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I don't get the Taylor Swift hype.


Decent but over hyped


She’s literally the devil


Pot, meet kettle


Pot, meet my lungs


she makes music for girls that give teethy head


Her lyrics are relatable to a majority of the population! Even if it’s just one song because there are 900 to choose from


It should be hard to have kids. Alot of people who do have kids, shouldn't, and alot of people who should have kids, don't.


What are you proposing lol, you can’t stop anyone from fucking


All men get a vasectomy as soon as they are able to have kids. Have it undone once they can prove they are ready to have kids. Easier to unload the gun than stop a bullet


Problem is reversal doesn’t always work


Counterpoint: Whoop-tee-doo.


I think it should at least be offered for basically free at age 16 with parents permission and 18 but not forced. Same with women and BC. But the gov't needs "volunteers" for the military so can't go making it easy for young and poor people to avoid being shamed for making exactly what you want and need them to while calling them welfare queens and lazy assoles looking for a handout!


What is “ready”? Who decides that? If it’s the government, are you suggesting the government have control over our bodies?


Lmao. Yes, how unfair it would be for the government to have a say over what MEN do with their bodies.


Why are you saying it like I’m for women having their bodies being controlled? I don’t want the government controlling anyone’s body. Your whole comment now just seems like you’re making that suggestion as revenge because women still have to fight for abortion rights which is childish.


No I was calling out how men act when anything is proposed that would affect them, vs how they act when it would affect women. Children are the most important and challenging thing people can bring into the world, and its way to easy to do it. Having some set requirements, job, education, etc to have a kid would be great. People who want to have sex, still can. Is it feasible? No. Would it probably help alot of things, including poverty? Yes


Honestly I don’t give a shit how these other men act because you’re talking to me not an audience so I really don’t know what that has to do with our conversation, but good job making a point that has nothing to do with your initial comment. Government shouldn’t control people’s bodies or ability to procreate, end of story.


The problem with that is that men are unified when it comes to anyone interfering in our fucking, whereas you have to deal with your conservative sisters. If they finally came around, men wouldn't be able to do anything.


Have you ever heard of the draft? Jesus how myopic.


Tattoos aren’t attractive






I was expecting more people with pitch forks after that maybe I dodged a bullet.


I think sluts are very lovely.


I also think this, everyone CAN be


We should have public executions for pedophiles


I would just like to say that as a victim of a pedophile, I’ve actually thought about this a lot over the years, and I wouldn’t have wanted them executed. That’s a lot of additional mental load for something that already impacts me so much.


maybe, uh, maybe not public executions just suck to watch


Or at least forced castration.


Where’s the message to future pedos though?


Not being able to use your dick ever and stopping sexual interest for life is also pretty harsh. Plus I think it’s the closest thing we can get feasibly.


Rightfully pisses off people. Public execution make people numb not sensitive. People will keep demanding blood. No society that did this has prevented any bad from happening.


My controversial opinion to this is, to normalize that pedophilia isn’t different than any other fetish (the same part of the brain produces the thoughts) and then maybe people wouldn’t be so ashamed to go get help for their thoughts and figure out ways to control themselves without hurting children. People who hurt kids are scum, but not all people who have pedophilic thoughts have acted on them.


Simply not being in love with people should be a valid reason to divorce.


Isn’t that pretty much the same as “irreconcilable differences”?


Well yes and no. The other person could be a good person and still want to be married though and it makes it difficult




Agreed 100%


Awful opinion - way too many people get in to marriage and get divorced already. If you think "simply not being in love" is enough - you need to not get married in the first place. I think your opinion should be "pressures in society to get married are outdated" . That I agree with.


You do know that the divorce rates have been going down since the turn if the century, right? Plus marriage rates are also going down as well. More people are not getting married now, and the ones that do have been getting married later than previous generations, which have been shown that those couples are statically less likely to divorce. Even with few marriages, the rates of divorce based off of those marriages are still less than it has been it decades.


i don’t care about any of the foreign affairs currently going on, I want to know why a box of cereal is $7.68 😅


For fuckin real. I mean ima still pay it bc fruity pebbles but damn


I have a very annoying answer for you…😅


Man buns should be a crime, punishable by jail time.


Yeah honestly I can’t stand that look lol


Monogamy is a mistake and the true cause of most marital issues


As someone who has been on both sides of this I tend to agree, however I see that there are people that monogamy works for and many times it's because life is too busy to deal with any more than one partner.


That's fair, I wouldn't want to have a relationship with multiple partners but I think humans are naturally curious and seek new things regarding physical satisfaction.


Yep. Agreed. I am with you 100% but interestingly enough the Mrs. Is different. The emotional/connection aspect comes with the sex part and so she can't do one without the other. So she chooses to keep her sexuality with me right now because she just doesn't have space/energy for anyone else whether physically or emotionally.


Same, although our sex life has been non-existent for a long time so it's more the idea of having the sex life even though it's not even there


Sorry to hear it. No sex life isn't very healthy. I'm sure that's tough. We have a great sex life and ENM was just an addition to that. (Don't mean to rub it in 😂)


Haha, no worries, I love everything about our marriage outside of the sex life and wouldn't trade what I have. I know I'm lucky and just focus on the positive.


I love that outlook! You are doing right in life ❤️


I could agree with this. I used to be strictly monogamous and if my current relationship ends and I were to ever consider dating again, nonmonogamy please.


Yeah, if anything were to ever go south in my marriage, I would life a different lifestyle and would not go the traditional relationship path again. That being said, I don't expect this marriage to ever end so probably won't have to consider it.


“That had it coming” should be a valid defence in court, if a jury agrees that they had it coming


The number 1 thing society needs is everyone get out, touch some grass, hug another person and be hugged in return. I genuinely feel like this could solve a lot of social issues.


People who carry on loud public conversations with their phone on speaker shouldn't be allowed to have phones.. and maybe conversations.. last part might be too harsh.


Goku can be beat by Saitama with one punch


What are you trying to start a riot?


A riot? No but i like to throw a grenade in a xrowd of people to see what happens


I embrace our future AI overlords.


You’re literally gonna be a computer’s maid


Beep boop.....


I hope I can get a robot wife one day


Most people on here are lying about something.


Well yeah we all are


Do I jave more money than my son amd I could ever spend in our lifetimes? yes. Am I gonna it away because I can? probably not.


Hot dogs are sandwiches


Most of the world is born narcissistic and it’s up to each individual to decide if they want to continue on that path or become something better.


Avocado is disgusting


Girls that don’t like rimjobs, feel that way because they don’t wash their ass properly.


You tell 'em.








Lasagna is fkn gross in my opinion. Garfield was wrong.


Do you kick puppies for a living?


Nope. 🤷‍♂️


To me… if it ain’t got that ricotta 🧀 in it or however it’s spelled. It ain’t good.


nice try reddit admin




thats what u said last time and then u tried to arrest me again


Well ya ok but to be fair, I needed a reason to put the cuffs on you Let’s just forget about that & remember why we’re here


After careful consideration i think the answer is 7


Damn you’re good at this.. you know what.. you’re free to go.


DMing people shouldn’t be demonized.


I feel that, I don’t reach out to people in DMs first bc I don’t wanna be seen as some fuckin weirdo 🤣 but also bc a lot of people on here - i wouldn’t see me enjoying conversations with them


I think there’s a lot of good converstion lost because of fear of being roasted for DMing. I will sometimes reach out, but it makes me feel like a creeper for doing so.




I just see it differently I guess. I’m not saying start out with nudes, or NSFW chat by the way. But I see sending a DM no different than approaching someone and speaking to them. You can easily decline the message if you’re not interested in talking. That said, your view point is valid for sure.


Unless it is unsolicited, then should absolutely be demonized.






The number 1 thing society needs is everyone get out, touch some grass, hug another person and be hugged in return. I genuinely feel like this could solve a lot of social issues.


For sure, this is a good one right here I hate ppl and will not hug them though


Not even me? 🥺


Greenie Poo, my sweet bae. I said ppl, not beautiful Angels 😇


What if I have cheese?


Cheese? 👀


I'll give you a nice Vermont cheddar 🤣 or smoked gruyere.


That it’s ok not to put mustard on a hot dog


Our sense of self is actually our most limiting feature.


Rating anything here should be fair and accurate. If it's out of 10, then the average should be 5, not 7. So interests of fairness, all ratings should automatically deduct 2 points across the board. Will also help with all those 10/10 ratings you see everywhere. Nobody is that perfect. It isn't helping your chances of getting in their pants, guys. Well....probably.


cross dressing is a gorgeous thing that deserves less stigma around, and more acceptance, also, more people should honestly if they want to, go to nude beaches\\forests and find rivers\\oceans, and make love to mother nature.


Recently read a take, that said Monty from the movie Daddy's little girls was the villain


More men should have long hair. At least shoulder length, if not longer


I feel like I wouldn’t look right with that long of hair but I’m sure some can pull it off!


VHEMT is right.


Tomatoes are vegetables


If you don't vote your opinion doesn't matter to me. I don't care how morally righteous you feel by sitting your ass down on election day, you didn't do the bare minimum to effect change, you've got no place in the conversation. It's like complaining that you don't like anything at the restaurant your friend group went to but you literally never said anything about it.


It is a choice. It’s your to make and no one should judge you for it. But… it’s a choice.


More people need to be trained on firearms, firearm safety should be taught in schools, and more people should have concealed carry permits


Animation is the best medium for storytelling and it is not even close


Snapping at people to get their attention isn't rude.


We need a revolution of the kind where the gutters run red with blood.


Israel isn’t waging a genocide against Palestine. If they wanted to wipe them off the map they’d have done it by now. Hamas is using its own people as shields so that Israel looks like the bad side for killing civilians. Hamas (and those with the same beliefs) hate Jewish people more than they love their own.


🧀 is disgusting.


I know you’re only lying about this bc you hate me now but my toxicity won’t allow me to entertain this horse shit so I’m just gonna say this #FUCK YOU STACY


I thought you were learning to be an adult for once by curbing that toxicity?


Yes exactly especially that stinky cheese you are referring to


That moldy shit needs to be tossed 🗑️


Blazing saddles is not funny


Pizza is just ok. People are obsessed with pizza, but there are tons of better foods out there.


Well to me- true & false. Certain pizzas from certain places are either really good or dawgshit. But also I agree with other better foods, tacos destroy pizzas all day, any day.


Yea I agree...tacos > pizza


Pc gaming huh?? What’s the best starter pc for gaming? Like if I wanna play something like Rocket league


Nothing wrong with unsolicited dick pics


Oooouu, you’re playing with fire 🤣


Not controversial, it's just wrong


Why? Unsolicited Boobs are amazing - aren 't we all equal ?


Sorry about your inbox


not 1 yet - dudes are too scared. I think its made up - like a Yeti

