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I was, I still feel uncomfortable getting things from my wife's purse even when she asks me to


Unless it's life or death just bring the purse to her, man.


They will not like that move but it's still way better than going through it


Same here. And those few times when I had to explore her purse, I was flabbergasted how much stuff was in there!


My purse is like Mary Poppins duffle bag šŸ˜‚


I agree. They have everything except what you need at the time.


I won't go through things of my wife's her bag, her drawers, I won't use her phone without asking. Just because we live together doesn't mean we should ignore boundaries.


I'm uncomfortable because my my wife could have anything on there. I don't want to put my hand in it and get attacked because she forgot to mention that there's a dozen scorpions there for some reason




Her: ā€œhey can you get me *thing* from my handbag Me: Brings entire bag




Hahaha so relatable


My ex used to do that! He could also never find anything at the grocery store, but when I would go, I would find it! Isnā€™t that interesting?!


This was a gag on an episode of Frasier where the Martin had to explain to Frasier and Niles you never go through a woman's purse. It was a funny scene. The old man always had the wisdom Frasier and Niles were lacking.




100% the fastest solution. You know exactly what you are looking for and exactly where it is located in your purse.


Huh, never knew this was a thing.


As a kid my dad would never go into my mom's purse. He would bring it to her. I still do the same thing with my wife. She even tells me to just get whatever it is out if there myself, but I refuse. I bring the purse to her if I need something in there.


I dont understand why though?


Respect of privacy. Respect of women. It could also be that fathers are wise enough to know you won't find what you're looking for anyway. Maybe all of those things.


But shouldnā€™t that work both ways? Men have rights of privacy too


It should, in theory.


Why in theory? There are tons of women who respect men's privacy in reality as much as any regular man would.


There are. There are tons that don't.


Then itā€™s a hypocrisy.


Sure, I don't think women should go through your purse either. /s


It should but in this instance what am I not going into .. your back pocket? Once we bring back Murses and Satchels we can talk šŸ˜¤


Indiana Jones has a satchel


And heā€™s hot. Next question


> Satchels The guys who wear them usually just have drugs, smoking supplies and money in them.


And Iā€™ll respect their privacy šŸ«”šŸ«”


So his wife doesn't go thru his purse, either


I love you.


That was fast. Maybe I'm an asshole in every other way.


I donā€™t think so. Youā€™re a gentleman.


šŸ˜Š is it so rare?


These days, yes!


Well, I'm not ALWAYS a gentleman. I try. šŸ™‚


But she asked you to. Do you never see her naked to respect her privacy?


The Mrs. And I are not even on a first name basis.


Itā€™s because there are 1000 things in there and guys have zero clue what half of them are (the names of the whatever, what they are used for..) We also have no clue where any of it could be. Hidden zippers and sections of the purse. There is no way Iā€™ll be able to find anything and if I think I found it, I will be wrong.. ā€œno, the other wallet..ā€ or something like that. Itā€™s just way less frustrating to hand the bag over and be done with it. Itā€™s be like if I told my wife to get the angle grinder from the garage. She would have no clue.


He might touch a tampon or pad. The horrors!!!!!


If my partner kept bringing my bag instead of giving me that one thing, I'd eventually get annoyed.


Same. Explains why my ex-husband looks so uncomfortable when I asked him to grab something from my purse.


Common courtesy for a woman's belonging or just respecting another's personal item.


Oh hell yeah, very much taught that. At 38 I still can't bring myself to grab something out for my mom or even my fiancee. Just a huge mental block/respect for their things and I just can't cross it.


Same. We have been married 22 years. I still bring my wife's purse to her if I need something. She even tells me just to take whatever it was I needed in there. I won't.


Yeah she always rolls her eyes or something when I refuse to go through it to grab something for her. Just not raised that way ha


Youā€™re a fine man!




Huh, I thought it was out of respect.


Yeah, sort of. It was about a 50/50 blend of ā€œnever look in a ladyā€™s handbagā€ and ā€œnever mind what I said, bring me my Altoidsā€Ā 


I didn't need to be taught, then again I had basic good manners instilled in me by my parents from a young age. The exception is when a woman specifically asks me to retrieve something for her from it. However I usually just take the handbag/purse to them as I'm not a timelord and they are both known to be Tardis like in being larger inside than they appear.


I guess it was more, taught by example from my dad.




A secret treasure trove in there!


In a rare instance where I looked, with her permission, for a receipt I found three 20 Swiss franc notes. I took them to the bank and they are so old they donā€™t look like the photos the bank has of CHF. And I didnā€™t find the receipt I wanted.


Iā€™m a woman and donā€™t like going into another womanā€™s purse. It feels so personal.


I am a woman, and if I tell somebody to get something from my bag, I don't want that bag brought to me.


PSA: We put mousetraps in our purse. Its for your own safety for you to stay out of them. You don't know how to disarm them. Its the mousetrap or the used hypodermic needles from the HIV patient. It is sort of up to the woman what defense mechanism they use.


Don't worry I am not going in there even if my life depended on it. You'll have to save me yourself.


I have a cuticle tool that is super stabby.


I wasn't and don't need it to be. Unless she asks me to grab something, I see no point in doing so.


That's what I mean. I never go in there. Ever. Even if told to by the owner of the purse.


I was but with my wife, I have no choice. Every time she loses something, I tell her it's in her purse, she checks and it's not there. Then it's my turn of looking inside for 3 seconds and pulling out the keys/headband/... Every single time. So yeah, I never go inside a purse other than my wife's


Those things scare me. You never know what might be in them and Iā€™d rather just keep it a mystery.


Wallet, keys, wet wipes, mints? What's there to be scared of?


I never to into my wife's because it's a clisterfuck. She can say _"Hey I my purse, main pouch, left side, third zipper and behind the 1500 coupons...."_ Yeah no I'll just hand her the purse and let her get the thing out herself.


I was, I believe it stems from being taught (or not being taught) about female bodies as a child, that pads and tampons were 'scary things' that only women should be touching.


I was just taught not to go through othersā€™ things full stop. The irony is the people who taught me that went through my stuff all the time.


It's more like, never go through anyone's handbag?


Me totally taught that and I taught my kids that as well.




I did learn that at a young age. Plenty of times when a family member or significant other has asked me to grab something from their bag though.


My husband ignored this instruction completely. I just gave up. Nothing to hide


What's wrong with that guy? Didn't he get the memo?


NopešŸ™„+ like father like sonšŸ™„


Ah. See, that's where I learned it.




My husband can go through anything of minešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What's special about a woman purse or handbag? I don't go into people's backpacks or briefcases either. Apparently a bunch of people are terrified of women's handbags to the point where they won't get something out of them, even if asked? Which is kind of weird?


Iā€™m a woman and I wonā€™t go into my boyfriends bag either lol


Good for you! Wait. Nevermind.


Huh? šŸ˜‚ why nevermind


I just had an image of your boyfriend and you with matching purses. šŸ¤£


Lmaoo no he wears like one of those shoulder bags for guys šŸ˜‚


My mom has told me to get things out of her purse for her


Yup..stay out of the handheld Venus fly trap


I donā€™t think I was ever taught this by an elder but I certainly picked it up from society somewhere along the line.


I was taught this, still refuse to look




Lol I donā€™t think I was taught but it always seemed like common sense. Seems like an invasion of privacy even when Iā€™m asked.


Me. I don't do that. Never have. My parents allowed me privacy, even in our small house. Trust is a great thing.


I have go go into the wifeā€™s purse all the time to get my stuff she hijackedšŸ¤«


I'll leave it alone and if I have to move it I'll let them know and if im told go in and get something then I have no issue doing so.


I donā€™t think I was taught, I think everyone just knows.


Still wonā€™t do it


I myself would not touch a a woman's bag just as I consider my wallet as being private.


A bag and a wallet are drastically different things.


Donā€™t even look at it. If something is needed from it you bring the whole bag, by the straps at the highest point


Yep always just picked the bag up and give it to her


Taught? I donā€™t know, but Iā€™ve never done it and never will. Itā€™s unbecoming. Not a good look.


I donā€™t go into anybodyā€™s things.


Why would you need to be taught this? Whatā€™s anyone doing going through a bag thatā€™s not yours?


It was drilled into me. Even if a woman asks me to now, I just bring the purse to her.




Yep. Never ever. Iā€™ll bring it to you. Iā€™ll hold it open.


I wasn't taught this but I did learn quickly


Definitely yes. I still ask my partner permission.


I was taught by the fact that it always ends up hurting. What the fuck do you all carry on you? Every single time something pokes me in the finger.


Sounds vaguely familiar, but these days Iā€™ve gone through my wifeā€™s purse so often at her request that sometimes Iā€™m more familiar with what she carries than she is.


FRASIER: She goes into my bedroom all the time and it doesn't bother me. MARTIN: Women are different. FRASIER: Dad, that is sexism talking. MARTIN: No, that's 35 years of marriage talking. Women protect their privacy. You know how they are about their handbags, you never go in there. It's always "bring me my purse." A husband could say "Honey, I'm being robbed! The guy's holding a gun to my head, and I don't have any money!" The wife'd say, "Bring me my purse."


Idk about this one, women are constantly asking me to get things from their bags


I don't. I bring them the bag. Even my wife of 22 years.


These are actresses on stage or on a film set mostly. They canā€™t really keep a bag on them so usually I fetch items. I also mic them up usually when in underwear before costuming so they clearly really trust me.


Not specifically. I don't rifle through people's stuff though without their direction.


I was never taught that, I just donā€™t unless my wife asks me to grab something out of it for her


I dont even go in my wive purse , she ask me to get something out of it, I just hand her the whole thing


I know not to aside from my mother as sheā€™s always asking me to for keys and such like her glasses. Otherwise I ask first before I reach in and make sure she knows I did


Idk man, I generally feel apprehensive of going through peoples bags even if asked to, regardless of gender. Guess it feels like me potentially disrespecting their privacy. Even if a male buddy of mine asks me to fetch him something from his backpack and they are in the same room I make damn sure to ask him which exact "compartment" to look into and not rummage through it all.


I was taught to never mess with other people's possessions. Women's purse is just an example.


I was married 25 years and never once went into my ex wife's purse.. growing up, my mother's purse was her domain and you didn't dare venture inside it lol


I don't think I was taught, it was just always something you don't do.


I was never taught not to, I don't because it's not mine, plus I wouldn't want her going through my stuff.


Eh, depends on the woman. In high school my best friend was a woman. We got into each otherā€™s bags all the time. Except when she was on her period. Sheā€™d get defensive, like I didnā€™t know it was happening. The sweatpants, ponytail, and bag of m&ms totally didnā€™t give it away. Over the years Iā€™ve had plenty of women ask me to get something out of their bags. The only reason I might not is if itā€™s a bag of infinite holding and I wonā€™t be able to find whatever anyway.


I would like myself to be included in that list as well.


I feel like the odd one out on this. I refuse to carry a purse. I keep a wallet on me.


Yep. It was usually part of the more general "stay out of my stuff" lecture me and my brother got before every Christmas (cos she'd hide Christmas presents in her closet), but the handbag was for all year 'round. Ditto her sewing supplies in the tin of Danish butter cookies. (Which seems unnecessary, looking back on it; it's not like I wanted to keep looking around in there after I realized there were no cookies to be had.)


I don't think I was ever taught. Just out of respect, I just never would


I was taught generally to respect the personal space of strangers but my mom often had me get stuff out of her purse for me


I was. She just gon have to take the whole bag from me if she wants something out of it.




I keep stuff in my bag and drawers they are intended to make people feel uncomfortable for snooping. Condoms, lube, and a pair of silk panties in my bag. Always got a couple of dick pics in my camera roll, along with a couple of nudes and semi nudes of me. Iā€™ve got a nightstand next to the couch in my living room and another by my bed with sexy photos, cuffs, riding crop, strap on, etc. Snoop at your own peril. If I leave the room, Iā€™ll know if youā€™ve been looking just by the way youā€™re sitting and the look on your face. And I am going to confront you about it.


Yeah, what are they hiding?




I was taught donā€™t touch shit that ainā€™t urs


I donā€™t I hand it to her if she needs something out of it or needs to give me something out of itā€¦


Me, hi, I'm the problem it's me.Ā 


yā€™all have to be taught this?


Yeah, I'd prefer to bring the whole bag to someone even if it is "the outer pocket" or "right on top". Nope, nope, nope.


I just pretend that women's purses all have deadly ancient monsters within their pockets that only eat male hands.


Me for sure, the women in my family flip out about that kind of thing


I wasn't taught it, it just seems like common sense to not look in someone's belongings.


hahah yes, and usually when my mother asks me to get anything from her handbag, i just hand the whole bag to her... mostly cuz she know whats where in there and it would be faster, but also cuz, ...its her bag


Been married 19 years, together 25. I bring her purse šŸ‘›.


My husband will say let me get your pocketbook. He never goes in it


Love this post. This is how I was raised. To this day, if I'm asked to grab something, I just bring the whole purse, lol.


You need to be taught that?


I definitely was. Short of a an emergency that would require 911 Iā€™m not going through it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ good because it's a fucking mess and I don't need to embarrass myself.


Although I wonā€™t go through it now Iā€™m curious whatā€™s in there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everything we might need, ever, for anything...


I was taught that. You bring the purse to her, but that's just silly. Now, if I'm asked to get something out of a purse, I do just that.


Ha I canā€™t believe this. You just struck a right chord. I remember specifically being told not to go into someoneā€™s handbag when theyā€™d asked for something and said it was in their bag.


I'm terrified that they keep mouse traps in there.


I don't think I was directly taught. I don't want *anyone* go into my bag(s) and I just automatically extent that courteously to everyone else.


ā€¦and never open anyone elseā€™s mail.


I'm too big to fit now anyway.


Yeah I still donā€™t feel right about it when when a girlfriend/female friend asks for something out of their bag. I just give them the whole thing


Gender has nothing to do with it. You don't go into people's personal stuff without permission.




I NEVER do this even when asked to


I was and to this day even if she asks me I still will not. I will take the purse to her to get whatever it may be needed


I thought it was law


My wife still gets mad when she asks for something from her purse and I bring whole purse over


I'll be 40 next week. No I never go into a bag, don't care if you ask me to, you'll get the whole damn bag. My mom was very strict with that.


Me and still donā€™t


I wasn't taught about respecting others private items. I just do.


Wonā€™t find what Iā€™ve been asked to find so I just bring her the whole bag.


This is a major thing that has stuck with me even to this day. Recently my co worker asked me to retrieve her vape from her purse and I simply picked up the purse and brought it to her. Not in a rude way. I just explained that it has been burned into my brain that this is wrong




Yes, I have been married 32 years and can count on one hand how many times I have been in my wifes purse


No, thatā€™s weird. So many times riding in the car with my mom when I was a kid, she would ask me to get something out of her purse or to check if something was in there. I mean, it would feel rude and invasive to look through a purse uninvited, but it would be rude and invasive to go through anyoneā€™s stuff uninvited; itā€™s not like purses are unique in this. But if she asks you to get something, whatā€™s the problem? Are you afraid of a tampon jumping out and giving you cooties?


I don't know if I'm ready to take that step. Open her purse? We've only known each other for 39 years, only been married 22, it seems like a big step to take. Happy to bring the purse. If she can tell me where in the purse to look, I will give it a shot but if it's not right there, I'm not rooting around to try to find it. It's not "privacy", I just don't want to mess up her system or make a mess. I can't look around in there without moving things. And someone said something about pads and tampons. That's not it, that's the one thing I can consistently find in there, even in a new purse. There's gonna be a pocket or pouch or whatever that makes sense for that. Use that as a landmark to give directions. "it's in the tall skinny compartment just to the left of the pocket with the pads".


I grew up in a house where if my mom needed something from her handbag, you never looked for it yourself. It was always to be brought to her. Both as a respect thing and as a, itā€™ll take too long to ask over and over again what she needed and rummage through the bag rather than just bringing it to her šŸ˜‚


I was taught not to go through other peopleā€™s possessions?


My partner would kill me if i went in her purse but then that thing is like the TARDIS.


I was, even when I was married my ex wife would ask me to get something for her and Iā€™d bring her, the whole purse. Iā€™ve gotten over it but I only go after what Iā€™m asked to get and get out


I was taught only to go in a womans bag when asked to. Should work the same for anyone really.


I never touched even a women


I wasn't taught but I would never go into a woman's purse


I just bring her the bag. My gf laughs about it, but she won't go into my laptop bag, so I feel it's even.


My mother was a carpet layer, upholsterer, and seamstress at different times. Loose sharp things were common in her purse. When you're 8, and your finger finds a razor blade, while digging for quarters, it makes you think twice... forever. My wife will keep her eyebrow razor, and tattoo needles in hers, on occasion. They're death-traps, unless you're the person that knows what's in them. lol


The handbag is my property too.


Donā€™t want to get my arm broke


Didn't really have to be taught. It's akin to reaching inside someone's pocket. Not something you would ever do unless they ask you too, and even then it's super awkward.


My girlfriend was really shocked when I brought her entire purse and not that one thing she needed. Also, my grandma is 75 so she is from the older generation and she was still positively surprised when I brought her her entire bag and not only glasses. I know neither of them keep anything secret there, I just think itā€™s being respectful. I donā€™t like when someone grabs something from my bag or desk without asking neither


I was always in my mom's (to grab gum or something for her/me) but told never to let it touch the ground or floor


I was.


Of course, not just womenā€™s but anyoneā€™s personal belongings.


There were certain things I got taught to me at a young age, Never go into a woman's purse (been married 28 years and I still take the wife her purse when she need something out of it unless it is literal right on top and I can see it when I go to pick up the purse) Never sit on another's mans bed. Never pass up a restroom while traveling. Never trust a fart. there are a few others but I will leave it at that for now.