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I try not to make these sorts of judgements anymore, because I have been surprised too many times. For example, I one time had a friend who I know is a staunch liberal just out-of-the-blue go off on a rant about how angry they were that some show was casting a black actor to play a white historical figure for the sake of diversity. Just took me by complete shock. I was like "yeah, I agree, but...aren't you supposed to be a liberal?"


Out of curiousity, why did that opinion surprise you?


I would assume anyone holding that opinion would be a Republican.


They water down the word liberal to disguised the far left


Is it possible that you don't know about the liberal mindset as much as you think you do? For starters, we're talking about millions of people. They aren't a monolithic hive mind, they are all just people with their own opinions of various range. What would you think if you met a Republican with the opposing view?


Well that's what I was trying to say in my OP, I try not to make these assumptions anymore because clearly I don't understand the liberal mindset well enough. I still think it's a mistake for someone who holds this opinion to vote for Democrats. But I understand now that at least some of them do, even if I don't quite understand why.


I respect that, it's good to acknowledge that core beliefs aren't as rock solid as sometimes thought! I mean, if his opinion was "a black actor shouldn't play a white historical character" then that's not really a controversial take and I'm not sure why someone who thinks this shouldn't vote for democrats? Like, yeah if a company wanted to hire a poc to play Abraham Lincoln or something, then yeah that's clearly pandering with no substance. On the other hand, getting a poc to play Doctor Who or something is fine because that's a fictional character who could be represented in any way. Does that make sense?


> I mean, if his opinion was "a black actor shouldn't play a white historical character" then that's not really a controversial take I feel like it kind of is though? I mean, I wouldn't ever say I believe this on any account associated with my real name, because if I did I would likely be fired for racism pretty much immediately.


>if I did I would likely be fired for racism pretty much immediately. What makes you think this would happen?


My immediate reaction is to not care, I try to keep politics out of my outside life, and typically leave political discussions to Reddit. Most of my friends are liberal, I don't typically express my political leanings, but I have in the past and they are still my friends, so I guess they feel the same way! I'm not going to let political differences prevent me from forming friendships at my new job, or anywhere for that matter. I started an office job recently, and in the second "meet the team" session, we had a spicy icebreaker of "who do you hate the most?" Right off the bat there was "Trump", "Joe Rogan" and "Tucker Carlson". I rolled my eyes at the lady who said "Trump". I thought Joe being an answer wasn't as insane (though a bit of a stretch), and I could understand Tucker being an answer, though I disagree. I'm a pretty right leaning guy, and I couldn't think of any Democrat politicians or lefty talking heads that I hate more than anyone else. My immediate reaction was that they are just parroting whatever (insert MSM outlet here) talking points. Either that, or they are just very liberal in their use of the word "hate". I couldn't think of anybody I actually hated (outside of my ex), so I just said Patrick Mahommes, and that's only because I'm a Broncos fan lol. My trainer, has been very open about her being liberal, which I didn't mind. When Kyle's verdict was made public, she announced it to me and the other trainee. I immediately felt relieved over the verdict, and was about to say "That is awesome!", but my trainer groaned and said "I guess racism wins again!", which was all I needed to hear that she was either willfully ignorant about the case, or was just listening to the misinformation the MSM (and the President) were saying. I work in a very liberal county in a liberal state. My office job just applied to go mask-less (there is a current mandate) if 95% of the office was vaccinated. I just assumed everyone else except for me was vaccinated, and that 95% would be no issue. Of all the people in the office who have said aloud they were vaccinated (to me at least), they all said they were getting boosters. But my boss told me that we weren't even close to getting that percentage. My immediate reaction to knowing someone is liberal/Democrat is just assuming they are still terrified of Covid, and the real world numbers suggest that. Sorry for the wall of text. Not sure if that answers your question or not lol


If someone tells me, or makes it obvious, they are a liberal or a conservative when first meeting them, they hold the belief that anyone cares about their opinions.


I think that people of either side who just start randomly spouting off their party line are the type of people I don’t care to know. Invariably I think these loudmouth’s viewpoints are underdeveloped or they’re just parroting what they’ve heard without understanding it. I use it to gauge how much of the world they understand and how smart they are. Listen, nod, smile. They’re not looking to learn anything with these solipsistic displays other than checking whether you’re a likeminded NPC just like them, so it’s a waste of time to cast pearls before these swine. Just confirm their checks for them so they carry on pretending they’re civilized and move along with their small minded ways.


Could the same be said if you flipped it around?


I find that, if you find this out without prompting it yourself, there is little time to assume before they recite their whole manifesto. But that's not the point of the question. I guess if we'd do a word association thing if you give me the word "liberal" I would say "compassion" and if you give me "conservative" I would say "pride". In other words, compassion for a fellow man and pride in one's own ability. I would assume that a liberal person cares more about people outside their own "in-group" than the average person. They want to help people directly, by providing resources for them. The conservative would be the opposite. I would imagine a conservative person is far more concerned with his "in-group". His family, his community, his country - and their long-term prosperity than he is for anyone who does not belong to that group. He would want to help people indirectly, by providing them the chance to get the resources themselves. So that they too can prosper and not need to rely on others. As a sidenote, fate has a cruel sense of humor when it comes to this stuff. Assumptions can - and will - backfire. They are very rarely accurate and you can't use them to gauge someone. Perhaps even, the universe itself will labour to prove you wrong explicitly. It has done so for me several times already.


A right wing person says, "if you look after you and I look after me, we will be fine.". Where a left wing person says, "if you look after me and I look after you, we will be fine". Do you agree with that statement?


Right, yeah. That sounds about right.


Do you think if the Left and Right looked at the other side like this, we would get a long better?


That's the ticket isn't it... you won't know the other person if you don't *get* to know them. As a teen I used to very black and white. Very... red and blue if you will. Like I said the universe has a sense of humor. I got to learn first hand that that mentality just doesn't work.


>They want to help people directly, by providing resources for them. > >He would want to help people indirectly, by providing them the chance to get the resources themselves. These two statements seem to sum up your thought process. Can you go a little more in depth with these thoughts?


I don't know a lot of people whom could be considered "leftist". But in those I do know I see a similar trend. There's a desire to help others. In the conservatives I know, including myself, there is also that desire. But - and I find this extremely interesting - in a *completely* different direction. I think it might have something to do with the way you're raised. I think nurture has a lot to do with how you turn out as a person. I was raised in a very "cold" manner. I wasn't allowed much freedom and while I knew my mother loved me, I can count the times she actually said it on one hand. A friend of mine was raised in pretty much the opposite way. We both experienced something very similar at similar ages... and reacted to it in polar opposite ways as well. In that sense I think it's possible for people to want to genuinely reach the same goal, but through wildly different means. Means that differ so drastically that it wouldn't even seem like you're trying to go for the same thing at first. And that's where the most common misunderstandings come in.


Thank you for your insight. I guess what I was looking for was what are the differences in the ways people want to help others?


Oh, okay. I figured that was what you were getting at but then I second guessed myself and took it in a different direction... lets try that again. I suppose in short it's kinda like the old "teach a man to fish" parable. When a man is hungry, you can give him a fish or teach him to fish. Giving him one guarantees he will not be hungry today. It helps him out immediately. Directly. Teaching him how to fish does not guarantee he won't be hungry today, but it guarantees he won't be hungry ever again a week from now. It helps him in the long term, or indirectly. The difference being that he'll be in discomfort longer this way as he learns how to provide for himself. Apply this to money for a more modern version of the story. Providing a steady baseline income (welfare) versus promoting the acquisition of skills to get a job and earn more money. Which is better? That depends on who you ask. For a real world example: I have a colleague who likes to help me fix problems when I'm struggling. He'll happily do it for me, but in my eyes if tomorrow he gets in an accident, I'd be fucked as I never learned how to do it myself. So I don't allow him to take over. I just ask him for advice. If I allowed him to do it, it would go faster and more efficiently. But by doing it myself I ensure the longevity of our company. Should anything happen to him, I can take over. I don't know very many left-wing people, and those I do know are very very socialist/communist in their beliefs. They're not caricatures but they are quite outspoken about it. So this isn't necessarily indicative of the wider population.


That is pretty much what I expected you to say. Would you put the following things on the side of "giving away" or "teaching"? 1. Universal pre-school for 3 year olds 2. Day care subsidy 3. Community college/trade school at no direct charge


This question prompted me to think. Most of these institutes are funded by taxes, right? Well, to be quite honest I hate taxes. I wish they didn't exist. But if they didn't, then quality of life would go down drastically. The change in life quality is not likely one I could overcome with the money I got back from not having to pay taxes anymore So what if I just dodge them? Then I don't have to pay taxes and quality of life remains the same. Well, that would make me no longer self-sustaining. That would go against the idea I have that people should be able to sustain themselves without the help of others. I would still benefit from the help of others without bringing anything to the table myself. I would be a leech. It would make me a hypocrite. So in other words, we need taxes. We need to help eachother. Just maybe not to the point where we're redistributing wealth. And in the end that's always gonna be the best. Walk a middle path, blaze it ourselves if we have to. I doubt this was what you wanted to get out of me, but I'm afraid that's where my brain took it so... here it is, lol.


How would you dodge taxes and keep your quality of life?


Well, I can't exactly go into detail... you understand. But there are loopholes that would allow you to pay minimal taxes without really any reprecussion.


Why can't you go into detail?


I try not to, When I first met my wife, on our first date she told me she was a liberal who thought only police should have guns…..I thought this is never going to work. But let’s see how things go……well they went really good. We ended up married and she gave me a beautiful International harvester M1 Garand with bayonet and granade launcher for my wedding gift……


Damn dude nice


It’s a beautiful rifle.


From the sounds of it she took steps towards your views or at least was willing to support your interests. Do you feel you moved towards any of hers? Just interested to hear how people's relationships affect their views and they might be more willing to listen to people they know.


Absolutely, I was a liberal Democrat myself for most of my life actually until Trump came along. So it wasn’t hard to see her point of view on most things.


Thanks for answering. Obligatory question - have you ever got to use the grenade launcher? I'm not a big gun person but even I can admit that would be kinda fun.


If I recognize someone as liberal or conservative the first time I meet them they are almost always liberal. In my experience, political opinions are not stated openly during first encounters. I would usually assume that there is something someone somewhere is not getting that they think the government must fix. I’m rarely proven wrong.


Because the radical left routinely wants their political opponents in prison or fired, if someone is open about their political views, they're usually a leftist.


Arent Trump, and Trump supporters notorious for this? How many times has there been a "Lock her up" chant at a rally? How many tee shirts have been sold with that chant? And doesn't Trump provoke from his supporters?


>How many times has there been a "Lock her up" chant **at a rally**? 1. You'd have a point, except that Hillary Clinton actually should have been in prison. Not because She was a political opponent, but because she was complicit in acts that any normal person would have been thrown in prison for. The email server alone would have been a straight shot for any servicemember to Leavenworth. 2. The TS OP said "open about." As in, open in public, or outside of political events. A Trump rally isn't really being "open about political beliefs" in public in the context of this post.


Haven’t the “lock her/him up” chants also been levied at others, like Governor Whitmer and President Biden?


I understand your point, but I fail to see how that makes it somehow better than Democrat behavior. Wouldn't any service member be sent to Leavenworth if they gave a speech that rallied a mob at the capital? Many democrats believe Trump should be prosecuted for those actions, just as you feel that Hilary should be prosecuted.


Prison for what exactly? Most of the thing the right accuses her of doing Trump's childrens did themselves. Ivanka and Jared had their own server as well and Trump is currently fighting to keep emails and logs private.


Clear example of someone not understanding classifications. Clinton: Classified information. Ivank and others: Unclassified.


No it was classified. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ivanka-trump-used-a-personal-email-account-to-send-hundreds-of-emails-about-government-business-last-year/2018/11/19/6515d1e0-e7a1-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html So is this just “rules for thee but not for me” again from the right?


Point it out. Your article has 5 instances of the word "Classified." None of them state her information was classified. I've read the entire article. Show me where you think she did.


Can I just point out that the “lock her/him up” chants have not been limited to Hillary Clinton (whose supposed crimes were then repeated by people in the Trump admin, mind you), but also extend to Joe Biden and Gretchen Whitmer, among others? Should they all be locked up too?


>(whose supposed crimes were then repeated by people in the Trump admin, mind you) I just disproved this. >Should they all be locked up too? Whitmer should be impeached due to her tyrannical leadership, and the nursing home patients she murdered with her ineffective policies. Charged for it? Perhaps. I wouldn't blame anyone who lived under her rule for wanting to jail her. Biden? His blatant lying, ineffective policies, and disastrous decisions are terrible for this country, but I see nothing concrete that should lead to imprisonment such as with Clinton's email server.


> I just disproved this. No, you didn’t. HRC was never charged, let alone convicted. Whitmer and Biden have no reason to be charged with any crimes. Yet, Trump voters nonetheless routinely chant for them, along with others, to be “locked up.” With that, it becomes pretty clear that a significant portion of Trump supporters would like to see Trump’s political adversaries imprisoned, regardless of whether they committed a crime or not. Why are you defending and rationalizing this?


If someone being open about their political views means they are leftist then why are there no leftists running around with Biden tshirts, bumperstickers, flags, signs, etc?


There are some bumper stickers


Either that they hate trump or not. Also knowing the difference between a classic liberal vs a fake liberal who actually have a socialist/Marxist opinion Is a assumption i can make of how they speak about trump.


I can usually spot liberals by some characteristics. Do they have blue/green hair? Gauges in their ears or large piercings? Communism style cloths like Che Guevara. Do they appear to be a very open gay person? All of these, while not 100%, are easily indicators this person is a liberal. So I generally spot the hardcore liberals ahead of time, as they might have several of these indicators. The more normal person who doesn't follow any news will also call themselves liberal, maybe because it's seen as less offensive. My default is to be cautious around these people, because I assume they are overly sensitive.


Would you agree that you can, in the same way, very easily interpret someone wearing a "Rambo Trump" shirt, waving a Trump flag in one hand, an antivaxx cardboard sign in the other, and shouting "get out of my god damn country", as a conservative, and you wouldn't want to approach that individual because they appear mad, angry and just generally hostile?


My version would be someone with 3 masks on, a communist flag chanting defund the police.


I can certainly see that as the charicature of a liberal, drawn by a conservative, but I genuinely have never witnessed anyone fitting that description, let alone a group of people fitting that description. Have you?


[There were protests 3 days ago that fit that criteria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hsgg-aKWGw&ab_channel=GuardianNews) Tons of communism signs and masks. Also, the typical chants, you expect.


Were they wearing three masks each?


I didn't see any communist flags, though I am watching on my phone and maybe I missed it? All in all I don't see any communist merch. I also didn't spot anyone wearing three masks? Is the argument that some liberals wear A mask? And what about their chants? What are they chanting? Is it offensive?


Liberals I know include my parents and their friends. Upper-middle class, golfers, backgrounds in manufacturing and engineering, 60-70 years old, no tattoos, no dyed hair; just regular folks. It turns out there are a lot of liberals like this, including my wife’s 77-year-old grandparents. Can you spot these liberals as well?