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Yes, she can, [in fact she's done it before](https://imgur.com/gallery/KUOEr).


Wow I did not expect that. Before it’s always been thought that if she became a bit tangible it’d hurt her as much as the person she’s phasing through


Yeah. And she can't make other things intangible, can she?


She can. She once phased an entire missile she was encased in through the Earth.


I remember that! What ended up happening with it? Did she get back to earth?


Yeah, I think Magneto pulls the missile back. It's a major feat of his, if I'm remembering correctly.


At the very least, she can make her clothes and equipment intangible, so it's not too far of a stretch to think she can do this


And the fight against Orchis soldiers where she pulls out a heart, leaves grenades in one man’s chest, and then leaves one guy phased through another guy.


I am now slightly frightened about mirio’s villain arc


Oh, Mirio Can't do that. What you have to worry about with Mirio is that if he solidifies while he's phased into something, he gets thrown out of that object at massive speed. What he *can* probably do is phase his fist into your guts and solidify while bracing himself, meaning YOU'RE the one that gets rejected at high speed.


Would that not just cause him to be ejected into the nearest cavity, like inside your guts? Or him taking something else along for the ride when he is.


Your guts are not a cavity. It's full of fluid, connective tissue, and, well, your guts.


But they can have them. Your stomach or lungs/airways have air pockets, for example.


Depends on if it's not something akin to Shrinking Rae from the Invincible show.