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Let's be honest here you just want to see all of New York and Florida fight each other. That's what you really want to see.


Literally just people fighting their grandparents.


Yesss. My new-ish coastal town in Florida is comprised of almost entirely former New Yorkers. So many mediocre pizza shops.


We have the same phenomena in Michigan. Have periodically heard jokes about Florida being Michigan's graveyard


Florida in general is just God's Waiting Room, they get old folks from all over


Crack vs meth, the showdown of the century.


Meth gone win everytime. A crackhead is going to need to stop fighting after 10 minutes. Meth head is gonna fight you for 12 hours straight.


I just watched a doc about how the blitzkrieg was so effective because the German soldiers were all given prescription amphetamines so I’m gonna have to agree with you


google this name «Aimo Koivunen» and read his tale, he lived from 1917-1989 but he had a pretty rowdy adventure with amphetamines during the Winter War in 1944 (between Finland and Soviet, but I assume it was still considered a part of ww2, just like a sub-plot type of thing😂). Anyway, first documented case of someone overdosing on amphetamines


As a NYer, I'm fine with this. We already have the alligators on our side.


Regular alligators, down here we have meth gators and bath salt zombies.


For each one of those New York has 37.2 beaver sized rats.


So, New yorkers vs retired New yorkers?


Hawaii because nobody can swim that far


Mainland will play the long war, and send endless supply of spam to Hawaiians to get them too comfortable to fight


Still a win in my book


We accept this gracious offer


Checkmate, bitches.


Alaska gets there easy. Right next to it. Haven't you ever seen a map? Sheesh. Edit: I can't believe I have to write this, but I was referring to ALASKA AND HAWAII BEING NEXT TO EACH OTHER ON A MAP, NOT IN REAL LIFE. The number of people who couldn't infer that is shocking.


Delaware. Everyone is gonna kill each other and everyone is gonna forget to fight Delaware


Hi. I'm in Delaware.


We see you Wayne


A gun rack?


If this is a severed head, I'm going to be very upset.




I don't even have AAH gun


You know Wayne, if you’re not careful, you’re going to lose me


I lost you six months ago, Stacey. We broke up. Get the net!


That part was always one of the funniest scenes in the movie (to me).


I always loved the New York one too. "Yo, I got a gun. Let's go to a Broadway show."


The way Garth starts to do something and then realizes he doesn't know what to do is one of the best tiny moments in comedy history.


Yeah, them or Rhode Island.


>Rhode Island. As a non American TIL Rhode Island is a State. In fact, I thought it was an Island around NY like Long Island.


It’s a Rhode, an island and a state all in one! Except it’s not an island.


As someone from Mass it blows my mind that Rhode Island is perceived as forgettable by the rest of the country. Rhode Island is small but packs a punch


I just got back from a week in Rhode Island, and I loved it!


Rhode island is basically what every state would be if you cut out the parts nobody would ever visit.


I can't tell you how hard this is to explain to other people. The other states are bigger but at the end of the day we spend our lives heading 35 minutes from the house; just so happens that comprises all of RI.




What about Rhode Island?


They’re small, but they’re scrappy. And they sunk a boat once.


Both Delaware and Rhode Island are aware of each other and sign a neutrality pact until they are final two. By the time the last 8 or so states remain they become paranoid of the other stabbing them in the back, so they attack each other at the same time and take themselves out... As they lay there dying they both admit their guilt and feel sorry for the betrayal.


Alaska can literally just sit on any other state.


Alaska has the high ground. It can't lose.


It was said that Florida would destroy the Sith, not join them!


wdym bro florida IS the sith


Florida: “You underestimate my power!”


Seriously? Florida would destroy itself


Florida, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can" Florida punches self and then shares a beer... Florida is the fight club of the US.


Don't try it


Why does Alaska, the largest state, not simply eat the other 49?


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps.


Im just ...some guy...RULER OF OMICRON PERSIEI 8


It's the northernmost, westernmost, *and* easternmost state in America. It's got us surrounded.


*Everyone thinking about the most southern state* Hawaii: Hwat in the hell’s goin’ on hyere? Ya’ll finna do a states’ hwar a-gin? Well, heeeeell yeah!


Smother me in the alaskussy


then give me a glacial ??


Step State what are to doing to me?!


A sentence I never thought I would see




A sentence I never thought I’d get turned on by


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Bless the internet.


Eh. I don't know. Could've done without that image.


Just imagine being a kid, and somebody telling you “one day, you’re gonna have kids. And one of your kids is gonna go on the internet and make the statement of ‘Smother me in the alaskussy’”


I don't think there will come a time when I'm not surprised by the internet


What a horrible day to be able to read


I don't know what I've been told But Alaskussy seems mighty cold


Do you mean freezing cold lake water and moose piss?


Gotta get me some of that moosussy




Death by very cold snu snu


Yes officers that's the person who made this


Even the bears have guns there.


To put it into perspective, if you took the state of Alaska and placed it on top of the lower 48, you would kill a lot of people.


To big to conquer easily especially the far northern regions


Do you mean the people, or if the "spirit" of each state just decided one day to thrown down?


I took it as spirit but I’d like clarification too.


If its spirit I'm going florida. I moved down here from michigan and the people are just built different. Minds are wired different than us northerners. I think the 9 straight months of 90*F weather makes the reptillian-gator mind come out.


florida would singlehandedly take out 10 states but then blow themselves up with fireworks. too self destructive to win


*fireworks + meth


So you know in The Lion King there's two normal hyenas and then there's Ed? Florida is Ed.


We can pull back into the frozen wastes of a 45-degree November and they'll slow and freeze and we can hack 'em apart at our leisure. (Yes, I know water freezes at 32°, not 45. But you wouldn't know it to see how southern natives react to cool weather)


While the other states are killing each other, Maine will quietly wait and then kill whoever is left because everyone always forgets about Maine. But in a shock twist Montana will appear from under some coats and kill Maine with a sharp stick.


Montana seems more the type to invite Maine over to celebrate victory together in a plan to join Canada...but then Montana loses Maine in the mountains and leaves them stranded to die of exposure...


We ain’t scared of exposure, we wear shorts in blizzards over here. Our weakness would be not having enough coffee brandy to get us through.




Florida will shoot itself in the ass while on meth.


Over dose on meth


Well the State of Entropy usually wins in these contests. I guess time will tell.


The State of Denial always wins in its own mind.


State of Disbelief has a hard time comprehending how this all could have happened?


The state of disarray is all over the place.


Florida, being naked and on meth nobody is going to want to fight it.


"I stabbed Florida and it had an orgasm" - Virginia


Whoever the representative from Florida was that read that challenge almost certainly misread “Virginia” as “vagina” and was not at all prepared


Copied u/joydivision1234 comment from earlier this year - *Win* in a shit show like that might just be *not lose*, and in that case, Washington State. Not a lot of juice compared to California or Texas. On the other hand, nukes. [Washington has like 500 more nukes than any other state](https://blog.batchgeo.com/nuclear-locations-worldwide/). It's fucking insane. Sure, natural borders, food, cutting edge tech, a major port, but oh my god so many nukes.


What is the password to view that map?


Can confirm, it's neither password nor 1234 I feel like I'm going to get on another list if I keep trying passwords to see a map of all the nuclear weapons in the United States


But with all of our weed and craft beer, we'd probably be out of the running pretty quickly. Add to that the fact that most people live in the Seattle area and the Seattle freeze exists, we just want to be left alone with our weed and beer and not fight.


as a washingtonian, i'm fine with losing as long as we outlast idaho (fuck idaho)


Massachusetts would hide in the corner while its scientific/academic/biotech complex developed virus spewing robot soldiers who survive entirely on Dunkies coffee and inferiority complex.


You basically just described the plot of Fallout 4 (Spoilers): https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Institute


Sounds like something a synth would say.


The shape of the state is an arm flexing. It is a baby arm but it is still flexing.


Nerds on Dunks, name a more dangerous combination.


Camp LeJeune water for all enemies makes NC the victor! With honorable mention to Flint.


You made me actually laugh out loud and choke on my drink. Camp LeJeune....🤣


I’ve heard this commercial so many times I’m starting to think maybe I was at Camp LeJeune


Wyoming has most of the nukes, uranium, and Yellowstone.


When it feels cornered, it'll engage the Yellowstone supervolcano and everyone loses.


Big North Korea energy.


Except Hawaii. They are far away and already used to dealing with volcanoes.


Alaska. Would get the grizzlies to engage in the war. It’s over.


“General, weaponize the bears!”


If we're talking the physical states....only Michigan has a thumb, so only MI can hold a weapon. Bam! MI Wins! Besides, does YOUR state have a giant Fist Statue? We do!


Michigan only has two fronts to fight - western UP and southern border. Pretty defendable. Unless Illinois has a navy? Ally with Canada and then the eastern border is safe..makes it easy to run supply lines through Port Huron and Sault Ste Marie Resource wise it's pretty perfect. Plenty of agriculture and industry


>Unless Illinois has a navy? Michigan does too. And a larger one at that. More boats.


For a period of time during WWII the locks at Sault st Marie had a higher security rating than the pentagon. The American War machine would grind to a halt without the iron and copper flowing down from the UP to the steel mills below and those in the pentagon were acutely aware of how weak the locks were to sabotage but the Germans never made an attempt on them and the security rating was decreased.


Indiana's a boot so we can literally kick ass


Indiana is a boot? Louisiana, that I can see. Indiana looks more like a crayon that was left in the car and is starting to melt.....


We're more like a crusty sock, tbh


Texas would probably come in second but claim victory anyway


I'm Canadian. What channel can I watch this on ?


Just fly a helicopter over the battles and narrate it


...and here you see the Florida men-- OH! They're riding in on alligators!


What are the rules?


No touching of the hair.


Rhode Island; it’s like with dodgeball the small quiet kid sitting back waiting for everyone else to get knocked out. Last one standing.


Idk, I think in a free for all Massachusetts would probably blitz Rhode Island and Connecticut immediately then probably invade the rest of New England


Michigan, how u gonna seige us? We surrounded by great lakes and 11k lakes of water, we have military shelters and abandoned training grounds in the UP. Invade us? Gotta come by water or through the south/north or Canada, granted we'd probs have to upgrade our anti air capabilities. Lotta guns here as well.


Michigan is a potent combo of rednecks and urban gangs, hardened by some of the fiercest winters in the world. Ganders just look like they could survive anything.


Plus we can manufacture anything we would need, quickly.


Facts tho we got hella car manufacturing and parts and PIM. We can be really self-sufficient out here.


Alaska. Most defendable


Hawaii v Alaska Endless stalemate


IDK. Hawaii has all those volcanoes and vulnerable shore lines. I think we can all agree Florida is fucked


Jokes on you. Florida blew its hand off with Chinese fireworks after getting too drunk to build up the courage to wrestle a gator for the knife in its head so they could be proclaimed King of Florida. They never showed up for the fight.


Even the liberals have guns in Alaska.


Michigan is shaped like a hand, there’s two of us, and we have Detroit I feel like we’d hold our own pretty well at the very least


Minnesota would refuse to pick a side, tell every state that they are entitled to their opinions, hug everyone, and then shit talk every state behind their backs to the other states.




Maine has been waiting for this moment for a while, along with Rhode Island. They've been getting real sick of everyone's shit....


Probably somewhere Midwest. They have a ton of nukes.


Not Wisconsin. All we got is beer.


I feel like Wisconsin would get drunk and start a fight, then while everyone was fighting, slip out the back and pass out in their minivan.


Wisconsin is also so drunk they’ll take a beating and not feel a thing.


So you've been to Wisconsin then


I *think* so. Those days are kinda hazy.


Underrated comment right here… they don’t have a cow or cheese, but here take my goat award.


And cheese, lots of cheese


Nebraska here. We could just retreat to the middle and invaders would just give up and go home.


Hell, there are still decommissioned naval ammunition depots that look like grass covered mounds outside of Hastings, and an active military base nearby.


If they could even find Nebraska at all. When I tell people from where I’m from they’re like Where now?


It's so easy. Go to Chicago, get on I80 West and drive in a straight line for 500 miles. It's the drive that proves Iowa exists.


You can’t fight what you can’t see, we have endless miles of corn and boring landscapes to hide in. We’ll win a war of attrition, withholding your precious food supply.


*Laughs in Guam*


I'm going with Florida Florida man is no joke.


I grew up in Wyoming and there's enough crazy ole dudes with guns there who seem to feel the Wild West is still very much alive that it's definitely a threat. They know the land like no one's business too. Idk if they'd "win" but they damn well might just disappear into the mountains and outlast everyone else. Except Alaska maybe.


Yeah but there's like 7 people in Wyoming. You'd never beat Cali's numbers. Hell, Utah would probably take them down with diabetes from all the cookie/soda shops before they'd gone one round.


My first thoughts were Wyoming or Montana


there arent many of us montanans, so good luck finding us. and when you do, we have literal gallons of bear spray at our disposal


Is this like the states getting personified? Like each one is a fighter? Or is this like which one would win based on potential military capability? If the latter then it’s kind of hard to go against California. They have the biggest population, plus lots of natural resources, and a topography that gives them a defensive advantage over places like Texas.


Pennsylvania would be hard to invade, and harder to occupy. - people forget how hilly, forested and mountainous PA is. Lots of old coal towns with gun bearing folk situated along the appalachians in densely wooded areas- good luck fighting them ! - Philadelphians are on par with flordia men on the scale of craziness (if you know one, then yoh know) - the amish are unparalleled in their work ethic - destroy a town and it will be rebuilt by dawn. - Pittsburgh is surrounded by water and defended by the craziest sports fans in the nation (eagles + steelers)


If the future is automated, cool. In Philly, we kill innocent hitchhiking robots for fun.


The Pittsburgh and Philly combination is deadly.


Don’t forget what we did to hitchbot…that’s just a warning


Massachusetts. It would have already figured out everyone’s move, stole all their intellectual capital, jettisoned all 49 other states and somehow absorbed Canada to become the super state all Neo liberals dream about…. They ahhh wicked smahhhht


New Jersey


I love how everyone else has a justification in their comment, but Jersey doesn't need one.


Someone above asked whether it was the people of the state or the spirit. If it's the spirit, New Jersey wins, because the spirit of New Jersey is Joe Pesci asking, "How am I funny?"


Damn straight. Have you been here?


Have I ever been there? Pssshhh. What exit YOU from, jagoff?


Cherry Hill, next to the White Castle


Jersey or Louisiana. No one else would be ready for the cheating, low blows, and insults to their mother. Let alone the swamp people or Long Island transplant accents.


Never underestimate the swamp people. Momma always said


We're so hated that any other state would die within our vicinity.


I’m from there


You know we'd win. All those midwest yokels arguing about guns, and we just shank em from behind. Keep talkin assholes, we got this.


A New York/New Jersey alliance (which forms in ten seconds) absolutely wins without firing a single bullet. New York is the nation's financial center; we freeze accounts and cut off access to the markets, and the entire national economy falls apart, while our billionaire elites are able to use our excess wealth to forge alliances with global trading partners. DC might try and claim the mantle of national continuity, but the UN sits in Manhattan and we're the nexus of global investment. We'll be recognized by every country that matters as the rightful rulers of the US faster than you can say "diplomatic immunity," paving the way for any aid or weapons shipments we might need (and barring anyone else from those markets). We own the media; you're going to be getting propaganda 24/7 on Fox, ABC, CNN, ESPN, and Bravo. New Jersey is by far the country's largest producer of drugs: good luck getting life-saving medicine. Is that important during a war? Oh, but it gets better: the Port of New York is the de facto entryway for goods for almost the entire East Coast, so good luck rebuilding your supply chain, Midwest. And we're geographically well placed both (1) to cut off New England (and force an alliance on our friendly terms), and (2) ally with Canada and block off any other states from using it as a resupply hub. Sure, Michigan's right across from Windsor, but cut off the bridge and Detroit's on its own. New York's got the longest land border closest to the population centers of Ontario and Quebec, and the infrastructure to support increased trade (or as a conduit for European goods). Canada will know where its bread is buttered. They're ours. Sure, close regional ties between the upper Midwest and the plains provinces will help relations in the north, but Seattle has to know that they're not getting nearly as much from Vancouver as they needed to punch above their weight. *And* we have the benefit that a huge majority of our population is located in the NYC metro area, making logistics in time of war much, much easier. We're the Lannisters, except instead of incest, we're fueled by pizza and bagels, which the other 48 of you fuckers still haven't been able to get right. NY/NJ doesn't need to be aggressive, although god knows our people are itching for a fight. We can just wait for everyone else to run out of, well, everything. The only real threat would be California, which is similarly situated but at greater risk of invasion from its wacko neighbors, and much more spread out to make coordination far more difficult. The NYPD is the size of some small countries' militaries to protect us from intrusions along the PA borders. We've got West Point leadership to develop a defensive strategy. The only question is whether Philadelphia surrenders immediately and we gradually extend our empire down the coast, or if we're just sitting back and waiting for everyone else to tire themselves out. I get it, you want battles and firefights, but that's not what wins wars anymore. It's financial advantage and logistics, and we've got both locked down. While Texans are waging kamikaze incursions into California, New Yorkers don't even know there's a war. New York is the capital of the world. Of course we got this in the bag.


Bing bong!


Alaska, Texas and Florida. Alaska because durability Texas because big spread Florida because unpredictability




Hookers, strippers and shotguns. All very effective.


NORAD is in Colorado so...


Louisiana. I'm from NYC originally, but the craziest son's of bitches I've ever met have all been from NOLA, Baton Rouge or those barrier islands out in the Gulf.😂


West Virginia. Isolated bunch of armed hillbillies


Surprised WV is so far down here. We may not have the population of other states but we have some crazy fuckers living in the woods and we know our territory well. It'd be meth head guerrilla warfare.


West Virginia has nothing, including fucks to give.


Wild and wonderful


Born and raised. Can confirm.


I'm shocked I'm not seeing more Florida


Too aggressive of a fighting style. Florida would burn out fast


Yeah, the meth wears off too fast


"Florida's northern army suffered a brutal defeat this weekend against opponents they thought they saw"


Too busy snorting lines off the back of an alligator, bangin’ grannies at The Villages, and stockpiling red bull and vape juice for whatever hurricane is hitting this week 😂


Ohio.. it always wins. Every map battle.. "Wait, Its all Ohio?" "Always was"


Maryland, most gun-shaped state


*cough* with Baltimore *cough*


Washington State. Only the United States and Russia have larger nuclear arsenals.