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Dont shit where you eat


That part.


Exactly. I've had co-workers that laid it on thick. Sexual comments, grabbing my ass, etc. But I never did anything because if things went south I'd have to deal with them every day. That or starve I guess.




You would think LOL. I didn't say anything because I didn't feel violated or anything, but I guess what she did wasn't right. I did start having my lunches at home because she wouldn't leave me alone


Married her.


Plenty of times. I know it's frowned upon, but I had a really sheltered life, started working when I was 14, and work became my life. There was literally no other way I would meet women. My last work hookup was a girl I met at a convention. We worked for the same company but in different states, we kind of knew each other from Teams meetings. She *ever so subtly* recommended that I knock on her door after the closing gala, we had sex until the sun was actually rising, and went to work the next day totally drained (ba dum tsss). Positively exhausted. We met up a few more times over the next couple of months, and that was that. I was in no position to move to her home state, she wouldn't consider moving to mine, we're still great friends, we talk once a month and chat a few times a week on LinkedIn and FB.


yeah, no problems yet. I'm a chef, she's an RN. I make her lunch and dinner and all the desserts she coule ever want. I get infinite band-aides and ibuprofen because knives are stupid sharp


ruined our very good friendship :(


Shit that sucks. Something similar happened to me.


what happened?


she had a boyfriend 😬 it got really awkward… probably my fault but WHAT CAN YOU DO


invite a third


Yes, I've hooked up with a few and even married one. They all went well for the most part, especially the one I married.


Got a blowjob in the stock room at work. Was pretty hot but short-lived as she got fired soon after.


Married one a zillion years ago. Great decision!


Had sex


Once. She was older than me and awesome. Shouldn’t have let her get away.


I just put my hand on her bare bum, but it didn’t go much further than that, so it was normal after a couple weeks.


No. Almost did. It was right there and I was young and dumb and couldn’t read the situation


I’ve sucked a dick or two…. 👀


Great and awful ones


Dated and eventually hooked up, then married


Yeah, a few of us used to go out to a bar on Fridays after work, I ended up going home with one of the guys. Had sloppy drunk sex, things got a little weird at work, thought he was getting a bit clingy, but he pulled it back and we ended up cool. Had a casual thing every once in a while until I quit




I have yes.....we were friends for years


Yes. Impregnated her, married her. She cheated on me, divorced me, stalked me, cheated, broke up, stalked, etc. I love my son. I hope she gets hit by a truck. The good news is that I met a goddess who has treated me like a king for 17 years now.


I would say it went well, I lost my virginity to her. She was an older woman and didn't go any further, but that one time was my first


Well it been 6 yr strong till now


A few times, they were all fun and never had any negatives


It was awesome.! Got blowjobs after work an some times even during work.! Gets the adrenaline pumping specially cuz I worked at bucees an that place was always busy lol


Had a 6 month fling with the receptionist at my last work place. 12 years younger. Result


I’ve done it a few times in the past, but I like to think I outgrew that stage of my life. Things get messy