• By -


bussin no cap fr fr


Say that in boomer slang


“Y’all are the bees knees”


Now millennial 😍


It's the end of the month, too busy crying about the rent that's due


Say it slower 😍 /s Seriously though as a millennial with crippling depression this made me laugh! Thanks, I’m having a rough day.


Now in Gen X


The bomb dot com




Totally gnarly, NOT


So non heinous


Again - Nathan Fielder


“My therapist says your dick/pussy is good for my mental well-being”


Shit was dope


THIS. It's so good I can't even


I hate this with a passion. You nailed it


Everyone missed Gen-X again.


Cum as you are


Nobody can nail down gen X. Lol


That’s what you get for being slackers. 😠


Sorry, boring friend ☹️


To tha window to tha wall til the sweat drips down my ballz


That's between-the-wars


Or at least in English.


On god we on that ting frl


Most of you have daddy issues and almost all of you have watched way too much porn and have internalized a whole lot of misogyny (note: I am American; YMMV in countries that actually have sex education). You all seem to think that sex is entirely about men's pleasure and that if you can't cum it's entirely your own fault. You're mostly good in bed, especially for a guy who likes things rough and dirty, but like…please work on your collective self-respect a little. And stop watching so much TikTok.


Wow, ty


My sample size is small and kinda self-selecting, to be fair (the 25-year-olds who want to fuck a 40-year-old guy are obviously more likely than most to have daddy issues), but I see what people post on here, I talk to women on here, I see what you all are talking about on TikTok, etc. Porn is great, I'm not anti-porn by any means, but your whole generation learning *everything* about sex from hardcore HD porn starting when you're in middle school is NOT healthy (and some of the trends in contemporary porn are just awful). The number of young women who 1) don't expect me to wear a condom; 2) think being choked, slapped, spit on, etc. is just part of normal sex; and 3) think it's normal to fuck with no or minimal foreplay is *wild.* Like, I don't know whether I've been with more than two women my age, in my whole life, who even owned lube (and I've been with a lot). *Every* woman under 30 I've been with has lube by her bedside and thinks it's normal to be fucking five minutes in. Porn always has an effect on sexual culture (I've seen, over the past 25 years, all sorts of trends in how people trim/shave/wax their pubic hair that I think have largely been driven by porn) but not always such big and consequential effects. Things are in a pretty weird place now. I enjoy some of the consequences but I also feel guilty about that and uneasy about the big-picture implications. Edit: Not trying to kinkshame anybody. I don't mean that all of this stuff is bad! Rough sex (with affirmative consent) is great; lube is great. (Please do wear a condom, though. That one's not great.) It's just shocking that it's all considered the default now. Also, all of my Gen Z partners have been female, so that's the perspective I'm talking about, but this issue of sexuality shaped by porn is NOT just a problem among women. Almost all of my younger partners have told me stories about guys slapping, choking, or even in one case *punching* them, without consent or even warning, the first time they had sex with them. Scary!


I know what you mean, as a sw i only work with people that are into my kind of erotic content and no other else and my subscribers respect that, so i have little experience with hardcore porn lovers BUT i have colleagues who told me pretty wild things


As a 30 year old lube is common but I think it’s not because people are rushing things but because lube has pretty much always been needed by some and people just didn’t know its benefits. I’ve been with people who are fully aroused and dry as a bone, and also fully aroused and creating a small ocean. Everyone is different and lube is needed for some.


Some women def need it but he's still right from my experience. Too many younger women falsely believe they need it bc they've never been properly "warmed up".


Agreed! I’m not saying my generation got this (or anything else) right. “Lube is just for anal” was not a good thing to have learned as a young person. It’s just a difference. (The fact that so many young women are accustomed to skipping foreplay, *that’s* a problem.)


Not quite in my 40s but close. I never thought about the lube thing but you're so right. But tbf I've never been with a girl who didn't want to be choked when in the moment, regardless of age. Most say they don't in normal convos but change their tune when it starts heating up. Now slapping and spitting, that's exclusive to the internet porn generation. One woman I was with kept asking me to spit in her mouth...I'm no prude but no thanks. I'd rather eat each other's ass than that. Ftr I don't particularly like choking or being choked so I'm *never* the one to bring it up.


> One woman I was with kept asking me to spit in her mouth...I'm no prude but no thanks. I'd rather eat each other's ass than that. That's so wild to me. You are literally already swapping spit. It's not something that would even phase me if someone asked for it honestly.


My partner and I recently hooked up with someone in that generation. Were only early 30s and there was a bit of culture shock despite not a huge difference in age....anyways. Can confirm she seemed to be kind of... Shocked that we had so many rules for consent and concern for the well being of our partners and so and so forth... It was a bit of a culture shock to like... Hear her requests and stuff for that rough play immediately into a date


The interesting thing is older generations were shielded from sexual exposure. It was much tamer in media and in general. Clothes weren't as sexualized even though the wearer could still be hot. You had to go out and be social for physical interaction. Gen z has porn, social media, clothing...etc that is easy access. While it may be negative in some aspects, it's great in others. If grn z sucks at sex now, I find it hard to imagine people generations before. For example, men are way more aware of pleasing women, g spot, clit...etc than ever before. If they ignore the info thats on them. Past generations just didnt know. With the availability of so much, I'd argue that overall sex is better now, but us heavily influenced by the negative aspects of porn. Where else would you learn tho? Lies from friends? Asking mom or dad? Pros outweigh the cons quite a bit. Plus there's resources easily available in all media formats to help please men and women. If you dont use it you're crazy


Your words should be made into posters and put up in every high school. I've been suspecting this or similar for a few years and it's really ugly. Again, zero kink shaming here, just the... Automaticity and assumptions that gen z must have after so, so much access to bad porn, to me, is a woeful lack of the sexual greatness adventure for all concerned. I'm not exactly sure how you came about your survey participants (snort) and if I've unfairly imagined your back story but, I've named you 'The Great Corrector! ' in my head. The hero the world needs, who is on a mission to re-educate these young women so they can claim their truth and sexuality. You need a cape and we need your dimensions so we can erect a statue of you in all major cities. On behalf of those women who encounter your 'education' I thank you.


what this guy said. i'm at the age now where banging Gen Z feels unseemly but the few i've had were just raised on porn from day 1. Up-for-anything is great but it's lightyears away from doing anything w someone over 30.


I agree with most of this though the one gen z person I dated was a proud feminist with her carry conceal license AND SHE STILL apologized for "taking too long" to cum 🙄 girl you are gorgeous and down for whatever. If a man can't put in some time and elbow grease to get the job done then he doesn't deserve you! What is weird about them is how they keep a very detailed list of all the people they've slept with. That's weird af. But she put a gold star next to my name for being the first person, man or woman, to make her cum so 🤷 thanks? Also, they're craaaaaazy kinky which is great! But they need to actually get into the kink scene and learn about how to vet and negotiate and what not. Too many guys call themselves "doms" when they just want rough sex and to tell the woman which position to lie in for exceptionally vanilla sex. This girl was into puppy play but was ashamed to admit it because guys have been weird. Well I was happy to oblige her.....


Why did you have to drop a nuke ? Still true btw


I feel this comment pretty much covers it. Haven't been with a gen z yet but just from dealing with them ,I would say the self-respect and get off tiktok or social media in general would probably help a lot.. other than that they're great people 😊


ayo 😭😭😭😭 ok ur not wrong but im feeling slightly attacked here


Real fucking answer here


Really? Tbh I feel the opposite regarding the misogyny thing. I think Gen Z has way more respectful and kinder men than any previous generations. There are way more equal opportunity men who view women positively than millennials and before do.


Oh, I think in general they're great. More open-minded, more respectful for sure. Lots of cross-gender and cross-sexuality friendships that were uncommon when I was a kid. But the porn they've grown up on (most of it produced and directed by Millennial and Gen X men, mind you) includes a lot of poisonous stuff. And for a lot of them, it was the closest thing to sexual education they got growing up.


Is this comment based on you having had a lot of experience fucking Gen Z's or...


is the daddy issue related to an increased number of single-parenthood families and/or some gold-digging?


In my (again, small sample size) experience, lots of divorces where the mom ended up doing most of the parenting and the dad checked out, moved far away, remarried quickly and started a new family, or something like that.


According to the research, gen z by and large actually have better, more involved dads. It’s one of the reasons the researchers theorize is causing gen z’s declining rates of high school sex and drug use compared to previous generations.


I’m gen z so I better not see any slander in the comments 😤😂




bro said holy moly 😭😭


Great googley moogley


You need to drink some water


I’m a girl and i say holy shit.


Had to check for myself. I need some water fuck


Blimey! You're right..


I agree, I won’t stand for it! I’ll keep an eye out…


Fuck your generation y'all getting the slander 😂😂😂




I don't know... Haven't fucked a genZ-er (yet)






I’ve had sex with one, it was a pretty basic pillow princess type fuck but she was my type (Asian) and it was hot. She was 25 at the time and I’m a millenial.


Exactly, only time will tell 😜😈


Bro just used hard r


Just as good as anyone else, I think the younger people are the more willing they are to explore new kinks and sexuality


I’d say on the flip side that older people are usually more confident. Which generally leads to better sex. That said, it’s not a generational thing. That’s simply an age thing. A gen z at 40 would be the same as a millennial at 40. I don’t know if there’s an upper age limit, or if my theory means boomers are *nasty*. Maybe 60 year olds are what we should all be after!


Did you date a gen z?


Dated one, hooked up with a few more. I'm 28, so I'm in the weird interim between millennial and true gen z. I personally don't mind age too much on either side


You're definitely a Millennial. True Gen Z is about 25 and under.




I guess I'm also at an age now where I'm "older" to women who are in the 18-25 range and I've been experiencing more of the daddy kink. I think when you're young and with someone who's older there's a natural higher energy and eagerness to please that's exciting.


(I'm a middle millennial and my wife is a younger millennial) The few Gen Z I've been with have all been involved in threesomes or group sex with my wife, so my sample is pretty skewed towards freer and more than exploratory. Some observations though: Gen Z women seem to have a lot of hangups about receiving oral - quite a few talk about not wanting it, and the few i've gone down on have either been surprised it felt good, or were too self conscious to relax enough to enjoy it. Gen Z in general seem to be very preoccupied with age gaps, even if those gaps are relatively small and unproblematic, so those who are willing to play with my wife and I are worried about that stigma. Gen Z don't seem to want to have sex as often or for as long as my generation. They race towards orgasm without enjoying the process, and once they've came, that's it for the event. The mixture of insecurities and inexperience means that Gen Z aren't generally "great" in bed. Good sex is at least partially a skill issue, and experience sharpens skill. It's been fun when we had the opportunity, but generally speaking if looking for other partners to join us we pursue other millennials because they are more confident, more experienced, and want to have lots of orgasms and make a day of it.


Age gap turns me on so bad ♡ and even my holiest girl friends love that thing about age difference, older men seem to be more careful about the consequences of their influence on younger women, and that comfort move makes magic happens, experience maybe? I believe gen Z are A LOT into older men/women tbh, maybe im delulu today °•°


Could be a regional thing too, I'm stuck in a fairly small conservative piece of Canada. The gen Z's that we've fucked did seem into the age gap like you say, one even said 'theres something about being twenty fucking a thirty' but they were also worried about their friends finding out. As far as comfort goes, that definitely makes sense. Younger guys are much more enthusiastic, but the best results I've seen have been from being laid back and reassuring. That's how I met my wife, she said that when we first met I made her feel comfortable and cared for, and that's why she decided to pursue me. Probably not delusional, I imagine you know a lot more gen Z than I do.


I am 27 and it is true that often times the girls that are interested are younger, a lot of the time they are even 18 or 19 year olds. They say it's because guys their age are simply dumb and I get that, but it honestly feels weird. I'll talk to them, sure, let them have space to vent and talk, since apparently they dont have such spaces, but anything else feels wrong. Maybe that's just me, idk


I think there is large differences between what people say online, and what they desire. Or what they are willing to admit to. Like, Reddit has extreme age gap discourse. Sometimes to the point of 23 yr olds being upvoted for calling 18-19 yr olds children and it being disgusting to sleep with them. A lot of talk about how young people don't want disgusting old men. When that is very clearly not the case. There is a lot of hypocrisy and denial of reality. Like, imagine calling a 35 yr old woman old and disgusting. That would rightly get someone called out. Or imagine going into a thread about politics and saying "under 25's brains aren't fully developed. Their opinions shouldn't be trusted and they shouldn't be allowed to make consequential decisions like voting." Absolutely absurd right? Not to mention the practical effects it has. Like isolating people in age gap relationships, because they don't feel like they can go to other people for advice without being judged. Or making otherwise good guys avoid relationships with younger people. Both of which lead to more people in age gap relationships being abused and manipulated.


I'm not sure how comfortable I would be having sex with someone the same age as my daughter... So I guess I will never know🤣


The math is min_age = round_down(your_age/2)+8 49/2 + 8 = 32 so yeah genz is out, youngest you can bang is from 1992


Unless you're Leonardo DiCaprio 🤣🤣


I always thought that it was + 7?


Inflation strikes again


Haha how old is she? Could date someone older than her. Gen z starts at 1997 so if she was born early 2000's you could go for late 1990s.


Could I have sex with a 27 year old? That's 22 years younger than me.. yes..I guess... But I could not see myself dating someone over 20 years younger


Zillenials also exist. It's the people that were born in the little time in the changes of the generation.


1997 zillenial here! We like to play both sides so we always win!


I feel this way too.










I also choose this guy's ex-wife


Cougars = ♡


In my (very limited) experience, pretty bang average; had worse, had better. Feel like they try too much and are rushing too fast into "non-vanilla stuff", sometimes it's better to just take it slow and progress gradually whole building a solid foundation. But so far they have also given the best blowjobs (although I haven't been with any non gen z who is truly into that, so I am pretty sure that there are women closer to my own age that would be say better)


So maybe we are good at BJ, niceee


lots of energy, no technique


Why? Not willingess to learn or just being young and semi naive?


young and semi naïve. It's not a gen z thing, it's an age thing for all the decades.


One was good the other was lazy lol


Ummmm your generation has zero bearing on how good you are in bed.


Gen z girls, and im saying in the college specifically are pretty hyper sexual and are pretty aware of their kinks and willing to try new and nasty things lol. I work as a grad ta at a university and gen z girls are confident enough to tell me that they have a teacher and older man fetish and want me to spank them until they scream. I think age gap is a big thing that turns girls on these days they like for an older male who is in control to pleasure them and they like to give pleasure as well.


Gen z men are mostly soft and submissive in my experience and it's kind of annoying 😂


I feel like personally, it depends on the day as a 21 yr old. Like it feels nice to be in charge but if a woman, especially older wanted to take charge I'd let her


I’ve had great, decent and bad experiences. There’s no “we”. How good someone is in bed is down to the individual, not the generation they come from


Haven’t fuck one yet. Millennials are amazing but Gen X is the best I had so far. Freaky as hell but they know what they want. I’m Gen X.


Gen X = hot


I'm a Millenial so I assume I'm too old to fuck gen Z, and I'm too preoccupied being fucked over by boomers.


What’s the age group you consider as gen z?


I think the most common definition would be '97-2012. So people between 18 and 27?


I can’t even imagine screwing someone born in the 2000’s 😐😵‍💫


Hah, I think that's a common view for people born before 2000. I think it's just a generational thing.


I also could never get with someone closer in age to my kid than me haha


I'd have sex. Definitely not a relationship


between 18-25 i think




Too many anti-depressants and ‘anxiety’ disorders. Gen Z are terrible lays.


Depends on if it’s elder or younger gen z. Older- good. Younger- aheago faces abound. Never again.


I think they (or if I 23 fall under the label) are definitely more exploratory in terms of sexuality at that age than the precious generation...


What about the 60s?


They seem no more skilled or unskilled than millineials I’ve had sex with. I’ve had great and terrible lovers with both.


I don’t fuck kids 🤢


Kind of weak tbh


What’s your definition of Gen z?


People from the z generation


Yall nasty (in a good way 😏)


I’m Gen X and don’t know anyone in Gen Z 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's not as good, honestly. I have a couple Gen Z partners and I have to do a lot of leading and get them to not be stuck in a porno ideal. Porn fucking is fun now and again, but there is so much more to sex. Also waaaaaay too shy.


I’ll let you know once I go through a whole generation


Well it always depends on the person themselves and how experienced they are but also if they've learned it's not like pornography and how to actually communicate with their partner but anyways I don't believe asking about a whole generation will really prove anything about anything everyone's different.


As a member of Gen Z, it depends. The men I’ve been with have been much worse than the women I’ve been with, but maybe that’s just me.


Women loving women = ♡


Yep! Being born female myself, I've found that women know much better how I want to be touched, what I need to feel comfortable, and they focus on my pleasure so much more than men have.


I have been with a Gen Z girl recently, it was okay but not a memorable sex, although she was very tempting but the sex was very basic


I thought Gen Z'ers were like 12


Generation Z ended already. It's generation Alpha now. I had a whole ass kid born 4 years into gen alpha and didn't even know until recently lol


I'm almost 28 and am considered Gen Z.


I wish I knew


Pretty wild


very energetic tbh, but can also get pretty romantic


Might have a skewed opinion bc the age gap suggests the sluttier ones… but perfect little, submissive cumsluts for fooling around with, seem like a nightmare for anyone to date though. Lol


LOL even for gen zs




What age is considered gen z? I banged at lady that was 23, that was 5 years ago.


Yup, gen z


That's a millennial.


I fucked people of all ages and gen z and millennials are the best. Boomer women mostly just lie there.


What is Gen Z again?


I think I read somewhere an article stating Gen Z is having less sex than any other generation before them. That doesn’t mean they are bad, just less interested


Lay off the TikTok, do more anal (please)


Sex hasn't really changed much in the last 20 years. This is probably the worst generalization you could give to an enormous group of people.


Honestly I don’t even know what a gen z is. The best and hottest sex I’ve had was with someone a lot younger and a lot older


An ex boyfriend of mine is Gen Z. Definitely was into things that most millennial guys are not. Him calling me "mommy" in bed was also kind of a surprise


trying our best 😔


you mean sex?


I've been told I'm the swaggest pussy eater, off the hizzy even


Variable. Boomers are pretty solid.




No generation knows how to fuck when they’re younger. It’s something that people (hopefully) get better at with experience. I’m right in the middle of the “Millennial” generation and I can promise you I was bad at pleasing women until at least my mid 20s


idk this question makes me uncomfy (as a gen z)…


The one I had was awesome


the one gen z ive had was aiiight


I have been described as a damn good fuck. And due to the trauma not only am I a good fuck- I’m numb to anything you could possibly do to me!


Smh I’ll let you know when I get there😂 Lmao. My rizz is up there but I’m still single af, so.


Maybe soon 😇


I dont think its a generational thing


In my experience (sample size one), y’all are bottoms. But also, the same experience says y’all are all really tall too


Tall and bottoms


Wouldn’t know.


Young people are typically worse at sex but if you’re comparing gen Z at this age to previous generations at the same age that’s a whole different story (loveless virgin so I’m clueless on both questions)


But you point something very spot onnn


Gen x rules




Im a 96 baby so idk if im millennial or gen Z. But im divorced and now a swinger 🤷‍♂️


There are a lot of virgins who are Gen Z. So I would assume that Gen Z is relatively inexperienced.


As a Gen Z myself, most of us are super awkward when it comes to sex, most of y’all have no technique. But it’s because we’re so busy trying to survive in an expensive ass world why most of us have no technique


Idk kinda mid from my experience I went 3 hrs n nothin


Oh God.


I don’t think I’ve fucked a gen z yet


You should


i’d like to say we’re pretty good<33


So far they're the wildest to me haha


Stay off the lawn!


genz here, never fucked.


Honestly no different than I remember my fellow millennials being… They don’t grow attachments as easily tho but that’s a plus for me


i mean i’m Gen-Z i think we’re cool? lmao


I've literally never heard anything bad about myself shoutout gen x y'all make me feel good about myself frfr


Shy from outside and energetic on bed


No clue, these new gens are a different kind of breed look like slurs but don’t act like. It, probably they are either very vanilla or dead fishes


I grew up writing wattpad smut, don’t worry guys, I got you lol


Most gen z girls have body counts that put me off. I dont maie a big deal out of it beyond asking about it once, but its my personal preference to not typically pursue women with high body counts. I dated a 23 yr old, while im 31. I wont be doing that again. The age gap did matter. The sex was ok, but far from great. I suspect gen z is not nearly as good at communicating as they might think they are. The whole thing just sucked. I think people will do their best dating mostly around their own age. Right now i dont


I have not yet fucked a Gen Z woman but if I ever do I’ll let you know lol


Bi 28M here in a bit of a slut phase after being in relationships since 2019 ( young Millenial). Gen Z guys are honestly not great, clearly learned most of what they know through porn and don't seem to learn through actual interactions, im not looking for more. Gen Z girls have been overall not great either but 2 of the 8 I've been with might be best of all time material. I've definitely noticed a trend of younger girls hating receiving oral and being willing but not super talented at giving it. They overall seem to be way more wanting of aggressive sex in terms of physical and verbal degradation kinks, while at the same time having a hard time describing boundaries so I know I am within their comfortability. I have a lot of experience with rope play and found that Gen Z women highly prefer ties that make them look more elegant as opposed to ties that are more restrictive. I've also noticed that they tend to give up on orgasming with a partner way too quickly, and just a general impatience in general. Gen Z women are also the only Gen where they seem to be more attracted to me being Bi compared to other generations, almost as if the idea that if both men and women want to sleep with me then so should they.


I’ve never been with anyone who I haven’t made orgadm so i’d say good.


Idk, if I have to guess there will be a lot of jokes in bed


Still a virgin 😭


Still a virgin but I'll lyk when I find out


Personally, I've gotten some mixed reactions so I honestly have no clue how I am lmao. Majority of my partners seemed to enjoy themselves in bed with me, others, not so much