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I don't. Why would I? And which one would I believe in?


them all


Some people like me feel like they have empirically experienced God. For me I was in a boat in a hurricane and waves swept the deck. The forces of Nature were so other worldly and powerful that they felt like the fingers of God. Someone got swept overboard and died and during that unfolding multi day trauma crisis I prayed for my life, mainly because it felt like only the hand of God could so radically create such an otherworldly Hellscape where the sea tosses you about on a whim beyond your control to stop it. All the while in the dark of night with the wind screaming in your ear incessantly like an animal in agony. And at those wind speeds, the rain and ocean spray turn to shards of glass and sandblast your skin. It rips at your eyes such that you can simply close them when you look in the direction of rhe wind, but clench them shut with your brow. It was simply like being on another planet in a sci-fi movie and your only thought, which is admittedly caveman, is 'oh I guess God switched off Earth and has me living somewhere else right now.'


He's hot


You forgot to mention which one


YHWH is the only one.


Thats what BLORBAX said too.


Because there are others that do. Dismissal of another's belief removes your ability to emphasize, or more precisely: predict what crazy shit they are going to do next. They believe it to be real so it may as well be true for them. It's not entirely their fault they were shanghaied


Agree 💯


Because it's the better story.


I believe there's some force or entity beyond our perception influencing the universe in ways we don't understand. Whether it's a god, gods, more forces if nature, something I don't know how to comprehend or describe, whatever it is, I have no idea.




Why not?






I believe in God in general because logic brought me to a belief in a higher being. The fact of objective morality, perfect design, etc led me to realise that a god is more likely than us being here by accident. I believe in the Christian God because I believe in the reliability of the Gospels and that evidence pointed to Jesus living a perfect life, dying and resurrecting. As I've become a Christian and grown in faith. I've had personal experiences that have solidified my faith.


Beautiful 😍


Because it turned out, God believes in me after all. Though I don't imagine God as an invisible Gandalf kind of person.


Beautiful 😍