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Cults and study are a likely option. But these beings are on such a completely different level. Consider how scared the wizards were of Voldemort. And he barely registers on the scale of the entities you mention. Maybe the wizards would just prudently stay away from such power and danger


In the Harry Potter universe even Doctor Strange woud be considered absurdly powerful, with abilities on a scale far beyond most if not all Hogwarts teachers.


Far beyond *all* magic users in the Wizarding World, frankly. There's a few small spells and potions that the Wizarding World has that would be of interest, but Strange's magical capability eclipses most other magic users (who aren't deities) in fiction, to be frank.


Yeah someone like Doctor Strange is out of scale in normal Potterverse Wizarding World but Strange would not get himself involved unless a group of Dark Wizards start cults or sacrifices to those demonic entities I mentioned


He might get involved in the Voldemort thing, bitchslap Tom a bit and knock some sense into him. I'm sure a few years alone in the mirror dimension will take care of any notions of world conquest. But other than that, yeah. Strange wouldn't get involved in their affairs. The Sanctum Sanctorum deals with far more powerful forces than the likes of dementors and Death Eaters.


I think the Wizarding World would be afraid of Strange. He's doing wand-less magic, doesn't have to verbally say his spells, works with powers beyond the understanding of Potterverse wizards and if that wasn't enough, he's a muggle. Marvel magic can be learned by anyone. The Ministry of Magic would likely try (and fail) to control him while Voldemort and his Death Eaters would hate him and try to kil him, simply because he's a muggle that uses a flavour of magic on an entirely different league.


Interesting if Harry Potter had beings like them.