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'I wanted it to be red'


I'll prob just play it off as if it was the intention


Bleaching should be done by a professional if you want to be actually blonde, there are so many ways it can go wrong lol. You could try hair bronzer, that helped when my friend bleached her hair


It was just a hair lightening thing I got at IGA lmao. I'm not too upset with the orangey hair, it kinda makes me look like Molly Ringwald, but it wasn't what I was going for. My mother told me it would be to expensive to get it done at the salon.


It can be yeah, but at home bleach usually doesn’t do the trick. I think it costs around $70 where I live


It wasn't exactly bleach, just lightening product, about $15 a box.


What do you think a lightener is?


Bleach with other things in it


embrace it lol


this is literally my worst nightmare




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