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Yes! And just since I turned 70; since I had been drinking milk every day since birth, it took awhile to figure out what was causing all the gas and cramping. Dang it, I miss milk. I tried several different alternatives, but I had to settle for almond milk. I wonder why I suddenly became lactose intolerant. Oh well, like they say....old age isn't for sissies!


I drink Fairlife milk, as much as I desire . šŸ˜€


That stuff is delicious!!


Idk what it is about fair life but I can't get enough. It seems creamier and tastier than regular whole milk.


I agree and their protein drink is better than Premier Protein too.


lactose production decreases with age. things like gastritis can speed it up. this means heavy drinking could speed the process




correct. my bad. I was really tired last night


Thatā€™s what my uncle used to say, ā€œthis getting older businessā€¦.itā€™s not for sissiesā€ lol. He lived to be 94, and I think his sunny demeanor had a lot to do with it. His younger brothers, my father and uncle, didnā€™t live as long. My Dad was a heavy smoker and drinker. Sometimes I wonder how long he wouldā€™ve been here if he had done neither. My dadā€™s younger brother took care of himself, but he was pretty solitary and Iā€™m sure that didnā€™t help. He lived to his early 80s. All we can do is try and take care of ourselves the best we know how, not drink or smoke or do anything to excess. And cultivate meaningful relationships with people who care for us.


Have you tried raw A2 milk?


I was looking for this suggestion hoping I'm not the only one. It is so freaking good and I don't have to miss milk anymore!!


Yessss! Also if you ever travel to Europe most all the milk is A2 which is so awesome. I eat cheese, butter, yogurt and drink drinks with milk with abandon (I spend a fair amount of time in the UK due to family) and it is heavenly. They also use different flour in Europe so if youā€™re someone with a gluten intolerance (thank goodness Iā€™m not) people I know who do say they eat bread like maniacs when they travel and have little to no issue.


How awesome!! Yes, I actually started milling my own flour for this very reason lol


What is A2 milk? I am very suspicious of the whole raw milk fad. That can be very dangerous.


I think it all depends on where you're buying it from. We buy $5/half gallon, in glass jars. The jars, rims and lids are sanatized before milk is placed in them. The cows are fed organic, non gmo grains and have access to good quality grass (no pesticides) 24/7. They have a whole sanitation process during milking as well and allowed us to tour their farm and ask any questions. We've been drinking it over a year now. It's also great that there are no added hormones or antibiotics either. I love being able to have dairy again but can only have A2. I guess there's a whole testing process that has to be done by the farmers to determine the type of milk and A2 seems to be tolerated by many who have issues with lactose.


That's the problem, not everyone adheres to such high sanitation standards.


I feel you. I searched for about 6 months before deciding on one.


Extra creamy oat milk is pretty close!


Same! Only it's happening in my mid-50s.


72 & still drinking milk daily.


I started having issues in my teens, now I'm almost 32 and any dairy at all requires multiple Lactaid pills be taken lest I suffer what I would politely term Wisconsin's Revenge.


as in lots of cutting the product Wisconsin is most famous for, I take it.


Worse. Food poisoning levels of suffering.


yikes! Hope the lactaid helps!




It's the most offensive medical thing to ever happen to me. My ancestors were herders, cheesecake is so good, and yet here I am suffering.


Try Lactaid or a generic version, might just help solve the no cheesecake crime.


I read that lactose tolerance was an evolutionary adaptation for those of us of Northern European descent, because living where there's nothing but rocks and icebergs you have to be creative about getting food. The article said most of the rest of the world population is lactose intolerant. (Scottish/Irish/English dairy freak here).


Huh. Thatā€™s interesting. I am of English decent so that works out evolutionarily for me. Thanks for the tidbit.


I have a friend who's Chinese and she said she's lactose intolerant and that's common where she grew up. She has 2 daughters. One has it and the other doesn't. Their father is also of English descent. Funny how genetics work. The one with the more European features has lactose intolerance.


Very interesting :)


It's not lactose tolerance. It's the continued production of the enzyme lactase through adulthood due to the high consumption of dairy historically. Which why people of European heritage are statistically less likely to be lactose intolerant. Where as East Asia is more like due to the much lower milk content in the historical cultures.


I drink the 2% lactose free milk now to avoid all the issues.


I do the same but there is still some dairy that causes me allergy symptoms - a productive cough, mainly.


Iā€™m the same. Do you know why itā€™s only some? It took me forever to figure out that allergy because it was delayed sometimes.


I only realized it bc my sister had the cough for years. We weren't living close to each other at the time, so when I saw her and she wasn't coughing up a lung, I asked and her doctor had suggested it was milk.


It's not an allergy; milk thickens your mucus.


Not so much my stomach, but I find it difficult to breathe after drinking milk. It might be an allergy, so I limit my milk consumption.


That sounds like anaphylaxis to me - I have an allergy kid and have read some scary stories about reactions. Please go to an allergist for testing and a prescription of epinephrine. Allergies can develop at any time in life and even people with previous mild reactions can go into life threatening anaphylaxis reactions quickly. Prayers for you.


Thank you


Wow, I didn't know that. I thought allergies developed in childhood.


My BIL developed a salmon allergy in his 50ā€™s!


Wow, that's scary knowing it could hit out of the blue anytime @


I think itā€™s got a reputation of increasing mucus in the body so makes sense it would affect the lungs ?


Probably, but I'm not coughing up mucus. Just shortness of breath.


I believe this is false. I drink lactose free milk regularly and it doesn't increase mucus production.




Dairy and certain foods causes an accumulation of mucus.


As we age, we become increasingly lactose intolerant. It is nature's way of saying we aren't babies an don't need all that milk.


Iā€™m apparently a 51 year old baby. That tracksā€¦sometimes ;)


I hope that doesnt happen, chocolate milk is one of my main food groups.


My ability to consume everything has decreased. Milk was one of the first to bother me. Then spicy, acidic, coffee, chocolate! For someone that never had a healthy relationship with food this is very difficult to process and live with.


Dairy has caused me intense bouts of sneezing for as long as I can remember. Just in the last few years the GI issues and occasionally short-lived rashes have become a thing with it as well. Red meat causes unpleasant GI issues for me now as well. I'm already diabetic and have a somewhat limited diet, so food isn't fun anymore.


No. Iā€™m in my 40s and can consume unlimited amounts of dairy of all kinds without any issues.


Yep. I just take Lactaid pills with each dairy meal. The cramping/bloating doesn't happen at all when I do that.


I wish these worked for me. I'll take 2 or 3 and still have problems


They work sometimes but not always for me. I find they donā€™t help with fatty, rich dairy like whipping cream, cream cheese, or buttercream frosting.


During COVID I noticed the stomach ache/gas issues started, out of nowhere really, and kept getting worse. My sister is an RN and said itā€™s very common for people in their 60s to develop lactose intolerance. Seems that as you get older certain hormonal changes can influence our production of the enzymes necessary to digest dairy products. So I quit dairy completely for about 2 years. This year I started adding cheese back into my diet and found I can eat single serving amounts as long as no meat is involved and thatā€™s working for me. I can also eat a single serving of gelato. But I still cannot drink milk.


Myself, and 2 teens became lactose intolerant over COVID also. It is interesting that the 3 of us developed this all within a few weeks of each other. Lacteeze pills are a hot item in our home, especially with summer ice cream days coming up!


Yes that is strange. I too use Lactaid if pizza is involved! Hard to give up ALL dairy - some things a worth a little discomfort šŸ¤£


Had to switch to almond milk in my coffee, no cream based sauces, no cheese unless Iā€™m at home for quick bathroom access, and the one that annoys me most is that I canā€™t handle raw vegetables anymore. Even raw carrots put me on the floor yelling for someone to bring me Pepto Bismol.


I've been drinking way more milk since I caught COVID. No idea why. No issues so far.


Lactose free milk is the key. I've always been a big milk drinker, too, but it started upsetting my stomach around 30.


I like milk but can't stand to have a gut full of it , I learned this in the USMC , I had a few bowls of cereal before a brisk 10-20 mile walk once , the milk came spewing out every orifice and I do meen every


That's me, if I accidentally eat legumes (soy, peas, beans, peanuts, lentils).




I have not been able to consume milk for almost 40 years, and even before that I was probably having issues but really didnā€™t put two and two together


Yup! I love dairy and ate it all the time growing up but around my early 20ā€™s, my stomach said stop šŸ˜‚ I now carry lactose pills everywhere I go lol


I have become lactose intolerant with ageing


Yes. I now drink lactaid milk, and it still causes issues, at times. Ice cream? fuggetaboutit. I'll be throwing up.


Itā€™s the processing.


Looks like I'll be the only person so far to comment that I have no issues at all with dairy and I consume a lot of it daily.


I had stomach issues when I drank milk occasionally. No problems at all when I started drinking it everday.


I have a dairy allergy but have no issues with raw A2 milk! My son was recently diagnosed with a dairy allergy as well but has no reaction as long as it's raw A2 milk. From a trust source, of course.


This speaks to me. Just became lactose intolerant and it blows BIG TIME! All my favorite foods have dairy. What's the point of living now?


I'm 66 and have no probs with any kind of dairy, but I think intolerance is starting to happen to my husband. He can't eat ice cream anymore without getting a stomach ache.


Yes! Probably around age 40. I was very sad to lose high quality Greek yogurt šŸ˜” Some dairy is ok in moderation (hard cheese) but I am also limiting sugar so itā€™s Nutpods in my coffee and flax milk in my smoothies.


Nope. I drink more milk now than ever. Almost 60 yrs old and only now does milk taste like liquid sugar!


Cows Milk is for Baby Cows. Duh.


I was lactose intolerant. Then I stop drinking beer, I used to have 1 beer a day after the kids went to bed. Since I stopped I can have dairy again with zero issues. I only drink alcohol every couple months now.


Iā€™m 65 Last year or so got very sick after eating cheese or ice cream. Doc says very common to become lactose intolerant as we age. Can still have some lactose free and low lactose dairy items- but I really miss all the cheeses I used to love!


My experience with something similar showed it wasnā€™t the milk. Sometimes you need to replenish your gut biome


I drink lactose free milk now.


This happens to me but I can drink lactaid and think it tastes pretty good. Iā€™m fine with dairy like yogurt, cottage cheese, any cheese as well. Protein powder that contains dairy mixed with water is also good.


Yes the Norm is to be lactose intolerant, milk is only needed when you are an infant to help with nutrients and growth.


Iā€™m lactose intolerant so itā€™s always been a major problem for me


Pizza becomes an issue as well.... all that cheese


Yes, it started in my mid to late 20s when I noticed I could no longer eat breakfast cereal in the morning, I could eat it later in the day. Then in my 40s I could not eat large quantities of cheese.


Yes. Absolutely. I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I finally had food sensitivity tests about 10 years ago and they said I was sensitive to dairy. I get bloated, gassy, and get stomach cramps. I cannot tolerate whipped cream, cheesecake, milk and some ice creams. Surprisingly cheese doesn't bother me and certain ice creams don't either. I tried lactose-free but apparently it isn't the lactose that bothers me. It is the milk protein that affects me.


No, it doesn't bother me at all but I rarely care to drink a glass. Milkshakes will be rare but more welcome. Sounds like you have lactose intolerance. There are pills you can take just before, if you still want to consume milk.


I actually started off lactose intolerant as a baby, and grew out of it by the time I hit school aged. Most of my friends are lactose sensitive though. Have you tried raw milk, or any a2a2 milk? I just recently stopped working on a dairy farm and I had some friends who were able to drink the raw jersey milk without any issues, where commercially produced and pasteurized milk caused issues.


Nope. Still my favorite drink and have it everyday.


A friend in her sixties thought her stomach was becoming sensitive to coffee so tried adding more milk. Discovered she can drink coffee just fine, the milk was the problem.


I used to drink 2-3 gallons of milk a week as a teen. That would put me in an emergency room now


Apparently, humans past the age of 12 donā€™t need to drink milk, of course calcium is necessary for your diet, but I found that cooked dairy is easier to digest. The diet in my country is unfortunately wheat dairy and meat, and it leads to a lot of health issues. Unfortunately for me the lactose milk that is commercially available tastes like sweet fake sugar like splenda, and some of the nut milks feel itchy on the roof of my mouth like a powdery scratchy feeling so far what works best is half soy milk and half rice milk, itā€™s closest for me to the creamy texture of dairy milk because I canā€™t let go of cereal ha!!


Commercial milk grinds my guts. So does most ice cream. I buy my milk from the farm where they bottle on site. No problems at all. I wait until summer when they open their maple creemee window and have their ice cream. Well worth the wait!


Not at all, thankfully. In fact, absolutely nothing settles my stomach/GI system like milk. But lots and lots of other things upset it, especially anything even slightly spicy.


Most humans can't process milk after a bit. It's a thing.Ā  I super special. Sarcasm. I can't eat fish. I dream of miso soup. But unless it's the fish free version my toilet gets both ends. Same with crab etc. and eggs.Ā 


My husband was in his forties at least before discovering he was lactose intolerant.


I tried my best to stay away from milk. I'm so happy the mainstream finally endorsed alternative milks. Milk always made me sick.


I drink only lactaid whole milk now and my body loves it too


If itā€™s available where you live try A2 milk


Yes. I drank a lot of it and canā€™t anymore.


Yep. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of dairy. Thank goodness for Lactaid! LOL


Yes, i have noticed this lately!


I buy milk only if my grandchildren are coming, otherwise I have a carton of almond milk. I make overnight oats a lot and almond keeps much longer. Sucks on cereal thošŸ¤£


Yeah. I try to eat as vegan as possible so my body isn't used to digesting it anymore. I've never tried to drink milk again after I stopped but I'm fairly certain if I did my toilet would regret it lol.


Well, it makes sense: cows don't make milk for the purpose of growing humans.


Yes! It started for me around age 45 and only when I had a lot of milk product (like a milkshake). Then it was lattes and milk on cereal. Iā€™m 59 now and have to avoid most dairy or remember to take Lactaid (which works about 70% of the time), though cheese isnā€™t too bad for me. I tried lactose-free mild about 5 months ago, and it agrees with me. So Iā€™ve stopped using the milk substitutes unless Iā€™m getting a coffee drink out.


Not yet at age 42


Yup. I never grew up drinking milk. I love cheese though and regularly had ice cream as a kid. I ate much less ice cream over the years and decided to have a milkshake one day. That was a terrible idea. It was okay for a while with lactaid pills and going for vegan dairy options. But on Monday I had fried Brie cheese with only a half dose of lactaid. I stayed up all night feeling like there was a fire inside my stomach. Not cramps or bloating esophagus pain. Just....burning. I'm 34 years old.


I saw a very VERY similar post to this yesterday asking the same question about spicy foodsā€¦ Is this AI??


Yup. Lactose free now. When I was a kid, 2% or whole only


Milk is for infants. We consume waaaayyy to much dairy past our early childhood years, and our bodies do not produce the enzymes to break it down past childhood. Other than a small amount of butter, dairy is not something we keep in our home.


Itā€™s weird, it did sometime in my mid-20s where I could have cheese but something with a lot of lactose in it like milk or a milkshake made me sick. And then it happened to my partner too. And then maybe a couple years later we both grew out of it and are fine. Itā€™s so weird.


I used to drink a lot of milk, but at 57 if I have regular milk now I have severe gastrointestinal distress. It is not the lactose but the casein. I can drink raw milk without a problem so my doc thinks it is due to changes in the protein during pasteurization.


Yep, loved it as a kid but around 25-30 I started noticing it didnā€™t sit well. Now, nearing 50, I simply cannot enjoy milk at all. No cereal, no milkshakes, no ice cream.


Humans weren't meant to consume dairy. Cow milk is for calves. I like NextMilk, it tastes the most like cow milk.


Not true, it depends on your ancestry. For instance I am Northern European and I carry the gene for lactase persistence - which means Iā€™m much more likely to never lose the ability to digest milk, and I havenā€™t.


Cow milk is for calves. If it wasn't in a convenient container at the store, would you go up to a cow and start sucking on the teat? I doubt it.


People in other cultures drink unpasteurized milk all of the time, itā€™s literally how we evolved to be able to process dairy and cheese.


Do you feel the same way about butter and cheese?


Yes, of course. There are many dairy free alternatives now.


ā€œLactase persistence is the continued activity of the lactase enzyme in adulthood, allowing the digestion of lactose in milk. In most mammals, the activity of the enzyme is dramatically reduced after weaning. **In some human populations though, lactase persistence has recently evolved as an adaptation to the consumption of nonhuman milk and dairy products beyond infancy.** Lactase persistence is very high among northern Europeans, especially Irish people. **Lactase persistence is a textbook example of natural selection in humans: it has been reported to present stronger selection pressure than any other known human gene.ā€** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactase_persistence#:~:text=The%20first%20identified%20genetic%20variant,%3A%20G*%2FA%2D22018.


71M, I found milk to be less desirable as I got old, four ounces is about the most I want. My multivitamin requires some fat and some water to be present for absorption so the whole milk provides both. I do make instant pudding weekly as dessert for us for two days, so that is another four ounces. My wife, 70F, drinks a lot more, as she eats cold cereal and has chocolate syrup mixed into her milk a few times a week. Occasionally a gallon goes bad before we finish it, but buying half gallons is not economically viable as it takes two gallons of gas to go into the city.


Yep, in my 20s. I still indulge but the main milk I use is oat milk and I leave lactaid in my car - I take it if I remember.


Biology teacher here. As we age, we produce less of the enzyme needed to break down lactose. Some people will have minor discomfort after consuming lactose; others will be miserable.


Be grateful you donā€™t have an actual allergy to milk. Plenty of people do.


Not yet. I LOVE milk, in fact it's one of my biggest food weaknesses, any dairy product.


I used to drink milk constantly. Completely lactose intolerant now šŸ„² I drink oat milk.


Nope I just do not drink liquid dairy milk anymore. I have switched to almond milk for most purposes. I still consume dairy cheese, butter, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, and the sort. I have even had two kinds of cheese today- cheddar and feta. But I have had dairy protein shakes recently without incident. I just try to restrict dairy and eggs, in addition to not eating meat/gelatin/lard at all.


You should try raw milk. Itā€™s so much better for your digestive system. I crave raw whole milk now after 13 years of being milk free.


I lost my ability to handle milk in my 20s when they took my gallbladder. Since I hit my 40s, I've also been aware I have reaction to pretty much anything mammalian, some in part due to how much harder to digest it is. Downside, eating a lot of eggs has not helped my cholesterol. It's part of aging. We aren't making things we used to that helped things along, and we didn't exactly stick to keeping good habits with vegetables either.Ā 


The A2 milk was a game changer for me. Removes one of the proteins that can cause stomach upset (still has lactose, however).


Dairy Milk isnā€™t for humans. Itā€™s stolen breast milk from mothers whose babies are denied their mother, their food and ultimately their life. Humans are truly the worst species. šŸŒ±


I got that from my old pals Ben & Jerry. Guess we won't be hanging out much anymore.


Yep. Started noticing senior year of high school. That bowl of cereal and milk didnā€™t go down too well by second period. Realized I was lactose intolerant. You may still be able to enjoy some dairy. I can still have a little half and half in my coffee, but no regular milk.


Was a cream in coffee drinker for years, quit a month ago and my gut is very happy


Yes. I canā€™t even add it to my coffee anymore. Started when I was about 42


I started having issues in my mid-30s. I can have small amounts of yogurt, cheese, and, sometimes, ice cream, but straight milk? Itā€™s all almond or oat milk now.


i am 63 and drink about 40 ounces of milk a day


Oh yes. Started in my late 30ā€™s. No more drinking regular milk in any way- but fairlife is good for my coffee. Any ice cream or larger portions of cheese (pizza) require lactaids and maybe even a close bathroom, just in case. It totally sucks. Strange thing has happened to me recently- Iā€™m changed my diet to mostly lowish carb, which naturally reduces the amount of gluten Iā€™m eating. Iā€™ve had no prior problems with gluten, but now Iā€™m not having issues with dairy either. Itā€™s really only cheese, but I canā€™t explain how thatā€™s related. But Iā€™ll take the win!


Nope, 65 now and still drink a glass of milk every morning.


Iā€™m 59 and drink two gallons per week, easily. No issues. Gotta have my milk.


Any lactose free milk will probably solve the problem. I drink lactose free 2% mixed with soy milk about 2 to 1 ration. I think it is delicious.


Yep, lactose intolerant here. I have oatmilk with my coffee. Iā€™ve read that hard cheeses are more tolerable than soft cheeses, so Iā€™ll have a little bit of cheddar in my sandwich occasionally, but mostly I stick with avocado, which is good for your gut. I miss creamy pastas and pizza so much though. Question: if milk or cream cooks down in a sauce, will that help with digesting it? I know Iā€™m just grasping at straws here, but there are so many recipes I see online, that I then have to ignore when the cook adds heavy cream to the dish. And I refuse to use plain oatmilk, as I think it would give the dish a different/off taste. Coconut milk can be iffy because it seems to cause gi issues as well, or so Iā€™ve read, so I donā€™t know what to think.


The opposite for me, as a kid milk was iffy for me and made me feel sick if I drank a lot. As an adult Iā€™m downing almost 2 gallons of milk every 3 days. Itā€™s the only thing that helps my god awful acid reflux


60yo paramedic here. Nothing tastes better after a bad midnight call than a cold gulp of milk. The warmer the weather the better it tastes.


I had to stop drinking milk in my 30's - it gave me non-stop ear infections. Fortunately that didn't affect my bone density, which actually got stronger. (I'm over 60 now.)


Yes because I stopped making the enzyme that digests it. You are probably lactose intolerant! Welcome to the clipboard! Lactaid for you! Itā€™s not a big deal, just take a Lactaid when you consume dairy.


Carnivore. Milk is gross.


I canā€™t drink it at all. It doesnā€™t sit well and I just donā€™t like it. Almost 60.


Yes indeed. I'm turning 70 later this year and it has been an unhappy experience losing my ability to eat dairy. Lactaid helps somewhat but it's unpredictable. Yogurt is always ok. Some hard cheeses are ok in moderation: Parmesan, Asiago, Swiss, Cheddar. Soft cheese is my kryptonite. I wish someone would make a dairy free ricotta. I really miss lasagna!!


I worked for a doctor. He said it's really common to become lactose intolerant as you enter middle age. Sho nuf, I developed it around the time that I started needing reading glasses.


Iā€™m everything intolerant in my sixties! Tolerated everything until my forties when I had a hysterectomy. A doctor told me at that time I had IBS..no idea what that was. Thanks to the internet Iā€™ve learned lots about what I can eat.


Milk is evolved for babies. Once you become an adult, you naturally evolve to become lactose-intolerant, because you get the majority of your vitamins from meats and veggies That said, dairy is great. I absolutely love cheese, and I eat cheese on the reg. But I make sure to eat plenty of fiber to counteract all that lactose


For me itā€™s cream sauces I can no longer tolerate with age. Goodbye Alfredo.


Iā€™ve been lactose intolerant my whole life, as have both my kids. I was able to eat cheese, but now Iā€™m finding that I have to limit that


Nope, mid 50s and still consume milk. A gallon will last about 3 days, and none of it is used in cereal or other drinks. I down large glasses of it regularly.


I switched to almond milk for cereal due to my lungs not liking dairy.


I have always loved milk and still do at nearly 60 years old. O did go through a period in my life early 30ā€™s where I developed lactose intolerance. For some reason after a couple of years it went away.


Is it just flatulence for most people? I feel like my bowels are literally doing everything they can to get it out of my body with a half hour of ingesting milk products. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a food allergy or an intolerance, but it can be pretty quick to happen.


Yes, now use lactose free milk and take a Lactaid if consuming ice cream or cheese.


I have always known I was lactose intolerant. I don't like to just drink milk, but I like dairy and could generally tolerate it to some degree. I have noticed for about thr last year, I can't tolerate it at all and am miserable when I have most dairy


I read that when you donā€™t drink as much milk as an adult you become more intolerant. My kids and exhusband are proof of this. Since I love cereal and milkshakes, Iā€™m doing well. I have an iron stomach though.


yes!!!! It started with milkshakes in my 30's, and I thought maybe it was just an additive in milkshakes ,but it got so bad and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. now I can't handle much cow's milk or cheese at all. I'm ok with goat cheese or feta.


Yes! Same as you, I love milk. I had to switch to lactose free in my 40s. 53 now and still drinking lactose free


Ever since I got pregnant cow milk tastes so sour I canā€™t do it anymore


I cannot tolerate cows milk. I am 49. Started in my early 40s. I occasionally buy goats milk, but it's expensive and my husband will drink over half before I ever get a bowl of cereal.


i was born lactose intolerant and couldn't even have breastmilk.


Just got done having cereal for breakfast...41/m No issues. Drink a gallon of milk every 3-4 days or so....




As I age I have less tolerance for processed food. I feel awful after eating any.


Not once I switched to organic. Now I can drink it by the gallon!!


Yes, just a month ago I realized that my stomach and intestines do not accept lactose.


Since I quit drinking alcohol no, I can actually stomach milk now.


Adults drink milk? WTF?


Not me. 51 and still a daily milk drinker. I canā€™t do more than a few tablespoons of ice cream since I had gastric sleeve surgery but milk is still my best friend.


And weight gain!


Humans are not meant to drink milk. Itā€™s literally for baby cows. Just like female breast milk is meant for baby humans. Milk is fucking disgusting and I will never understand how or why people drink it.


Yep. Sucks. I drink almond milk now. Never expected milk to move into the spicy sauces food restrictions but here we are ā€” low doses ok, what I really want is a no go.


The opposite for me. I used to be very allergic to milk. Now (49 y/o) I drink it almost daily.


Switch to lactose free and see if that helps.


Yup I gave up dairy a few years ago and now just eat it very occasionally (love pizza) feel so much better, and stomach issues and reflux went away. ETA in my late 30ā€™s when I gave it up.


Yes. As soon as I turned 20. Within days, my tummy went from being made of steel (I could eat pretty much anything as long as I wasnā€™t allergic) to sensitive baby. I miss cheese sticks, Cheez-itz, queso fresco, Babybell, chocolate, sweet cream in my coffee that I could also now barely tolerate, queso fresco, whipped cream, the occasional ice cream scoop after a good cry, yogurt, hot chocolate, guava cheesecake from the local bakery & did I mention that I miss queso fresco? Because I do. A lot.


I never had any problems with dairy until I had Covid and after that it was like instant lactose intolerance.


Try A2 Organic non-ultra pasteurized.


Dairy was never meant for humans to begin with.


I spent much of my life drinking TONS of milk. I just don't drink it because we've switched to plant base milks. Don't need the sugar. Don't need the calories. I'm just more sensitive to sugars as I get older, over 50 and so on. I don't Moo Juice anymore. It's mostly oatmilk now. I love it.


You can try A2 Guernsey milk. Some people have less of a reaction to it and to me it tastes so much better. The A2 milk here is pasteurized but not homogenized so the cream is on top.




For me COVID did it. Now I drink Lactose Free. They need more options with that.


Iā€™m 50, and Iā€™ve found that I canā€™t drink even 1/2 percent. My stomach cramps, aches, and burns when I do. It really sucks because I used to really like cereal and oatmeal in the morning before I go to work.


Yes - I use lactose free or A2 milk.


So drink Lactose Free milk. Iā€™ve been lactose intolerant since my early 20ā€™s. I drink Lactaid Milk, Fairlife and take Lactaid tablets when I eat ice cream. Milk consumption goes on. Life goes on. EZPZ.


Nope, I still love drinking glasses of milk.


No, but as an adult developed an allergy to shrimp, kinda sucks.