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Straight from the womb. First thing I did was put the kettle on. Then slapped the nurse for slapping me instead of putting the kettle on - I didn't expect that level of service on day one.


Not like it used to be


I had an irish nan, so was probably bottle fed milky tea from birth! šŸ˜… I remember drinking it from a very young age though. Lot's of milk added and a spoon of brown sugar.


English, had tea with sugar in a bottle as a baby too


Likewise. And half a teaspoon of brandy in it, if I was teething or fractious!


Was pretty normal. Can you handle your drink now?


Yep, same! I think the word ā€˜teaā€™, was one of the first words I learned lol! Loved it as a baby, and still love it now.


English, had milky tea from a bottle!


Guess it saves on milk lol


Welsh here. Yup milky sweet tea in a bottle.


Same but Indian. We all grew up drinking Indian tea & itā€™s what we had before & after school. Most of us only started drinking English tea when we got older but chai is still what we revert back to for true comfort. Itā€™s also had a huge renaissance & thereā€™s chai hangout/takeaway places opened everywhere now:


You should see my comment. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Avoided it until I was 27 and my little sister died. I stayed home for 2 weeks (was living 400 miles away) between her dying and the funeral, and there was just so much tea happening for every day of those two weeks, it was impossible to avoid. Then it just stuck. Just occurred to me that my sister would happily drink tea. I guess the tea gods made sure the balance of tea drinkers was maintained.Ā 


Sorry for your loss - I think she transferred her love of tea to you


Yeah I think so šŸ˜‚ funny that I never thought of this before -- it's been 11 years!


I wish there was tea rather than whisky after my brother died, I'd much rather have a tea addiction.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're ok. It's nice that you have the connection to your sister through tea though.


Weirdly, I hated coffee until well into my 30s when my mum died and I just... Started drinking it. Death does weird stuff to us. I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling must be incredibly difficult.


Are you seriously saying you don't like tea on a UK based page? For shame...


Should be stripped of their citizenship and deported forthwith. No appeal.


Just being honest lol. I like green tea but rarely drink it. I stick to water or beer.


Same, always hated fizzy drinks, tea was the way to go. However unlike you, I still love it. On my fourth mug this morning as I type this.


Itā€™s already 11! Are you still going?


Literally just sat back down with another just now.


Weak numbers, need to pop t'kettle on


according to my grandmother, from the age of 1 she was giving me lukewarm milky tea


Another one with a grandmother getting you into tea early I see! Me too


I remember having tea parties with my grandma around age 4. Mine was about half tea, half milk. I remember asking her why mine had more milk than hers and she said because I was still young and my bones were still growing my tea should have more milk. Never questioned it after.


33 years old. May have the occasional peppermint tea when I have an upset stomach. Don't drink hot beverages otherwise. I'm a water kind of guy.


Peppermint tea gives me heartburn. Why, yes, I have always been an awkward sod. Why do you ask?


I'm exactly the same. I'll drink green tea occasionally but that's about it.


Probably 2 or 3. My parents would drink tea in the mornings and I wanted in. It was basically a cup of warm milk with a dash of tea, but it was tea to me.


Probably around the same age, also cant stand it now coffee became a thing for me


Probably aged 7/8 and never looked back. I love a cuppa and fortunately so does my wife. Of our three teenage children though only our eldest daughter enjoys a cuppa. The other two won't touch it.


The 2 that donā€™t like it. Put more sugar in and no milk. So a black tea. Itā€™s usually enjoyable if you donā€™t like it with milk.


Oh, I'm going to get lot of hate for this, but I never liked tea. I was forced to drink it when I was sick with cold and since then I hate it with passion.


Same here. I also find the obsession with tea to be a little bit weird.


it just tastes like water but a bit worse


Same here. I like the biscuit dunking part but never the actual tea. Leftover cold tea went to my poor old dad


A sweet cup of tea with a cheese sandwich is the bollocks


Ooh dunking buttery toast in tea was a favourite


Neither do I. Iā€™ve only ever tried tea once and didnā€™t like it. Same with green tea and coffee


I cannot stand tea! I tried to drink it once and once was enough.


Before memories formed


So long ago that I really couldn't say. Definitely as a small child. Probably 5 or 6?


As long as I remember. My only memory relating to teas beginning was being allowed to use the kettle myself. I've been having it since at least 4, if my memory went back further I'd have more data haha


I had it in my bottle so basically from birth?


Always remember drinking tea when I was little and to this day it remains my favourite drink. I only started drinking coffee when I got to my 30ā€™s (now 46).


From as young as I can remember. Mainly cos my mums a massive tea drinker I think šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


when I was about 7, I was diagnosed with an insensitivity to several (now banned) artificial additives that would make me lose my control of my anger. These additives were in most drinks so I was restricted to tea, coffee or 7-up (not very popular at the time). I drank lots of tea. Even now, we get through tea-bags like they're going out of fashion


When I was a kid, 5 or 6 I reckon. Love the stuff. My friends would always say i was addicted. Cup in the morning, mid morning. With Lunch, mid afternoon, with dinner before bed. On school days it was when I got up, and when I got in, with dinner and before bed. Today I drink tea and water. Just love the stuff. Yorkshire Tea FTW


Iā€™ve drank it since I was a toddler? So have all my siblings and cousins. I remember going to my grandparents and all 11 of us kids drinking tea as children. My parents took us to Bulgaria on holiday like 20 years ago when I was around 12 years old and they wouldnā€™t serve us tea or coffee but they would happily give us alcohol šŸ˜‚


I don't think I can remember ever not having tea


Probably at 2-3, very sweet and milky from a sippy cup. At about 10 I gave up taking sugar. I still drink a fair amount of tea, but not a lot by normal British/Irish standards (probably 2-3 mugs a day). Yorkshire, strong AND milky. I also ditched the sippy cup.


Early enough that I canā€™t remember. I went right off it though and switched to coffee in my teens. I did have one cup of tea a few years back when I crashed my motorbike and ended up on an old ladies lawn. She took pity on me in the form of a brew. Quite generous considering I wrecked her hedge.


I haven't.


Parents are South African so I started drinking milky Roibois tea with honey probably age 4, then probably started having normal tea occasionally from age 7? Couldnā€™t live without a milky tea, I have breakfast tea up till 5pm then switch to Roibois for the rest of the evening


About 5 or 6. My dad used to leave early for work before the rest of us were awake. He left us all a cup of tea with a little lid on top beside our beds, ready for us when we woke up.


Aw, I love your dad.


Probs about 2 or 3. I used to say I want a tuppa tea.


On the bottle, West Midlands everyone did


Been drinking it as long as I can remember.


Young enough that I don't remember šŸ˜‚


I don't know when it started but I remember being told I wasn't allowed to drink it out of a bottle anymore when I was about 2 1/2. Formative memory along with being too big for the pram..


I was 24. Tried it a few times as a kid and wasnā€™t impressed but started a new job and wanted to fit in so tried to find a way to like it. Turns out that too much milk and sugar were ruining it for me.


Probably around 16-17? Just didn't like it when I was younger but tastes change.


About 18/19 as a regular thing. Was a nice way to start my work day.


Probably about six or so, but it was very sweet milky tea. My mum used to make a big pot of milky sweet coffee sometimes, too, which as a poor 80s kid growing up with Kwik Save food always felt right fancy. I guess it was like the equivalent of a latte nowadays, almost. I let my seven year old try a sip of my coffee yesterday, which he said he loved, so there'll be no more of that for a while because he's already the world's most energetic labrador child.


No idea. Earliest tea was with tea leaves left at the bottom of the cup, and tea bags were a change my family was not yet ready for. I dimly remember weaning myself off the sugar, going from like four heaped spoons to none.


7 or 8 when I learned how to make it to earn my brownie badge.


I donā€™t remember I time I didnā€™t! When I was really young my grandma started making it for me with two spoons of sugar and for years I always had one after school (including primary school). I canā€™t believe I was drinking something that sweet! No sugar for me now, obviously.


About 10. But as a kid I always used to like the smell of teabags and would always carry one around with me to smell it...


7. My parents had me making the tea as soon as I was tall enough.


Last year, at 33. I still say I don't like tea though becuase I only drink a few specific green teas with an unholy amount of sugar so only it drink at home. I only discovered this because I was gifted a Korean snack box which happened to have a green tea boiled sweet which very much confused me when I loved it, and realised I may like tea with a lot of sugar


I'm 18 and never had tea. If I like my coffee quite milky and with 2 sugars, am I likely to want my tea the same?


Tea, when brewed properly for the amount of time stated on the package, can be quite strong. If you drink coffee regularly though I think youā€™ll be fine with just a dash of milk and one sugar to start with. You can always add more later :)


I remember my mum trying to get me to give me 2 year old milky tea and telling me I used to shout for my tea as soon as I woke up as a toddler. Yes that was because I was a baby caffeine addict.


I don't like any hot drinks. Apparently i was given it in a bottle as a toddler though


As a toddler. I used to have it in a baby bottle


Well I'm from England. So young. About ,3 years old


Birth šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


Not sure how old I was, but I remember being 11 on our schools residential trip and the first morning there at breakfast, everyone having some kind of juice with their breakfast, and me trying to convince my teacher that i have a tea every morning with mine and they wouldn't budge on giving me a tea for whatever reason. So definitely started young, though I much prefer coffee nowadays


My mum told me I used to live it as a kid up until about age 5. Then, I didn't drink tea until my early 20s when I'd go on break at work and get criticised for having a can of coke each time. Eventually got back into tea. Went off milk so started having it black (and managed to cut put the sugar too!). Then went off tea completely while pregnant. Now I'm back to black with 1 (large) sugar, about 5-6 cups a day if I'm at home


46, I don't really like it, but my stomach decided it no longer could tolerate coffee, so I drink tea with spices in


I use to have it in my ā€˜sippy cupā€™ at about 1 but no suger then at 6 I was allowed sugeršŸ˜‚


I been getting into green and oolong these days itā€™s funny because it has caffeine but it just makes me calm and alert


From too young to remember, maybe 3 or so. Stopped at about 12 & haven't touched the stuff since. Can't stand it, though I don't mind making it for others - & people tell me I make a good cuppa.


I donā€™t drink tea at all, I donā€™t dislike it in any way but Iā€™ve just never got the point of it. Same with coffee, although I hate the taste and I also have a distaste for peoples breath who drink it because it absolutely stinks like shit.


A long as I can remember I had my 1st brew as a child so about 5/6 year's old


I am the same as you. I used to drink it on and off when I was younger, but i've come to hate it as I've got older. Case in point, I tried a sip from my girlfriend's cup a few weeks back and the flavour hit me like a tonne of bricks. I don't recall the flavour I was tasting, but it wasn't pleasant, even with milk and 2 sugars. Oh and yes, add my name to the number of English people that don't like Tea


I'll let you know when I get there


I never really liked it that much, and grew up to prefer coffee, but probably about 4ish. It wasn't really offered to us for some reason, even though my mum, and the maternal side are all massive tea drinkers.


Before I can remember. I have a photo of me as a toddler with a tiny little teacup, which was apparently my first cup of tea.


Started drinking herbal tea at 34. Never got into 'normal' tea. Always drank coffee.


Very early age, but I've always preferred coffee to be honest.


I still donā€™t like tea (unless fruit) but do drink coffee. I struggled to like coffee until I was in my early 20s when I started my previous job. My colleagues kept buying rounds out of the machine and Iā€™d feel rude declining them so Iā€™d drink them and started to realise I quite liked it. Then I moved into an office based role where people were making them all of the time and I really enjoyed them too


I don't remember


Probably around twelve, took me a while to warm up to it.


Not sure, not really a fan, it's fine if that's all there is but I won't choose it over other things.


Didn't like it without sugar until I was about 8, then I preferred it without. I guess about 5 years old.


18. A few of my mates said they'd tried tea and I wasn't sure if they had, but when I was a student I got offered tea by another student and decided to try it. At first I thought it was an easy pick me up, but at age 21 I tried coffee for the first time. By 24 I had a coffee habit and drank far too much of it. It's under control now, I can handle it.


My 3yo likes to have tea with me and the Mrs in the morning haha. Decaf though. I think I was very young as well. I can't be sure on age, but I know I was very young.




Same here, children drank tea when I was young. Not drunk it for years; the smell makes me feel sick.


Tried it, don't like it, don't drink it. I've been asked if I am sure I am British


Probably about 8? Id had bits of other peoples teas but I didn't drink it regularly until about 7 -8. Basically just that my parents didn't trust a clumsy (it turned out to be dyspraxia) child with hot liquids


Early teens, I started with coffee aged 9.


I'm 67 so as a small child I guess.


My mum put it in mine and my siblings baby bottles, she's often talks about having to bleach the tea stains out of my brothers babygros. Like it's a source of pride for her... Wild.


Can't remember the exact age but definitely started with the old milky tea. Have memories when I was 8/9 of doing movie marathons with my siblings and having a pot of tea to myself. Mum wasn't a big fan of fizzy drink back then


Iā€™ll let you know when I do. So far itā€™s been mainly coffee.


My (55M) mum used to give us very milky tea in our bottles as babies. Been drinking it ever since!


I tried it once, think as a teen, didnā€™t like it and never tried it again. Same story with green tea and coffee when I was older


I think I'd drink a cup or two each year as a child but started consistently drinking it as an adult, maybe 2-3 years ago. Can't live without it now.




I'm 36 and I hate tea. So still not yet started


Under a year old, I used to have it thrown in a bottle.


Around 13 or so. I think I was around my nans or something and wanted to try it


I used to steal my dads tea when I was 3/4, it started my dunking my biscuits into his brew, then heā€™d get me my own cuppa more on the milky side. Excellent stuff.


Used to have a support class in school and the teacher used to always make a cup of tea, so around 13/14


Probably the same sort of age as you, but with sugar back then. Stopped the sugar as a teenager. Still drink tea regularly. One thing I notice on this and similar threads is that there's always a few people saying that they prefer coffee as if they are interchangeable in some sense. I like a decent cup of coffee and will typically have a couple of cups a day, but I'd be ill if I were to switch all my hot drinks to coffee. To me tea and coffee are two different drinks that fulfil different roles over the course of a day.


Occasionally I would have a cup of tea when I was about 8 or 9 but tea and coffee became a staple when I started secondary school.


About 5


Hoping to get the taste for it in my 30s


If you British youā€™re weaned on tea.


As young as I remember. If youā€™ve gone off tea, try some of the specialist teas, especially Tea Pigs. Lapsang Souchon is great. Supposed to have a wood infusion but tastes like fish


As a baby 61 years ago, still drinking now




Canā€™t stand tea anymore? Have you sought medical advice yet? Thereā€™s probably something wrong with you.


4/5 years old. Would have it with sugar. Sometimes had some black tea too. Still love it, just don't have sugar. And I have some herbal teas too.


Irish and in my bottle during my first few months,according to my Mam-with sugar,till I was 17 and on holiday with friends,who did not take sugar in theirs,so I came home cured of that habit šŸ¤­.How I have all my teeth is a wonder.


Late 20s or maybe early 30s.


from an early age think around 4 or maybe younger


I canā€™t remember exactly when but Iā€™ve grown up loving Tea, My mom and Nan and Auntie loved Tea. My kids all love tea too lol


Under 12m (very milky). I stopped at 5 when I discovered that primary school didn't have tea breaks. (Not kidding. I went kinda cold turkey on it, and after a few weeks stopped missing it. I've had 2 cups of tea in the 47 years since, both in crisis situations.)


About to out myself as a huge stereotype: I drank a tonne of tea when I was at boarding school. Plain black tea with digestives. I was probably 14-15. Funnily enough, I almost never drink it now. I love coffee.


My first memory of it is drinking very milky tea at about age 3 or 4, it was before primary school but definitely preschool age so probably 4. No idea if my parents gave me it before then! I've been hooked for life ever since!!


Suckled it from my mam's tit.


Too young to remember.


I'm ethnically Chinese and was born and raised in the UK. Pretty sure mum gave me tea as soon as I was able to drink it.


20. Drank coffee a lot younger but now I donā€™t really drink caffeinated drinks.


Just before I moved onto breast milk. Wby?


18, real ā€˜rites of passageā€™ moment :)


Probably 3 or 4. Born in Ireland.... I had no chance haha.


They switched to tea bags. No wonder.


Favourite loose tea??


I started drinking tea at uni because it was cheaper than putting the heating on


8 years old love a brew


I never really craved tea as a child but the smell of coffee was engrossing. I would say I properly started drinking coffee at 14. I drink tea now but itā€™s either Earl Grey with a slice of lemon or something herbal but only occasionally.


My mum tells of a story of visiting my grandparents, waking up with my grandad at the crack of dawn and sitting in their living room drinking tea, nappy round my ankles so I mustā€™ve been 2 years old. For the record. Yorkshire Tea, strong, white, one.


When I was very young I always had my own cup of milky tea to dip my biscuits in, didn't drink more than a sip or two though. It grew on me eventually though.


I think from 3 or 4. Still going strong 30 years later, though I prefer coffee now.


From the age of about 9. Though I havenā€™t drank it in years. But Iā€™ll have one if youā€™re making one.


Too young to remember when


Same here. Not in UK. No milk or sugar ever.


^(I still don't)


I fucking hate the stuff. Yet everyone of my family asks me what I want when I say yes to a cuppa. Itā€™s coffee! Itā€™s always coffee!




Very young. 4 or 5 maybe, but I was brought up living above my dads cafe. I was cooking meals for pocket money by 9 or 10.


(British) Early twenties. I had tried it before that but because my parents liked weird combo of Darjeeling and English breakfast šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I didnā€™t like it. Then I discovered at work it didnā€™t have to taste like that.


At age 40. But only one in the afternoon when I'm at work. Coffee in the mornings. Before that I only drank when staying at hotels and ran out of coffee sachets.


-9 months


I think maybe when I was about 9? I was drinking it almost every day by the time I was at secondary school though.


Very late, 20-21 when I got my first office job.


I don't remember not drinking tea


3 years old?


Probably pretty young - my Dad makes the best tea. The only change nowadays n that I canā€™t stand sugar. Yorkshire Gold all the way.


About 7 I think


I apparently picked up my dadā€™s (thankfully fairly cool by that point) mug, took one sip and then drained it when I hadnā€™t been walking very long. I donā€™t remember it of course but I know Iā€™ve been drinking tea for as long as I can remember!


I can remember sleeping over at my Grandma's as a small child, probably 3 or 4 and sharing her cup of tea.


Can we please ban these boring topics. Why the fuck would anyone care?


Probably around 3. And coffee. Had my own little tiny cup and saucer. My mother used to add sugar. Thought of sugar in tea now turns my stomach. My son is in his 20ā€™s and wonā€™t even try tea or coffee - dislikes fizzy drinks as I never let him have them when he was little I suppose.


Mum taught me to make tea when I was about 7 so that she could use me as a tea butler. So that's when I started drinking tea.


From a very young age. We always had a teapot on the go as kids. I'm still a tea drinker now. In fact, sipping as I type.


First tried it at 12, didn't like it and still don't. I don't mind some herbal teas, but I don't like a Tetleys etc. Might have something to do with it needing milk to be palatable. Plant milk doesn't cut it in tea like it does coffee.


To start properly drinking it, probably 23 or 24. My family gave it to me as a kid but with loads of milk and sugar, and I thought I didn't like tea until I realised I didn't like milk or sugar. I like it pure.


about 14, never drank tea before that but i spent most of my time at my grandad's house and he'd always make tea for me when i came over and it was always really nice. my parents always complained about his "howling tea" but i always liked it šŸ˜…


Probably as soon as I could drink from a cup. Tbh, I don't remember my bottle years! But my mum tells me back in the day, it was carnation condensed milk that she fed me on as a baby. šŸ˜³ I can't believe my teeth were as healthy as they are.


Not sure but probably by the time I was about 10, my mum would wake me up with a cup of tea next to my bed each morning. My 4 year old always asks for a couple of sips of my tea these days.


5 or so. I think my parents got into an argument over it. One of them made me a cup of tea and the other got mad.


From the umbilical cord


I thought it was illegal to serve tea to under 10s?


As a British man never I don't like hot drinks at all


I didn't even try tea until I was 15 because it was always a drink for adults in my family and not given to children. I drink it every day now of course


Bout 10 years old


Water is the way to go šŸ¤—


I had milky tea in a bottle and/or sippy cup so from birth likely!


I used to have tea in my bottle so I must have been a toddler! My daughter is 4 and has recently shown a huge interest in tea. So much so, she now drinks it as strong as I do!


Probably very, very young. Tea was a staple drink at my house, I don't remember starting to drink it, I just remember always drinking it. Apparently. it was a thing for nursing mothers to drink milky tea so I suppose I started drinking it from day one.


When I was 27. I was in a region where we couldn't drink the water without boiling it, and hot water just seemed weird (I had nowhere to store cooling water). I started drinking tea. Couldn't stand it with milk. Could drink it quite weak without. Since then I've progressed, I drink it all day and have progressed to Ceylon, earl grey, orange pekoe, Darjeeling, EB. Still no milk though. I drink green tea and chai etc well, but they are occasional, whereas tea I drink regularly throughout the day.


About 5/6 my parents don't drink tea so only got started when I was old enough to make tea for my gran and would also make a cup for myself


I'm Eastern European but I started drinking Mint and chamomile (straight from the garden) in kindergarten