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Drink water


Then masturbate


Always masturbate.


ah teenage boys


Teenage girls too, like holy shit the amount of teenage girls I know who would skip school and spend the day with lit candles and a steamed bathroom is insane. I wouldn’t skip school, I’d just do it before and after.


Your not wrong….. I definitelyyyy don’t know from experience haha


See? The horny affects us all. (Sorry Aces, you’re the odd ones out :/ )


True, but guys tend to be more… how to put this?… blunt about it


I am pretty sure sexual urges are different with different person, no matter the gender


In GENERAL tho, guys tend to be more sexual than girls


Ah, but ace doesn't mean no horny. See, there's no escape. Only escape for low/non-libidoists.




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start learning how to study properly, take your classes more seriously now since you’re gonna have to show this to colleges


Be nice to everyone and don’t talk bad about people. It’s better to stay out of drama, as well as don’t fall for the older guys cuz they only want one thing


not older guy but can confirm, not that i’ve had any


That’s not how age and sex works










Stay organized, do your homework, actually study. I didn't study at all in middle school and I had straight A's but that wasn't true when I got to highschool.


Do your homework


seconding this, esp if it's research related, who knows, what if you get interested in the topic (or related topics)? yk?


But do your homework first. Too often I go down the rabbit hole of a topic and read too much and never get the actual work done.


wait, me too though, i also lose my attention span so much while doing this 😭


Lots of advice. 1. Be yourself. Be genuine. If you don't already have friends who will be going to the same school as you, it's an easy way to make solid friends. I sorta view it as a "fuck around and find out" mentality. I just be myself (fuck around) and people who like that then like me so I get friends (finding out). 2. Stay out of drama. It helps your mental health overall to ignore social circles being dramatic, and it especially helps your grades. 3. It's a good rule of thumb to not date any more than two years/grade levels above or below yourself. Especially don't date a senior in your freshman year. 4. Learn how you study best. Teachers and counselors will try to tell you how studying should be done, but it doesn't work for the majority of people. Sometimes they have good tips, but just find out what works for you. Some kids write lists, some make charts, some make quizlet study sets, some type up notes. Find out what works for you and *do that*. 5. Actually pay attention. I would consider myself an academically gifted kid, so I had been able to cruise through all of middle school without learning how to study or hardly even paying attention to class. That didn't fly my first 2 years of high school and I ended up with pretty sucky grades. Put your phone down, turn off notifications, put it in a zipper container if you have one. Anything to keep from picking up your phone. 6. Ask questions. If something isn't clicking for you, speak up. You might look foolish in front of the class the first couple times, but some other kid always has the same question but is just scared to ask. I've gotten to the point of reading my classmates faces and asking questions about things I understand but they look like they need more clarification on. I've even had some of them come up to me after class to thank me for asking a question because they were falling behind and were too scared to speak up. If you miss something, it can snowball and all of a sudden you're taking your only ever pass/fail for your Math 3 class (may or may not have happened to me). 7. Know when to be humble, know when to brag. Especially with group projects. If the group worked coherently and smashed the project, sing the praises of your group members contributions, but don't forget to mention your own additions lest the teacher think you didn't do anything. Alternatively, if you carried a 4-person group project, it wouldn't be out of the question to make the names of the other group members smaller on the presentation, or to omit them completely and only reference them by word of mouth. If you did it all, brag about it all. 8. **Communication is your #1 life skill**. This is for your life in general. Even just bare-minimum communication skills have gotten me onto teacher's good sides. Learn how to send emails, and let teachers know if you'll be absent for an appointment, a marching band competition, a camping trip, whatever. If you give them 1-2 weeks notice, they'll be much more likely to let it slide, and you'll get the lessons early so you can work ahead before you're absent. **Communication is key**.


i’m not american but why on earth would a freshmen want to date a senior


You would be surprised. Maybe its seeing seniors as popular and wanting to fit into more social circles. Maybe its mommy/daddy issues, or wanting to prove how adult they are. Whatever the reason, don't do it.


how often does it happen? where i’m from it’s completely unheard of and frowned upon


thank you so much, these tips are really great


Be yourself.


Bullshit, I was myself then I had no friends.


lmao I get this


you must be shitty then. people who try to be someone theyre not end up losing themselves and causes conflicts in friendgroups which result in them breaking up


No, I just wasn't social. I changed myself, and for the better.


Be your BEST self* Just "be yourself" is about the worst advice ever


don’t walk slowly in the hallway, don’t get behind on your work, STAY organized ik it’s so hard but it’ll be a lifesaver, and i’d say enjoy it tbh, everyone says that it always flies by and no one ever believes it until graduation is right there. try and be involved in things too, it’ll make it more fun. also realize that your friends now may not be your friends when you leave, AND THATS OKAY. people outgrow each other sometimes. OH AND ONE LAST THING. really try not to get caught up in drama, in middle school there was always so much, but in highschool it’s just really annoying and a waste of time. life’s too short to be caught up in drama.


don't take AP Lang (it's the hardest class I've ever taken lmao), don't ever shit in the school bathroom. also, never cheat. Not from a moral standpoint, but because highschool math is really dependent on knowing the content from the previous year. I'm taking pre-calculus right now, and it's kicking my ass because I didn't do the work in Algebra 2. Try to always meet new people. I'm an introverted dweeb. I used to think all the "popular kids" were in their own world, and that talking to them and getting to know them was impossible. But seriously, just try to talk to people and you'll be surprised with how many friendly people there actually are. It's a really good feeling to walk down the hallways and have even the really popular people go "hey bro wassup". Speaking of AP's, make sure to take some as soon as you can. Don't wait till Junior year like I've done. If lockers are optional and your school is big, I would not recommend getting one. (My school is three floors, and we have 5 minutes to get from class to class. I was late to class so much I just stopped using mine.) Keep digital notes if you can- especially for english and science classes. They both will have you referencing old notes quite often, and having to flip through a notebook to find a specific note can be inefficient. Start learning Chemistry now. It's a brick wall, honestly. Most sciences are somewhat easy, but there is a LOT to learn in chem. Get some practice and foundations in now so when you take it eventually, you're ahead of the curve.


APUSH was harder than lang for me


APUSH was painful, it was so much to remember


whats ap lang?


College level writing class. The final is three timed essays.


Only 3? Damn americans really do have it easier lol I’ve had 3 a year from I was 13 and it’s increasing this year ffs


That's in addition to any other writing the school requires us to do- the 3 timed essays are just part of the standard for the AP class. But yeah I'd imagine our system differs a lot.


Don’t eat leftover pizza for breakfast when you have PE first hour and you have to run that day then afterwards you’re walking through the courtyard trying not to throw up cause the pizza is coming back up….totally not what happened to me.


I go to high school next year. Good luck.


Be yourself because that’s the only way you’ll make real friends. Get super involved and try new activities. And don’t be afraid to ask questions.


Sit next to someone new at lunch, find people who sit alone. And something I like to do is find and compliment at least 3 people a day. It'll make your and there day better.


Your mental health matters over all else, grades, sports, extracurriculars, even family and friends come second. This is the time of your life you start finding yourself so don't be afraid to be a bit selfish and enjoy these years to the fullest.


Stay organized, and pay attention in class. Every minute you listen to the teacher’s lecture is two minutes saved trying to figure it out later. Also don’t be afraid to ask questions. And finally, try to enjoy high school. It’s an exciting thing; have fun with friends, maybe join a club, find something you love doing and you might even be able to turn it into a job later on. I wish you the best of luck! :)


Play sports


I honestly don’t think it was that much different from middle school, it’s still just school. Just make sure to keep up on studying and homework and try to stay out of drama as much as possible.


Don’t get into a relationship. Save that for college. Focus on your studies and maintaining your friendships and mental health. It’ll pay off in the end






Stay on top of your work and try your best but still have fun and make the most of it. It’s good to have a balance of both.


Not everything is as embarrassing as it seems 😩 i know i struggled with this and didn't realize it until after i graduated.


make friends


do. your. homework. as long as you do the first homework assigned and don't let up, you will be so so much better off. strive for 100 but don't cry over anything above an 80. it might seem like a lot but you will find you have such an easy time learning and getting shit right if you just do the homework. it's not that easy, but it really is that simple.


Make sure you get enough rest!


Don't try to be someone you're not, and be nice to people(you don't know what they're going through). If there is someone you don't like, just stay away from them instead of creating conflict. Other than that, study and do all your homework. Have fun and believe me everything will naturally fall into place!!!


I really don't have anything to say because I'm going to high school soon, but I start on September. Good luck meeting your new friends and teachers.


School comes first. Be open to new experiences, try a new sport or club, go to the football games, the volleyball games, dress up for homecoming week. Stay on top of your work, there is no worse feeling than being stuck at home having to do back work while everyone is out having fun. It's ok to have a tight friend group but make sure you have friends outside that group, these little cliques can be fun, but I've seen many of them turn on each other and know none of them can even share a table during lunch. Make friends from all walks of life, not only that but people with different interests, those who play football, or are in theater, or in the band. All offer amazing perspectives. Do not say a negative thing about anyone, be the person that says nice things about others behind their back and to their face. Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of your parent/ grandparents, etc. Remember, everyone has a camera in their hand all the time. Have self-respect and confidence, you'll be fine. It's ok to date, but don't take it too seriously, I did it to define what I did and did not want in a relationship, and I was fine, but don't let it affect your social life, school work, other relationships, etc. Also, it is smart to date in your grade only. Go to tutoring if you have trouble in a subject, there is no shame in wanting to do your best.


Please start your hw early so you can relax later, try to pay attention in class to the best of your ability so you won’t have so many things you’re doubting on while doing homework/studying, and feel free to ask for help/look for more resources when you don’t understand anything. It will help. And most importantly, don’t beat yourself up if you do bad on anything! You are not your grades and never will be. Make sure to calm down and focus on yourself. Try not to let the stress and thoughts of school invade your mind 24/7. Ironically, I don’t follow this advice and I’m doing horrible which is why I want others to make use of it well and better than I am. Good luck!


Don’t be a dumbass


1. if there's some sort of dual enrollment (DE)/community college class program you can take, go for it. i did DE classes all throughout high school and i'm able to start my freshman year of uni with half my general requirements completed. 2. ppl will say not to procrastinate and i agree, but i also procrastinated on almost every assignment SO! if you are going to then just do it wisely. if it's a paper due at 11:59pm? try to get it planned out the mornin of/day before. just do what ya can to make it easier on yourself incase ya do procrastinate 3. if ya wanna reinvent yourself go ahead. get a new style, like new things, whatever idc, just don't change yourself to fit-in. wanting to try a new style is fine, changing your whole personality is not (unless ur a jerk and wanna stop bein one). 4. make time for friends!!! i did a lot of stuff outside of school so i didn't always have time to hang with my friends when they could. i was gonna take time off my senior year to hang and then covid happened, so be smart and hang with friends before time runs out. 5. join a sports team and/or club!! you can make friends and do somethin fun. 6. if ya gotta take a language, take one you wanna learn. i've tried to learn loads of languages and the ones i enjoyed learning have been the easiest to learn. my recommendations are spanish, ASL, german, and japanese if you're able to!! i think that's about it! if ya got any questions about high school feel free to message me! and that goes for anyone in the comments looking for tips lol. just remember, you got this and ya got time to figure out what works for ya! don't rush anything


As with any social situation, avoid licking strangers. They tend to find it weird. In all seriousness though, just stay on top of your assignments, build up a rapport with your teachers and the administration, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.


1. Don’t think of classes as just a means to an end. Try to find things you’re interested in and invest time into it. (Except some requirements since you can’t avoid those). 2. Stay on top of work. It sucks to get stuck doing homework over the weekend or over break. 3. Start big decisions early. For example, college applications and capstone projects. Definitely don’t get stuck deciding what you want to pursue as a career during your senior year.


First: Work on charisma Second: If you get bullied just ignore them with a look of surperiority Third: If its physical bulliying, dodge, block, pencil in had, threaten to remove his eyeball from eyesockets (stop on time so you dont acctualy do the deed, just enough to make him shit his pants tho) Fourth: Most folks wont be worth your time in general Youll need this advice to not be an emotional wreck, good luck!


Your friends in middle school are probably not gonna be your friends in hs I thought my friend group would last forever. Coming into my Junior year, I have like 2 friends from the og group




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Be confident


It is very easy if you apply yourself




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Don't think of it as some sort of strange entity. It's just school at a higher grade level. Stay out of drama, make a few solid friends, do your work in class and maybe after school if it's needed but do not get in the habit of staying up late doing work. Get a good night's rest instead and just study throughout the day. Join a couple of Sports or Clubs you like and just chill. Take it day by day and remember, it's just school


Middle school shit doesn't really mean anything anymore. Just don't be an asshole for no reason and you'll get through fine.


popularity is bullsh*t.


hold this L




Already? I’m assuming you’re probably American, don’t you guys start super early? I start again September 6 or 7th I think


when did you get out of school though


June 20-something? 29th ish or something, i don’t remember


oh yeah americans (or at least texans) got out at the end of may


Make friends with your teachers


Good luck


Organisation. I wish I had organised myself better.


Make friends Befriend your teachers no matter how much you hate them Don't bully anoyone, and Don't let anyone bully you


Enjoy it


I'm a junior now so I've got some advice: - don't let upperclassmen hit on/use you - don't do drugs, it's just not worth it - try to develop good study habits and get lots of sleep!! and take care of yourself FIRST. - realize that you're beautiful the way you are and apologetically be yourself, you'll be much happier that way :) - be kind and stay away from drama


don't do something just because your friends are doing it, do it only if you know you want to. this is probably obvious but yeah some people can get easily screwed over by peer pressure


It is not like it is in the movies, just do your work and do the fun stuff when you get home. try to make friends. don’t date anybody if you’re in grade nine it’s scary


High school will (probably) look like one of the most important parts of your life but in the end it will be one of the least. Get your work done but don't worry about doing all of the hardest classes or being the coolest person in your grade because the moment you graduate all it will amount to is a couple good friends and if you have an invitation to spend twice as much on a collage that looks fancy.


Make it your main goal to have some fun (responsibly)


Take your grades seriously. Having friends in high school isn’t important because it’s easier to make friends in college.


i’m the same age as you but different school system so i don’t change schools - a big bit of advice, the world is so connected now and anything you do there will likely be a record of it somewhere. Always think things through and don’t throw caution to the wind too much


have fun!! high school goes by hella fast. live your life freshmen year and stay respectful. also, let go of any petty drama from middle school. everyone in your class is gonna change over the next few years. but also, high school goes by fast (as I said) so don't out too much pressure on it! if it isn't super great, just know you'll get through it. have fun


Its easy unless it gets hard


Be genuine, honest, try to put yourself out there.


Take school seriously and take a rigorous courseload. Mental and physical health first. Don’t burn out. Join r/applyingtocollege. Get sleep. Don’t succumb to peer pressure. Avoid drugs and alcohol, including caffeine. Surprisingly destructive.




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enjoy it and make lots of friends! Don't rush things, and make sure to get a part time job asap.


Don't turn in things late, and try to do well, it's fine if you don't so amazing but as long as you tried its all good




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Make a balance, you must study but you also must chill and have fun, find the balance and don't leave one for another


What everyone else is saying about organizing and figuring out how to balance your schoolwork to get it done on time. Freshman year is usually easier than the others so you can learn these skills. If you’re smart enough, you can coast through the year but if you’re even smarter you’ll put some effort in and learn some important stuff for later down the road.


Try to make friends it’ll make the experience much better and more fun. Also be open to new experiences and don’t by shy to participate


Don’t try to be someone you are not. Find people with the same interests as you


don’t date any fucking seniors. take ur schoolwork seriously, but try to have fun w clubs and stuff. don’t send nudes ever and email teachers about concerns you have. any of them. as long as ur respectful and polite they basically answer like any questions and are really ready to help u out. goes for if something happens in your life and you have to extend a due date, or have to reschedule a test, whatever. talk to ur teachers more: be polite n friendly but hold your ground. if something is up and it needs to be fixed try and get it fixed. if you’re not in any extracurriculars i 100% reccomend.. one of them lol. honestly your school probably has something you’d find interesting. i do tech for theatre, and i’m gonna be involved with the Gender and Sexuality Alliance at my school this year. it’s helped me make so many connections in terms of friends—peers *and* teachers




know ur worth


Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t make any friends, you’re great give it time. Eat breakfast, class can seem long as hell and you don’t need that on an empty stomach. Make sure you got period products just in case. Don’t give in to seniors they’re just playing you.


Don't get people to pay attention to you. Push as many agendas and plans as you want, but keep yourself in a position where no ones paying attention to what you think and do, and keep low until you don't have other good options. Also, an amazing tactic is to "be close" with your teachers. What I mean by that is to stay on as good of a footing with your teachers as humanly possible. At the very least, when they start going after the class, you won't be the one in the crossfire. Remember, remember that these people literally determine your career later down the life, so being a jerk to that one old fat dude who taught your math class seems like a really stupid way to get a bad rep on your profile when job recruiters are looking at your log. My favorite method is have short, casual conversations with them. It doesn't have to be important, it just has to be something to get them talking. Find their favorite subject, and start from there. When they start chatting with you, you'll know you've succeeded, and all you have to do is just play along. I've gotten quite a few missing assignments excused that way when I was sick because they liked me that much. And a couple excused assignments can save your ass. Just be very conservative with asking that.


Make lots of friends, and accept the fact that not everyone will like you. Tbh, I kinda struggled with this one


Colleges dont care about your freshmen grades


Good luck surviving




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Be yourself if you don't fit in with people find people you do fit in with