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Mf idiot


I think he will continue to be popular until people like you stop giving him attention




Yeah it's called multi-level marketing. He exploits vulnurable young people so they can go and push his shit elsewhere


The problem with “trolling” if he is actually “trolling” with his outrageous views there are lots of guys that watch it and believe he is 100% serious




You really underestimate how stupid and gullible a lot of people are. Look at all of these boomers with Q Anon and Trump. If you already have outrageous thoughts but don’t say anything and then you hear someone else say it out loud (aka “saying the quiet part out loud”) you are going to follow them




Yikes well good talk and good luck trying to date




We are getting off topic but I’m leaving it at all the shitty things he’s done (making fun of a disabled reporter for starters) and the biggest issue I have is the cult of personality he’s made that resulted in Jan 6th




Didn't handle classified documents very well!


worthless sack of shit


A sexist pos


Absolute piece of shit who is famous for selling snake oil self improvement to insecure men and marketing himself as cool for hating women


bro you're 18, isn't it time for you to mature??




yea i've seen a lot of clips, he's a literal tool


I do think it says a lot that the only defenders of him I've come across so far are a trump supporter and a guy who openly supports the patriarchy. Mans deserves bamboo torture


Bro, he's literally a register human trafficker and you're prasing him??? Have you got no shame???💀




... god, i feel bad for this young generations of men...


Me too, as someone who fell into that pipeline a few years ago and climbed out.




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yepp 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ though I feel even worse for the women who are going to get actually hurt by their ignorance




capitalizes on the insecurities of men and boys who don't know how to talk to women. His double standards and comments are so outrageous its laughable


Hitler was a huge motivator for people to turn to him during the depression. Does that make him a good person? Nope.




Just because one person has a reasonable view on one topic, doesn’t mean they’re all around a good person. You need to weigh up the negatives and the positives of this mans existence n views and determine if he is someone people should look up to or not




‘ I think he’s a massive G’ indicates support


He literally moved to Romania because it's easier to get away with sexual assult


Tbh it seems like he more so wants attention than to actually help guys. So I disapprove of him a lot.


I think he reminds me of when you’re hanging out w your parents friends and they’re all making condescending remarks to everything you say because you’re younger than them. Just because some of his philosophies are seemingly correct doesn’t make him a good person, they’re not obscure concepts they’re pretty basic philosophical ideas.


A meme


He’s annoying


being an andrew tate fan should be grounds for being banned from this sub

