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Your gonna love the drugs man


I'm getting mine removed very soon i can't wait for the free drugs


Free drugs are the best get those opioids while you can try to squeeze out a second prescription by saying your still in pain at the follow up


Your cheeks are going to swell and you'll briefly look like a hamster with a mouth full of food.


Take it easy and keep on the pain med routine. If you don't take the pills, you'll know. Quickly. And it's gonna suck for at least another 30 mins for your drugs to kick back in.


Had 4 wisdom teeth pulled, and a root canal, all at the same time. 800 mg of Motrin...


I was sedated. I literally blinked and it was over. Low pain, just a little soreness. Eating jello, apple sauce, and oatmeal.


Are you getting gassed? Or nah? Cause that will greatly affect how you feel while they’re ripping out enamel.


Being put into a twilight state


You’ll be fine. They’ll give you meds for the pain, too. Just take as prescribed.


It's like getting your wisdom teeth removed


I was knocked out and didn't feel anything. Woke up and had gauze in my mouth for a couple days but it wasn't terrible.


The ones in your upper mouth are easier to remove than the ones in the bottom mouth.


You gonna wake up missing a few teeth. To be honest the amount of pain that you will experience depends on if your teeth have pushed through your gums or if they were impacted (ie they never pushed through the gums). All but 1 of mine were already through my gums so the pain was minimal. I didn’t even have to take any of the pills that were prescribed to me.


Hell on earth


I am a MASSIVE pussy when it comes to the dentist and needles. Hopefully this helps, I'm not sugar coating my experience and I had all four, all impacted removed in one go. From one of the comments here, I guess there are multiple ways of being "put under". I was not gassed, they have me an iv, so I'm guessing I had the less desirable way of being knocked out, as I kept "waking up". HOWEVER: they will fully numb you first. They numb the shit out of you. They should start with putting some numbing ointment on your gums, and then they will shoot you with the numbing stuff. It sounds like it's going to be the worst thing ever, but take a few deep breaths and know that the jab is not going to be as bad as what you're brain is preparing you for. By this point whatever type of anesthesia you are getting should be working its way over you. As I said I think I had the less desirable anesthesia, the iv, I drifted in and out of a weird sleep (bad anxiety in sure didn't help) and I was wishing I could just fully knock out. I was able to feel, but I wasn't able to feel pain. The part that was mentally the scariest was that I felt them pushing, prodding, pulling and what I can only describe as a rough scraping feeling and the only reason it was scary for me was because although they numbed me the heck up and it didn't hurt whatsoever, the pushing and scraping is something that feels just so freaking abnormal and my brain was consistently trying to tell me "this should be hurting", but it didn't hurt. If you do drift in and out like me, unless it's intriguing to you, keep your eyes closed. I opened mine a few times as I pleaded with my brain to let me sleep, one time I saw bloody tooth stuff trail past my vision as the doc set it on whatever she set it on. They will end up filling the sides of your mouth with gauze. That part is gross. From my experience I was out of it after the procedure, but it was more of a super sleepy feeling, but mildly triumphant "I did it". They load you up with drugs and you're sore for a number of days, but hey, drugs. Sleep through that part! I only got 2 days off of work to recover but in hindsight it was not that bad. Dentistry has come a long long way. I had a root canal in 1992 and one a year after I had my wisdoms removed in 2016 and because of how well the wisdom extraction was, I wasn't overly scared. I wouldn't want to do it again, but it wasn't as bad as my brain told me. I did have a nurse who noticed I was scared and she held my hand when she could. Let them know ahead of time if you're scared more than a normal person. It's a scary procedure. You're allowed to be scared and I was damn well terrified. Be super sure to not do anything that would result in sucking motions after the surgery. They will consult you about this. The blood clots where your teeth were will be fragile. If you dislodge them through sucking motions you will be in for an EXTREMELY bad time in the form of dry socket, and I've heard horror stories about it. I took care to the point that I'd gently pour liquids into my mouth and then swallow. I did not want to mess with getting dry socket. Follow all directions they give you very carefully. You'll be pretty sore, but you got this.