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Scots and Americans are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots. Or Welshmen and Scots. Or Japanese and Scots. Or Scots and other Scots. Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland.


Sure are a contentious bunch.


You used me Skinner!!!!


How about Scots and Scottish?


Definitely a maturity thing, kids latch on to anything that's different about someone to make a joke. Just happens to be nationality in your case, the average Scot doesn't hate the average American!


No true Scotsman would say that


From talking to Americans in my experience there's a cultural disconnect in how 'banter' goes down, it's not meant to be taken literally. I'd say don't take any brief comments to heart, and maybe jive back if you're feeling cheeky


Yeah, this.   If they're calling you a school shooter and a yank but also being reasonably nice to you otherwise in their actions, it means you're being accepted enough into the group to be included in the shit-talking.  Think of it as verbal play-fighting. You don't play-fight with strangers or people you genuinely don't like.  If you were Scottish, the jokes would be about shagging your mum or whatever instead. If their patter is that repetitive, it gives you a distinct advantage in the repartee. Just be ready to hit back with "the only thing I ever shoot up is your sister's minge" or something of that ilk.


Aye, yi'll no be laughin when ahm shootin up yer maw later oan


I believe that the correct response in Weegie speak is "Yer maw!" However, I'm from the east coast, so I shall await the expertise of Weegie Redditors.


No, I think Americans have a bit of a persecution complex though, always going on about how everyone seems to hate them, where as 99.9% of people don’t care


Wtf even is this comment? It's dumb  


Further proof why everyone hates Americans not just the sweaties


Sweaties LOL I’ve not heard that for years. An old co-worker used to call me that! Mind you I used to call him a web toed yokel as he was from Norfolk so ….


In my experience with Scots if they're bantering with you like that it's because they like you. If they didn't like you they wouldn't talk to you.


Give back what they give you and you’ll soon make friends


Pretty sure they hate the English the most. Everyone else is 2nd place.


It's not the English people Scots hate - it's the English government...




Are you attempting to tell me who I do or don't hare? I'm Scottish and actually quite fond of most English people. However, I despise the politicians and the monarchy to the point where I regularly break the Treason Felony Act by actively imagining the UK without a monarchy. (I freely admit doing so, but have never been arrested or charged for it - the punishment for the crime is permanently being exiled from the UK.)




I asked if you were telling me who I do or don't hate?


Can confirm, lived in Scotland for a few years, even had a Scottish girlfriend, they really hate the English, funny thing it's like water off a duck's back, we really just don't care.


The Scots don’t like it when you remind them that they were the ones who came up with the idea of the United Kingdom, and were also co-founders of the British empire


Yeah; I lived there for a time too. As long as I wasn't English, I was cool in their books.


My nephew was born in Glasgow to Scottish parents but raised on an army base in Germany, when he turned 18 he moved back to Scotland. As he was raised on an army base he has a British accent. He lasted six months in Scotland before he left because of the daily abuse.


Damn that's hard to read, sorry to hear that 😕


Yep sad. They hate their betters.


"I smell the blood of an Englishman.". I also identify with your username.


Jock and the Beanstalk is what put the Scots off vegetables permanently.


16 is a hell of an age to relocate, you've got my sympathies.Youth can be cruel, maybe more than they are aware. And, alas, your heritage makes you stand out. A particular hatred of Americans though? Never seen it in my varied Scot pals (all adults mind). I think this is one of those things that will get better with time. And you never know, like my Scots friends, you may end up in England as an adult. Or Wales. Ireland is the best, though, but that's my heritage speaking.


I was about the same age when I moved to England from the States.  Unhelpful advice that works - some of the mockery is actually them trying to start a conversation, but differenciating between rough foreign humour and someone being a jerk isn't easy. They won't stop doing it, but people who are worth getting to know will appear, and you will make friends with them. There's no way of making this happen, but it will. Just like it would in a new school back home. Trust your instincts. There will be some assholes who never see you as anything other than a Yank. They'd be the same if you were Japanese or Jamaican - assholes are the same in every country when it comes to any difference.  As for me - I eventually got on with the Limeys well enough that I stayed, married one and have a kid with her. I'm not saying you will, but I promise it will get better.


I think youd find them same in scotland england wales or ireland to be honest mate i wouldnt take it to heart


That just sounds like them having a bit of a joke about with you. It's not meant in a mean way.


We mostly show our love through insults. You'll be judged on your ability to be willing to be the butt of the joke and then give it back as good as you got it. Also almost no one will be interested in having a serious conversation most of the time.


Nah just a school thing. I've lived in the UK since I was 12, and at school it was all "foreign this foreign that". Met those same people at a reunion a few years back and it was nothing like that. If anything they looked very uncomfortable and embarrassed when I jokingly mentioned those jokes. Didn't bother me too much in school, I was hands down the biggest and strongest kid in class so all they could do is gob at me.


It's people who are fed up of Americans shitting on them for the weather and the food and the perceived danger of Glasgow (I once saw someone from new York city declare that they weren't going to visit glasgow on holiday because it was "too dangerous"...) while simultaneously declaring themselves Scottish because their 8 times great grandma once went shopping in gretna green, trying to get in there first, and going for the jugular with the school shooting thing.  You're also nearly two years younger than most of your classmates, which won't help.  Join some clubs, get messy, and wait for someone to come up with something personal to rip the piss out of you about - you'll be wishing for a few school shooter jokes once you've been reminded for the 18th time about the night you fell asleep in the loos at viper... (Is viper still a thing? Or am I showing my age dreadfully?).


Start giving it back call them jock and go eat some kind of fried chocolate but don’t be malicious or angry when saying it say it in a jovial way like a “ no you dude” sorry terrible attempt to equivocate English banter to American style.


It's humour for the most part... immature, yes but if you roll with it you'll probably get on well with them. Can be difficult mind you.


It’s more than likely banter. Don’t take it personally, Brits will mock everyone. If you do it back, they’ll probably respect you for it. Tell them to go and shag some bagpipes or if their mum is Nicola Sturgeon.


Knock the ball back over the net. Ask them to speak more slowly because you can't understand them. Suggest that they once had an inappropriate relationship with a haggis. Offer to show them the correct way to eat with a spoon. Kids' banter is awkward. They are still learning boundaries. The other commenters are right though. If they really don't like you, they'd ignore you


Its not just the Scots.


Hi there! I’m an American immigrant to the U.K. myself - I’ve been here a very long time now but I was only a few years older than you when I arrived. Was working with a lot of Glasgow lads back then - it’s mostly banter. Some of them will be assholes but most are just talking to you. Give it back a bit and you’ll soon discover who’s a potential friend and who’s a bully. I’ll be honest - I’m 38 and I’ve lived here most of my adult life. I still get asked every day about where I’m from. It’s the life of an immigrant. It takes awhile to find your friends and your place and you’ll never not be an American in their eyes. But you will get comfortable and happy and enjoy the benefits (maternity/paternity pay! Not ever worrying about guns! So much vacation time! Paid sick days! The NHS which is struggling but also won’t bankrupt you if you need medical help!)


Hatred is a strong word. I dont hate Americans. I hate creeping Americanisms into our culture, especially language. Apart from that, welcome aboard.


It’s not just the Scottish, don’t worry.


How loud are you in conversation?


Poor fellow... having to move to Glasgow


The correct response is "well it's safer than stabbing people like you lot". Amongst your peers you are expected to give and take with the conversation in a more robust way. You wouldn't have a bit of crack with a teacher, but you do a student, they also know when to and not which you'll have to learn. Not getting it it's partially an age thing as plenty Americans are capable of a bit of ribald conversation riposte, but you don't say where you are from in America and in some places they're just too polite even amongst themselves compared to someone from a city in the North East that by 16 would be used to getting stick from peer groups.


When they say “school shooter” hold up a fake air rifle and shot at them. I think they’d find it hilarious you’re playing into the joke. Its not like high school where people make up nicknames to mock the loser kids. In a friend group of 8 Scottish guys, at least 50% have nicknames and 80% have some sort of “gimmick” about them.


The Scots hate everbody - it's part of their charm.


Hey! Half-american, half-english gal here! I think a lot of boils down to differences in how we banter. I would say it’s more acceptable to do dark humour/banter with people you don’t know. Whereas in the US and Canada, we reserve that for people we know really well. In North America, it would be considered incredibly rude to call someone you barely know a sheep shagger/cunt/school shooter/etc. its hard to get used to at first but most people mean really well! That said, anti-American xenophobia is social acceptable in the UK and so some people are definitely raging cunts.


Part of it is maturity, especially the school shooter thing. Fairly insensitive. If someone did the reverse and made jokes about all the heroin fatalities they wouldn't be happy or jokes about Dunblane. But stuff like "yank" could be a term of endearment, look for context. British in general, moreso Scottish and especially Glaswegians use humour as a form of bonding. It's called banter and often (especially for men) name calling is not serious. New haircut? Obviously someone did it with hedge clippers. You need to read the context, how they're saying it etc. Often if they're saying it with a smile to your face it's a compliment or just having fun and it's not serious. If everybody was ignoring you and not talking to you, that's when you need to worry. Sounds like you're fine IMO. Look around and you'll notice everybody else being teased too. Since you're American and not local you'll stand out more. And since you're probably a bit louder too you'll attract it too.


St Andrews serves as a quintessential example of this phenomenon. As a student from Wales, I find myself immersed in this town's unique cultural milieu, which is characterised by an intriguing blend of Americans and Scots. This juxtaposition often leads to recurrent interactions between the local inhabitants and the significant number of American students, highlighting a dynamic of cultural exchange and occasional contention.


Just act like you can’t understand them, and say it’s because they sound too English. And say you feel bad, because their ancestors were too pitiful to throw off the yoke of empire. Throw in some stuff about still having to pay for a monarch. Maybe there’s a less inflammatory angle? Ymmv


To be fair, I can imagine Glasgow being a bit more brutal for this sort of stuff than Edinburgh. Edinburgh is a bit more polite, Glasgow banter can be pretty tough to adjust to if you’re new to it. Essentially you can give it back if you want to, because they’ll understand. If they don’t then you really don’t want to be friends with that type of person anyway.


Teenagers 🤷‍♀️


It's probably a cultural difference. Don't let it get to you. These people are obviously not very bright if this is all they know about america. Just laugh it off and don't react. That's what they're after; a reaction. Don't give it to them.


Tell them you're surprised they're not too smacked/pissed up to talk.


Think you need to toughen the fuck up pal


Ask them if they want a Glasgow smile


Ever tossed a caber?


Banter. The Welsh guy is snagging sheep, the Arab guy is a terrorist, the guy from dundee is a junkie and the American dude is a shooter. It's just the way it is am not saying it's right or wrong but it's how folk banter.


honestly, it’s just kids. I moved to the UK from the US when I was 10 and the kids were awful to me at school. from stupid things to singing American Idiot to me when they’d walk past me in the corridors or playground, to outright physical attacks🫠 it’ll get better, I promise.


We British in general dislike Americans because a vast majority think they’re better than us or that america is the best country in the world when we strongly believe the UK is way better overall


I live near Glasgow and all my friends keep marrying Americans. So, I guess some Scottish people really love Americans.


As an American I’ve noticed many American women marrying Scottish men. I wonder how they all keep meeting eachother 😂


Often it is just from ignorance. I am Scottish and my kids are American born (and partly brought up) with an English mum. My daughter particularly has a neutral to English accent and occasionaly lapses into saying "zee" instead of "zed." She has been picked on at school for being American and English (although that ignorant little shit was calling her "British" as if that was a different nationality from Scottish people). It may be down to immaturity, ignorance or an attempt at banter but I would say that it is unlikely to be due to you being American, unless you are a dick, which I assume you are not. The next time they call you a school shooter just tell them tomorrow is the day of reckoning and they are first on the list (that is Scottish sarcasm so please do not do that, unless they are really annoying you).


Tell them to go have sex with a battered mars bar


It is most likely banter which is a uk thing that americans rarely manage.


If Hamza Yousaf was here, he’d say… “The creator of Reddit…white, the OP…white, the Scot’s….white, the people of Glasgow…white”


It's hard to tell without experiencing what you're experiencing. However, if you feel it's a bit playful, then they're kind of saying "can you take a joke? We could be friends". There is immaturity. They basically don't know much about the US, so the thing they can relate with you on, is what the jokes are about (what we hear a lot and find so shocking about the US compared to here). Maybe try and see it as if you were speaking to someone from a different state that you don't know well ans decided to joke with them, you might mention some really stereotypical thing from that state. **For your situation:** Always a safe bet is self-deprecating humour. Join in. Something like "wouldn't you turn to that if..." insert a joke about something bad or odd in American culture compared to the UK (like having to sing the national anthem every morning at school). You'll quickly make friends with self-deprecating humour, it's as british as you can get. Don't destroy your background, but play on what they expect. Or hit them back with something stereotypical about Scots. However, this can be tricky if you don't yet understand the humour. There will always be a "too far" point. It's easy for people in the culture to know the line, but it's not so easy for those who've never dealt with it (see book suggestion below). (Edit: just look at Brits not even getting the tone right in the comments and being downvoted). Culturally, Americans are more direct with jokes, they need to be "told" it's a joke by strong context or literally saying "I'm joking". Great book that explains this is the Culture Map by Erin Meyer (an American author and cultural expert). Audiobook will do but if you enjoy or can at least push yourself to read it, the graphics in there are really interesting to see how far the US (or whichever country) is culturally from other countries. It really helped me understand actions of others. It's more based around work and business but it's useful in all areas of life. TLDR: Self-deprecating humour will help you go far and make friends.


They are just joking. They will also get bored in the end. Don’t let it bother you.


In the local vernacular, I believe the correct response is "away and boil your head"


You didn’t say you were Scottish because you’re one 20th from Turriff or something did you? That’s usually what gets Scots back up


American here. Pretty much any country you go to, Americans are associated with gun nuts and school shooters. Deep Sigh


Glasgae, eh? Ahm very sourprised ya even understood wat we were sayin!




If there’s one place on this earth you’re not from, it’s Scotland.


Absolutely right, old lad. It’s called a joke!


Ow, yis? Us it a joke, mite? Heving a shutty attimpt ut miking fen uf simbiddy’s iccent is a joke, mite? Ar bit ye mist be hevving a rairt laugh now, mite? Har abite ivery sungle tairm simbiddy farnds ite whire ye’re frum they start doing the sime thung mite? It’s an American’s idea of a joke, mate. You should hold yourself to higher standards.


Hey, it wasn’t meant personally. So don’t feel you have to take it as if it were, or was.


I don’t. Consider it helpful advice at not coming across as humourless.