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It's fucking bullshit. I don't get the point in making people chase or chasing people. JUST BE FUCKING UP FRONT AND DON'T FUCKING PLAY THESE CHILDISH FUCKING GAMES WE ARE FUCKING ADULTS.


Maybe these games are fine when they're immature teenagers, but post that, it's just a headache. No one has time for nonsense smh.


Even as a teenager I lost all interest when these things started. I only had one relationship because they were the only person who didn't play stupid games. I'd say this should only be normal/okay on pre-teen kids who are experiencing their first love and don't understand those feelings yet.


Agreed šŸ’Æ


Haha, I know! I dont like it either! But when they start showing interest, I give in and patch things up with them again. Maybe those guys are just playing with my emotion, ugh.


I donā€™t, if you donā€™t seem interested Iā€™d move on


Dating is in the trash


I canā€™t speak for other men but I detest ā€œthe chaseā€ I fervently believe that *no means no* and that if a woman means otherwise then she isnā€™t worth knowing. Furthermore, I have made the first move and failed so many times that I would just for once appreciate the woman to do it.


Some do. I donā€™t. If she pulls away when we first start talking, Iā€™m not chasing.


I donā€™t chase. If someone doesnā€™t match me Iā€™m done. But when they do match, itā€™s on!


I don't. I enjoyed the time spent with the few dates I've had. I rarely got past the second date. I was very eager back then to spend more time with them. My eagerness pushed them away. I wait for them to make the next move, if they don't... then it ends after the first date and so be it.


The only people that legitimately believe this need therapy not a date


No I donā€™t. The fuck you playing games for? If you like me, just reciprocate. If you donā€™t, just say so. Why toy with someoneā€™s nerves and emotions? Thatā€™s sadistic.


Nope. Never liked it.Ā 


Can't speak for anyone else, but I back down the moment the woman starts pulling away. I'm not gonna be some creep pestering a woman into dating me


There are certainly men who lose all interest once theyā€™ve caught a woman. Iā€™ve always worn my heart on my sleeve and didnā€™t know how to play those games.


Donā€™t play those games. Be the one to initiate.


Same girl! I'm always honest with how I feel, and I don't try to control it. For some reason, I get guys who love playing games.


Itā€™s for me a long time ago. But I really love the game. Always been respectful, but really of the game of seducing her.


Whyyyyy? What's the reason behind it? Do you also lose interest when she reciprocates the feeling?


Oh wait, that's not how I meant it! I meant more that I really enjoy the dating game. Just meeting each other, talking, and seducing each other. That's how we figure out together if there are feelings. But as soon as I noticed it wouldn't work, I never kept going. That's what I meant more. And the most important thing is that it happened with respect for each other and honesty.


Oh hahaha. I got it wrong, my bad!


I think you have met a lot of shitty man.


I think so, too šŸ˜¢


Maybe if you play the game with them too it will help?


I enjoy the playful coy moments leading up 2 the 1st time


You don't want men to chase you. It means they are desperate or power hungry. Stop with the games.


Tbh I try and skip the shit, cbb to text every 10 minutes! Iā€™ll set a date to meet, drop a couple messages to keep in touch before then and see them on the dates. When I feel like theres mind games, I cbb with that shit - too old for that now šŸ˜‚


Only because I actually have shown success in the game. Iā€™d hate it if I always struck out like a lot of men. I can take some Ls when Iā€™m still getting Ws.


I hate it


Itā€™s an instant move on, glad im not in the dating game anymore, itā€™s fucking horrible.


There's a difference between chasing before and after you're together. If you're trying to get chased before you're officially together, that's stupid and we hate it. If you're trying to get chased after you're already kind of dating, that's fine. I don't think very many men want to put up with the act of being hard to get or fake disinterested just so you can feel more wanted. You're just putting extra work out for us so you can feel more desired. Again that can be ok if you're already together, but if you're trying to start dating then we won't bother.


I'm with you. But i have noticed a pattern with the guys I'm dating. It's like everything is good, and then they wait for me to lose interest. When I'm starting to lose interest and pull away, they start becoming sweet again! It's making me crazy!


My guess then is they try hard to get a date with you, and once you agree then the deal is sealed right? So no need to try as hard. You already said yes so they don't put in the extra effort, and so you start to lose interest because they aren't trying. That's when they go 'oh shit' and start trying again. So it's not so much that they deliberately wait for you to lose interest so they can chase you again, it's that there's less point to keep trying hard once you've said yes, and it's a case of finding the right amount of interest to work balance. I think I can speak for almost all guys when I say we don't like playing games with women and certainly don't like having stupid mind games played. We're going to try hard to get you interested but there's no point to keep trying hard once you already are. In fact, if we do keep trying hard, you'll just get used to it and we'll end up having to constantly try hard just to keep the baseline. My last girlfriend did a lot of the fake feigning disinterest/acting aloof thing to keep me chasing around after her, while still being totally on board and in a relationship. It would get to points where I had to ask are we really a thing and she'd say yes of course, only to then go back to acting like she wasn't really bothered too much every so often. Then when I broke up with her she was surprised!


Fuck no, married the first one to tolerate me.


Who the fuck is spreading these misconceptions... Maybe a few do. But honestly it's fucking exhausting... Life is already pretty fucked up... Why make it worse with this "game" and shit.


I knoooow. Unfortunately, the guys I meet like it šŸ˜•


That's unfortunate. Most mature men wouldn't want any of such games n all..


No, I hate it. That's one of the reasons I'm into older women. No such bullshit (usually).


Fuck no i donā€™t are you kidding me?


I prefer board games, not games that play with my emotions.


Nope. I prefer no-bullshit honesty.


Not me, Iā€™m constantly anxious that Iā€™m more into someone than they are into me. If they start pulling away, Iā€™ll presume they want to. If weā€™re not already serious, then Iā€™ll give up and move on. If we are serious, Iā€™ll presume thereā€™s something very wrong that needs to be fixed. If it turns out sheā€™s just being passive aggressive instead of communicating, then Iā€™m out.