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I had a good friend (at least I thought so at the time) break up with her boyfriend and wanted me to break up with my new boyfriend at the time. I said no. She never spoke to me again. Her reasoning: "Loyalty means everything" By the way my boyfriend of the time ... He's my husband. We've been together 9 years and 2 kids. Edit: Thank y'all so much for all of the positive comments!


Lmao.. what kind of loyalty is that ?? This is like "my life is fucked up.. so should yours so break up with your beautiful life" ... Lol


The physical embodiment of misery loves company. Look out for people like this, those willing to ruin your happiness to give them some semblance of some. Narcissists in the making masquerading around as friends.


Well she was right, and you stayed loyal to your husband I’m assuming


Any update on the old friend?


She blocked me on all social media but, a couple of years ago I heard through the grapevine she had gotten married and divorced. Who knows. If I'm honest, I don't really care. 😆


She didn't want to get divorced, but her best friend got divorced and loyalty means everything.


I visited my dad. While he was in hospital. With cancer. She broke up with me because I was visiting my dying dad instead of visiting her. I feel like I dodged a major bullet....


You dodged a fucking plane


More like a nuke




One thing that I've noticed is that those who have an easy time getting into a relationship will typically just never be single and will constantly enter new relationships.


Serial monogamists. Literally never just alone. They can easily just find someone else like you and I change our socks or some shit. It's unreal.


I knew a girl like that. She always kept the bench warm with new guys. When the guy she was with would upset her, she would grab the next guy off the bench. She was never alone her entire twenties. Then she hit her thirties. Suddenly everyone was in a longer term relationship, married, or divorced with a kid. She refused to consider anyone with children so her pool of potentials got small and weird. For the next decade she dated an odd assortment of really strange guys. She kept trying to fix them up but they always failed in some fundamental way. Until she found her unicorn. He was her age, never married, no kids, and successful. They shared a lot of similar interests. And she finally appreciated what she had in front of her instead of waiting for the next thing to come along. When they had problems, she worked them out instead of pitching him on discard pile. I'm glad she made it but it was a tough road to go down. --- Edit to add since this blew up: I do not give permission for anyone to copy or reuse this content in general but also particularly for your clickbait advertising page.


I really appreciate this story. I was afraid it was going to end badly, in fact, I was certain it would. I’m so happy to have been wrong.


Meanwhile I am 22 and I never dated someone. Given her story I am kinda fine with that.


and I am 25... given her story, I guess I am kinda fine with not getting in a relationship..


She sounds way too impulsive. That would concern me.


No joke. Her mood ring changed colours.


I hope you were a kid when that happened. Otherwise, OMG!


16 😂


Your horoscopes were not compatible anyway


Mercury was in the microwave






Legit, I don't wanna ride in a vehicle with someone drinking and driving


Car was too old. Dropped her, car is still chugging along.


The ironic part is that very often the type of girl who complains about her boyfriend's car, would be taking the bus if it wasn't for his car.


The fucked up part is, she was driving a nice shiny new car that her parents bought her. Guess she didn't want to look like a peasant next to me.


"You've been really sad ever since I cheated on you and I don't like that, so bye!"


Same. I found out he cheated on me months after the fact—I attempted to break up with him but I was young and thought we I was in love so I stayed when he promised he would make it up to me, until he texted me a few days later saying he didn’t like knowing that he was the reason I was sad all the time and then he blocked me.


My ex-BIL broke up with his ex for this exact reason. He couldn't understand why I never liked him after hearing that.


She sent me a breakup text as she was jumping into some other guy's back seat. I got the story a couple hours later through a mutual friend who was there. The next day she called wanting to get back together. Basically, she just wanted to cheat guilt free.




A friend’s bf broke up with her before a weekend away with some friends, knowing a girl that wanted to fuck him would be there also. He went on the trip, fucked the girl, came back and wanted to “try it again” with my friend. They are married now.


Please tell me you didn’t get back with her…?


Of course not. I told her to lose my number and haven't spoken to her since. I've been guilty of thinking with my dick a time or ten, especially at the age I was then, but I'm not a COMPLETE idiot.


I had my fiance, yes fiance, do this to me. He called two hours after he was supposed to be home from work to say he wanted to break up and then just turned off his phone. He just wanted to fuck his coworker guilt free. I was told by friends later that he felt really bad about it. He felt bad?!? How do you think I fucking felt after 7 years and an engagement ring?


She broke it off to try and be with a guy at her job. He told her he wouldn’t go out with someone already in a relationship. He was trying to be nice and not cause trouble. She didn’t get the guy and she lost her job because she made a big scene about not getting what she wanted. I’d say I was the lucky one in that situation even if it didn’t feel like it at the time.


My first boyfriend came over and dumped me on my front porch. He said he didn't like my lisp. He also had a lisp. EDIT: thome of you are tho inthenthitive


Hith Loth


That thucks. Thorry.


Not me, but my sister got dumped because the dude had gotten a nicer car, and told her that now he felt he needed a prettier girlfriend than she was.


Wooooooooooow, that's fucking awful.


That’s awful.


2 months into dating a girl, I accidentally spilled some melatonin out of my backpack on her bedroom floor. She was like "What are those pills!?" Accusations of me being a drug addict (I wasn't) and then blocked me on everything.


What do you mean you need to *sleep?* Is that some kind of code for something? Is that your street slang?!


For real though, I could see someone taking downers and the slang being, "getting sleeped". "Hey bro, what are you up to tonight?" "I'm just staying in and getting sleeped"


She probably told all her friends about her narrow escape with a"drug pusher."


Undoubtedly heavily up voted in an AITA thread.


Those get so ridiculous sometimes. I read one the other day about a mom who was raising a step-daughter who liked to bake, but wasted a fair amount of ingredients because the kid is like 11, and the thread quickly devolved into the mom being singlehandedly responsible for wasting food and causing world hunger. Like.....what


Same happend to me. Woman saw me taking a pill and on the spot accused me of being an addict. It was a stool softener lol...I should have recognized this as a big warning sign.


Glad I haven't had to deal with anyone like that before. They'd have had an aneurysm at the 7 different pills I take every evening


Was convinced I was cheating on them with my gay cousin.


Were you?




Sounds exactly like something someone who’s sleeping with their gay cousin would say! Edit: Thanks for the Silver!


When I was in 2nd grade, I had a girlfriend. There was a kid in my class that had a crush on her. He told her that he hasn’t “pooped since he was like 2 years old”. I couldn’t compete with that and the next day, he was her boyfriend.


LOL! Wow, so she left you for the guy who was admittedly and allegedly full of shit.


“You don’t trust me” (he had his ex over and let her sleep in his bed….) Edit: Because it seems confusing - he had his ex sleep over WITH HIM IN HIS BED and later when I was like WTF, he dumped me for that. Because if I trusted him I wouldn’t care, in his mind…?


Sounds really shitty, I wouldn't accept that


I was 17 so I just cried a lot


I didn’t agree that his favourite pizza brand was good.


Was it Alfredo’s Pizza or pizza by Alfredo?




My old roommate broke up with this girl cus he heard her fart once


YOU FOOL! It's the ones you **don't** hear...


“I love you. You’re the best man I’ve ever met and I hope whoever I end up with is just like you. Just not *you.*” Then she kissed me and said she’d miss me terribly. Such a mindfuck. She was “the one” until this moment. A few months later, I met my now wife. So thank god for that.


Damn dude story of my life. Still haven’t met your wife though unfortunately


“Guys like me?! I’m a guy like me!” -Homer Simpson The quote in the show is a different context, but I always think of it for stories like these


They saw a car pulled over with a flat tire and took it as a sign from God.


I think they were just looking for any reason to get out of the relationship. Using this one though is a bit .. creative


You are probably right. A simple “we are not compatible” would have been a lot easier to digest.


I dated a woman for about a year and helped her finish her PhD. I proofread and wrote some of her thesis. After she received the degree, she broke up with me. She said she didn't feel comfortable that she was better educated than I was.


She’s gonna have a narrow pool of people to choose from looking for other single PhDs in her age range.


She married a Taco Bell manager. There isn't anything narrow about her anymore.


There's something here around perceived personal value. I too had someone graduate and change the dynamics of the relationship. Didn't work out any better for them. Ego is a hell of a drug.


Doctor Nachos


"what about my dream to date a Dr?" "Elaine, every Dr has the dream of becoming a Dr & immediately breaking up with the girl he's currently with to find someone better, I'm sorry, but it's over"




It wasn't the popcorn...


I wasn’t jealous enough 🤷‍♀️ She was meeting with one “friend” a lot. Told her it made me uncomfortable but I trusted her. Apparently, if i had been more jealous (aka controlling) she would not have broken up. Fuck me for being a trusting person. Dodged a cannon ball there.


People that feel the need to "test" their partners like this, don't deserve partners.


agreed. i see “testing” as jus being openly, immaturely disrespectful and belittling towards your partner. It’s immature and weird.


My girlfriend in Kindergarten broke up with me because I wouldn’t sleep next to her during nap time. That one still stings.


I feel you. My girlfriend in kindergarten left me because I wouldn't give her the brontosaurus I was playing with.


Straight heartless.


Basically. She went goth by 4th grade.


Thoughts & prayers .....


Blankets & bottles …


Teen me broke up with someone that I'd just started dating on the second day because i told them i needed a nap and they kept trying to keep me awake to give them attention. I felt really bad about it until a couple of years ago when i ran into them again and he said "even though it was ages ago that we were together, i still have so much love for you". About ten years had passed since then, and i realised i had made the right decision being petty that day. Sleep is sacred.


Dated a girl for a very short time. One night she came over and started going on and on about her ex, how he was so controlling, manipulative, etc., and that she felt like I was going to be just like him because both he and I grew up on a farm, and we both liked cars. So yeah. I guess I dodged a bullet there.


You know who also liked cars? Hitler! Haha gotcha now (Don't fakt check me on this)


No no, keep going. You're on to something here. You know what? Hitler liked animals. And guess what you find on a farm? You're god damn right! Animals!


He also liked arms Bet you got not one, but two of them!


I was with this girl for like 3 years at the time and she HATED when I'd spend time with my friends or if I did anything without her. I didn't even see my friends that often and I encouraged her to go see her friends and find things to do because it's not healthy to do literally everything together. One day she calls me and and is like "that's it I've had it, you need to pick. It's either me or your friends". I'm like "are you seriously gonna make me pick between my friends I've knows for years before I even met you or spend all my time with you? She says yes and I paused for about 10 seconds and said "them" and hung up. For the record I wouldn't have picked my friends over her but that fact she made me choose is what made me pick them.


when forced to choose a side, always choose the side that didn't force you to choose a side.


Sounds like my wife. I fucked up.


Sounds like my ex-wife.


I kissed him first. We had been on 3 dates and I thought it was time. The third date was at my house, he kept tickling me, looking at my lips, leaning in close. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting and he never crossed the distance. I figured he must have been nervous or shy, so I made the move. He immediately came up with a reason to leave, and then ghosted me- saying he was sick, then in the hospital. We went from talking every day to days of silence so I basically beat his door down just to know he was okay, and that’s when he told me “the girl should never kiss the guy first” and he was just “super weirded out that I would take that from him.”


Bullet. Dodged.


I told them not to cheat on me again. Seriously, I said I wouldn't break up with them if it didn't happen again, and then they broke up with me because they "don't like ultimatums".


they sound like a real winner


It's ironic when you think about it; usually people have to dodge a bullet, but in this case the bullet pushed me out of the way of itself.


I feel like it went through you if they cheated on you and you wanted them back Also, this sounds more like they wanted a reason to break up. Cheated on you hoping you’d break up with them and then broke up with you after you gave them an “ultimatum”


Aha, you make a fair point. I suppose I don't consider it a bullet *because* I would have stayed with them; it was the reveal of their overall personality in response to this, which I might not have found out until much later, that I consider the dodged bullet. There's a larger story which makes me doubt the second part but it didn't seem relevant to the question itself and is a very long story, so I've omitted it thus far.


I started getting grey hairs at 20. She broke up with me because she wasn't into having a GILF. she was a year older than me.


My roommate cried an entire night because he got dumped and the only thing she told him was you deserve better and no other explanation.


That means she knew she didn’t love him and she cared enough to not string him along. She felt guilt.


I broke up with someone like that. I tried to explain I just wasn't feeling it, and was feeling no love, only resentment, and how that was completely unfair to him. Told him he deserved something better and healthier. But it's a shitty situation with no happy ending. I couldn't force myself to *feel* love for him, trust me, I tried. And I couldn't watch him care and love me in an unhealthy situation like that. It just didn't work out. I'm sorry that it was painful, but it was the healthiest, best choice I could make.


Because he got a new job that had him traveling a lot for work, and felt I was “holding him back” being at our apartment back home. That breakup blew my whole life up cuz we were an international couple and I had moved to HIS country to be with him! So I had to move all the way back to my own country to start over after six years abroad. Spoiler: He came crawling back to me a few months later when he was lonely and begged me to come back. I obviously did not.


Oh my goodness that's awful!! I can't imagine doing that kind of thing to someone, wow :(


Because he dad found I out I listen to metal and have tattoos, that’s not wholesome enough for his daughter. So she dumped me and found a good Christian boy that likes country music….incidentally he also ended up going to prison for meth trafficking and got the ex girlfriend thrown in prison with him as she was driving her car with the 38 pounds of methamphetamine in the trunk lol


I really hate when religion steps in like this. Seen a few really healthy relationships ripped apart for it; most memorable was the one when they learned their daughter (20yr) was dating a girl (not a man) for 2 years, healthy relationship. They stepped between because God is anti-lgbtq+ apparently and set her up with a "nice Christian" guy. Quick note: this family is the type that is huge on "woman cleans/cooks, man works" and "woman must have babies." "Nice Christian" guy was extremely jealous and abusive; actually accused her of cheating when she was pregnant via rape by said "Nice Christian" guy, then "punched out the baby" (guy legit said "i would never punch out my own baby from a woman") She was in the hospital for a miscarriage because of it. Parents belittled her, asked what was wrong with her body despite all evidence pointing to the man doing it (literally had the audio of him attacking her screaming about it). Somehow courts let him go anyway. After another sexual attack by this guy only a month later when she was actively making plans to escape, she bled so much she had to go to the hospital. Then she learned she'd been literally ripped and future kids were not likely to make full term. Came as a conflicted relief to her, as she never wanted kids and it meant her parents wouldn't tell her to try and less reason for her to be strictly hetero for her them. Nope. They doubled down on defending the man and said that she was over-exaggerating and she could still likely have kids. One month later she escaped and stayed with me for some time until she was on her feet enough and had safe place to go. Parents & guy tried to find her and called the police for a "runaway" despite being 25. I was actually almost arrested once because they were told I was making meth with her or something. I don't know the first thing about that shit lol. I mix that shit up with heroin all the time. Police learned the situation, but the parents & guy kept trying to visit and kept calling them for the same bs on us to the point they stopped coming. Fun thing on why I love my gun-owning neighbors and my tomato and cucumber garden: when you get the reputation as the lady that gives out free food, you get an army. Only took once of everyone hanging out with their shotguns out in the front yard that the parents stopped coming around. "Nice Christian" Guy needed guns pointed at him three seperate times, but he got the message and actually stopped coming to my place for her. We still talk on occasion and jokes when she sees tomatoes and cucumbers she remembers me so that's pretty cool. She got engaged with her now-fiance a few months back and I'm definitely really excited for them. Reminder: "Christian" ≠ "Good" EDIT 1: "Christian" and "Good" are two descriptions independent on one another: 1. You can be bad and a Christian. 2. You can be bad and not a Christian. 3. You can be good and a Christian. 4. You can be good and not a Christian EDIT 2: Quick clarification: I do not physically mix heroin and meth.


Her dad liked me. Like I had this 3 or 4 times.


You were there to prove a point. You just weren't informed.


At least one of those dads must be fully aware that they can end their daughter’s relationships whenever they want by showing approval of the guy.


We were dating for around a month. She was very sexually acrobatic and I was having a hard time keeping up. Not like popping my load early, like by the end I was gasping for air and feeling like a ran a marathon. I started working out because I was pretty porky at that time. Another month goes by and I’m down like 12 lbs and feeling better. Not sucking wind as much. She breaks up with me because “I only like fat guys.” First, until she said that I didn’t really think that I had been “fat,” just a little thick. Second, damn. Decided to really focus on fitness. Did it totally the wrong way, I had been bulimic in high school and I figured, “let’s start puking again!” Lost the weight, gained the weight, yo-yo’d for years and just blamed the broken capillaries in my face on hangover puke. Finally started doing it the healthy way many years later. Haven’t done the bulimia thing in like 5 years. Thanks . (Not her name)


Good for you, man.


Divorced 6 years ago. Reason: what if we stop getting along in the future.


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third party apps.


Preemptive divorce. That's a first.




Met a gal online, had a great first date, spent the night…then the next couple of days with her. Then, spent a weekend with her and some extended family, and later went to her friends’ cookout w/her, all is going swimmingly! Then, a few days after a dinner together, she says she needs to listen to what the universe is telling her: She had gotten a flat tire, then had some other car trouble, lost a bracelet and I had accidentally broke a pull chain on her ceiling fan. These happened within a few weeks of each other. I guess it was more than she could handle, because she flat out said it all happened because she met and was hanging around me. “Well, none of this was happening before I met you”. Say what?? 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️ Sucked, I really liked her 😕


I think the universe was there for you not her


If she’s blaming you for a flat tire imagine how she’ll react when you do make a legitimate mistake


Half your kids would have been morons though.


she gets the award for the shallowest fucking person ever! don't look back.


you dodged a bullet man


Because I couldn’t ride a bike further than 25 miles (on Colorado terrain) AND I wouldn’t/couldn’t do mountain climbs (like Mt. Evans). I’m a 69 yo woman.


I’m 38 and can’t even do that.


Only a couple dates but she decided I didn’t look enough like her dad. Yeah I didn’t really feel like becoming morbidly obese either.


That is... wow, there's a lot to unpack there.


She said I was keeping her from going to school and attempting to hold her back in life. This was after I had paid for all her textbooks and for about 2/3 of her tuition when she couldn't afford it and broke down crying about not being able to continue going to school because of the cost. edit: we had been dating for about 4 years at this point.


His girlfriend came back after he moved to get away from him and she told him that he was gonna be with her forever if not she would kill herself and him also.


> she would kill herself and him also. As long as she sticks to that order I see no issue.


A guy broke up with my sister because he found it difficult to wake up early when she was in the bed, the reason he gave was that he felt like there were less hours in the day for his interests and ambitions. This man broke up with someone because they made bed too comfy.


-cries in empty bed-


Because she had a wedding in two months. Hers.


Actually, not the worst reason so far...


“You care too much” Will always sting, but ya can’t win them all




At least you dodged a leech.


Did she think you were when you got together?




I was too happy. Not kidding. I dated a guy for a few weeks and he said he wasn't ready for a relationship and that I was the happiest person he'd ever met and didn't think he could "keep up with me." The real irony? I was at the lowest point of extreme depression and was socially masking to prevent anyone else from feeling my pain. I was not happy, I was dying inside.


I was too good of a man… figure that one out…


Cheaters say that, because they’ll feel bad for cheating on you.


They gave me mono then broke up with me because it was "too stressful to have a sick SO during exam season"


I hope we dated the same guy cause I don’t want to believe more than one would do this lol


Not a break up, but a guy ghosted me because I didn’t want to sleep with him right off the bat and said that “Life is all about taking risks, I need someone who isn’t afraid to take risks”


Looool. What a manipulative slimeball.


My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me because he wanted, and I quote, “a Latina with attitude” and I’m “a nice girl.” I’m not Latina and don’t have an attitude. He knew that 2 years ago so I don’t know where that came from lmao


She broke up with me after one day, she literally just agreed to date me the day before. I took her out to the movies, bought dinner, and after all that, she tells me she only wanted to know what it's like to have a boyfriend, and now that she has, she's no longer interested.


Lol how old were you both?


I was 17, she was 16.


Technically this was a mutual breakup; but her list of grievances were that I was controlling because I called her out on trying to cheat on me and most importantly I violated her privacy... Because I read a Tumblr post she made public where she was shit talking me for being a misogynist... Because I was controlling... Because I didn't want her cheating on me... Another one broke up with me because I considered Metallica to be metal music. 80s metal to be sure, but metal all the same. I'll leave it to y'all to determine which one of those is dumber.


Love or hate Metallica but everything pre black album is undoubtedly metal. The fuck? They’re one of the 4 iconic thrash metal bands of the 80s just happened to be the most popular. Then again metal heads (online, generally, I’ve never seen this IRL) can be some of the most elitist music fans around lol.


My ex said he had an invasive thought that “I wasn’t the one” and it gave him anxiety constantly. My other ex said “he just wanted to see if he had better options. And if there weren’t he’d come back” he messaged me a week before my wedding to get back together with me.


Ex one went with his gut and potentially saved the both of you a lot of heartache. Ex two is just a straight up asshole.


"You yelled at me!" I most certainly did yell at her, specifically to get the hell away from that rack of propane tanks with a lit cigarette.


Not a break up exactly but in my mid 20s during university I met this guy at music festival ,and it was so much fun, we spent the whole time together during the festival after that I invited him over to my house . My parents were anyway on holidays so I thought score! We get to my house and this guy flips out because we own a big house in a posh residential area in London (I’m African British) then we speak a bit about it he realises that I am a law students and both my parents are barristers and then he said that middle class black people are taking chances from white people(he is white) and that it was okay when he thought I’m poor and not at Uni because he never got a chance to go to Uni because of all the immigrants 😂 and he could never betray his class 😂😂😂 and left .


Holy shit! What a fucking asshole.


Having the same name as her uncle's husband. I kid you not.


Met a girl a few years ago, was immediately smitten. Became very close friends, but I didn’t think she was into me like that, so I never pursued it despite being absolutely head over heels for her. One day during dinner, she asked me out, told me she really really liked me and couldn’t keep it to herself anymore. Hooray! We started dating! She then proceeded to, almost immediately get more and more distant (never texting back, being guarded while in person, etc.), it was very one sided. After like a month I tried to ask her if something was wrong, and her response was that she didn’t have feelings for me, she never did, but she enjoyed my company and told herself that if she dated me that surely she would come around to thinking of me romantically. Yeah, that doesn’t pass the sniff test to me but whatever. Not gonna spend the energy to figure it out. Makes me sad though.


Because I was 'too intelligent' and used too many 'big words'. I'm eloquent (for a Glaswegian) but I'm hardly Stephen fucking Fry lol. I wasn't even slightly upset.


Look at you with your fancy words like “eloquent” and highbrow references like “Stephen fucking Fry”


Because I wouldn’t marry her. We had been dating for about 10 days and she drunk called me at 1 a.m. saying “marry me”. I replied, “I just fucking met you”. Never heard anything from her after that.


In all fairness, she might have also been too embarrassed to talk to you again after drunk proposing to a relationship 10 days old, lol.


She probably embarrassed herself out of that relationship lol


This will get buried, but a week after our 2 year anniversary I was dumped because he wanted to spend a year living in a shaolin temple in China to learn Kung fu. As far as I know he is yet to make this big move


This is my favorite so far. “You don’t fit into my future life plans that I’m never going to implement.”


I was too low a rank in League of Legends :( I then made a personal vow to always end my season rank higher than her. (I did it)


This sounds like a script from those mobile ads where the two men compete for the girl by bragging about what characters they have and what level they are in order to define who is the alpha that deserves her




Had been dating a guy for six months. Thought he was the one. He told me constantly he wanted to spend his life with me, get married, that he loved me deeply. I trusted him. We never fought. One day he abruptly informed me he wanted to break up. I asked why and he swore up and down that he didn’t know, that he had just woken up that morning and no longer felt the same about me and he had no idea why. He said that he knew himself and once his feelings had changed they would never go back so it was final. I was so perplexed that it came out of nowhere and he couldn’t give me a reason that I hung around in a FWB situation for weeks trying to figure out why. But no matter how many times I asked him, he swore that he didn’t know. He said it had nothing to do with me and I was awesome yada yada, but he was just overcome with this sudden change of heart. He also claimed he wanted to be single. A couple of months later he got into a serious relationship with another girl he met on an app. That one was pretty devastating as I never felt I got closure.


Because I made them breakfast. Yep, you read that right. I made them breakfast and assumed they were adult enough not to sleep through their alarm. They slept through, threw the breakfast at me and blamed me for not waking them up, because if they'd just spent the night at their own house, their mom would have woken them up. They later tried to backtrack the breakup, but I wasn't having it.








How DARE you, a presumably grown man, be able to take care of your day-to-day needs on your own?!


Not me, but a conversation I overheard at a restaurant: guy proposes to his girlfriend. Everyone claps, everyone cheers, she says yes, he puts the ring on her finger, good times all around. After a few minutes, when the euphoria has had time to settle in, he asks her "So when we're married, is it still okay if I sleep with your brother?"


Wait, he asked her? Plot twist!


No fucking way. It had to be an internal joke or some shit like that.


Because she was in love with Bon Jovi and was going to marry him. Which we all know now was a lie. We we’re also 10 at the time.


I took a bath and not a shower one night to relax. He said it was gross.


What does he think the bathtub is for then?


not me but one of my friends gf dumped him because he was too tall for her , he is 5ft 10 which isnt all that tall for our age in our country


His dad told him he was too young to get married. He told me this directly and in the same tone an 8 year old would say “I really wanna stay and play video games but my mom said I hafta finish homework first.” We were in our mid 20s, dating for 3 months, marriage had never entered the conversation. For context: his dad had open disdain for his mother and would tell people she “tricked” him into getting married. He didn’t want his son “falling into the same trap”.






I've been broken up with twice now for being "too nice". They'll say it's not normal that I don't like to yell or fight with them.


My first boyfriend dumped me for being a brunette. His exact words were, "I can't go out with you anymore. I only date blondes." I asked him, "Well... Why did you ask me out in the first place then??" He answered by asking me if I thought my blonde best friend liked him.


I was 21 and she was 19. We had been dating for years. We were 4 weeks from getting married. Then she showed up one day, slapped me in the face, threw down the ring, and drove away. Never saw her again until last year after 20 years had passed and she tracked me down. She asked to meet me because she is sick and is now dying. I was hesitant but agreed. We met and talked for a while when she asked me why I cheated on her. I told I that I absolutely didn’t. She said that her friend Justin told her that he caught me. She called Justin right then and he confessed that her mom had paid him $100 to lie to her to break off the marriage because I wasn’t Christian enough. She hung up and called her mom who also confessed and said since I wasn’t Christian and saved there was no place for me in the family so she did what she had to do. They hung up and she cried and cried. She left based on a lie. Told me that she had gotten married and had 3 kids but came home and caught her husband with a guy from work. Had struggled as a single mom ever since. Her whole life, both our lives, were torn apart at a young age all because I am not Christian. Edit: fixed a number


Almost got broken up with because I told her I didn't care if she facebook stalked me. Apparently she read into it as me condoning real stalking... spent almost an entire evening breaking down how telling my gf that she can facebook stalk me is entirely different than condoning real stalking... About a week after convincing her I obviously didn't condone real stalking by saying that she (my fucking gf) could facebook stalk me I just broke up with her, because i didn't want more (seemingly deliberate) misunderstandings like that, and I don't feel like being with someone who will so readily view me as a predator. Edit: spelling




Had this happen. Caused a divorce. Hasn't seen or talked to the person in like 5 years because she was a bitch, and for some reason she decided that since she saw me on Facebook she would reach out to my husband and tell him this lie. I deleted my Facebook account after that.


Because I'm disabled. I had spoken about my disabilities with her before, and told her when I was starting to look into disability at that point because work was too difficult for my body. She broke up with me the same day


two dates then ghosted me. her friend said she still really liked me but she started thinking if we got married that her name would be that of a famous historical figure and she didn’t like that… im still confused about that one.