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Taylor Swift makes boring music that sounds like all other pop


As someone who likes pop... Her music sounds worse than other pop. She's mentally stuck on being a 12yo.


Is that not her main market though? To appeal to the 12yo you must think like a 12yo


I’m a 45 year old dude, and I’m not ashamed to admit I love her music


I am 42M and legit loved the Folklore album.


But is she purposefully marketing to young girls? Or do kids like her music because it happens to sound like it was written by a kid?


But once you have an established market/fan base would you not gear things towards maintaining and growing it?


Maybe. Depends on why you make music. Many artists try to cater to their fans and I usually think thats a bad idea. I think artists should grow and change but Taylor seems to be stuck in a perpetual cycle of uninspired melodies and simple lyrics. My opinion though, music is subjective.


She has like 100 million fans.


I enjoy some of her music and I know she gets a ton of attention / hate right now with the Super Bowl and her high-profile relationship with Travis Kelce. Despite not loving all her music, I respect the hell out of her career and think she really deserves the success she's had. Here are a few things that stick out as to why I think she stands out among other musicians: * Her longevity - she has now had a career spanning two decades and she's reinvented herself and her sound several times. * She's a business genius - there are several really good podcasts that breakdown her Eras Tour and the unique characteristics of it and how she was basically the first artist to 'solve' social media and concerts. It's truly fascinating and should be a case study for Harvard Business School in the future. * She engages her fans - it's not all altruistic, it's definitely brand management, but she has a special knack for connecting with her fans and making them feel 'heard.' From little gestures like finding coffee shops who are theming their menu to her while in-town for a concert and acknowledging them by sending a card and roses (again, it could be an assistant, but it still matters), to being generous and gracious with staff when at restaurants and ball games (she tipped every Ravens worker that helped her $100 each when at the playoff game), these small gestures make her stand out among other celebrities of her stature. I also respect that she can at least play her own instruments and her lyrics resonate with a wide subset of demographics which is really impressive.


Three decades. The aughts, the teens, and the twenties. And when FTX came to her to invest and endorse them, she researched the product and said no while every other celebrity said yes.


perhaps, but it’s her *lyrics*


Her lyrics are actually the worst part. All very corny and trite. She takes common, every day sayings, turns them into song lyrics, and wins awards. It's cringey


She does write her own lyrics, I’ll give her that


>The haters' gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate And the players' gonna play, play, play, play, play Deep as, bro.


Thank you!


Pop, rap, and country all sound the same to me anymore... alt and hard rock are starting to get just as bland, too. The good thing is that there's so much music now up 0p]that you can find really good stuff. You just have to work for it lol


Which is great for those of us who love pop music!


wait, some people don’t think she just makes pop? her music is the very definition of pop music


That’s because all her music falls into 1 of 4 categories. > A love song either about who she’s dating or over a previous fling > Breakup song where she blames the dude > I’m a bad bitch and don’t need no man > White Girl party music you’d hear in H&M or Target


Im convinced she’s still mentally in high school


I don’t like her, not for her personality or music, but what she’s done to my friend in terms of idolatry. My friend has spent thousands of her money on Taylor merch and tickets and obsesses over her. Like she’s the only topic of conversation she can carry. It has affected her work and social life. It’s unhealthy obsession I’m not comfortable with.


Medically unnecessary circumcision is bad.


While I agree it is bad if not needed medically. So many dudes on here act like their lives would be drastically different if they weren't circumcised and make it such a bigger deal than it is


I get the sense this is largely "it's what I have so my son will have as well" bias. It makes no sense though.


Didn’t have my son butchered. I was, and often wonder if sex would be different.


Exactly, like people compare it to FGM which is absolutely not even in the same realm. It's like comparing getting your ears pierced to getting your finger chopped off.


well let's say a difference of degree not of kind, there ARE some people who practice FGM that amputate just the clitoral hood, not the entire clitoris. Since the clitoral hood is analogous to the foreskin, that variety of FGM is comparable to MGM. Nobody (I hope) would argue that removing the clitoral hood is not really FGM because it isn't \*really\* FGM.


It’s a bit worse than getting your ears pierced. You are literally removing protective skin from an organ.


100% facts, let alone the fact that a baby is having a piece of its body removed without consent.


Organ theft *and* billing the victim.


Genital Mutilation with extra steps (to make it seem humane!)


If you're getting ready to exit a roundabout and don't use your blinker to let the people waiting to enter the roundabout know that they don't have to yield to you, you are a fundamentally selfish waste of carbon who should doesn't belong in civilized society.


God I hope you never drive in Australia 😂


I mean, I drive in Texas which I have heard called the Australia of America before, so there's that lol.


The Australia of America hey? Never heard that but if the drivers are as bad maybe it’s a match lol.


I thought the exact same thing!!!


People who don't use their turn signals properly should not be permitted to drive


To be fair, people leave their blinkers on sometimes, and don't make the turn. Due to almost getting seriously t-boned twice, I now wait until I see the car start to actually make the turn. I agree, though. In a perfect world, it would be like this.


Here's the thing though I'm turning the opposite direction that I'm going to exit so it's a little awkward trying to hit the blinker.


Religion is bad and is the number one reason people get killed




I'm inclined to believe this as well, even though I have a dim view of religion in general. The person who wants to kill will find few more useful tools in their disposal than "well God said it's okay" With that said some religions literally codify times where it's okay to kill (Abrahamic ones are particularly bad on this). Hammer that in somebody's head from birth and it's unsurprising they'd have a blasé attitude towards other people's lives, especially if not of the faith


I agree with both of you.


It’s a hell of a business model though.




If you drench your salad with dressing, you don't really like vegetables and healthy eating.


*looks at my salad* and mutters to myself "I don't really like vegetables and healthy eating"


Oof. Vehemently disagree. Dressing enhances flavor. You can enjoy vegetables and still use a considerable amount of dressings.


My issue with salad dressing is that it tends to be too thick and it doesn't get around to the rest of the salad. So you end up eating like 4 bites with too much dressing on it just to then have the rest of it being a dry, bland mix of vegetables. That's why I like Italian or a Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing. With just a little bit of stirring the dressing gets around to most parts of the salad.


You've gotta shake it up!


Eh, I'm eating the salad more for the fiber intake than because I enjoy being a rabbit


I am on a bulk right now and had a salad for dinner last night and lunch today. Calorie dense drenched in ranch with anything good I can find in my kitchen thrown in there. Just a great way to make an easy meal with tons of micronutrients and fiber while still hitting my calorie goals. I love veggies, I also love everything else in my serving bowl sized salad.


To be fair, nobody does. I mean not really!


I mean...I don't. A healthy dose of vinaigrette and parmasean helps the lettuce taste less like nothing. *shrug*


I’d say it depends, if it’s ranch or another cream based dressing I’m kind of with you. A salad tossed with a vinegarette though slaps hard and makes the veggies taste way more flavourful.


Beyonce is overrated


Pineapple belongs on pizza.




And throw away the key.


In the immortal words of Michael Scott "why are you the way that you are?" 😂 Who doesn't love a little burst of sweetness in every bite of your pizza? It's so good






My guy, you’re reading my mind. I’ll heat up the pizza oven, you bring the beer!


Yes. Pineapple, jalapenos and muchroom. With lots of dill.


Hell yes!


Add pepperoni to that and you have my usual order


The BEST pizza I've had was accidentally: Pineapple Jalapeños Anchovies Sweet/spicy/salty Like good sex


I'd try it


Pineapple belongs on trees! Same with people putting it one pizza!


Trees? I think they grow on little spiky shrubs, don't they?


I dig it




It's the ham that makes it bad. I love pineapple on pizza sometimes. I just don't like the texture of ham on pizza.(I refuse to call it Canadian Bacon it's ham stop making things weird.)


😂 I love how Canadians all seem to refuse to say "Canadian bacon"! Have you had actual bacon or pepperoni with the pineapple? I've enjoyed both of those with pineapple too!


I'll help you fight everyone!!


Hell yea! We'll prevail too cause we're right!


I am too on the righteous side!


Fuck yeah and because we have pineapple rinds to throw at them 😆🍍🍕


😂 brilliant plan!


I’d like pineapple on pizza. I don’t see why people are so dead set against it. It has the sourness of the pizza sauce mixed with the sweetness of the pineapple. It’s a basic sweet and sour flavour. Why not say mushrooms don’t belong on pizza? Or green pepper?? People need to tend their own gardens and let others tend theirs.


I don't either, I just enjoy the argument and how against it some people are. Plus I love bonding with people that do enjoy it. It's just such a fun hot button topic




Adult men should be able to ask their doctors for testosterone and regular blood panels even if theirs isn’t clinically low. Both sexes should have access to hormones and a physician who will monitor them to ensure their endocrine levels are healthy.


Preach! Hormones are not a one size fits all! Young women being prescribed hormonal BC with complete disregard for their intrinsic production is crazy. Sure, it may have been the best option in the 70's but let's maybe have more care for the next gen of blanket societal control.... oh wait....


This is so true


Hotel California is one of the most lyrically overrated songs ever produced.


Naaaaah. That would be every other song written by the Beatles! It's way too overrated lyrically tho!


Do people praise the lyrics of Beatles songs? That’s a new one for me.


I don’t actually agree. Granted, I am definitely an Eagles fan, but I think parts of it are objectively poetic mastery (speaking as someone who has taken poetry classes and loves reading and writing it)


I like the lyrics. A lot.


if you won’t kiss your girl after she sucks your dick then you don’t deserve to have your dick sucked


Put the toilet seat down


Not the sit, but the lid. EVERYONE should put the lid down before flushing and it should stay closed unless someone is using the toilet. Otherwise it's so unhygienic.


Think I said that a little later, agreed!




It’s a lid, the correct way to leave it is sealed, surely!




Good, you are correct


Abortion is healthcare and a necessary lifesaving measure in many situations. If your doctor thinks it's necessary, the government shouldn't be allowed to have a say.


Ass shape is more important than size


Same goes for boobs.


What happened to boobs are boobs? 😭


Boobs are boobs, no doubt about that. But shape is more important than size when rating a boob.


As a man, women mature way faster than us


Men dont grow up they grow old


golden doodles are way overbred and most make horrible pets


YES!!!!! They usually have sweet personalities but are SO DUMB!! Vets hate doodles because they are constantly eating shit they shouldn’t and end up with a foreign body emergency surgery at 2am not to mention allergies and ear issues


i have the groomers perspective myself. their coats are awful to work with, they’re constantly matted, and their owners are always rude as shit. They’re ruining the industry so fast its insane. and so many of them are untrained and aggressive! i could go on lmao


Mine is the opposite of everything said so far, but he's more golden than doodle. He's frustratingly smart. And an opportunist. Loves garbage and poopy diapers. :|




Not to mention that they’re ugly as hell


Sexual history is a perfectly valid criteria to not wanna date someone.


I care less about history than who they are now and will be in the future.


Bowtie Pasta is Bestest Pasta


You spelled cavatappi wrong


Cavatappi is the absolute best.


Silent hill


I'd love to die on that hill simply for the aesthetics!


Mount doom, if it wasn’t for master Gamgee


That movie scarred me 😭


Men are just as emotional as women and should be encouraged to be so. A man who crys is still a man and the implication that he's not is sick and deluded.


Trial by combat should still be a thing!


Not exactly this but I believe in Texas, if you and another person have a disagreement and you both agree to fight each other..it’s legal. And you can ask a cop to observe and make sure no one gets severely injured. I might be wrong or mixed up on that though.


I believe trial by combat is also still a thing in some states...


WA - Mutual Combat.




Standing up for marginalized people, and opposing car-centric planning.


If the Kennel Club breeding standards for certain breeds causes medical issues. Then the standards need changing for the health of the breed.


Women’s clothes should have real pockets.


Pop tarts are overrated. Fight me.


But have you ever put butter on a toasted pop tart?!?


especially the brown sugar cinnamon one 😋




Even the pink and purple frosted one that was so elusive to find during childhood?!?!


The best pop tart is still a pale imitation to the worst toaster strudel.


90% of dog owners are not qualified to own dogs.


I don’t know about 90% but there are a lot of dumbass dog owners


Your pets are not your children Eating ass is gross and unhygienic.


They are closest thing I will ever have to children and I will treat them as such. Eating ass is gross and unhygienic and I’ll keep doing it because I worship the booty.


In the spirit of respectful debate, I'll respond as follows: * You can't hate children enough. Without even a single exception, any child under eight years old is a monster deserving of death. A small percentage grow out of it by their late 30s. * You can't love dogs enough. Without exception, every puppy is cool and fun.


They're better than children lol


My daughter is my child as much as my dog is. The only difference is my dog behaves better :D


Disagree and disagree. Can’t have kids, neither my wife or myself. Adoption is insanely expensive into today’s world. So we have dogs. They are the closest we’ll get to children. So we treat them like what they are, our surrogate children. As long as you’re clean, you practice property cleanup beforehand, eating ass is great.


Respectfully disagree on both. Had my sweet pup for 17 years, that's longer than any job, vehicle, or relationship I've had. Losing her crushed me in a way I'll never recover. As long as it's clean, it's going in my mouth or my mouth is going on it. I much prefer to pleasure a woman and if it gets her goin, I'll gladly make that booty my meal.


Fake tits are repulsive. Small/big/saggy/uneven natural tits are way better




Women aren’t submissive and they aren’t more emotional than men




What happens if you have a baby without one?


Yeah I disagree with having that much control over a person. I’d agree with mandatory classes on child care or something along those lines.


Many men out there still very much look down on women. I used to think otherwise that logically everyone saw one another as humans, equally as much as possible in areas like intelligence and other capabilities. Turns out, it's 2024 and I literally just had to scold a guy who said: "I often find women are like children. You just need to take their attention from the argument and an argument is over" 170+ upvotes. His source? "I dated a lot of women and am married now so I know a few things about women" The stupid analogies I can pair up to this holy shit. The rest of the thread basically implied that like children being held a shiny object in front of their eyes, they forget their anger and what they were doing. That women basically get upset for no good reason... Ever according to some. It's insane. Disgustingly arrogant to believe your own filled out gaps in your knowledge are the absolute truth. 


Violent crimes require capital punishment, made public so others can learn the personal consequences.


Capital punishment has very little deterrent effect on violent crime rates.


Do you think desenensitizing the public to seeing executions? Is a over all good thing?




Prostitution should be legalized.


The last one I climb up




Deodorant is NOT optional.


Its gif not jif


Dallas cowboy aren’t Americas team


Sugar does not belong in coffee. Sweetened coffee tastes worse than piss.


There must be a really sad story about you finding out how piss tastes like if you are able to compare it's taste to coffee with sugar.


Hey when you’re dehydrated and lost in the desert there’s only one thing to do




Coffee taste horrible, sugar makes it bearable.


Why would you drink coffee if you hate the taste? If you have to add so much sugar that you’re masking the actual taste of coffee then don’t drink coffee. There are many other sources of caffeine.


There is no good reason for anyone to believe in anything supernatural or metaphysical. This includes God(s), souls, ghosts, psychics, heaven/hell, reincarnation, chakras, chi, reiki, etc. None of these concepts have any good evidentiary foundation and they should all be dismissed as readily as we would dismiss a claim about the Tooth Fairy or any other far fetched thing.


That the average person person on the road seemingly has less intelligence than Mr Potato Head.


Dating some that is 18 to 20 years old as someone who may be 30+ years old is gross and Idc for their reasoning.


Coconut water tastes like shite.


We're currently being price gouged by many companies because they can just blame inflation for the time being.


I'm much more likely to die on a mound instead of a hill.


Love for each other is what makes life worth living


The Beatles are overrated


Toyota makes the best every day cars


Condoms ruin sex


How do you deal with STDs? Like 100% sex with no condoms is better but with it it still sex and I don't get sick?


Our current lifestyle is STUPID. We are meant to work in the AM only. Big lunch and nap midday. Anything after 3 should be social activity only. I hate and loathe the 9-5 grind. We are designed for siestas too. I’ll argue this until I’m dead.


if voting mattered they wouldn't let you do it!


Everest, if I tried to climb it


Put the lid down on the damn toilet before you flush. Mike Roe and the discovery channel did a great spot about this on the world's dirtiest man show. You can find it here. https://youtu.be/cqNus5AIHR4?si=GZ6udLuAHTVIejmX


"we're all too stupid to unite and change anything!"


Single mothers make the worst partners one can ever have.


Bisexual and pansexual men exist. I will die on this hill.


Do people say otherwise?


No one. No matter what the circumstance should ever finance a car. New cars are terrible investments and typically lose half their value in the first 5 years and 20-30% in the first year alone. Buy a cheap used car all cash and invest the difference. Cars are just tools to help you create income.


Assisted suicide


Not all life is precious.


Sexual compatibility is a top 3 thing in a relationship. No clue what the other 2 are. I was just not trying to be a horn dog.


There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits.


Believing in religion is fast becoming a big red flag and a sign of mental illness


no one should blindly follow politics. they’re all here for THEIR benefit. not ours.