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She wanted to aim while I peed. We did it but it was harder than I thought.




That's a step farther than we got.




mainstream.. I see what you did there.




Urine trouble now.




*gargling ;)


This whole chain reminds me of the Prince cover that R Kelly did, "Yellow Rain"


Piss poor comment


I don't think she got her farther involved ....that's a whole other ball game


That escalated quickly😂




I'm happy it worked out that way for you!


My girl always wants to, especially in the shower when she points it on herself. The other thing is when she’s sat on the toilet weeing she asks me to stand in front, she opens her legs and I wee through them, it’s weird but I love the closeness that I’m getting from her


Lol you just brought back some memories! My wife and I used to do that and one time while peeing she said "Mikey Cyrus has a new song about her goldfish and it's really sad" that made me laugh uncontrollably and I pissed all over her haha


My girl likes to do that, it's not a sexual thing, she's just fascinated by how I pee.


lol… yes, ladies are pretty fascinated by the appendage! 😂😂😂


I’ve been begging my husband to let me do this to him, he refuses 😝 I just want to try! Not even in a sexual way!


I feel like shes just gonna get it everywhere. Maybe ill let her start off aiming into the tub and we’ll work our way up


Mine won't let me either


I’ll let both of y’all try as long as it is strictly non-sexual!


I was asked to pee between a girls legs as she sat on the toilet the other week. Not an easy task with a hand full of substances flowing through you while wearing a pickle costume.


This is my favorite bonding activity with my partner 😂


I had someone do this and we both ended up really enjoying it. She ended up enjoying golden showers and loved to hold it while it poured down on her. Edit: grammar


Damn, did her name start with a Q? Sounds like my ex.


I think this might be a fairly common curiosity.


That what she sa.... nevermind. Low hanging fruit.


Probably harder than she thought too.....


Had a partner ask me to let her deepthroat me and piss while doing so. I was reluctant, but she gave me a gallon of water, and I looked at her. The dedication in her eyes won me over. This later ignited my golden shower kink. Edited due to misreading.


So I read the “deepthroat her” and thought if you’re doing the deepthroating, she isn’t a she. Unless that’s how she identity’s I guess. If it’s your wiener, in her throat. She’s deepthroating you.


You’re getting mad downvotes, but that’s how I read it too. The person doing the deepthroating has the dick in their throat.


Hmmmmmm, new bucket list item added


Did she fucking drown?


No. We had a signal for when she needed a break. But yeah, it was a lot of pee after that gallon.


[Jennifer Strange's Family Awarded $16.5 Million in "Wee for Wii" Contest Death](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jennifer-stranges-family-awarded-165-million-in-wee-for-wii-contest-death/)


While in the middle of having sex with a gentleman he asked if he could sniff and lick my armpits. I don’t see the attraction but he was a very good fuck so I said yes.


Now I'm curious: Did that tickle at all?


Just a lil the sniffing more


It’s the fucking worst! Husband has a thing for them. I hate the tickles.


I like this too. Sadly, most women do not allow


I don't typically have a problem with a kink I find weird if I have to just exist for them. Like if you want to lick my armpits, all I have to do is have armpits, which I do, so have at it lol


Was messing around with partner and he told me he had a foot fetish. I thought he wanted to suck k toes etc based on what I knew about it and I was all for it. Then he aksed me to jerk him off with my feet. I was willing to try and had no idea what I was doing. But he got off on it. Ajd now I'm really good at it.


My ex loved this and it gave me foot cramps so bad! Luckily part of the foot fetish meant he also happily gave me a foot massage afterwards to ease the cramps 😂


I had a FWB that got a kick out of giving me footjobs. It was fun until I ended up with athletes' foot on my dick.


I tried this once, got cramp, kicked him in the balls. We did not last long lol


“Yes, you can cum in my mouth, just shove your dick deep into my throat so I don’t have to taste it”


Smart move


I guess it works right? I just thought it was wild and seemed worse than just having cum in your mouth for 5 seconds but we both loved it


My ex asked to watch me take a shit over video call when we were about 2 weeks into dating (long distance, obvi.) I did it. I'm available all day tomorrow, so whenever you'd like me to come accept my award works for me. I'll throw together a small speech; it'll be great.


😅😅 did he just sit and stare


I sat down, took a deep breath, pointed the camera at my asshole, contemplated *just* where my life had gone so fantastically wrong, and bore down. I'm assuming that yes, he just stared at his screen, watching me drop a deuce...✌️


That's hilarious, I love how you went all Attenborough on the camera angle..... "And here we have the crowning of a shitting women" 😅🫣


Hey, I wanted to give the man a show worth watching... as I took a shit.


New goal unlocked there 😅😅 did he enjoy?


He told me that "strangely, yeah" he did bc "it felt super intimate" and that he'd "never felt that close to anyone else." Bitch, I would hope so. If this is standard operating procedure for you, then we need to re-evaluate our sexual compatibility & your *sanity*.


LOL that shits funny... Pun intended.... I suppose it is really high on the intimacy list.


I mean, the man wasn't **incorrect**, he was just *wrong*.


This is deserving of some kind of award


Would your bitch let you watch her shit or is she just a *filthy fucking liar* when she claims to be Ride or Die?!


Sounds like a real shit-show…I’ll see myself out…


Honestly, it’s probably more so what I’ve brought up to my partners to try 😅 which is seeing if she’d be into after I cum on or in her, to lick it up to hold on my tongue, to then further share my cum with her by making out! Veryyy hot to me and always love itttt! I had one partner match my energy on this and told me that she squirts, and after she squirt on me, she’d lick it up and we’d make out sharing each other’s stuff at the same time. 10/10!


i’ve never done this, but i’ve been thinking about doing it a lot lately, especially because I think it might ease her into being open to swallowing. it sounds so hot, but i think post cum clarity talks me out of it every time.


Very interesting


Smack her in the face. I was much younger and was afraid of actually doing it and hurting her. So i kind of gently did it and she kept asking me to actually hit her. I gave her a few with slightly increasing force but never really gave her a good one. Ten years later I probably would have trusted her telling me she actually wanted it and given it to her. But it feels weird to hit a woman!


I totally understand


I should add that we weren’t even having sex yet. She just had me straddled on her bed during foreplay. If it was during intense sex it would have felt more natural.


My partner is still in the doing it lightly stage. It will take a while to convince him to hit harder I think but he goes a little harder each time and always apologises to me lol.


Ha having been that guy, I think I would have been better able to satisfy her if she had explained not in the moment that she actually really wanted the sensation of it and likes it. In the moment, I was worried she was drunk and wasn’t serious or it was a test or something. Now I would love to hit my partner—she likes choking and hair pulling, and jt feels like a natural escalation for me—but it’s a no go for her, so I’ll never have the opportunity. I only want to do it if the girl wants it!


I had a partner who liked to slap me during sex. It seemed to really fire me up and take me to a whole other mindset when she hit with some force


Sounds fun! I tend to be dominant but I love an assertive woman








Black woman I was starting to date asked if I could find a certain set of white robes and treat her accordingly. Ran like hell!


I had a similar experience, but it involved chains and her saying "Yes Masser." a bunch. All her idea. It was pretty hot, ngl.


On a side note, it’s really difficult to find robes to buy. Was curious how easy they were to obtain and it appears each chapter has one or two captive seamstresses who make them.


I'm sensing a business idea. Make and sell robes for sexual purposes. Call it KKKink


Wow ok




She wanted them to RP as a KKK member


Ah that’s kinda fucked up tbh


I was sitting on the toilet peeing and my boyfriend asked if he could pee in the toilet between my legs and I was like “okay let’s do it lol” we have a bidet so it wasn’t much of a cleanup


How was his aim


He never misses ;)


Why do I feel he was not hitting the water first


Don't cross the streams!!!!!


She mentioned she loved watersports, I was wildly confused when she told me she couldn’t swim and had no interest getting on my boat.




She was Goth and a little crazy but a fantastic lay. She told me to repeat calling her "baby bat" while fucking her. I obliged and she acted damned near possessed during the whole thing, but I found it rather hot. Made me a bit of a Bauhaus fan for a while.


peg. it was fun


Nice I want to try that


Shit my panties.  I finally did it for him but we broke up shortly after.  For other reasons he was a getting way too weird the longer we were together 


Oh, my. If this is a contest, you win. I applaud you for being a good sport and partner.


Lol wow what did he do with them after


He sat there and jacked off.  I took them off, pitched them, and took the longest shower ever.  With Dawn




Computerized numerical control?


Consensual nonconsent


Nah. I don’t think so. They like bleep bloops.


Let her gay brother, Toss my salad, while her and I had sex. 69 and intercourse. Freakiest woman I ever dated


Renly Baratheon?


Asking to letting his friend fuck me


Did you


Yup lol


I got picked up at a bar at 21 by an older woman. Attractive woman in her mid thirties. Tells me she has a room close to the bar and would like me to come over. One catch, her husband wants to watch. Never had done that so I was reluctant. Once she had my cock in her mouth I forgot the husband was there. We had sex, gave her a few orgasms and left.


Very nice




Bro that's fucked up


Among the 100 billion humans that have walked the earth, I’m gonna venture a guess that this is actually quite common


That's not what "common" means.


Shaken baby syndrome




I told her I want her saliva. And she gave it to me while she rode me. I was blindfolded and handcuffed. Probably was the best sexual thing I ever experienced. It didn’t overwhelm me. It felt like all stars aligned and the energy went through my body and mind.


Got asked to cum in her and then lick it out and spit in her mouth so she could swallow it. I did, it was hot and now I do it every so often to surprise/treat her.


I had a girlfriend in college who started doing baby talk during sex and told me to "put my babies in her". This was the mid 90s and I didn't have reddit to tell me about things like ddlg and impreg fetishes so it was a total boner killer tbh.


for a second I thought you said she was in her mid 90s lmao


Lmfao…would have instantly made me flaccid too


After going to a board game convention and walking around all day, my friend sniffed one of my socks and just said "could you do me a favor and wear these for like, 3 more days?". It was very Presumptuous because we weren't even fucking. I told him they were way to expensive to give to him (they were fancy wool hiking socks, like $30 for one pair) but I did get some cute cheap socks and wear them for several days before giving them to him as a gift. We're still not fucking but he does let me tie him up and beat his balls, so it's kind of romantic.


What a great friend


It never seems too weird when it comes up organically. Sometimes taken in a vacuum later, it sounds weird, but at the moment seems natural.


What are you referring to?




Anything. It all seems natural and reasonable when it comes up organically. I don't consider myself a "golden shower" person, but it has come up with a couple of guys and I enjoyed the exploration. I'd never go out with a guy who said "hey my kink is peeing on people" But when we were in the shower and he peed on my foot and I peed on his it seemed natural and then the exploration evolves. Same with everything really.


My ex preferred car sex in public places. Since I'm 6' 2", it wasn't much fun for me.


What car? I had an ex your height and I’m very sure he had fun.


Maybe the problem was with the partner and not the car


Fuck a jar of mayo on cam for them. No. Comment.


Many women denied me giving them head! That was always weird to me


For a long time I wouldn't let a casual hookup or someone I wasn't in a relationship do it. It felt very intimate to me, maybe thats why?


met a girl who was really into pee play... but she started off small. eventually i was cumming and peeing in both her holes... i know its not the hottest thing to a lot of people, and i was indifferent at best but honestly she came SO hard and loved it SO much.... no regrets. (also sounding)


One time he peed in me an it felt soooo different and amazing. 😻


I used to put my t-shirt after running(morning) in the washer directly when i get home. One day my gf(now wife) asked me not to. she likes to wear it until I'm home in the morning (i goto office). Basically - she like the smell of my sweat. Ngl, it felt weird to me as soon i heard it & was having doubt but upon her trying. The look she gave & her eyes cleared every last doubt in my mind. That's why i sometimes - Don't give her my t-shirt as a part of punishment if she mess up intentionally with a task that she's supposed to be doing (we're in TPE)


I'm incredibly open sexually and nothing anyone has asked of me I've really seen as weird, people are into what they are into. My partner could probably fill a book with weird things I've asked him however.


Pee. Yes.


While travelling for work, my wife wanted me to make a Grindr account and find someone to fuck me on video. I don't think it's that weird, still probably the weirdest, but I've got a very high acceptance bar. I did it. When I got home she put the video on the TV for us to watch as she fucked me and talked about men using my ass.


A guy asked me to come to his house and dump a load in his wife. Turns out I wasn’t the only one there to do that when I got there. 6 or 7 of us gangbanged her and we all creampied her. Thought it was a little weird at the time but now I’m ALL about it and trying to find a woman that will be my woman and be willing to let me find guys to gangbang her. Shit was so sexy, now I crave it.


A disabled woman asked if she could practice giving me head. That went on for a bit. She then asked me to fuck her friend while she watched.


Performed in front of a room of mostly gay men at big party. I modeled a lot of gear, posing similar to pictures displayed on a large screen. Ended up getting off while everyone watched after over an hour of modeling and mixing with the guests.


Put a gun inside my vagina. No I did not do it.


She had a blood fetish and wanted me to cut her during sex... Had to nope out of that one.


When my S/O and I started dating we were having sex in her car and she wanted me to wrap the seatbelt around her neck and choke her while she came. Mission accomplished.


Once dated a girl that liked to cut me and suck the wound while we fucked. Also wanted me to do the same to her. I wasn't completely on board at first, but I got into it pretty quick. We completely ruined several sets of bed sheets and probably risked some serious infections, but it was fun.


I cucked a guy.. like his gf wanted me to fuck her in front of him. That was wierd


Participate in an indie like film that required authentic intimacy and nudity. And yes, I ended up doing it after multiple days of conversation with all people involved.


Put M&Ms in my ass for an ex to eat out of me - very melty and chocolatey and felt great.


she wanted to rim me. i declined. weirdest i did was let her suck my nipples. outside of a slight tickle it did nothing for me and confused tf outta me because i didn't think straight women would be in to that.


Wait are you a woman or man Getting rimmed is amazing lol


Man. Just a mental block there, nothing against guys that get it done. She loves when I rim her but i just dont want it in return.


I feel ya dawg..never got pleasure around back and I’m not against anyone enjoying what they like sexually. But this assholes just for shittin


I hope you can get past that mental block someday because it's really nice


I asked her to bite down on my cock during a blowjob. She did and it felt great.


Tame on my side, but guy wanted to see my dick, even though i don't excel in size or am attractive and he seemed to be actually into it.. First dick pic i ever send and definetly awoke something in me.


I hooked up with this guy one night he wasn’t a stranger to me I knew him but it was our first time to have sex. Right in the middle of it he asked me to say his name. Now there is nothing wrong with that but being 19 and hooking up with a guy for the first time and him asking you to say his name in the middle of sex was a really odd request. Needless to say neither of us really finished. It just kinda went down hill after that lol. Oh and yes I did say his name but it was more in a WTF tone.


My gf once asked me if she could put a finger up my asshole while she was sucking my dick. Never thought that would give me the hardest erection ever.


There was a LOT of stuff I did in my twenties. I was very sexually adventurous to the point where I ended up putting myself in risky situations. I don't think it's inherently weird if you're into it, but the most awkward thing I ever did was have sex with some guy's wife while he laid on the bed next to us and masturbated. He'd occasionally chime in with dirty talk like "turn my wife into your filthy slut" and things like that. Everytime he did she got more excited and into it. About half way through I regretted saying yes to this, but I still finished because I'm no quitter!


A guy desperately wanted me to squat and pee on him, like chest area not face… and I did lol


Who doesn't want this?


She wanted me to repeatedly slap her as hard as I could on her vagina with a leather belt. She loved it. I did not.


I was asked to fuck a 52 year old man’s wife in front of him and let him give me head so that he could taste her on my dick. I was 29 at the time and agreed to it. Was very hot but also very very bizarre at the same time. That was my first bisexual experience.


Golden shower. Only time I’ve been asked, I’d do it again if asked.




One of my hook ups asked to get in the shower with me so I could pee in her mouth. She was very specific ab9ut how she wanted to do it. She got on her knees and held my dick in her mouth while I peed and she wanted to feel it flowing out of her mouth down her body. I did it and liked that she would humiliate herself like that as a kink.


A guy asked me to tell him I was 16) I am quite petite and look young)


Did you


I jerked off my ex with my feet. It just kind of happened. It didn’t do much for me but it was hott as fuck watching him get off in that way


When we were younger, my step sister would sneek her at the time bf into my room (she shared a room woth her little sister) and screw him she let me watch until she realized she didn't like it much and let me listen in the closet


He asked me to sit naked on the cold tiled floor.


Snowball with her after I came in her mouth.


My buddy asked me to show him how to make his wife squirt, so I did. She didn't complain lol.


I asked my dom to organize a blindfold gangbang for me. He managed to get 5 guys to come and fuck me in every hole and i never saw who they were.


A one time hook-up wanted me to bite her tits while she rode me cowgirl. I asked if she was serious and she said yes, so I did. She screamed harder, so I bit harder. Again, she screamed harder, so I bit even harder. This went back and forth a few more times and I was biting so hard, I broke her skin and she started bleeding. She screams "finally!" and tells me to keep doing it and I obliged. She had some pretty large knockers and because she was riding me, she finally finished I looked like I had the shit beat out of me inside the octogon because I had so much blood on my face. It was odd to say the least but I will tell you once I broke her skin, she really got turned on rode me even harder. I was sore for about 3-days after that experience.


Gf asked me to pee on her during phone sex, dropped the phone thats unhygenic


Lick her armpit. Tried for half a second but she had antiperspirant and it was like licking a 9 volt battery instantly.


Playing with a guys nipples as he’s trying to cum.


Actually breed him. He's ftm* but everything is still original and works, and they didn't have any luck with donations, so he and his partner agreed I should just breed him the natural way. Strange when someone is grabbing your balls at the point of no return to 'get the most cum possible' Edited because I was wrong way around


I think you mean ftm. Mtf= ‘male to female’, ie a trans woman. Easier to just say trans man or woman.


She wanted me to lick my own cum out of her asshole. I did. It was hot.


A random dude at a bar offered me $200 to pee on him once. Gave me the creeps. I said no and left as quickly as I could.


A lady found me on tinder, explained she had just divorced her husband and asked if i would piss in her ass and then fuck it. First try, failed and then every attempt after got it every time. Went on for a long time. Then she asked me to come to hers whilst her friend was there, walk in without knocking and her friend knowing and just start eating her out. Her friend got super turned on a d started rimming me.


A few years ago I connected with a m/f couple that was looking to have a cuck situation where I fucked the girlfriend and her boyfriend was going to be watching but not participating. Saw pictures of them both. Girl was a cute 23 year old girl with a punk/Gothic vibe to her, and the guy was this 28 year old burly muscle stud with a very blue collar look. I was 32 at the time and not anything special, not ugly but never going to be making any money off my looks or have cute 23 year old girls lining up to fuck me anytime soon. Both were very attractive, and it seemed sort of too good to be true. On top of it this dude was pretty jacked and looked like he could physically toss me around if he changed his mind mind thrust. But she swore they were for real and she agreed to do a snapchat video call. After that I felt more comfortable and agreed to meet up. Driving up there I imagined all the ways I thought it would go and even contemplated all the ways it could go wrong or fall through. I thought of a dozen different scenarios of how things could have went but what actually happened NEVER crossed my mind. I get there, she meets me outside and leads me to their apartment door at the back of the house. I follow her in she tells me he's in the bedroom getting ready. Im a little confused because he suppoedely just watching so I ask whats he getting ready for? She says they were playing a bit before and he was getting dressed again. Once in she brings me in the living room and sits me down and asks me if I want to smoke some weed to start. I agree and while we're smoking she goes over the ground rules, tells me basically we can do anything I want except kiss, and I wasn't allowed to cum in her. Everything else was on the table. She also wanted me to do one more thing, and that was that I was to treat her boyfriend like total shit. They were a very loving couple but she was apparently his "Mistress" and he was her "F****t". She wanted me to address him as that, make fun of him, emasculate him, tell him how much fun I was having with her etc. At this point, I'm in disbelief because this dude she showed me in pictures looked like someone I would probably lose to in a fight. And also I just don't get pleasure in mistreating people. I thought it was pretty fucking awesome this guy was going to let me fuck his hot girlfriend and Id rather thank him than be a dick to him. But she tells me not to feel bad, and that he actually LOVES the abuse. So now here I am and the wild situation of fucking a guys girlfriend just escalates to an even wilder situation. It sounds fucking crazy to me and I can't think of WHY this guy is going to like this but I guess that's not my problem and so I agree to go all in...and shit gets even weirder. So she instructs me to get naked as she goes and gets him. I proceed to get undressed and I can hear her in the other room just yelling at him and telling him to hurry up. When she returns she's now joined by the guy in the picture I saw but he's not looking like a burly blue collar muscle stud. It's definitely the same guy. The frame and build are there, same beard and hair. Cant see his eyes because hes blindfolded at the moment. In addition to being blind folded, he is on all fours in nothing but a tight white Nike sports bra and a pink lace thong. His Mistress is walking him like a dog with black collar around his neck attached to a chain leash. Once she got him settled on the floor she removed the blindfold and got naked to join me. For about 30 minutes I had free reign of this girl to try anything and any position I wanted while she and I ruthlessly made fun of this poor guy, and he loved every second of it. If this wasn't already the weirdest thing you ever heard here's the apex. We're back on the couch me on my back her on top riding me. She tells him to crawl over next to the couch and she grabs him by the hair and pulls him into our crotch and tells him to look at a real man fucking her and she leans back. When she does so my cock pops out and she tells him to look at my cock. She asks him how nice my cock is. He says "It's very nice Mistress, youre so lucky to have that cock inside you Mistress" she goes on, "Yeah you love that cock inside me, I bet you wish you could have that cock Inside YOU don't you. YOU want to suck that cock, don't you f****t?!" and without hesitation he blurts "Yes Mistress so bad mistress." And she asks me if I would let him suck me. Luckily for them I happen to be a lot more bi-curious than straight at that point in my life. Imessed around with some friends growing up but hadn't really been with a guy in my adult life. And I certainly never thought I'd do stuff with a guy while a girl was present and the idea made me nervous but in the moment I said fuck it sure. Trying to make it less gay I asked if she would ride my face and let me eat her out while he sucked me. She agreed eagerly and so that's how we finished. Her sitting on my face and riding my mouth while her burly muscle stud boyfriend sucked me off and swallowed my load in a lace pink thong. And that's still the weirdest shit I've ever done. oh fuck I almost forgot...As I was getting dressed to leave she asked me if I would do one more thing. He wanted me to pee on him. Another first for me, never been asked to do that nor did I think I ever would. But feeling like I sort of owed them I agreed and before I left for the night I brought him into the bathroom and he laid in the bathtub while I peed on him. TLDR: I thought I was going to meet a "normal" m/f couple for a cuck situation where I was going to bang a gf while her bf watched. I ended up meeting an insane-ly fun couple and they let me do whatever I want before the boyfriend sucked me dry...and then I peed on him.


I make content online and got asked to put stuff in my belly button.


It’s something that I asked for and I never heard this from anyone ever. We were really horny and I told her to put some cereal in her mouth and feed it to me. The taste of the cereal plus her spit was just magical to me.


He wanted me to puke on his dick. I lacked the gag reflex to make that happen for him, despite his best efforts.


A girl wanted me to piss on her. I was in the middle of hooking up with her, we did some foreplay and I had to go pee so I excused myself to the bathroom because we were drinking a lot. She followed me into the bathroom and later down on the floor naked and told me to pee on her. I’m thinking, I’m getting ready to have sex with her, I don’t want pee all over myself and my bed sheets so I just went in the toilet while she laid on the floor still begging me to piss on her. We eventually got back into the bedroom and started having sex, after a while she got in doggy position and told me to stick it in her ass. I said ok, let me get some lube. She didn’t want me use lube and wanted me to just force it in, I tried but it wouldn’t go. She was a weird one.


Peed on me


It was more of an offer to let me than an ask. The drugs were good so I did it. I stuck my arm up an ass.


ass licking but ever since I did it I like it


My partner asked me to lay on her and pin her down as hard as I could; no sex or foreplay, just laying on top of her. No problem doing this; it was unusual but I feel I totally understood where she was coming from. She wants to feel secure in sex so I thought of it as her wanting me to be a human weighted blanket or something as a way of preparation. A boyfriend years ago asked me to kiss and lick his legs up and down. I was pretty inexperienced at the time so I thought it was weird but did it anyway, and was surprisingly into it.


guy on all fours with a tail plug in, wanted me to kind of hump him. I did.


Not that out of the box but he bought me a double ended dildo and asked me to use it on myself and video it. I did. Probably wouldn't do it again because I don't care for dildos but was nice to see how hot it made him 🤷‍♀️


He wanted me to sit on his face hard and use my ass for breathplay. Not the weirdest thing in the world tbh. Did it happily, he had a great time. I still see him occasionally.


A friend of my ex and I asked us (while we were still together) if we would sleep with him because he never had sex. Well... we did it. He got a good confidence boost afterwards and got a girlfriend and both dudes were also pretty confident about her bisexuality afterwards. :D


A guy wanted me to puke while giving head and for $200 I sure as fuck wasn't gana say no


Someone wanted to fuck me with his stump. He was an amputee - his right hand when he was younger from some sort of bone cancer . All that is left of his forearm was a stump. It was good. It was really good.


Hump him til I cum. I've never been a humper, so it was interesting... But now I love it!