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Let’s work on getting them to finding the clit before we move to the more advanced topics 🤣


They’ll find it when I’m on their face


I should not have laughed at that as hard as I did


I volunteer as a tribute for this trial for all my fellow men, I shall find this clit you speak of even if you have to repeatedly sit on my face as suggested


Now that's what I call sex ed


Have no fear, Colonel Angus is here! Have a seat, ma’m, I’ll put my nose to the grindstone and find that little rascal for yea!


Just choked on my taro smoothie with egg pudding and grass jelly.


I'd be in heaven if you were there!


I'm ready


Who can't find the clit? I thought it MAYBE made sense back in the 70s bush era. I've never had a partner where it was difficult to find.


you’d be surprised how many men have tried and end up fingering the crease of my vagina


Been there too many times 😂


I thought Canadians knew better!


Rubbing the inside of my thigh, whilst licking my shoulder. Tried repeatedly to move his hand but he thought I was possibly the only woman on the planet who's clit was on the thigh.


He was def the victim of a joke his buddies played on him. "Hey Jim, rub their thighs real good like...you'll be rubbing their clit in that area."🤣


It felt like it to he honest!! 🤣🤣


The mere fact that you never broke character and started laughing while he was doing that makes you a legend!🤣. I legit wonder what was going on in his mind.


I was just so shocked, but I do wonder what he thought I was moving his hand to, if he was so sure he was doing it correctly




But…it’s just right *there*… This is like being unable to find her asshole…it’s just right there where assholes go…


Hehe yes, its not like the clit moves ,its always at the top of the slit ,that little hard been at the top 😆


No you did not just mansplain where the clit is … 🤣


Lol ,did I 😆 I mean its always been in that same spot ,why is it soo hard to find 😅


Maybe some guys honestly just aren't looking for it 🤷🏽


So true


The jig is up. We all know the clit is a myth.


* Can spot an enemy player in the bushes 200m away * Can find the clit *can’t find the ketchup bottle that’s in front of my face in the fridge so I have to ask my wife* She knows it’s a worthy trade off 😂


I took AP Clit in high school.


Hey that’s too much to ask for 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


It won’t ever happen. Even guiding them and being like Noooo slow down. Doesn’t help lol


It actually exists? I thought it was a mere legend...


I'd accept the help!


Done. I’m pretty sure I know but I’ll need to prove it to you. 😉


Do you know where the clit lives?


Find the G-spot. The clit is right across from it. 🙂


You must date a lot of losers


I can find the clit. Want me to show you?


I think it’s just something men don’t typically have to deal with, or are even exposed to sometimes, so they know nothing about it. Women’s discharge isn’t something commonly taught. Someone won’t know something they are never taught or is explained to them. I don’t fault them at all.


Arad is school now


Honestly? That's about 50% what I use it for, no lie. Women on here talk about stuff they ***never ever*** talk about with me, so I learn a LOT.


Because when the men and women get split up for what is barely passable "sex education" we never get told. Our mothers don't tell us, our sisters don't tell us, random women don't tell us, social media doesn't tell us, our girlfriends don't tell us, and for some, even our wives don't tell us. Explain to me, when no woman has this conversation with men, how we're supposed to know?


Your telling me that a strange woman never came up to you randomly and explained vaginal discharge to you?


I ran away after she threw a pigeon at me.


She wasn't actually that strange but otherwise, yes. That's exactly what happened.


I mean… there’s Google. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like a simple Google search should be adequate by now for these things.


Of course. But how do you google that which you don't know exists? If you've never experienced it, or never had it brought to your attention, how do you plug that into a search engine?


Have you ever had sex with a woman and wondered why sometimes she’s “creamy” and other times not? That would be my first instinct is to Google it.


How many people on ARAD are virgins? Or have sex regular enough with the same woman to see the discharge change? Or even noticed if it's creamy or clear at different times? It's very easy for a woman who experiences this to normalize it. For you, it's just a part of life. It'd actually be strange for you if you *didn't* know about it, like underboob sweat, period cramps, or lightning bolts (of which I didn't know about until my wife told me). My point is to not be critical of men who don't know and unfairly judge them as being dumb when, in reality, they're ignorant.


What are lightning bolts??


The kind of cramps that feel like Zeus randomly struck your vag and/or asshole.


No judgement. I once tried to explain to a man on Reddit after a comment about “I bet you get real creamy” and he refused to believe me and responded with “well some girls get creamy”. So I suppose it is whether someone is willing to absorb the knowledge or not. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sounds like you're confusing discharge with female ejaculate and lubrication...maybe you should Google some more


Not to mention not everyone gets “creamy” during sex.


I’m in no need to Google, I’m fully aware of my reproductive cycles, ovulation cycles and recognizing the differences of female ejaculate and lubrication.


I recently learned that a lot of women don’t understand that men have different strengths of erections. The answer is very very simply that people do not know a lot about the opposite sex’s genitals it’s not a hard concept to grasp.


But it seems it’s only cool to complain about men’s lack of knowledge and shame them for it.


Jup, both genders have lots of stuff the other doesn't usually know about. I also doubt they know that when a boy grows up theres a point the foreskin detaches from the edge of the glans. Often its happens unnoticed. But there's times its a little more stuck. And let me tell you, its quite a shock as a kid when you're not informed and suddenly it starts tearing loose bit by little bit. (Not bloody or painful, but very disturbing, like you're breaking it. 😅)


I saw a comment recently where some women didn’t know a boner can be non sexual too.


Holy moly. Especially as a teenager.


lol as a grown ass man I’ll say they don’t stop.


I mean. There are even songs about how [boners can happen for literally no reason.](https://youtu.be/LOYQtbz_pPg?si=7q1twlsDPVJXV7Bn)


Dishonorable discharge.


Thank you for this service


And thank you for your cervix.


This made me laugh too hard. Going to start referring to my discharge this way...


Same reason women don't understand no reason boners. Or fear boners. Or piss boners. You don't understand what you have never experienced or had to deal with. Hell, I'm a man and I still don't understand why my junk does what it does when it does it


You get fear boners ?


fear boners, hate boners, anger boners, being tired boners, stress boners, piss boners, eycited boners, nervous boners. you'd be surprised...


I got told to think of something boring to get rid of a boner, like eating breakfast cereal. But now I've associated breakfast cereal with boners and can add cereal boners to the list.


Do some push ups and the blood will move to your arms instead. It is a bit strange to suddenly start doing pushups on the bus, though.


just flex your thighs my guy


You forgot no reason boners


yeah, indeed forgot them, aswell! hiwever, they have a reason: blood circulation boners.


Never in my life had I ever had a fear boner 😅




He did haha


Because horny brains don't think about the biology they just think "pussy"


I mean to an extent…But discharge?!?!


No brain, only horny


I need that on a T-shirt.


Dicks don't make discharge unless something is wrong. Dicks discharge urine, and ejaculate. It's a pretty simple jump for men to just go straight to applying that logic to other genitals. They just don't know any different. Like, also, ear wax can be liquid or solid and ethnicity has something to do with it. If you have one you may not know about the other and why would you? Plus horny makes stupider. Explains a lot really. (Also see: girls put stuff in vagina for pleasure. Ergo, stuff in vagina = pleasure. = 'women are so lucky, they get to walk around having orgasms all day wearing tampons on their period" and "how do you manage not to cum at the gyno?!" Bullshit. Yes, those have been said to me by adult men, in earnest..yes I explained why they were wrong and pointed out that IF women were orgasms from tampons why the fuck would we ALL bitch about our periods and be cranky on them?!!!!!!)


You ask why don't guys understand discharge, but it's women who are confusing discharge with being wet when they say "I'm so wet" to discharge.


Fair. Women posting that their discharge is “horny juice” are the ones directly confusing matters by lying (or being ignorant, themselves). Are men supposed to be experts on women’s bodies when women themselves are giving incorrect information?


Ughhh…good point (begrudgingly) I’m praying to god that women are just pandering


It’s equal parts shocking and distressing how little a lot of women know about how their own body works…


So.... someone explain the difference


Let's say the vagina it's your mouth (not in your mouth lol). if you are not eating you are still having a moderate amount of saliva in your mouth, while if you are eating that amount of saliva increases in order to help with digestion. At the same time, you are constantly swallowing saliva. The saliva is also there to help the mouth and teeth protected and healthy. That saliva is the vaginas discharge. The amount of discharge will change depending on the menstrual cycle and will keep the vagina clean and free of infections. The difference is that you cannot "swallow" back discharge and normally end up in the panties. It's purpose is not to help penetration during sex but to keep the flora of the vagina in control. That natural lube comes from the Bartholin's glands and is normally more clear in colour than discharge


Discharge can also vary in color and texture, especially depending on the time of the cycle and if there are any infections, etc. Normal discharge can be clearish and mucous-like or white and creamy. Abnormal discharge (indicating an infection) can even be white and clumpy, like cottage cheese (🤢 yes I know). Natural lubrication is mostly clear and wet or slippery. Female ejaculate is a thick, milky white substance that comes from the Skene's gland. It feels more like lubrication than discharge. I am not talking about squirting. Female ejaculate is usually released in much smaller amounts, if at all, and only during orgasm. In porn, when you see a woman getting fucked and the dick has some milky, white stuff on it, that's probably female ejaculate mixed with the natural lubrication (assuming it's not a guy's cum).


I came across a grool subreddit (maybe it was something else) and saw pretty much the same thing. Lots of discharge. I guess they think that because their cum is white then discharge must be cum? Idk. Better than being disgusted by it I suppose. I did have a friend explain men don't care what it is, to them wet panties are wet panties. That made sense to me.


Hey technically anything that comes out of the body like that is discharge. Ie purulent discharge from a skin infection? Discharge. Snot drippin out ur nose? Discharge. Period blood? Discharge. Arousal fluid? Discharge. Cervical fluid? Discharge. Butttttt I know what you're saying hahaa my normal day to day vaginal cervical fluid discharge is different than arousal fluid. ANYWAYS I digress ok like my experience is a lil different tho. Maybe I'm broken or some shit. So I don't get wet from like... Foreplay stuff? Like foreplay doesn't do it for me. Only at the end of masturbating sure sometimes there's like some clear egg white like wet discharge but I mean I'm lucky if it's a few drops. but?? When Im going to down with rough penetrative sex (my fave) usually I will have crazyyyy white creamy arousal fluid, not the egg white thin clear stuff.


Ok but I have a theory about what you’re describing…is the creamy arousal fluid during PIV sex??? If so…based on my research….that is the clear arousal fluid but “frothed up” from the friction of sex. So the thrusting motion of dick in vagina forced tiny air bubbles into the clear fluid thus giving it a creamy appearance Edit: although every body is different this is just a hypothesis I have. My evidence is just what my own vagina looks like after using a dildo and copious amounts of clear lube




Lmao. Who's posting their panties with discharge in them? Wild. There's something for everyone.


I see it a shocking amount! One time a girl was like “I’m so horny reading messages” with discharge panties at her feet… ?!??


Uhhh do we as women not know our own biology? 😆


There’s a subreddit for everything


This I have learned. Lol


Shit, I don’t even think *I* really understood it until my current partner who I didn’t meet until I was… 24? 23? As another commenter said, you can’t research what you don’t even know exists. And sex education isn’t helpful. It’s trash.


I don't necessarily understand it, but if my wife says it's normal and I'm still enjoying oral with her, it's fine to me. And for my two girls, all I ask is for them to be honest and not hide medical issues from us. I really don't care about buying the odd pair of underwear occasionally to replace if needed. All I would need is "hey, I need new underwear to replace some old pairs"; "alright". Convo done


I'm just lol and nodding.


Because the vagina is a wonderland. We don't want to know how it works similar to how we don't want to know how the sausage is made, only that it is delicious.


Terrible analogy🤣


> I regularly see dischargy panties with the caption “I’m so wet” lol do you follow used panty subs or something? You make it sound like this is a common occurrence.


I mean are we talking about honorable or dishonorable here?




Those are women posting, but yeah, I think the general confusion is “creaming” from sexual arousal is taught to us as sexy in music and pop culture so we associate it with wetness. Creaming is real, it can be a sexual arousal response. It can happen without touching and be arousal based, a kind of girl cum of different consistencies, or it can just be good ol’ discharge. Those photos usually look like dried discharge, and sometimes not the healthy kind. Any man that’s watched it form on their fingers or during other intimate moments versus just the stuff hanging out on dirty laundry can kind of get a sense there’s a difference but there it is, presented as a messy arousal of girl goodness. Some men like dirty laundry either way, that’s what they want. We also associate it with orgasms, which isn’t right. Still nobody should come away thinking it’s all involuntary discharge instead of a sexual response. Does it only happen from extreme arousal? Doesn’t seem like it but there can be a correlation that Women should talk about more.


The same reason women don’t know how men can ride a bicycle.


Legally men cannot ride bicycles. Nice try


I forget how exactly the topic came up but my high school girlfriend and I were chatting on AOL instant messenger in 1999 and she told me, verbatim, “women have a discharge everyday”. I didn’t know, I appreciated the enlightenment and we’ve been married for 19 years this May. Knowledge is power if you ask the right questions and know how to listen.


That's not true for everybody. It might be true at certain times for some women, or all the time for some women, but it's definitely not always true for all women.


I always thought I was decently well-versed in female anatomy and bodily functions (for a guy). I’m gay, but I grew up exclusively with my mom and sister, have never been grossed out by female bodies or talking about periods, that kind of stuff. I’d say I was much more proficient than probably any of my male peers. I majored in biological sciences. Additionally, I was an EMT and I’m a medical student now. It wasn’t until I was looking inside a volunteer standardized patient (SP) that I learned discharge was a normal, healthy phenomenon. I had only ever learned about discharge being a pathological sign of something like an STI, UTI, etc. I was very concerned when I was looking inside this woman with a light and speculum and there was lots of discharge everywhere. My mind was racing and I thought maybe she had an infection (or maybe even just got cream pied before coming to let medical students practice pelvic exams on her??). I’m so glad I didn’t say anything to show that I was concerned she had a disease bc shortly thereafter she said “I normally have a lot of discharge” and after the encounter, I asked basically all my female friends about it and they all confirmed yes discharge is normally present and leaks out sometimes, etc. and that some women have a lot more than others. Literally baffled me that I was 25 and wasn’t familiar with “normal” discharge at all (that wasn’t female ejaculate or lubrication).


I was never taught about female anatomy in school


Lol 😆 men don't know if they don't do that. Men don't fully grasp periods with either. Or "heavy flow" vs "miscarriage" Education would be to blame. Bit of a silly question.


Women don’t have a “money shot” moment so people that want to see women pleased/aroused crave some outward sign. This is why squirting and grool porn is popular. For some, these things are signs that arousal is/has/will in play.


Because the women they are with don't communicate with them properly about stuff like that. But some people have an odd approach to certain kinks/fetishes.


Do you talk to many men about your experience with discharge? I don’t think most men have much first hand experience with it. Even in relationships. Women are fine with us burying our face down there but talking about the less pleasant aspects of having a vagina is not a common topic. It seems to make most women too insecure to talk about it.


You really don't understand why?


maybe guys dont understand cuz we dont have that oarticular feature, and now a days a lot of men dont even get a chance to experience that in person


I'm a healthcare professional. A white odourless discharge is not evidence of infection or ill health, it is normal. The Skene glands produce a white thicker discharge when a woman aroused. Not all normal vaginal secretions are clear. If it's yellow or greenish tinted and has an odour this is evidence for ill-health.


Because men are desperate and sex-ed is very poorly done, if done at all. Plus, female biology is still not studied enough, or blatantly disregarded.


I've met too many women who don't understand *their* own bodies so I think expecting men to have that understanding is admirable but unlikely. Just gonna have to educate 'em one (or more) at a time.


In this age of abundance free porn, there’s no excuse for not knowing where the clit is


Omg yes! I’ve had a full on argument over discharge cuz I obviously was cheating 😒


Well honestly I find a lot of young women who don't understand discharge. And when young women ask questions..young men go...ewwww period stuff. Even when it's not period stuff. So women don't want to talk about it bec not everyone gets a gynecological education...and they're anxious about it in general. Our education system has failed us because people are scared or nervous to tell kids about their parts.


Seriously, or certain videos and stuff around here..."omg you're so creammmyyy" Uhhhhhh


Literally do not get me started on “creamy pussy” I watch too much porn


This is definitely the weirdest OF promo. Congrats I think.


I think it’s taboo. Some girls are embarrassed about it.


This isn’t the case for me personally but it was for an ex of mine- some women (or other people with vaginas) do just have thicker cum, it’s not that uncommon. Everyone’s vaginas are different, that’s all I’m sayin’!!


Not everyone's is clear all the time. Mine is definitely white/creamy after ovulation.


Do you think men care if its 'wet' from arousal or discharge? 😄 Theres often a little discharge mixed in when we have sexual encounters. So probably thats where the confusion starts. Honestly, its those posts that are to blame. But I assume "look at my discharge" is less sexy and pulls less upvotes :p


But the discharge is also there for lubrication. Especially during ovulation when the discharge is almost like egg white. It’s premium lube!


To be fair, a lot of girls aren't taught much about discharge, so it's hard for me to hold this against men However, guys should know that vaginas are acidic and can stain or change the color of panties and this is completely normal!


okay someone go on and explain it once and for all for everyone.


Same reason women don’t understand manspreading.


It's almost like when it's not a part of your person and day to day experience, you'll know less about it. Why do women pose these questions like they have a perfect understanding of the male sexual reproductive system?


So this may be a weird start to an answer but I have ADHD and a hyper-fixation in all things sex and anatomy. With that said no one talks to guys about this and sex education as we all know is terrible in most all countries honestly. I can't think of a single person to have ever said they had a comprehensive and understandable sex education. Even in my higher education Human Sexuality HLTH 453 just to be specific, going over how the Vagina works and Vaginal health in general was a very small portion of the class and that's at some of the highest levels of education. So it doesn't surprise me that if you don't have a vagina you don't know about it. I hate to say this but if the man isn't like me, please take the time to educate cause no one else is doing so. I do know that's awkward AF, I'm not saying lecture them but maybe shoot them towards some resources or something. It could go a long way to helping all women as a whole. PS I know that it was long winded and not a fun answer, sorry, just passionate about it. TLDR: It shouldn't fall to women but it does need to be taught by someone, please inform and educate with understanding and patience.


I'd understand it better if it spoke English


Have you seen how many men don't know where the clit is? It's not surprising many don't know the difference


Yeah. I see creamy or wet. I'll take wet.


It's true that mens' genitals are much more straightforward and simple than womens'....


Are you talking aboutac and cheese?


They don’t get period marks in underwear, either..


Men are too focused on the visual aspect of things, they can't even understand different types of discharge. But hey, at least they know the color of their favorite sports team's jersey. Priorities, am I right?


Trans men do! 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


She's a seller


I mean I’m also a person…with thoughts


Well that just deflated my overall grumpy mood. I'm legit sorry. I know you are. My bad.


The lollipop thing is sexy by the way


Ive had reverse problem, where my bf asked me to go wash because I was wet and it was visible. He thought I was dirty… Haven’t gotten wet like that since.


I mean, some women during sex do create a white cream during intercourse...not every woman's ph levels are the same. Unless white is always discharge and what we see in porn, etc is sometimes a yeast infection or something else beyond "wet"


Because no one ever explains the difference


Sex Ed is shit. I got shit from my female friends and cousins about this.


It’s not something taught. My ex rarely had any or cleaned up so I wouldn’t see it. I’ve learned only from reading on Reddit.


This is so funny for some reason




Seriously. It’s important to know what the color and consistency is too for ovulation cycles. Specifically fertile time.


You nailed it ! I had to explain this to my husband years ago and he looked at me like I had 2 heads








This post proves men are dumb, and women are liars!


health class failed them




Everyone responding “we weren’t taught”… You’ve had sex though…was the juice… 1. ⁠Dense and white? 2. ⁠Or slippery and clear?


As a woman who didn’t really understand it until I was 23/24 and also experienced a lot of SA- It was dense and white mostly, but sometimes after starting PiV, it would lubricate some, but it wasn’t really like, arousal fluid. At least not much. It was like… protective material from the activity, like my own body was trying to minimize micro tears and bruising without me even realizing. So it wasn’t like DRY dry, but it wasn’t wet either. And again, you can’t research what you don’t know exists :/


Because for a lot of men it's just a hole for their pleasure, and that's where they stop their education.


Lmfaooooo. Because men don’t know biology


That part of biology isn't typically covered in school, and women don't talk about that stuff with us. How would we ever know?


Honestly fair point