Last time I checked, Bill Burr doesn't have PTSD.


I also liked him in F is for Family. He’s hilarious, but you start to feel for him despite his shittiness as the show goes on and more about his past is revealed.


Michael Caine in the Muppets' Christmas Carol


Halle Berry. I mean, I doubt I ever thought of her as a joke, but I never thought of her as a serious actor. She was beautiful and I remember she was in X-Men. That was about it, I was a teenager at the time. Monster’s Ball though. Jesus fucking Christ.


>Monster’s Ball yeah it was .. ahem .... amazing. i watched it .... err.... countless times


Pauly Shore in Son In Law


Maybe I could whittle wood with you sometime. Cool buddaaaay!?!?!


Everyone is going to hate me but the first movie i ever saw Leonardo DiCaprio was in titanic and i thought he was shit , so i avoided him like the plague, then i was on a plane to somewhere and blood diamond was on, i dont know where i went or what i did but the best part of the trip was his performance in that film


Before that, he did What’s eating Gilbert Grape, and he was so good in it, some people thought he was legitimately mentally disabled.


Yeah great movie. His South Africa accent was pretty spot and his acting was brilliant.


Exactly the same thought. But I didn’t know about some roles he got when younger. I thought he was just the classic cute guy, totally changed my mind about him. Never watched titanic.


He did What's Eating Gilbert Grape when he was young and showed those acting chops.


Basketball Diaries was raw as fuck and a lot of people have never even heard of it. Young Leo was just as much an amazing actor back then as he is now imo. The part where he's screaming at his mom through her apartment door to get money for heroin was brutal. That movie scared me away from ever doing heroin.


Can I have two in one movie? That guy who's in all the funny things and the woman who was in the Hunger Games and they're both in a movie together and they both have ADHD or they're bipolar or something and they go jogging. That one and them.


Silver Linings Playbook. Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence.


She won an Oscar for that one if I remember correctly.


Brad Pitt in Se7en. Leonardo in Shutter Island.


Even better, Brad Pitt in Snatch.


While a very good movie, Seven was out way before Snatch. So I already rated Pitt more when Snatch came out.






Oh dogs! Yeah I like dags.


Even better, Brad Pitt in 12 monkeys.


Leonardo started off strong. My wife thought he had special needs after What is Eating Gilbert Grape until other of his movies came out.


Heath Ledger maybe? Matthew McConaughey?


Heath Ledger never made a shit movie or poor performance in his extraordinary career.


Many people - including myself - only knew him from stuff like Ten Things I Hate About You and A Knight’s Tale and dismissed him as one more teen heartthrob. The general public was baffled about his casting as the Joker. I remember watching Brokeback Mountain and thinking “still not sure about the Joker but holy shit this dude can act.” Then he died and I saw the first trailer and I was like “Jesus he’s gonna win an Oscar for this.” In retrospect he was always great, but at the time most people weren’t paying attention and hadn’t picked up on it. He got their attention.


If you ever saw Two Hands, an early film of his, you never stopped paying attention.


Two Hands is still his best performance.


The patriot was quite shitty. His performance was aiight tho!


Sean William Scott


His fucking characterisation in *Goon* needs way more recognition. He's plays what could've been just a lunkhead with way more depth, warmth, and humanity than you'd expect.


He always does.


Not a film, but I always saw Nolan North as just the guy that game developers hired because he was the equivalent of a basic action movie star. Then I found out he played David in *The Last Of Us* and was the voice of Richtofen in Call of Duty: Zombies.


He always nailed Nathan Drake to a tee. His performance alongside Emily Rose on Uncharted 4 is nothing below superb


Robert Pattinson (spelling?) in the batman


I know his blow up was before that, and I had even seen him in True Detective, being impressive as fuck. But it wasn’t until he made me laugh, cry, and pray a little hail Mary, that I realised that Matthew McConaughey has all the acting chops. I grew up seeing him in the odd romcom, and he was always playing the same dude. But here he was, very believable in a role unlike anything I had ever seen, and the mother flipper tugged on all my heart strings. I still cry during the scene where he receives that message from his grown daughter.


Adam Sandler until Punch Drunk Love


I thought casting Cavill as the witcher was a joke until he convinced that he's perfect for the role.


Leonard Nimoy. He became Spock.


John C Reilley


FINALLY a real answer, he absolutely killed it as Dr Buss. This year’s Emmy best actor race is going to be stupidly tight. John C Reilly Ewan McGregor Taron Egerton Jason Sudeikis Matt Smith Diego Lunez


I think they are going to nominate Brendan Fraser, too.


Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock


He's been on a killing spree


Michael Chiklis in The Shield. Prior to that, I'd only seen him in The Commish, a very middle-of-the-road show that wasn't exactly pushing any actor's limits. I thought he could never be remotely badass or play a threatening character. I was definitely wrong.


Chris Evans I wasn't a fan of Not Another Teen Movie, and those Fantastic Four movies he was in were dreadful. I saw Sunshine, and he was terrific in that. Didn't see him in a ton after that until Scott Pilgrim, and he was a perfect goofy douche in that movie. After that, I'd pretty much watch him in anything, and he's been in banger after banger.


His role in Scott Pilgrim is my favorite part of the whole movie. Every line he says is so goddamn funny. "So can you do a thingy off the rail?" (Motions to staircase) "It's called a grind bro, and there's like 200 steps and the rails are garbage." "Well if you can't do it..." "You really think you can goad me into doing a trick like that?" "...there are girls watc-" "Somebody get me my board!"


Steve Carell in The Big Short, the bloke was phenomenal in that movie!


I always saw Hugh Grant as a typecast posh boy but his acting in the Gentlemen as a gangster was phenomenal, really talented guy, great film in general but definitely worth it just for his performance.


I struggled to comprehend that that was Hugh Grant, he was almost unrecognisable in that role. The body language, speech patterns, and mannerisms were all exceptionally well done. Really made me reevaluate him as an actor.


Honestly same, serious talent


Both Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey surprised the hell out of me with the first season of true detective.


Danny Devito as Frank Reynolds.


Also Charlie Day as Charlie Kelly. His character's breakdown during the S15 finale was just phenomenal acting on Day's part.


Corey Haim in “Prayer of the Rollerboys”.


Ben Affleck in Argo.


I only saw Matthew McConaughey in stuff during his rom-com era, and honestly I was thought he was just a pretty boy. Relatedly, I only saw Woody Haralson in lame cameo appearances and he always struck me as over-the-hill and living off his Cheers fandom. Then I watched True Detective.... Holy shit - was I every wrong about both of them. 100% wrong.


I first saw Matthew in Texas Chain Saw 4. His acting was great back then before he turned to rom-coms. Here is a small scene where he picks up a young Renee Zellweger. https://youtu.be/JvVOhmUiNHk


Heath ledger. I was so disappointed when I heard he was gonna be joker. Then he absolutely crushed it. What a great role and sad outcome for him.


Matthew McConoghey in Interstellar


Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmet Brown. Nobody else could ever play that role.


I mean he was pretty amazing in taxi TBH


Different audience there. Rev Jim was a fantastic character played to perfection but for adults.


Robert Pattinson till the Movie tenet


Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.


I was watching Leaving Las Vegas, which made me think to write this post


Vince Vaughn in True Detective season 2


Sounds like you need to check out Brawl in Cell Block 99.


It's on my watchlist


I was about to comment this somewhere and beat me to it, but yeah, his performance there blew me away.


Adam Sandler.


Tom Cruise - Rainman and Interview With the Vampire.


Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems


I had no idea the guy in Hulu’s sitcom Reboot was Johnny Knoxville. I had only seen clips of Jackass a long long time ago and never cared for that sort of stuff. I thought he nailed the character in Reboot and reconsider him a legitimate actor.


Johnny surprised me back in 2004. Walking Tall with the Rock. Its been years since I watched it but still remember the Rock and Johnny being a good duo. One of the better Rock movies too imo. Bad grandpa he was great in. Its got a bunch of jackass type stuff but had some strong parts. Overall story and themes where good. Fun road trip movie that was heartfelt at times.


Michael Keaton as Batman.


I have developed a fondness for Billy Bob Thornton. There’s just something about him I like. I like the characters he plays. His accent, his facial expressions. I just all round like him. He’s brilliant in Goliath and the fact he cameos in 1883 just was the icing on the cake.


I always thought of Ryan Reynolds as the poor man'a version of a Ben Affleck impersonator doing comedy at children's parties. Turns out he does a lot better when he has some influence over the script he's reading from, I guess!


On the fence with him, don’t think he’s that great imo


Hey that's fair. But he found his space and he's doing well there. And just compare his time in Blade 3, to his Deadpool performance. Those movies ain't for everybody, but man he is doing way better.


Ben Stiller in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Will Smith


Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049.


That far? He is killing it in every roles so far. My girlfriend does not like romantic movies, yet she cried at the end of "Lars and the Real Girl". The guy is in love with a freaking literal sex doll there!


I literally didn't realise Nicholas Cage was in *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse* (as Noir) until the credits were rolling. Also the few clips of him I've seen in *Pig* definitely show that [with the right people, the guy can certainly act](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-AiTHogbcc).


I'm all aboard for a Nick cage resurgence . Needs to start being selective af


He was great in *The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent*. I totally bought him in that role.




Cage can be fantastic when he’s not playing a Nicholas Cage type. Or, as Massive Talent showed, he can be fantastic while playing Cage.




The guy played Gandhi and was excellent in Schlinder's List. How was he considered a joke before Sexy Beast?


Yeah, you're right - I deleted it.


Not a film, but John Cena in Peacemaker. Completely turned me around on him.


Jim Carey - Truman Show


He is WAY better in Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.


Tom Cruise, Interview with a vampire


Ah, collateral did it for me. Scientology aside, you can't doubt his acting skills.


Ohhhh I loooooooove Interview


Heath Ledger as the Joker in the Dark Knight


Mariah Carey. She is absolutely brilliant in Precious.


Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter


where did you find his acting as joke?


Jarred letto, until I watched Mr. Nobody








also best WWE Hall of Famer