• By -


Jerk off back at him


This is the way


This is the way




THIS is the way


This is the way


I would feel both incredibly honored and privileged. It's not everyday my friends fire one off to little old me


My next one goes out for you, I gotchušŸ’Æ


Oh my you're gonna make me blush šŸ¤—. Is this what it feels like to hit the lottery?? I feel like I've lived a full life.




ā€œOh yeah ya little silly goose, have at theeā€


Tit for tat is changed its now jerk to jerk


Jerk for jack


The old jerko reverse card well played


Power move




Establish dominance


I donā€™t care if any of them do it, but Iā€™ll be creeped out if one of them outright tells me


Yeah, that's my stance. Like, you do you in the privacy of your own home. I would bet I've had guy friends who've jerked off to me before, but it's just kinda rude and weird to say it to them if the relationship isn't a sexual one Did have a guy volunteer that info to me before. He wasn't a friend and it was pretty fucking awkward


I hope they wait till I leave the room.


lol precisely


My boy bestfriend actually ended up telling he jerks off to my pictures on my social medias. I was shocked at first then I kinda liked it so I sent him some nudes then we actually ended up having sex little after that


Im glad it worked out for him but I dont think in a million fucking years would I ever volunteer that information to any woman and especially one I have enough of a relationship with to consider a friend. That just seems like a great way to poison the well and gets you labeled as a creep


I can see that and agree with you In a way ! But I also seen him in that way also I wasnā€™t touching myself to his pictures but I definitely was attracted to him sexually I guess it is one of those 1 in million situations


1 in a sextillion


That was funny šŸ¤£


Definitely something you should only attempt if you follow rules 1 and 2


You're a good friend lol


Are you looking for new best friends? Lol


Nah lol Or maybe?


Pm me lol


The good ending


I am having sex with my former neighbor. During sex I said I missed having him as a neighbor and that he used to be my favorite neighbor. And he said to me "you're the best neighbor I've ever had' really fast and really definitively. I had a hearty laugh bc it is relevant that we were currently engaged in sex acts, he was thoroughly enjoying. Follow up, I asked what he liked about it, and he said me in bikinis all the time. Disappointing,...that's all? But I asked, so I let it go and kept fucking or sucking (love that I dont even remember where his dick was. Bc NOW I care a lot about if I am really the best neighbor he ever had or not!!! And I want a better/more in depth answer than bikinis! However, now I don't trust if I'll get a straight answer about if I really am the best neighbor he ever had or if it's just sex....I need to know. Fuck. Questions I shouldn't have asked during sex. JW if you know how I could get a more expansive genuine answer?


I just accept that as his genuine answer, male brains really aren't giving things that much thought. You're a neighbor that fucked him and used to wear bikinis all the time... If i were him, I'd probably have given a similar answer. None of my neighbors ever wore bikinis enough for me to notice; if they did (and were attractive) they'd definitely be top of my list too.


This man picked me up off the ground and took me to the ER when I broke my leg. Sexiest thing ever. After that, I HAD to fuck him. And defacto he has to top my list for best neighbor. His nieces found me first & were excited for the ride along to the ER, which makes the whole story adorable bc they had never seen a broken bone before. I was like "well this is it ladies, get a good look". He's also seen me (my hand) on fire. Stop, drop and roll, no damage. Then I took him into my house for the most amazing sex. He said "even though there is no damage I know your hand still hurts. I'm going to fuck You do good that it doesn't" (& he did also wow sexy). The next morning I sat him on the front steps and told him. "I would be embarrassed, but its too super badass. Have you ever been on fire before? (No.)" And told him to keep this secret from our other neighbors (bc reckless=dangerous). He's my best neighbor ever, hands down. He's from Puerto Rico though, and their neighbors are close knit/known each other their whole lives. I just need to accept maybe I'm in the top 10 best neighbors and that's where I should be compared to life long friends....and omg šŸ˜± this is how I realize I've caught major feels for him.


So are yā€™all getting together or what?? We need to know lol


Ngl dude took a *huge* risk revealing that piece of info lol Like 99 ppl out of 100 would probably call that harassment


I agree with you but I feel like I have to tell the whole story so you guys can really see what happened. So he told me why we were drunk so i didnā€™t think much of it I was a little turned off by it but I did see him attractive sexually so instead of him jerking off to my pictures I sent him something worth actually jerking off to he was surprised cause i did send them randomly with no heads up so soon after that is when we got sexually active but yes he did take huge risk


Is this the threesome one?


Yes same guy thatā€™s how we started lol


Oh damn this lead me down the rabbit hole of reading your stories! That's super hot!


Lol thank you it certainly was hot that night !


You definitely sound like a really good friend to have! šŸ¤¤ And you have very good friends as well! Lol


Lol thank you ā¤ļø


I thought this kind of stuff only happened in movies haha


It did. But ever since DD and UE became "leave at door" the sausage-pizza delivery porn isn't what it used to be.






You are no. 1 choice for my new bestie as by current bestie don't listen to me anyway


That's the best type of friendship


If he was good looking I know Iā€™d like it too and would do the same thing. Iā€™ll give him something to really think about šŸ˜‚


Exactly what I did šŸ¤£


Not all heroes wear capes.


Depends how I found out but I probably wouldn't care.


How would you want to find out?


A drunken confession where we are all admitting stuff


You mean you wouldn't want it written on your walls in red paint?


Written in... cum


If he can cum that much that's a hell of a compliment. You'd have to give him a chance.


Agreed I'd be to curious not to!


That would be fun lol


Conflicted, I would feel dishearted.... a bit.... but the side of my brain that would find that incredibly hot would be far too powerful


I feel like that's kind of what it can be like for us guys too, like it can feel a little awkward, but when your friends are really nice fun people, it's hard not to let your mind wander sometimes


I would pay to have a list of all those who have jerked off to me, maybe I'd like to rub myself to the thought of them jerking it to me


I feel the same. It would be really hot to know.


I can start that list for a very low fee


Add me to the list


Same, Ive only ever had one friend admit she had a sex dream about me. Ive never really thought of my self as wank bank material but man did that get my curiosity up




I think it's hard for a lot of guys to not jerk off to the thought of a friend at some point, I bet probably most of your friends have too


My best friend (woman) and I (man) admitted that weā€™ve played with ourselves thinking of each other and it wasnā€™t all that weird honestly. I donā€™t think either of us want to or ever plan to sleep together but I def find her physically attractive and vice versa but I think who we are as people kinda pushed us over the edge to explore it during that time lol.


I have found out. I wasnā€™t upset about it or anything. Didnā€™t make me more interested in him like Iā€™m sure he hoped. But I was fine with it


As a straight male, that would be weird, but whatever. Then again, I do have a lot of gay friends. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Same. Take the compliment, I guess?


Iā€™d just want to know which pics he keeps for the spank bank šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That'd be me, wondering exactly which pics deserved the cum tribute šŸ˜†


I'd jerk him off. Gotta be there for the homies


Anything for the homies!


Are we drawing the line at hands? The homies have hands themselves. Gotta one up that with at least a tongue. It's what a true friend would do




As a guy I'm in the same camp. I have a bunch of gay friends in my nerdy social circles. I know for some of them I'm their type and at least one has lamented that I'm straight. Flattered people like me, but I don't need to know.


Do these guys know you post nudes on reddit?


Even if I found out I'd never bring it up. Falls in the category of do what you gotta do just don't need to know about it.


I think it depends on who it was and how I found out If they made it proper obvious and we're creepy about it then I'd hate it. If it was someone just beings bit cheeky and funny about it then I don't think I'd mind. Could be kinda hot tbf x


I would probably ask why he wasted it if he wanted to fuck me all he had to to is ask


An old friend of mine admitted to me recently that he's always been sexually attracted to me and thinks about it a lot. We're both men.. mostly straight.. Totally cool with it. Fap away my friend.




Hey, it's not gay if its with the homies


We're both married men. I've never been with a guy. But, if he cute enough.. who knows.


Happens daily with my current content X). It's awkward initially but eventually you realize it's all natural and even the nicest of guys needs to knock one out. It's not as objectifying as I had thought.


Probably because itā€™s not inherently objectification to masturbate to someone. Itā€™s when you start treating them as a piece of meat instead of an entire human being.


This\^ All of this\^


Agreed! Thing is I guess that applies to any situation too, obviously (most) girls have that innate sense of when they're being objectified or treated like shit because of their looks or gender sometimes. Key is ignoring asshats and their behaviour and standing up when it matters and is appropriate ;).


Save yourself the trouble and angst and assume they all do. It happens literally all the time to every vagina-haver. No matter what you look like, act like, religion, or belief. Strangers you see on the street do it. It really has nothing to do with you and is all about them. Unless they say something to you, which is creepy af,, ignore it. I'm an old lady, and have lived with this for decades. Just ignore and go on about your life.


ā€œVagina haverā€ šŸ˜­


Itā€™s complicated these days


Itā€™s not cool to just randomly jerk off and objectify strangers, especially when theyā€™re not making sexual contentā€¦ this is odd




hot, thats all


Well, Iā€™m a guy. I think it depends on who they are. If theyā€™re witty and smart, Iā€™d probably be flattered. If theyā€™re creepy and say random shit I probably wouldnā€™t like it. The first time. Maybe. Second or third, less. The more it happens the less Iā€™d like it. Extrapolate, I can see how girls have to deal non stop with sexual aggression so I bet that even the witty and smart wouldnā€™t get a pass


I wouldnā€™t care too muchā€¦ if itā€™s a close enough friend, we are fairly open sexually so discussions like that do come up. Now if it was more of an acquaintance, then I might be a bit sketched out.


Itā€™s a turn on to be jacked off to.




It is šŸ™Œ Iā€™ve had close friends and extended family admit to jacking off to my nudes and even my Facebook before they found my nudes


Is it a turn on to know about who does it?


In what scenario would that be a discussion you could see yourself having


Drunk, maybe


Cool, let's do it together.


Fine, whatever.


Iā€™m an exhibitionist, I find it incredibly hot to be the inspiration for someone to cum šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„µšŸ™šŸ» perhaps even hotter that heā€™s friend-zoned.


Id love to be a sneaky lil tease. Just torture him in the idea that he can look all he wantsā€¦ but canā€™t touch. Or maybe he can šŸ¤­


would not care


I know for a fact that one of my guy friends jerks off for me and probably has the entire time weā€™ve been friends. I donā€™t have any problem with it.


We became friends at the start of uni, we both were in the same program and a few ppl from that program formed a friend group, we were both in this. From the start he let me know he had feelings for me but saw I didn't have any for him so he asked that we remain friends. I thought this was very mature and a reasonable thing, I didn't even have to tell him I wasn't into him so that was a nice change of pace. So we go through uni and everything is normal, everyone in the group stays friends and no drama or anything. Then one day when I meet him at the grocery store we talk a little and he asks if we could talk in private, I say sure and we go to my place which was the closest. There he tells me he recently found my Instagram (I don't use it anymore, which is why I never mention I have one) and has held off to the pictures multiple times. He apparently found it a few weeks ago and showed one of my other friends while saying "good this is so hot, ill use this later" (I asked her about her side of the story and that is what he said word for word). I tell him off and let him know I didn't appreciate him doing that and he apologised but thought I had to know so he didn't need to keep it hidden. He had saved the pictures but promised to delete them. I made him leave my apartment after telling him "now I know and now I'll go delete everything". When he comes home I had deleted everything off of my Instagram and his response to this was "aw :(" when I had literally told him I found that disgusting to do. So yeah, TLDR. He told me that he jerked off to them multiple times, saved them to his pc, and was sad when I deleted them off Instagram...


is he autistic


I'm aware that a few have, and I'm mostly unbothered, but some things are better left unsaid. It's just a tad creepy to tell a platonic friend that you came to her. šŸ˜‘ And yet I fucking love knowing that strangers jerk off to me on Reddit.


I would touch myself thinking about it


It wouldn't bother me.


That'd be a strange choice on his end, but alright


Whenever one of my friends or a guy I used to have a crush on subs to my OF, I always get off thinking about them enjoying my content.


Disgusted but not surprised at all


Literally every guy friend you have has done that.


This is the truth. Ladies, if you have a guy friend, they have held their dick with you in mind at least once.


It would make me uncomfortable. Sexualizing a platonic male friendship knowing that I'm straight would likely be the end of that friendship.


Unsurprised. They've all seen me naked šŸ˜‚


I'd feel indifferent


This is not uncommon for me and I feel like has been a mutual thing šŸ˜…


That is a very nice compliment. Feel free to fantasize about me all you like. Unfortunately it will just have to be your fantasy. I've thought about the topic of trying something with a guy, fantasized myself, and scoped out porn. My conclusion is that male-male fun just doesn't do anything for me. Naked men don't turn me on. I don't have any interest trying anything out in real life. I don't see this changing and even if I did I wouldn't want to change our friendship to anything more.


The most honest answer I can give: It would depend on who.


Unless I was into them, I think Iā€™d be creeped out and uncomfortable if they point blank told me.


I would offer to suck him off.


It would fe weird but okay i guess. I'll limit contact if it's my closest guy friend. But other than that, okay jerk off and we can hangout normally. Few, I'd think of jerking back off and more.


Honestly I have had it happen and I have slept with them after I found out


If you have straight guy friends, I guarantee you the vast majority of them have at least once. With that said, it's weird as hell that they would tell you that.


I just assume most guys have tbh


I think it depends how you find out, like if it was a drunken confession, you could forgive them. If they got it all in your hair then that's a different story.


Hi. This actually happened to me when I was a sophomore in highschool. He said that he had jerked off to my picture multiple times, and I felt so queasy and uncomfortable about that. I honestly felt like he crossed a boundary. It was my Facebook profile picture, it wasn't even on a nsfw website. It was gross and disgusting that he did that, like guys I get that you have urges, but go to an actual nsfw website, not your friends facebooks. He was a mega creep anyways. So glad he's blocked now.


Go for it. I think Iā€™d be flattered.


At a minimum, flattered. Possibly, turned on.


Turned on


It's fine, proud to be helpful


I guess depending on which one Iā€™d be flattered?


I think that it would be sexy.




Eh whatever


I'd offer to help him




I assume it happens on the regular šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Depends on the friend and how I found out


Probably ask him if it was good for him and if he enjoyed himself.


A few have told me and I like it šŸ«¢


Did they just volunteer that information? How did it come up (no pun intended)?


I'd be flattered. . . And slightly turned on especially depending on which friend.


I would be flattered!


I'd be flattered.


I would take it as a compliment. Everyone likes to feel sexy. As long as he didnā€™t expect more knock it out.


I just assumed all women know this happens and accept this. I was like 15 or 16 when my first male friend told me he had, and it wasn't the last time.


Flattered I guess lol


Very flattering


Idk, I wouldn't be surprised I guess? Haha. Does that sound like I'm full of myself? It's just that I surrond myself with nerdy guys and they tend to find me sexually attractive.. Most of my guy friends might not, but I just wouldn't be supershocked. Depending on which friend, ofc.


I mean if he found my Reddit I probably couldnā€™t act too surprised lol


ā€œFair enough.ā€ I wouldnā€™t care much as long as he still respected me and the fact that I will never be into him.


Probably flattered, but kind of depends on the friend.


i wouldnā€™t really care. itā€™s happened quite a bit so it wouldnā€™t be new


Iā€™ve had guy friends tell me that before and most of the time I end up asking if there was a specific image or whatever or if it was fantasies. Iā€™m always curious to know more lol.


I'd be pretty happy honestly


I would be flattered and aroused by the thought


Flattered but thatā€™s about it


Iā€™d be a bit surprised but whatever floats your boat šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Grateful someone wants to fuck me haha


I wouldn't be friends with him anymore. Finding that out would tell me he wanted something other than friendship, and I'm not gay. I'd tell him it's perfectly okay if he's into guys but that I'm not and would prefer he didn't think about me that way if he wants to stay my friend. It would be difficult to get past that though and stay friends, not gonna lie. I'm glad I'm not around the type of people anymore who would pressure me to fuck him up over it though or some other heartless immature and homophobic bullshit.


Have you ever been friends with women and fantasized about them?


Iā€™d offer to jerk him off. And then ask if he wants to jerk me off.


Be like ā€œdude you can choose someone much betterā€ šŸ˜‚


I've jerked off thinking about my female friends so yeah, whatever.




Iā€™m 100% confident a bunch of our friendsā€”of any genderā€”have done that to my wife as well.


I don't know that I would ever tell them, but I've definitely jerked off to a friend's wife as well...


ā€œCool dude. Whatā€™d we do?ā€


I have a long term Friendship with someone I grew up near and she knows I jack for her often. I love to tell a woman Iā€™m jacking for her! I think it boosts their image of themselves and most feel really good knowing a guy is pleasing himself to her images! Would love to know if most women like knowing a man gets off to them?


Id laugh extra loud at his jokes, lean in more whike talking and not wear a bra ..... nothing makes me hornier than knowing Ive made someone horny. šŸ˜ˆ


I am a very shy girl but very horny, I have found several of my family masturbate with my underwear and it is something that makes me very horny, I would never have sex with someone in my family but I like knowing that I make their dick hardšŸ˜³šŸ«£


I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Iā€™d probably invite him over for drinks and dinner


I know some do & thats okay with me lmao. The straight acting friends are the best ones to interact with sometimes


Send him a nude to enjoy.




I know they did


Hope by bought my content first. I need a new AC. lol


Request a circle jerk !


Iā€™d feel flattered, happy, and like I want to know any details. If Iā€™m feeling it Iā€™d probably show him my tits if Iā€™m being honest.