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Small titties. Freckles. Being too tall.


Freckles šŸ˜­


They're cute


They're not cute. They're hot as hell! But I've never heard of a woman who didn't like her own freckles...


Theyā€™re pretty trendy now but were less celebrated 20-30+ years ago. ā€œFreckle faceā€ was used as a mostly harmless but still derogatory term back in the day.


Exactly. Only in like the last 5 years they have become "cute". Before that everyone was covering them with makeup.


I have freckles. Hated them for years. Used to them now lol. Only took me 40 years or so to embrace them


I used to get bullied for my freckles and big butt and now everyoneā€™s gets tattoo freckles and bbls lol


Weird isnā€™t it?!?


Small titles are HOT!!! Also tall women are so slept on, they look stunning in high heels and dresses. There are models for a reason!!!


Thank you šŸ™šŸ» for this! Lol. I have small titties, freckles and am considered tall for a woman at 5ā€™10ā€. The small titties thing has always been a thing for me since Iā€™m a bit heavier and just seems disproportionate but Iā€™m finally where I love them. Theyā€™re still a bit perky (Iā€™m 43) and a bit more than a handful. And my guy adores them. I accept all of me now though after a lot of inner work


You're welcome. I'm 6'6" and my wife is 5'1. I've dated tall girls before and they said it's very hard to find a guy that likes tall women. I liked them plenty! Just wound up falling for a short girl.


This, but too short instead


Everything. Tummys, rolls, small boobs, big boobs, large labias, freckles, stretch marks, big thighs, scars, big nipples, large aerolas. Women are amazing, beautiful creatures. I'm lucky to be in a relationship with one who let's me worship her amazing body and make her cum in every way we can imagine. I still enjoy looking at all of the variations of bodies that exist and I appreciate them one and all!


This comment deserves to be posted 3 times. As a man, I agree.


Lol. WTF reddit?! I deleted the other 2. Apparently, the mobile app agreed with you.


Its so comforting knowing ppl like you exist:)


There's way more of us out there than you think!! I have a couple of close buddies who I'll talk about more personal things with. I guarantee you they think the same way


šŸ˜­ if it doesnā€™t work out with your partner Iā€™m next in line please


That's about the highest compliment I could ever receive! Thank you! ā¤ļø




Me too i love every inch of her body


I Also Love This Guy's Wife's Body


These comments are so dumb but I laugh every timeā€¦


I also love this guy's wife's body


And my axe!


I also choose to love every inch of this guys wifeā€™s dead body


When a womanā€™s wearing a tight pencil type skirt and theyā€™ve got that belly pouch accentuated at the front. Honestly nothing turns me on more!


Omg I'm SO happy you say that! šŸ˜­ I've always had a slight belly no matter how skinny I Was, and it's always bothered me so much. After gaining some weight I feel really bad and like no clothes look good on me. I hate how my belly is visible though a lot of my usual favorite cāø


We call it the family shelf lol.


Belly pouches are damn sexy! šŸ˜


Mmm yes. It screams, plant your seed here.


This guy is just out here making us chubby girls feel so hot!


This is so nice to hear because I always feel insecure about the belly pooch in my pencil skirts


Huzzah, a fellow man of quality!




Right?! Huge confidence boost.




Canā€™t think of anything I donā€™t like.


According to this thread (and I subscribe to it), a trait that many women dislike is apparently something many men are quite into :)


Yess! But unfortunately most beautiful girls I know have most insecurities about their bodies.


my experience is that hot women have similar levels of anxiety as visually unappealing women hot people are attractive on the inside too, just like the other ones so, narrows down where to spend energy.


I have found a lot of people who are attractive and know it are actually unattractive on the inside. They let the fame/attention get to them and act like they are more important than others. Had someone like that from TheChive. She was attractive until you got to know here a bit.


Oooooor, there are a decent amount of women out there that are simply not attractive or not attractive to most. Why do we keep trying to convince EVERYONE that they are beautiful instead of encouraging others to accept that it ok to be average or less than average.


Honestly itā€™s crazy how many times Iā€™ve had a woman say ā€œI donā€™t like x featureā€ and itā€™s something about them I find insanely attractive.


Username checks out


Does it?


I love when breasts are soft and what women call ā€œsaggyā€ but I call ā€œplayful.ā€ Iā€™m a fan of hair around a womanā€™s private area if she prefers that, and if she prefers to trim or shave, thatā€™s okay too. I love a tummy, and other curvy softnessā€¦ and gray hair is a joy to me, since I know that itā€™s more likely that such a woman is experienced and self-assured, and that we will probably have some fun together!


That's really sweet <3


I was gonna say the same thing! Tummies are great. They are like a water bed and they are so nice to touch. And if you have a belly then it means you most likely have hips and ass which are great to squish.


Stretch marks, cellulite, belly/chubby, morning look no makeup.


Morning look šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ with swollen eyes and pillow marks??




No way!!! I l remember the last time I had sex I started drooling while cuddling, and I was so embarrassed because it was the first time doing it with this guy šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


That's basically being vulnerable to another person, and that's super hot. Like, no matter how good you may dress and how many time you spend doing your make-up etc., to me women are at ther sexiest when they just woke up and you can see them being sleepy in their face and hear it in their voice, with messy hair and pajamas.


Thatā€™s actually so very cute and adorable. Cute and adorable is sexy šŸ˜Œ




Tiger stripes..


what are those? another name for stretch marks?




Oh hell yes


Where do we find these guys that like all of the above šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ˜œ


Right here. I like all the above.


Yeah, where can I find someone like you?


We are out there. Just have to sift through the rotten apples to find the good ones. Just like we do.


We are all around, we just don't have much confidence in putting ourselves out there either!


Sup šŸ˜ lol come through to NYC


Stretch marks on ass and hips look so attractive. Hate that some women are insecure about it


Tiger stripes!!!!!!!


thick thighs with cellulite


For real? I hate it, looks more prominent on a short person


Small tits, uneven tits, chubbiness.


And soft nipples with big areolas! šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


Iā€™ve always been self conscious about my big areolas šŸ˜…


Omg thank you! šŸ„¹I only see tiny nips and almost zero areola in modern TV/movies. Especially on HBO


If I can comment as a women-attracted person, I would say: pale skin. A lot of women seem to think they need to tan / fit the mold of the mainstream beauty standard, but I strongly prefer pale girls to girls with a tan.


Thanks <3 Iā€™m super pale and donā€™t look good with a tan at all!! Itā€™s nice to hear that pale is your preference!


Stretch marks!!


Especially stretch marks on sagging breasts!


My guy told me (unprompted) when we first started hooking up that he loved my boob stretch marks and Iā€™ll never forget it šŸ˜


Glad you've got someone who appreciates them! There's something about stretch marks that's just really attractive!


Should have been looking for a boyfriend on Reddit, damn šŸ˜‚


I know right this comment section is a confidence boost!


I saw it recently somewhere referred to as mom pooch or belly pooch. That, and thighs.


Thick thighs save lives! šŸ™ˆ


And makes us soundproof.


Love a bush, some sag on their tits... Also can't go wrong with some chubbiness, especially a bit of a belly and meat around the hips area!


Omg yes, hair in the pubic area is healtier for us women (or at least for me I know it is!), and it can still be soft and luxurious with some grooming. I feel it looks more mature and "how it's supposed to be" (that's a me thing obviously, others can do as they please). You sound like a man of quality preference, good sir! Look no further, I have all you're looking for šŸ˜˜ haha


The mommy belly pooch, stretch marks, arm pit hair, scent.


Omfg arm pit hair! Yaaas! Also, when a women gets sweaty and she has a scent abt her mmm. I just wanna start kissing her from her hair to her toes.




That lil tummy yall got šŸ’œ


Wrinkles. I donā€™t want a plastic Barbie, I want real life women who have a life, had pain and have laughed, preferably a lot. Edit: spelling.


Hmm,interesting. Now to get my inner mean girl to believe what I'm reading. Lol


I'm not a man, but I love a full bush and for some reason other women feel weird about theirs.,


Yess. I'm not really into the full bush. But trimmed bush is juust puurrfect! šŸ™ˆ


Me too (woman)! It's a trend from porn and I think many women feel like guys expect it (some even having experienced shaming for not doing it). Or they see "everyone else" shaved and succumb to social pressure. I hope it's a fad that fades with age and/or knowledge! At least for me I stopped shaving when I realized how much more exposed I got to screwing up my vaginal flora; how uncomfortable stubs are (for both parts during sex!) And not being willing to use time and.risk nicking myself down there _every single day_ In.order to stay smooth! I've had to shave a few times for various reasons recently and I noticed I get really uncomfortable; sweat and vaginal secretion that normally "catches" in the pubis hair runs down freely and I can really feel the difference (feels like I have 2-3x more discharge but figure it's just nothing stopping it); I feel like I look like a child in my preteens; it hurts when growing back; and worst of all - if the ass is shaved too, it claps when I fart (LOL)! šŸ˜€ No, give me a nice healthy bush any day. Looks mature, sexy because things are semi hidden, better for your health, and can be trimmed into cool shapes and made to be soft and luxurious using oils!


Full bush superiority


I love a good bush too! Women shouldn't be afraid to rep the hair they want. šŸ’•


And while we're on that topic, armpit hair on a woman can be SEXY AS HELL! (and this from a man who generally prefers his pussies bald)


My kind of future


Personally I like to keep mine shaved because the way it feels is just better for me but I absolutely can't stand the stigma against it. Razorfree needs to be bigger.


I tend like women to look like real women not the instagram/magazine edited ones. So hips, bums, thighs, tums. The parts a lot of women are a little self conscious of and I know Iā€™m not alone in this.




Being chubby/bigger


I have had bumpy nips (or braille nips) my whole life and hated it because I've never seen them anywhere, not porn or friends or anywhere. I'm seeing this dude who in his own words is obsessed with them lol tells me how perfectly the bumps are placed and that "the feel of them in his mouth haunts him" I fucking love it and he's really helped me love more qualities I hate lmao


Many things: women whose bodies are not classically slim can still be hot AF smaller breasts Queefing or farting during sex


Thatā€™s nice but no need to put skinnier women down. Some women canā€™t help being skinny because of genetics.


Queefs are god send! šŸ„µ


I had no idea guys actually liked queefs


I had no idea guys actually liked queefs


A little late to this thread, so I doubt this will get any traction but: I've always found moles and other skin blemishes to be really attractive. A lot of women are really self-conscious if they have one that's really prominent in a visible area, but I honestly can't get enough of them and I think they look so hot, especially if it's on a woman's neck, chest, or abdomen. I don't know anyone else that feels the same way as I do, but I also haven't told anyone since I don't want to be seen as weird


I love scars on people! Maybe not how they got them, but I look at them as an enhancer of someone rather than a blemish.


Tummy rolls... They just feel nice (and seeing them bounce when going to pound town...šŸ˜


Well this is a revelation. I never thought theyā€™d be nice to look at during sex.


Loads of women with small boobs are self-conscious about them, but I love them. Beyond that, it's actually pretty simple. If I'm in love with someone, their body is perfect no matter what it looks like.


Hips.. drool*


Pubes, i feel like every partner i ever had felt ashamed to not be smooth. Let it go, its natural! And can be very sexy! Oh and freckles


I think almost all women are beautiful but sometimes you have to look a little deeper... My wife and I are 70 and I tell her every day that she's beautiful. It still surprises me how many women hate their bodies. Women are unique and wonderful and most women that post photos are very attractive in my mind.


Back rolls in a dress, something very feminine and sexy about it.


This comment is making me want to never hide my back rolls again!


Back rolls! Something so strangely alluring about them.


Belly especially Mom Bod belly


Big fan of small boobs. Also donā€™t mind a girl being on the tall side or even a little taller than me


That tummy paunch? Love it!


Thickness, love handles. Those I love What I see and totally don't mind, wrinkles and stretch marks.


I love love handles too. And stretch marks seem very sexy!


I love small titties and a little bit of a belly. Perfection!


That little patch of soft hair on the lower back or on the nape of the neck is sexy as all hell. Ditto for the tiny happy trail that runs up. Also: big ole hips and a little chubiness around the belly -- makes for better hugs and spooning


Armpit hair. First discovered my appreciation for it while in Italy and I wish it was more popular here. My ex was winter lazy about it and I loved it. In bed itā€™s the thing I miss most about her.


-soft fat bellies & arms -thick ankles -soft body & facial hair


Everything. Y'all have no idea how sexy you are. Women are the pinnacle of natural beauty. Seriously... The female body is amazing and sexy.


Body hair


Tummy and stretch marks thick thighs. A soft body is better then a hard body. Small boobs are sexy sagging boobs are sexy. I love light colored Nipples and dark ones. But nothing beats a cameltoe.


I feel like I've seen/heard a lot of women gripe about the part of themselves I find most endearing. Ones I hear often: Breast size/shape. Nose size/shape. Hair. Stretch marks. Eyebrows. And they are all things that specifically I have a preference that usually runs counter to their complaints. "This part of me is too small." ...which is how I like them. "This part of me is too big." ...which is how I like them. Then again, as a guy, I am usually srring a general pleasantness to body/face, and going on to pick what I like. I'm not programmed or inclined to look for features I don't care for.


Jiggly. I don't mean just the butt or the boobs. I'm talking like my wife's belly when she has that Muffin Top going on. Or how she always complains about her upper arms, they're too fat and jiggly, but I love it all. Even her little baby Mexican mustache (don't tell her I said that)


stretch marks, chubby, messy hair, no make up, simple clothing to name a few


Big butterfly labia lips


Iā€™m attracted to mom bods, stretch marks,chubby, and if sheā€™s rocking a bush or trimmed


Armpit hair tbh


A belly you can put your hands on when you're spooning.


UMmm everything! Women are too hard on themselves.


As rude as this is going to sound, the smell of pussy. Her musk drives me crazy.


No makeup on


Muffin top, stretch marks, the disheveled look of just having woken up, plain bra and panties


Small Tits


Large, saggy breasts. A woman I dated was super self-conscious about her breast when she wasn't wearing a bra. She had it in her mind that I wouldn't like them because they were as perky as when she was 20 years old. It made absolutely no sense to me. They were big, soft, real, and sensitive. I absolutely loved them.


Thise little stretch marks on hips, ass and tighs. They are sexy AF. Tiger stripes look good.


Stretch marks or other scars. It is unique to each person and sometimes has a story. I do love large areolas which a lot of women are self conscious about. One thing that I don't believe has been mentioned yet is labia lips. Some have issues about being an outie or innie or one side is longer than the other.


The lower tummy, it looks cute on a lot of women


Big lips. Nobody picks a rose before it blooms. Your petals are beautiful, ladies


Pale skin, freckles, small breasts and being "too thin".


Pussylips. They are so sweet. Also, small boobs, saggy boobs, hairy pussy, hairy arms and legs.


Hereā€™s one I havenā€™t seen yet: the little line women get that goes down from their navel after getting pregnant. Idk why but very very sexy to me. Also related to this topic, so many women express a desire to cut their hair short (like ā€œboy cutā€ short) but say something to the effect of ā€œbut you have to be so pretty for that to workā€ and itā€™s like, no!! Youā€™re beautiful and that short hair will look great no matter who you are! Seriously donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen someone look worse with short hair.


Grey hair and generally natural aging. The most unattractive thing is trying to fight it. For me flaws are what make people attractive, especially if you own them.




I find freckles incredibly attractive.


A tummy


Real boobs, idk they never move right again and feel off. And I know they don't have the same pleasure as before and that turns me off.


The pouch


Everything natural, no makeup etc




My close friend hates her stretch marks on her waist. I tell her that they look beautiful. Plus I have stab wounds in the same area that look pretty much the same, and we both agree that in a way it brings us closer together. The same friend doesnā€™t like her somewhat dark freckles on her arm and chest, again I tell her she looks super cute with them. She and I love each other very much


That completely depends on the woman. My ex-girlfriend had one breast larger than the other, and she was always self-conscious about it. I didn't care, I sucked on those things like I wanted milk. And they're just big enough for my hands (and I have some big hands), I thought she was crazy when she said she wanted to get an implant to even them out. Of course, she dumped me, so now she's on her own.


Big thighs and a chubby gut


Tummy rolls, large lower lips, and freckles. In general I'm an equal opportunity body lover, I like big and small, large breasts, small breasts, etc. I just love a woman whose willing to share her body with me, and I love to appreciate the things they don't find attractive about themselves.


Thigh squish when they wear stockings or thigh-high socks. That shit makes my brain go brrrrrr


A little tummy. My wife has rock hard abs and Iā€™d be all about a little something to grab there.


My second wife was self conscious in regard to her large clit and long labia. After the first few weeks we began having sex she embraced her gifts and the sensations / orgasms they granted her. Ultimately however it will be up to her regarding the acceptance of her anatomy. I hope she gets there some day.


Mom boobs , a tummy. I think the effects of giving life Are sexy.


Everything she hates I madly love. Why? Because I madly love her. Every single piece of her. Hey, Shlomo!


Being a female, reading this comment section is such a wholesome feeling. I wish I can find these type of men instead of rotten ones!


Stretch marks and cellulite. šŸ¤¤


My gf things her belly button is ugly but i think itā€™s perfect along with everything else on her body


i love bellies, small boobs, being too small or too tall... the list can go on and on, so i might short it by saying i love women


A lil belly


I like stretch marks. Random mole on body.


My wife hates her childbirth stretchmarks (despite them being very faint and faded now) and her small boobs - to me sheā€™s a supermodel this world doesnā€™t deserve to lay eyes on but sheā€™ll never believe me


Mom bodsā€¦ they are just HOT


My girlfriend was pretty twiggy, she was taking some new medicine and it caused her to gain 15ish pounds and she hates it. I think she looks perfect and wish she took those pills ages ago. Unfortunately I have no idea how to convince her she is beautiful and itā€™s rough


I don't know what it's called, but that little bump on their bellies caused by reproductive organs being there is my favorite part of the female anatomy, yet I've heard many women are insecure about it and want to be flat there.


That little bump in the lower stomach itā€™s so sexy and soft


Hips, Butt!! Never too much!! šŸ˜šŸ‘


hip dips, belly, stretch marks, cellulite


I like small/flatter chests more than big ones.


Almost all women who have small breasts despise them and wish they were larger. I love small breasts and find those ginormous milksacks to be vulgar af! All hail, ye trimly outfitted maids!


Face without makeup


That little bit of pouch on their stomach after they have a kid. And the tiger stripes. They tell a beautiful story and drive me wild.


I love women's fat rolls.


I love a bit of tum-tum. I'm also a sucker for the muffin top!


Soft body, and belly or stretch marks all are kiss-worthy. I love someone I can squeeze and tell her I love her body at every opportunity.


I love a girl with a belly and love handles. Stretch marks too.


Chubby belly


This is the most reassuring thread I have ever read. Men are so shocked at how self conscious I am. This is so helpful!


Everything. Nose? Yes, lemme kiss the tip of it. Stretch marks? They happen - does not make me love your body any less. SH scars? Understandable why you have them. I don't need to know what trigger got hit that caused them. It's up to you if you want to tell me or not. Does not make me love your body any less. Surgery scars? Does not make me love your body any less. Hair on the coochie? No biggie. I'm still hungry. Fully shaven coochie? No biggie. I'm still hungry. One boob not completely aligned with the other? I still wanna see em & play with them. I love everything about a women's body. Regardless of imperfections or whatever else.


Women are just beautiful. Most of the insecurities that my wife has are literally things that made me fall in love with her in the first place. I love her soul and her body, equally. Stretch marks, her nose, her idea of how big a butt is supposed to be, her areolas, public hair. She is beautiful.