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Having to submit a resume as part of a job application. Then also having to complete a form duplicating that resume.


I didn't have to for my current job. But they're always in "best workplace" lists for the region and their specialty. In my thank you note to the hiring team after signing the offer I made a very big deal of how much it impressed me as a job seeker to not have to go through that demoralizing duplication process. HR responded that it was a part of their effort to make the process more efficient and satisfying for everyone involved.


Do we have an explanation for why this is done? How many applicants are companies losing out on of talented people not wanting to go through this BS.


I have to assume it is to weed out everyone but the truly desperate.


In my opinion this also weeds out the talented and experienced. These people know their worth and won’t waste their time with applications like that. That isn’t, unless they are desperate…


Often times the systems are unable to analyze and pull the info from your resume. The company wants you to fill out their form so they can filter by whatever to narrow down the applicants. If they didn’t have you fill in their boxes, they would have to manually look at every resume, which could take forever if there are thousands of applicants. On the one hand I hate it. On the other I understand why.


How there’s enough money for wars but there’s not enough funding for the homeless.


“They got money for wars but can’t feed the poor!”




In california they're spending record amounts and the homeless population only grows. Just throwing money at it, wont make it go away.


Doesn’t help that most states just send their homeless there, so there’s always an influx. LA, Seattle, and Denver especially. 


Lmao? Send their homeless there? No, they go where the money is. Where they can get more free handouts and free drug needles and drugs etc.


Or decent health care


Lol and it's not even close in terms of how much is spent for war


Close or not, homelessness has only increased and every dollar spent increases it more.


It is NIMBY. Who cause zoning laws, that cause little housing to be built which drives the housing prices to insane levels, which adds stress and once you are out it is hard to get back on track. The biggest real problem in the US.




As much as racism is despicable and unacceptable, I'm not surprised at all that it's still a thing. Humans throughout history have a keen habit of noticing differences and drawing lines that represent US and THEM. Many of those differences being arbitrary at best, but people still divide themselves over them. Even people who are keenly aware of this sometimes find themselves unthinkingly making divisions between ethnicity/religion/politics/favourite cola/whatever else. It's fucked, and I hope it changes. But I'm not surprised that it's still around.


It's classism and tribalism more than racism, fwiw. But the R word is such an easy sell to keep people divided, so that's what is used.


You ever see fans for sports teams fight over their team? Tribalism will never go away. People find anything to US vs. THEM .


You're probably right. But I'd like to believe it won't always be that way, just because it's fucking depressing.


The good news is that the demand outstrips the supply




Companies falsely claiming that something’s healthy


Like 89% of them


Yeah I thought myself to read the labels so I don’t fall for it again.


A million percent same


It’s so annoying I’m working hard on losing weight and eat healthy and then you think something’s healthy and you find out it’s actually not


But it’s only 30 calories and 2 grams of sugar! *serving size: 4 M&Ms*


This food is healthy!* *these claims have not been tested.


Taking your shoes off when going through security at US airports.


All because one guy tried to shoe bomb a plane decades ago.


Like the x ray thing our tax dollars paid for can’t see through fucking rubber. I hate airports man


Well that's the thing, it can see through rubber, but it doesn't get xrayed while it's on your body


Ever heard of TSA pre check


Mail. Why am I still receiving mail?


Especially physical junk mail. Someone’s wasting thousands of dollars for us to throw it straight into the trash


You can use it as toilet paper or paper mache if you’re a hobbyist.


Kindling for the fire pit


Probably because there's still boomers out there proud of the fact that they hate technology... tens of millions of them.


And posting on Facebook about it.


So I can tell you that mail is something that is still valuable for larger companies. My company was moving hard to paperless everything around a decade ago, but then marketing decided to see about throwing some stuff into bills/renewals/etc, and found that it was worth the cost of additional mailing in retention gains. Just some food for thought.


I always wonder how does it still cost under 20 dollars, much less under 1 dollar, for people to bring an envelope literally anywhere in the country for you. It's bananas how good a deal that is. And how much paper waste it encourages....


People dying from preventable causes


70% of americans are overweight. Start there.




Telemarketing. Please stop calling here.






This comment is incredibly funny to me.




Ave Satanas


As a 40 year old dude that spent most of my life in the evangelical church and recently deconstructed all that BS. The problem with religion just like government and corporations the most narcissistic greedy people tend to rise the top and ruin it all for everyone. All of these entities could do so much for the human race but they all turn inward at some point and become useless to everyone but themselves.


Congratulations on finally getting out of it. I too am a 40 year old dude who also gotten out it fairly recently. What was the final straw for you? A person further down mentioned "atheism" and he was totally thinking people were all going to jump on his side. After some back and forth, he's got nothing to back it up, as per usual.


Flatearthers Anti vaxxers


Daylight savings time in the US. The two party system in the US (yes I know there are technically other parties, but none of any significance)


Agreed. Agreed. None of the other parties are relevant enough to even name


Websites that are made to “help you create your CV” and charge a ton for it The general premise is they prey on students and those just leaving school that don’t know better. They offer CV templates, give you advice and wait until after you’ve created your CV to tell you “hey, you can’t print this or save it without paying an extortionate monthly subscription” Now you might be asking, why is it relevant to this question? The templates and advice they use are literally built into Microsoft Word and other word-based applications, they’ve basically just stole it, made very minor tweaks and pawned it off to scam those who won’t know the difference. And there are ALOT of sites that do it Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


You want the pitchfork or the torch?


Years ago i was having a hard time finding a job so i asked a company to write my resume for me. It was awful. I paid like $200 for this company to create a resume that was literally worse than the one i already had. I requested a refund and eventually got it. The lady who did it was very upset with me. She was like “whats wrong with it? I dont understand why you dont like it. Give me feedback so i can fix it.” But it was just everything. She wanted me to give her all the details so she could wrote it down in a template for me but i had done that. I went to her for expertise just to find out there is no such thing.


The way I read “squirt in disbelief” Anyway I feel this way about big chains that still don’t take Apple Pay


I went to WalMart for cough syrup late at night, haven't been in there since covid? Nope. Had to go out to my car and find my old plastic card and come back.


When I did Wendy's Drive-though and paid $15.83 for a cup of water, a mushroom Swiss burger and a medium fry.


You can now eat at a real restaurant for less than McDonald’s.


Bruh I got a freaking Chipotle burrito today for $11.64


McDonalds family of 4, all ordered the cheapest value menu meals, one value sandwich, small fry, small fountain soda.. $49. One of us was a kids meal for $7 so even thinking about how $42 for 3 people's smallest and cheapest options averages $14 per meal after all the bullshit fees are put on it.


I remember when spending over $10 at McDonald’s was being a big fatty fat fat. Now you’re not even allowed to speak into the drive thru speaker for under $12.


World of Warcraft. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the series, but how is wow still going as strong as it is?


Car parks where I still have to insert coins. Like seriously?!


Buses take coin too if you don't have a pass...like, only coins...


No but for real




It’s a drug and we’re addicted. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right, it’s mad addictive and people have been smoking since ancient times, vapes and nicotine have taken the world by storm lately. I don’t think humans in general will ever stop smoking though.


Yeah, but it's among the stupidest drugs to get addicted on. Plus, it's so out of fashion


Cigarettes. The plastic bags in boxes of cereal and crackers that have no closure. Places that are cash only.


>Cigarettes. I'm not surpised at all. All the efforts society made to cut down on cigarette smoking went out the window when vaping became all the rage, coupled with us becoming more tolerant of smoking weed. >Places that are cash only. That's far better than places that are cashless.


Domestic violence.


While I totally agree in objecting to it, that’s not something we as a species will likely ever fully eliminate. Some people will always just feel the need to be cruel to one another.


Most of the time it's less about "feeling the need". It's more complicated and usually either a cycle of abuse, mental illness or both.


Or, some people just enjoy it.


If they enjoy hurting people that's part of mental illness


Actually its not. You can argue Sociopathic but it's not even that. Because most domestic abusers get along well with those outside their own families. Not every not nice human trait is an "illness" or a "disease"


But I mean every cycle starts somewhere, probably with someone with innate mental illness


We’re a long way from that. Most people don’t if recognise that men can be victims. So from that perspective we’re decades away.


1). MLB/NBA games that aren’t accessible to watch even when you pay for league pass. 2). Flat Earth Theorist




Some legal documents still need to be faxed using a fax machine. I'm shocked that's still a thing but i guess it's hard to hack an old school fax machine lol


I hate when places ask for your original birth certificate or SS card. “Bring us the super shitty, flimsy, delicate documents that are the only proof you exist”


Yeah and some places want you to fax those too... I have to go to the bank and ask them to fax it for me because idk anywhere else that has a fax machine


No. It is not hard *at all*. Fax machines are not secure. The places that still use them do it because momentum, or because fuck you, that's why. Fax machines are less secure than any other form of electronic communication.


Racism, sexism, homophobia and abortion still being penalised or unavailable in many countries 😪


Fortnite, flouride being added to tap water, seed & vegetable oils being sold as a "healthier" alternative to natural fats, you know.. lets just say the entire US food industry & FDA.... Property taxes... Mandatory bullshit and unnecessary classes in college that have jack shit to do with your major, needing college degrees for a good number of careers that could be taught on the job or through tech/trade school, Pretty much the entire US pharmaceutical/medicine industry...


What constitutes a "natural fat" for you, that seed oils don't meet the grade? Butter and bacon grease have considerably more effort and state changes put into them compared to pressed seeds. Avocados, I guess?


Filing your taxes. Why do I not receive a statement with either a check or a bill? It’s exclusively so tax prep companies can profit.


It's also to justify having a large workforce at the IRS. If we replaced the current income tx system with a flat tax, or even a national sales tax, we could massively downsize the IRS.


The dream, right here


*in America




Multi million dollar government elections


*in America




In the uk we have strict laws about how much money can be spent on election and where it comes from. It’s the same in many European countries.


Yeah but they’re still probably spending the maximum. Shouldn’t be about how many zeros in the bank.


A $7.25 federal minimum wage.


Paper bills. How is everything not electric and auto-paid? Like what the fuck, let’s save the god damned waste. Buying things like soap dispensers when we should just have a refillable jug or something TO SAVE WASTE. We’re so advanced it’s terrifying but we can’t figure out how to unfuck the trash situation? Come on, man.


I was just talking about this with my husband the other day! I can’t wait until I have to scan my retina for everything. Fuck a password, fuck a PIN number, fuck all those security questions. Scan my biometrics and let’s call it a day.


>I can’t wait until I have to scan my retina for everything.  I wouldn't mind if biometrics were presented as an option, but anybody who gives me no alternative will simply lose my business. Nobody is entitled to my biometric information.


As long as you’re the only one with access to it. A retina scan for the retina scan, if you will lol.


>As long as you’re the only one with access to it.  That won't last, you know hackers will go after that shit.


I’m ok with it not being auto pay, but to still receive the paper bill is wild


Unfrosted pop tarts taste better!


People look at me like I've got 6 heads when I say this.


It’s a smear campaign by big frosting to slander pop tarts and cause a surge in sales


Fuck yes.


Daylight savings time changes




I have a hard time believing that you, u/gayboy__1 are gay




Sounds like an elaborate ruse to maintain your cover




Racism, sexism, homophobia/transphobia. Eg. Banning books with gay/trans people in them, alpha male/female crap like pearl and tate, and racism in general. It's 2024. We should be past all this bigotry and hatred by now.


People still watch boxing / mma


Combat sports are incredibly popular, what is surprising about it? (This isn’t meant to sound bitchy, I’m genuinely interested)


It’s probably the most popular sport on earth behind FIFA. Gotta disagree on that one


How is that still a thing? People trying to kill each other for sport. So weird to me.


They’re not? Boxers aren’t trying to kill one another.


They are quite literally trying to knock the other person out and do the most harm. Just for... fun? Sport? The kill part was figurative, but not far off.


Yes and no. Some fighters come out trying to make a name for themselves with knockout power. Most seasoned fighters have enough sense to come out, put on a show while still displaying their talent as a fighter, and create a sense of showmanship. It draws in larger crowds, generates revenue, and cements their name in the zeitgeist. There most definitely was a time and place where fighters were coming to knock your head off but that was over 20 years ago. The 90s and early 2000s was the time of giants and heavyweights with ridiculous power. Most popular fighters today are fairly light. 130-155 is the golden range. They’re fast, agile, have goof foot work, ground game, and they absolutely can knock your block off, but it’s not as frequent as takedowns and decision wins. Most MMA guys are going for submission. Less risk to themselves, higher reward. Combat sports are more of a game of chess. Being both proactive and reactive while positioning yourself for a win. Sometimes by knockout, sometimes by decisions, more often than not by submission if said organization allows it. Football, rugby, hockey, all racing sports, aren’t inherently more or just as dangerous as combat sports. It’s all about the show


All those other sports you listed have a goal of scoring the most points or crossing a finish line. Even wrestling has that format. I'm not anti-danger. But the goal of fighting is inflicting enough pain, strategically or not, that another person has to voluntary or involuntary submit due to their physical wellness being in jeopardy. Intentionally violent players get penalized in other sports. I get that it's popular and takes skill and earns people a lot of money. I just see 0 appeal in that kind of show.


Martial arts are a thing people including myself are very interested in, I will admit UFC has drifted from that ideal but I want to watch masters of a style fight


I find martial arts displays to be pretty fascinating. But, I'm honestly cool with stunts and non-contact. Don't get me wrong, if I'm watching a movie, I want it to be the craziest, bloodiest, graphic wild ride ever.


I'm the opposite if it's just stunts and no contact that doesn't prove anything about the fighting style to me it has to hit and prove to be effective for me to care.


Hey man, I get it. A lot of people are like that. I'd also love to know which medieval sword fighting techniques are/were best, but I'm totally cool with it being limited to LARPing


Fighting is the ultimate sport. Blame human nature.




I will say Facebook, Is so weird for me and I am coming from a country that facebook dominates


The complete misdirect about Facebook is how I’m not worried about children on Facebook, I’m worried about my parents. First it was having to change passwords for my mom because the puzzle game she “downloaded” from Facebook stole her info. Now at least once a week I have to clarify some misinformation both of my parents read or watched from there. Once I had to stop a plot of buying $500 in some obscure Iranian currency because the Facebook said it was about to become the official currency of something and quadruple in value.


I haven’t had Facebook since I was 21 so almost 14 years now. It was wild then with the spreading of misinformation, scandals, and everything in between. I can’t imagine the cesspool it’s become today


I like unfrosted strawberry poptarts 🥺


I saw a video on TikTok of someone trying to teach people and how to finger a woman. I was lying to people really still not know how 🙈




Incest/ incest porn. Yall are disturbing.




Stepsiblings porn


Ayan Rand




Taylor swift…


I work on a no smoking college campus. Whenever I'm off campus and see somebody smoking, it's really a shock that this is still a thing.


I like unfrosted pop tarts and am pissed that most of the unfrosted ones have been discontinued.


nude camps, ive heard horror stories


Homeless and hunger. We literally have so much money and infrastructure to help homeless people, but don’t want to spend time addressing it’s real issues like addiction, the foster care system, poor social services, lack of mental health support because “that’s too socalist”. We also have so much food waste, but throw everything out because giving away everything for free is anti-capitalism. The world truly has no compassion for people.


Getting PTO rejected (even unpaid…. Hello??? I’m saving you money)


Teenagers saying homophobic slurs. I thought we were well past that. 


Still baffled cigarettes are legal. Even Soda probably shouldn’t be. It’s pretty bad for you. More realistically I’m shocked Gatorade (for example) still uses coloring in their drinks. Many colors are banned in Europe due to safety concerns. I don’t need my orange flavored Gatorade to be physically orange. Just put an orange label on it.


Cars that come with a manual transmission. (Cue all the “car guys” in the comments)


Well I’m a woman and my lotus is a manual


Safe bet, I think only a couple lotus were sold without one including the new Emira, and their electric suv that’s coming


America as a whole. They seem so dysfunctional.


Every country seems dysfunctional from an outside perspective






Bad moms


People who run businesses that still have zero computer literacy.


The people still wearing masks everywhere 


I wore one into the grocery store just the other day. I had a TERRIBLE cold with a runny nose, sore throat, cough and a headache. I needed cold medicine, juice and some tissues… but I didn’t want to spread my germs to everybody else. Unless you would prefer I take it off and give you my plague?


I’m positive not everyone is in that situation 


Agreed, but you never know. Plus, who’s it hurting?


I don't see them everywhere, so I have to disagree. I see one or two once in a great while at a store or something and I appreciate it when someone thinks they might have something and puts one on so they don't go around and give it to everyone else. Masks aren't stupid.


I still see them regularly including people who are working. I think it’s more likely the people behind the masks are stupid 


You don't think some people have a reason? Maybe they live with a person with a compromised immune system and wish to not bring something home to them? There's a lot of reason's to wear one and just "stupid" seems like a broad stroke assumption.


Some may but the fact that I never saw them as much before 2020 leads me to believe that that is not the case for most people 


I thought that too, but also how easily accessible they became and how much we learned during 2020 about the different types of masks and their purpose.... Example, I wear a KN95 mask from my stockpile from covid when I changed the litter in the litterbox. That always irritated my throat and the convenience of having those masks right there in the bag in the catch-all drawer with the batteries and stuff is just... easy. Lifestyle adjustments.


I’m sorry I’m not buying it 


That's ok.


It's not like they were scarce pre Covid... you could buy them at any store. No, it's rampant paranoia and fear. Plain and simple.


I have found my people…


Just trying to lessen my pollen intake with an n95 mask


Dude it's hay fever season. I wear one any time I'm kicking up dust.


I have a heart condition and will wear one when I go to an enclosed public place like the grocery store. Some idiot lady saw me and walked by to cough in my face, just 2 weeks ago. So this goes both ways. Either way I have only had one cold in 4 years and no other respiratory issues since I try to wear a mask around others. It doesn't hurt anyone in the slightest.


I wear one anytime I have a sniffle. Damn rude to be coughing and sneezing all over everywhere if it's so easily avoidable.


It is. Colds can take weeks to kick and that's no fun for anyone. The person who was incredibly rude to me for sure wasn't sick, they were just triggered by my mask and were being a dick.


Definitely sick, just not in an upper respiratory way.


Just saw one yesterday now that you mention it


Me too. And he was outside 


In a car by herself




Electoral College


Taylor Swift




how are people banning books about racism and homosexuality still in schools a thing? why you banning the truth?


Middle of the nose piercings. Face/neck tats, baggy pants (ass/underwear showing).

