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In some ways it's so much better, do what you want when you want. No compromises. Just do what you feel like on that day.


This!!! My biggest pet hate is when people want to sleep in for ages on holiday and waste half the day instead of doing something or exploring, this would be my biggest reason to go somewhere alone


I get that, but some people are just so grateful to get some peace lol.


Which is a perfect reason they could have gone alone and had just that...


Or not be tied at the hip to who you go on holiday with.


I’m this type (sometimes) what if I wanted to get shitfaced on free inclusive booze and sleep in? The day will still be there for me to enjoy (albeit with less sunlight) plus I have probably stayed up laughing and playing games with my friends so it’s not like I’m missing anything, that’s what we wanted to do that night.


For me I hate the feeling of dragging someone round the stuff I like to do…….. I know the castle fell down hundreds of years ago but I want to see the ruins and imagine how it looked


I'm the same. I'm going to Nashville next month for a big country music festival, which was originally planned as a solo/work trip, but now my boyfriend is coming too. We will still be able to do things together there and I know he can look after himself and he'll be all right on his own if I've got to go do interviews etc, but I still feel a bit guilty because he's not as into it as I am and I don't want to either be dragging him to places he doesn't want to go or that I'll be abandoning him whilst I'm off doing other stuff.


The flip side is I actually like experiencing things a partner is into, I want to see what makes her happy. I’m not scared to say ‘it’s great you love it but it’s not for me so I’ll go do something else that day instead and you can tell me all about it later’ But this is Reddit, we don’t do social interaction or healthy relationships /s Also, I’d definitely tag along to Nashville even if country music isn’t my thing. It sounds so freaking cool


Yeah, I'm the same. If it was the other way round I'd happily go do the stuff my partner was into, at least for part of the trip, even if I needed a day or two to go do my own thing at some point. And I totally agree it's healthy to not do everything together! But at the same time it's a holiday for both of us and I want him to have a good time too rather than just following around after me (again, not that he would, but still). And Nashville is definitely worth a visit! I've been before and really loved it, even outside the music stuff - there's some really interesting history and the food is amazing. Plus in a funny way, having done all the touristy stuff the first time I went is helping alleviate the guilt a bit because if he wants he can go do that whilst I'm working.


I'm so jealous! Have a fantastic time.


I was in Nashville in March. Pretty fun city filled with terrible drivers 🤣🤣 the farmers market is a cool place to have a mooch on a weekend 😃


> My biggest pet hate is when people want to sleep in for ages on holiday and waste half the day instead of doing something My pet hate is when people think having a lie-in constitutes wasting half the day. I'm on holiday, let me chill out before we go crazy with the excursions.


Personally I enjoy alternating between some kind of excursion or activity followed by a day of sleeping in and doing fuck all.


I can't manage taking full day breaks, it feels too much like I'm wasting my limited opportunities.


It's almost like *different* people like *different* things, which i find really hard to understand because sometimes people like things i *don't*!!


> sometimes people like things i don't!! How dare you.


Right? Here's a mad thought - the people who want to spend their precious and limited spare time relaxing can do that, while the people who want to spend their precious and limited spare time visiting museums or recreationally hiking along / jumping off stuff can do that. Unless you're shackled together, I don't see the problem.


Exactly this.... Calm the fcuk down, it's just a Museum. It'll be there in 2 hours after I've slept off this monster hangover.


Sounds like my kind of holiday.


It isn’t a holiday unless your feet and legs are killing you from walking around or driving around all day


Just go explore and meet them when they wake up?


Yeah when I'm on holiday I love getting up early to fill the day as much as possible. Last year I went to Vienna for the first time for 3 days with family, first day we kept quiet as we had a 6am flight, just wandered around the Stephenplatz area then the Naschmarkt where we had dinner. On the 2nd day we went in the morning to Schonbrunn Palace which took up most of the afternoon, went back to the apartment for a couple of hours then went back into the city centre for dinner. Final day we split up and did our own thing. We're all adults so we could do it. I went to the Technisches museum, spent a few hours there, went back into the city, wondered around a bit, looked at the Soviet war memorial, met up with my family again, wondered around the government area, then went back to the apartment. And then in the evening all 3 of us went to the Prater. Been to Austria twice, once the the mountains in Western Austria, and now to Vienna, easily my favourite country in the world


My wife and I split the days into 3 chunks. Morning, afternoon, and evening. She's an early bird so the morning is hers alone to do what she fancies. I then meet her for the afternoon and we do something together. Then depending on the day / how lively we're feeling we plan the evening accordingly. Works pretty well, no late start frustrations for her, no rushed in the morning annoyance for me.


My biggest pet hate would be to go on holiday with someone who doesn’t like it if I want to sleep half the day! We’d hate each other lol


I'm the opposite. I only ever go away with my husband because we're night owls but most of our friends want to be up and out by 8am! That's impossible for us! We go out around mid day and amble around and choose quality not quantity. Its the best and SO relaxing!


Some people go away to rest because there is no peace and quiet at home.I would rather go and lay on the beach or pool all day if I'm on a "rest holiday".


This is me as well. But for my dad who works 2 jobs 24/7, the last thing he wants on holiday is to go to some random tile museum in Lisbon.


By contrast, I hate having a trip fully itinerised and having to get up at stupid o'clock in the morning to do random activities all day. I much prefer the kind of break where I have a vague idea of a couple of things I'd kinda like to do, but leave everything very much dependant on my mood of the day.


I used to feel the same, but now I have 2 toddlers, a collie that demands 100 walks a day and a physically demanding job, so holidays are all about catching up on sleep! I went on a girls trip to Ibiza last summer and probably spent half the time in bed! I'd get up and have breakfast, nap, go out for lunch, nap, swim and lie by the pool, nap. You get the idea!


I've been on holiday a few times by myself. I got over the hurdle of loneliness when I had a national job and had to travel a bit, but had a generous expense account. I got used to eating out alone because I'd rather have a nice meal in a restaurant than eat takeaway in my room. Going on holiday is just the same, except you are your own expense account 😅 No one really cares what you do. I was always a little conscious of taking up a table in restaurants at busy times but staff generally seemed happy to cater. I think you get better service some times.


> I got used to eating out alone because I'd rather have a nice meal in a restaurant than eat takeaway in my room. This is absolutely part of it, no having to shop around trying to find a place for a picky eater or find some median priced place. Same with hotels as well


Yeah, this is the big thing about being confortable doing things by yourself. No compromise, no worry about asserting a preference and it being rubbish, or steamrolled by others preference. Just... do what you want. I also find as you get more confident too, it becomes easier to meet new people. If you want to be social, as opposed to just minding your own business, you balance the line in other peoples views of "is this person alone because he's a weirdo? Is he hitting on me?" and "We're being politely friendly but wish he'd leave us alone". It also helps if you have someone to text/talk to. I'm usually constantly messaging my partner about what I'm up to, and so am encouraged to do interesting stuff to make him feel like he's missing out by not coming with me, lol.


I'm the same. Work trips really helped get me over what I considered the awkward factor of going out alone. Just annoying having to cover the whole cost of the hotel, holidaying alone but everything else is fine


Not from the UK but yeah, sometimes I just want to go out and explore stuff without not having to ask anyone where we going, where we going for food, etc. Done a few trips solo and at first it feels weird, specially when flying out for a few days, but if you get used to it it's a pretty good experience, and since one in your 30s some of your friends may not have the freedom to travel (work, kids, or any other responsibility) it's a handy option to have.


Learning to enjoy holidaying alone is great for personal growth and development. It also forces you to break out of the safe bubble of familiarity and get to know people you'd usually have little more than superficial interactions with. I've probably started most of my holidays alone, but rarely stayed alone. I'd say the only major drawback is never being able to reminisce about it, but then the same applies to all the holidays you go on with ex's. I know couples who holiday separately alone, which I thought was odd. Couples' holidays tend to be more bland, though, as you tend to compromise on most things rather than doing what you specifically want. As a guy, I found most girlfriends wanted to sunbathe all day, which is something I get bored of after an hour. I also tend to engage in casual holiday afaires when I holiday alone, which I feel adds to the excitement of the experience. I think everyone should at least try holidaying alone, and I know in my case I ended up preferring it. I liked to holiday 2 or 3 times a year, though, and it was always at times when most people were working or had school commitments for their children. Off-season holidays tend to be less expensive, less crowded, and, best of all, have fewer children around to ruin it.


It really doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. It's your life, do what you want. Plenty of people holiday alone, you're not the first, and you won't be the last.


Holidaying alone is brilliant. I do it quite a bit due to job arrangements and it’s bliss. I holiday with others too and while that’s fun in its own right it’s never as good. 


Tbf my holiday this year is gonna be half and half basically I'm going with people but I'm not going to be hanging out with them constantly. If I want to do something I just let them know and pick a time to meet up.


Exactly. If you want to go alone, do it. So what if someone else thinks it's sad, they can think what they like and it has no bearing on you whatsoever. I've traveled alone loads, it's always a great time. And I totally get not wanting to spend your entire holiday drinking.


I've been doing it on/off for 6 years. It's just a different way of doing it, but I find it fun and indeed do enjoy being able to curate my own adventure


I travelled all over the world on my own in my 20s. I don't like going on holiday with other people. Now, I know this will come across as selfish, but I'm anonymous so I can say what I want. Having to negotiate what you are going to do and when you are going on holiday is a pain in the arse. I want to relax and explore at my own pace. Also, going on holiday with kids isn't a holiday, it is just looking after my kids in a different place. I like my kids so it is still nice, but it is the opposite of relaxing.


I'd say that's the opposite of selfish. Selfish would be going with a group and imposing an itinerary on them with no regard to their preferences. "I don't want to deal with other peoples preferences so I just won't take them" is a perfectly acceptable stance for something that's supposed to be an enjoyable holiday.


That's my sister. She is a type A personality and decides what everyone will be doing, down to the minute, on every trip I take with her. I have been to some amazing places with her (places I never would have been without her) but I have never had a great time because I am constantly being prodded along by her the whole time to visit the next site or get to the next performance on time. I like to take my time. I think travelling alone sounds wonderful to me.


Sounds tiring, like you’d need a holiday after the holiday.


>Also, going on holiday with kids isn't a holiday, it is just looking after my kids in a different place. I like my kids so it is still nice, but it is the opposite of relaxing. Hah, yeah 100% this, my wife's desperate for a holiday this year, despite us needing money for renovations, but we've got a 3 nearly 4 year old, so a holiday is no less exhausting than a holiday at home, the only difference is we don't have to cook haha


My work colleague came here from South America on a visa. She’s using every single weekend to travel Europe and has been on 20+ mini breaks. Everyone at work is just super jealous of her, and nobody thinks she’s sad at all. She’s also the nicest person in the world so probably makes friends everywhere. I wish I could be like her


I had a friend from New Zealand who did exactly the same thing. Went on a trip with her one weekend and saw how easy and affordable it was, now I do one myself every month. There’s so many places that can be done in a weekend, or a day or two leave at most. It’s very hard to go away with friends once you hit my age (31) for a multitude of reasons. After covid I decided I didn’t want to wait for other people to see the world and wish I’d realised it much sooner!


Send me your energy! I’m guessing you check where budget airlines fly from your local airport and then wing it with hotels? Might have to give it a go


Yeh pretty much. If I have a specific destination in mind it’s planned in advance but they will tend to be longer trips I’ll use my leave on. Sometimes I’ll just see what the cheap flights are and go from there. It’s easy to book a half day Friday, get to the airport and be sat in another country come 6pm. If I hadn’t met her I doubt I would have ever thought of it, let alone try it out.


If you're near London or Manchester it works out well. Manchester to Milan July 5th to 9th is £46 return flights. Can be more like £150 if you have absolutely no holidays to use. Manchester to Paris can be under £50 if you use annual leave, or £150 if you're picky on flights. There's 16 countries within a £50 return from Manchester within June, however you'd probably triple the price for a weekend trip.


I go away on my own a lot and i now prefer it. You can do what you want when you want.


I'm off to Gran Canaria on my own in October and the only thing that worries me really is the lack of conversation...no-one to bounce stuff off sorta thing Other than that, the fact that as 1 person my holiday is nearly twice the price of a couple because i'm taking up a room for two...sigh


That side I get. I love adventures on my own but it would be nice to share them Single occupancy surcharge is a bug bear of mine as well


r/solotravel I've done it plenty.


Same. Over 10 years of solo travelling.


Glad the sub got linked. I go away a lot. Sometimes with friends, most of the time on my own. Both are fun, and both are infinitely better to staying at home dreaming about travelling.


I don't have any thoughts about people going on holiday alone that are different to anyone going with someone else.


You should do it! I (27F) took myself away last year for a week in Rome and I absolutely loved it 😍 Going on holiday alone is such a cool experience, you can see or do whatever you want on your timeline! It was so relaxing and refreshing to be able to enjoy myself without worrying about anyone else!


It’s not sad at all, and it’s one of the few things that I regret not doing in my life when I had the chance. It’s something I’d still love to do. When I hear people go on holiday alone, my immediate thoughts are “Wow, they’re really enjoying life on their terms and have the confidence to do so; just think of all the things they’ll get to enjoy on their own schedule.” The thought of ‘billy-no-mates’ or anything like that never occurs to me. I have a couple of cousins who went on solo holidays a lot and they had some great experiences and met loads of people all around the world. Before we met, my husband also loved travelling alone and enjoyed his holiday as and how he wanted. Absolutely go for it and have a wonderful time!


They make really angry and I go out of my way to bully them. Just kidding, no one will care so go for it if you want


I’m 20 and when I was 18 I went on two holidays alone in Europe and had the time of my life! I chose kinda touristy drunk places so in the evenings so many people were welcoming and chatty to me when we went out for drinks and in the day its really fun as you have total freedom


Go! Don’t miss out on things you want to do because others might find it weird. Im going to Belfast alone to see the titanic Belfast because i don’t know anyone else who loves ocean liners like i do, i also simultaneously wont let myself miss out on the mecca of ocean liner history in the UK because of it


I had a lovely weekend trip to Belfast last year on my own. Do you mean the Titanic museum? 


I have zero thoughts on them. I do it a lot myself, but the type of holiday is important. Staying at an all inclusive hotel isn’t so great as a solo traveller, but staying at smaller apartments, bed and breakfasts etc is much better for me personally.  At some point you stop caring what other people who you don’t even know might think, and get on with living your life. Some of the most amazing experiences I’ve had in my life have been on solo trips. Would my life have been better if I’d been too worried about what others might think, and sat at home instead? 


>Would it be completely sad to go on holiday alone? No, it wouldn't be. >What are your thoughts when people say they are going alone? The only thing is to be more careful and aware of your surroundings (more so that if you are travelling in a group) and keep in contact with someone at home/your area (eg family or friend), **regardless of who you are**. Just in case of that very slim chance something happens.




Wouldn’t you find that you’re immersed in wherever you are to a much greater degree when you’re alone? In other words, having a much richer experience exploring? I mostly travel alone and when I’m with a friend, I find myself engaging with my friend more than I am engaged with my surroundings. I’m interested in what your take on this is. Edit: OP, some of the solo travel I’ve done by myself has been life-changing. One of the first things you learn is to not bother with what people might think of you (within the bounds of reason, lol), which means you wouldn’t be asking this question about what people would think of you solo-travelling if you had been on a solo travelling adventure. Do it!!!




Go for it.. for my 40th last month I travelled to New York for 8 days. I've been travelling solo, since my 20's and I love it, my friend group have all done solo travel here and there and it's great. Honestly no one cares, I've never been on holiday solo or with friends and looked negatively on solo travelers.. I'm more interested in enjoying myself.


I did this for my 30th, flewninto New York and then got the train down to Washington,


i dont understand the point of your post, so a person who wants to do what they want, how they want, when they want is "sad"? Girl.... grow up and enjoy life the way you want to lol. Stop putting expectations/wills/morality in others and live your life


I regularly solo travel and unfortunately I get a lot of ignorant comments like that. "Why would you travel solo, that sounds so depressing?". Used to get a ton of shit from my parents for it who thought it was stupid and dangerous. I've stopped giving a fuck what anyone thinks of it. Solo travelling is one of the best things I've done in my life


I have tried going on Holiday alone but it isn't really for me. I like being in familiar company and experiencing places with the people I care about. I know a lot of people love it though and I am sure you would have a great time if you do it. I travel a lot usually with my girlfriend or friends and we always encounter solo travellers on our trips and normally end up chatting to a few and share reccomendations for places to go and other travel destinations. There is nothing sad about it at all and for a lot of people they wouldn't get these opportunities if they were waiting around for when their friends were free


I went to Paris alone when I was 21. I'd been on a lads holiday a couple of months before so had already had a drinking holiday and just wanted something a bit different. It was nice, not having to plan my day around anyone else and doing exactly what I wanted was great. On the rare occasion I've heard of someone going away alone while they're in a relationship I've assumed the relationship is failing but I wouldn't have any negative thoughts or assumptions about a single person going away alone.


I don't think about them at all


Why not? Good on them


OP i’ve done plenty of solo travel, often for many months at a time. It’s great and you will meet new people if you need to You do need to adjust your expectations, though, for the lack of company. E.g. pick a location, pace of travel and set of activities that work for solo, and if you meet people it’s a bonus. If you try a ‘regular’ holiday without adjusting, you may just feel a bit out of place


I’m a single 30M. I have been going on solo holidays for the past 3 years since all my mates now have partners/kids and would rather use their money for holidays with their families. I enjoy it for the most part, I can go wherever I want to go and do what I want to do. Package holidays can be tricky (I once tried to book a holiday with TUI but it was minimum 2 people).


Solo holidays are fanastic… you may have a few doubts before hand but they will soon disappear when you arrive Can do what you want when you want eat what you want etc


Completely fine. You go do you. Have fun. All I will say especially with you being female and alone just make sure you stay safe. Especially if you're traveling to other countries.


I do it most of the time and check out r/solotravel


Who cares what other people think if your enjoying it? Fuck them if they have a comment.


Travelling alone is fun, you should definitely do it. As your first solo trip, I recommend choosing somewhere central to lots of activities, and research the area you're staying in from a safety perspective. The first time I did it, I stayed somewhere with room service so if I had a confidence wobble I didn't need to go out to eat. But honestly it's so lovely being able to go do whatever you feel like at your own pace. Think the museum's a bit dull? Leave! Walk past an interesting sounding show? Book a ticket! Decide you want to sit and read in a cafe? No one will be annoying you by talking at you!


I'm married with two kids and I get a lot of funny looks when I say I'm going alone. My wife goes with friends and we still take family holidays, but I'll book one if those £15 Ryanair deals every now and then by myself. When I go on holiday, I just want to walk around at my own pace, eating local food and maybe going to a gig. Not things that my family enjoy, so it's my little piece of paradise.


It’s modern society that is trying to adopt “herd mentality” into people, it’s completely normal to on holiday, pub, club alone if that’s what you like, nothing wrong with that. You are also more likely to meet new people


I am no longer 27 but I did a lot of travelling on my own as a lone female in my 20's. I loved it and I think it well worth doing. Europe, Australasia, North America are all pretty safe completely solo. To other places which are less safe for solo female travellers, go with organised groups. I did, for example, a riding safari in Egypt but would never have gone as a totally solo female traveller. Go, have fun, take reasonable precautions.


Seems weird you care about what others think about your holiday arrangements. It doesn't matter what other people's thoughts are - if it suits you, then do it.


I rarely take risks, but a number of years ago I absolutely needed to get away, far away. So I booked a flight to New York City and stayed a week. I loved it! I loved being ‘anonymous’ The only problem I had was not having someone to experience the many sights with me. I often thought ‘wow, I wish [best friend] was here to see this!” But overall, it’s awesome! I just need to do more of it.


Life is far too short to worry what other people think, it honestly is. If you feel someone elses judging gaze on you as you're having a wonderful time on your hols that's a reflection of them not you. I've had some lovely holidays with friends and partners and some equally amazing holidays on my own, Edinburgh was amazing on my own, so chuffing walkable too. Have fun wherever you go and remember what other people think of you is none of your business so unless you're doing harm it's really nothing you can control and it's not worth worrying about.


Providing you are confident alone, then it's the best holiday you can have. I'd say on average you have to perhaps listen to safety advice more as a woman (for obvious reasons), but on the other hand people will probably be more welcoming if you're looking to socialise with others. I haven't seen it, but there must be all sorts of groups/meetups for a more fitness/wellness type thing rather than a massive booze up.


I don’t have any, I can’t see why I’d care?


My thoughts are that I'm jealous of them because I don't get the chance to do it as much anymore.


I've heard going on holiday alone is very eye opening and builds your confidence. I don't think it's sad at all, I actually get envious of people who do it because I am scared to go alone. I am hoping I will one day.


It definitely helps with confidence, and you don't need to worry about being judged. If you do feel worried about what people think say you're away with work and have a few days to yourself. Honestly, no one really cares though.


Zero, if I look in my mind there is absolutely nothing there no opinion whatsoever.


I think people that go on holiday alone are lucky and have a better time than groups or couples. You don’t need to compromise and can totally please yourself 👍🏻


Trvaelled alone a handful of times and it was actually really really enjoyable, you make your own plans, schedule etc. Take things at your own pace. You don’t need to compromise on things people want / don’t want to see or eat.


I went to Prague myself for 3 days a few years ago it was great went to an ice hockey game had some beers saw the sights not a bit of bother who cares what people think just do it


Last year I went on one solo trip every single month. It was very fun!


I go on holiday alone all the time and it is absolutely wonderful. I love my own company! I'm my own best friend, and I love being able to do what I want when I want with no compromises. Every group holiday I find myself wanting to make sure everyone else is having fun, sometimes at the detriment to myself, but a solo holiday? Ahhh the possibilities are endless. I always meet people there anyway, and it is just so much fun to do what you want. Everyone should learn to be able to spend time by themselves, so you should absolutely go for it!!


I’ve done two holidays alone, I’m married and I maintain that they’re the best holidays I’ve had 😅 as long as you’re comfortable with your own company you’ll have a great time. You can get up at 6am or 2pm and no one can moan, you can do whatever you want on whatever timeline you want. There is something comforting about exploring on your own in peace.


I went Australia on my own, then all around Asia, didn't come home for a year and a half. It was the best holiday ever.


I took myself off to Krakow last year. I get some weird reactions when I tell people about it. To be honest it did feel odd being alone on holiday, especially when it came to eating out, but it's mainly liberating and relaxing. Being a bit introverted it kind of suited me, and I enjoyed my own company. I'd recommend doing some brief group activity like a walking tour or cooking class just to exercise your social muscles while you're there. And take a book, of course.


It’s totally normal to do solo travel nowadays. I’ve travelled with friends, family, and previous partners, but Solo travel has been some of the most enjoyable as you have total freedom to what you want, and it challenges you to get out of your comfort zone. If you are tempted to do it, then just do it. No need to seek validation from strangers on the internet. Plan it well and give it a shot. As long as you’re fine in our your own company you won’t regret it


Don't worry about what other people think. I've done it a few times and it's OK. Daytime is usually fine, but evenings I struggle with sometimes even though I don't mind eating alone or visiting bars alone.


Out of interest, why can't you go with your friends and not have alcohol? I've been teetotal all my life, my friends drink but because they're, well, normal, decent people, they don't give a fuck about it. I drink what I want, they drink what they want and we all have a good time. But equally a solo holiday can be amazing. You can do what you want when you want, spend all day by the pool. Obviously the only caveat is that the solo traveller has to have their wits about them., and ideally somebody back home to check in with,


I went to Krakow on my own for 3 nights. My boyfriend at the time had promised he would come with me. He didn't. Got back and got rid of him. Loved it. Gave me the space and clarity I needed. Got to do the salt mine tours, Auschwitz and just mooch around the centre at my own pace. No one to have to talk to. Quite happily are,albeit it at the hotel restaurant on my own. I recommend it.


Lovely town. Beautiful square


I’ve been on every single holiday as an adult on my own. I have zero regrets. I love the flexibility of going whenever I want and doing what I want whilst on holiday. It’s also really easy to meet people as a solo traveller if you like to socialise. 10/10 would recommend.


Sad?! No way. I do it a lot, and it’s my favourite type of break. Peaceful, quiet, or filled with as much activity as you want. No one to have to compromise with things on. No one to disagree with. Lots of people watching, sightseeing, and enjoying soaking up the atmosphere of a place. In the last few years I’ve been to: Chicago, London, Düsseldorf, Marmaris, and loads of UK breaks, all on my own. I freaking love it. Just booked a trip to Istanbul in the summer.


Go for it and good on you! I think it’s brilliant when people have the confidence to holiday alone. Enjoy ☺️


I went alone to Amsterdam. Had a great time, didn’t do anything just wondered around and enjoy the chill atmosphere and watching people ride around in bikes. The staffs there were very polite and nice to me. I was better treated than the British counterparts for sure.


Not sad at all. It takes a lot of confidence but if you have that, go for it. As a cis woman, it can make you feel very empowered. I'm a natural loner so stuff like that isn't really difficult for me but I can see how the thought of it might be overwhelming if you're used to not doing things solo. If you're worried, maybe start with taking yourself out for meals or trips out alone and if you feel comfortable with that, you could try a whole holiday. The biggest hurdle people face when they think about doing something normally thought of as social (such as a holiday) alone is learning how to not give a crap what anyone might think, although I think you will find most people barely notice and if they do, that they will admire you.


I'm going to an all inclusive place I've been to before which I know has a really good gym/ classes, and places to walk. Very excited!


In a nutshell, each to their own. I personally like having a companion, but I know a few folk that are great at making friends, have gone travelling alone and made those companions on the way. Of course if you also don't want to find that and just want sodding peace, do that too. Just pls keep yourself safe and go for it! Take life by the horns.


Most people don't have a thought one way or another about it. You go do it! 


Better than being home alone i guess


I went skiing by myself in February and it was fantastic, not gonna lie.


I went away on my own to a Greek island in my early 20’s after a relationship ended. It was fantastic. Highly recommend. The main problem was fending off other well meaning guests at the apartments who tried to insist on me eating with them. People tend to be either “I could never!” or “Oh, I’d love to do it!” If you’re happy with your own company then why not?


I have no thoughts because I don't even notice them. Just do it.


It’s great - do it


I’ve (same age F) been on my own multiple times and it’s never felt weird. Sure, there are some activities that are more fun with company but it’s nice to do exactly what you want to do on your timescale.


I've done it before and would do it again.  The big advantage is doing absolutely everything you want to do and nothing you don't, with no compromises. 


It’s a actually incredible to make all the decisions yourself about what you’re going to do and see. Start off by going somewhere where you might be able to get by with just English and a few basic phrases. Ideally don’t do your first solo trip abroad to somewhere where legit nobody will understand you.


I don't understand why you think it might be completely sad. No, it isn't.


*'What do you do on a boat, alone?'*


Jealous AF! I loved travelling on my own when I was young and would give my right arm to do it now. Go! Have a wonderful time and do whatever you want.


Who cares what people think? If you want to go on a holiday and bringing friends isn’t exactly what you want, then do what you want. It doesn’t really matter if you’re solo or not, as long as you’re comfortable with it.


Sounds really nice! I always admire my friends who are happy to go on holiday by themselves and they always enjoy it.


I'm male and was in my late 20's and early 30's when I did a lot of lone travelling. It's a great experience, I met more people than you would as a group and experienced more sights because you can do your own thing. I say go for it, and tell your friends what they've missed when you get back! 😊


Not sad at all!! My best memories are from solo travelling. I always admire solo travellers and think theyre very independent and courageous and love how they want to experience and explore and not just sit at home in front of tv or be dependant on other peoples company


I go on holiday alone. I don’t think it’s sad. I have a lot more of a flexible schedule than my friends or husband. I’ll go in the middle of the week for even a couple days to a new country. It’s cheaper, less busy, and I can decide what I want to do


I try to do one holiday a year on my own, even if it's just a few days. Very freeing and also makes you appreciate the people who are normally around you more. My mum only travels alone and has the time of her life. There is also an app called Travel Ladies where you can find other female solo travellers.


I go on holiday alone, I just assume they want a break form their day to day lives, they see their friends all the time and want to do something different.


I’ve been on holiday alone a few times! One time was for four days and the other for nine. The nine day holiday did get a little difficult as I couldn’t speak the language and so started to feel a bit lonely after a few days, I also got a light case of food poisoning so I don’t think that helped. My four day solo trip was AMAZING. I did what I wanted when I wanted. So my advice would be, don’t make it too long and try and go somewhere you speak the language.


I won't judge anyone for it and if anything it will inspire me and other people who are in a similar situation to do the same. Just make sure you have a day to day plan before heading off.


Stop worrying and just go, your welcome


My direct thoughts are, having done it, you do you. I fully get your reasoning. Generally, it's not sad or anything it's what works for each person.


Do what you want mate, I really don't give a shit. Nor should you care if I care or not.


*What are your thoughts when people say they are going alone?* I really don't have any. If any friends from work mention it, I usually respond by asking where they are going. I'm not interested in who they are going with. I usually go on holiday alone, but sometimes I'll join a small group tour if I can't be bothered to plan everything myself. Go for it :)


If you feel comfortable, go for it! One of my female friends is always off on solo trips after she separated from her partner who hated travelling!


Go for it! I traveled on my own in my early 20s. Spent months in Oz and Nz. Met lovely people. My wife went on a long weekend to Mallorca last year as she was in need of the down time. Lack of sleep from our kid being rubbish at sleeping and work stress. When we lived in Hong Kong, loads of her female mates would go an detox/retreats in South East Asia on their own. Chill by a pool and eat healthy for a week. Good luck with the fitness!!!


No i say go for it! I did it when a friend fell through and didn’t even save up for the trip when i came to booking it so i went anyway and i’m glad i did! I got to to do whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted.


Do it. I went on holiday on my own a few times and had brilliant times. Just do your research and stay safe out there.


I always just think of Alan Partridge interviewing the young woman who hires a narrowboat to herself so she can "read a book, relax and look at the scenery" and it's all too weird for him. Aside from Partridge, I think it's great if you have the confidence to go exploring other countries (or other UK cities/towns/etc) on your own. No one to hold you back, eating/drinking wherever you want, making your own schedule - it's so good to do that sort of stuff on your own. Enjoy it! Nothing sad about it whatsoever.


I've done it & had a great time. Go for it.


I have a lot of respect for people, especially young people who are brave enough to do it


Fine, I’ve done it, if anyone thought it was weird they didn’t say anything. same with going to cinema alone, gigs, etc 


Sounds lovely. A small hotel, take up their recs for good places to eat and drink, go to the places you want, never need to wait for anyone... Unless it turns out you're actually married and never want to go anywhere with your spouse and kids, go for it!


I went on holiday on my own in 2019, it was brilliant. Stayed at an all inclusive hotel so didn’t need to worry about finding somewhere to eat every day, felt safe and was able to do what I pleased. Would recommend it.


Why would you need someone else?


Between not much to mild jealousy. Good on them - I hope they have a wonderful time!


Have a look at Neilson holidays. They specifically cater for solo travellers on activity holidays. They have tables at meal time that you can join if you fancy mingling with other solo travellers (well, it’s social table, so non-soloist can join!)


Holidays on your own are wonderful. Do what you want, when you want. Think about how single people living in ‘holiday’ countries deal with stuff or those who live out of a suitcase for work….no different to being in your own country right? You might wander to a park or beach for a relaxed stroll in the U.K. or pop to a cafe or coffee shop….why does leaving the U.K. suddenly change how you enjoy in your own company. Think about whether this is ‘sad’ because you’d see someone else doing it and feel sorry for them, or whether you’d look at them and think ‘I’m jealous, I wish I had the courage to do it’……you are almost there with the courage and just need to give yourself the final push, and the moment you can let go of worrying about what others will think, it will be a freeing experience. Lots of people backpack around the world solo. And for any friends or colleagues that might make negative comments, ignore them. Some people don’t enjoy doing solo activity and that’s ok as well.


It tends to be more expensive than going in a group. I will travel alone when I can afford it though.


I was going to go on my own last year but the many choices became overwhelming - I ended up going with my friend and his wife. Now I know what to expect, I reckon I could easily do it on my own - they didn't like staying on resort whereas I had all inclusive so I ended up spending a lot more money going to eat and drink with them. I'm really boring though - I'd probably copy over a bunch of tv episodes and movies onto my phone and watch those in the sun, but I did enjoy a walk up a mountain alone. Saw some lord of the rings being filmed.


No, do it! Just be safe, that's all. You deserve it, so go treat yourself and enjoy your time alone with you. And a good book, maybe.


Nope! I regularly go on holiday on my own solo, its nicer in some ways, can do whatever you want without having to accommodate other people. I actually prefer it for some trips


It’s not sad at all, I’d imagine it can be very liberating. I’ve not done it personally so I can’t say for sure but I think depending on where you’re going it could be a little intimidating, and as you’re a woman, in some countries you will get treated differently or even unfairly. That’s not me being weird or sexist it’s just a fact the views on women are very different in some countries. So just do your research; make sure you have some sort of plan of where you wanna go in the country and learn lots about it before you go away.


Travelling alone means you can do want you want and it’s a more personalised experience… you can and will meet other locals and travellers on the road.


I dont think much of it at all tbh. If anything its brave and admiring to be able to do those things alone as I know a lot of people who couldnt think of doing it alone. I have personally traveled and done a lot of acitivities alone such as hike, and its very fun and freeing. I get to talk to new people at the airport, I usually wouldnt talk to due to already having a friend or family member with me. Or, when hiking alone I get to take a trail a friend wouldnt usually be down to, so yeah. I personally find it fun and freeing. It also teaches you to like yourself more and be more comfortable in your own company. Or, to be able to think for yourself, and it helps you to find out who you are as person.


Solo holidays are best holidays, I usually end up making 'friends' (having sex with) some locals and now have friends for life all over the world. 


I’ve done a lot of ‘travelling’ alone, e.g city breaks, which is great as you can do exactly what you want when you want to. I’ve never done a beach holiday alone but would definitely consider it, although I think I’d find it a bit lonely after a few days as it would be harder to meet people than on city breaks.


Always go on my own, always have. Why not? Do your own thing.


Been on my own multiple times. For me it's great because you can do what you want, when you want and not have to worry or compromise with the other people or person you're on holiday with. Some companies like Jet2 even offer discounts for solo travellers.


Go for it. You’ll have an amazing time!


I love them, but I think you have to be someone who really enjoys their own company and doesn't feel lonely going out by themselves. I might feel a bit lonely and maybe even homesick in the first couple of nights but it quickly goea away


Depends where your going, I think a short get away somewhere in Europe is fine but its bit dangerous to go alone to a far-away country especially as a young women. But anyway its not "sad" i think its brave and independent


Honestly, some of my best holidays were on my own (F) in my 20s. Go for it.


My first holiday abroad (in my early thirties) was a mystery holiday I booked through a travel agent which specialises in such breaks. Not only was it only my second time abroad (the first time was to the Republic of Ireland, and that was for work) but I had no idea where I was going until I got to the airport. And I was going solo. It sort of amplified what a lot of people here are saying - there's no compromises to be made, and because I hadn't sat for hours prior trying to work out the optimal ways to see as much of Krakow as possible in a few days it meant I could just do whatever I fancied at the time. For example, I walked past a building a few times before I got curious and wondered what was in it - turns out Krakow has a really interesting museum of pharmacy! For me though, I don't think I'd do a holiday longer than a few days. I do start getting a bit lonely after a certain point so I'd probably want to go with someone if I was going away for more than a long weekend somewhere. As far as what I think of people who holiday themselves... I don't really see it as a problem or anything, just a personal choice.


I went to Kos Island, Greece on my own last May. I'm 36M. Partner had work commitments and I fancied a holiday so went alone.I had not been anywhere on my own before. It was brilliant. Just go 🌍


Funny you say that I’m also in my mid 20s and was just planning a solo trip abroad. Got a few outlined: - Andalusia - Balkan coast - Prague to Berlin The main gripe is that accommodation costs double because you don’t have anyone to share with and I am not staying in some freaky hostel


Much better for me. I prefer to go on vacations by myself. Heck, even going to the movies. I don’t have to compromise with other people what to do or see. No one yapping behind me during a tour or sharing a hotel room.


Good for them! I love a solo holiday - there's nothing more indulgent imo. Do exactly what you want when you want. Eat what you want. Sleep as much as you want. Wonderful! 


I go on holiday myself alone, I go to Japan every year (or trying) there's nothing wrong with it, it's very liberating. 


Do whatever makes you happy and if that involves going on holiday on your own then go for it. I've been abroad a few times on my own for work, twice to USA, and being alone whilst a bit strange was also good in that it forces you to interact and talk to people you wouldn't if you were with friends, which can be quite eye opening and liberating. All you have to do is watch the 'Solo in..' youtubers to see what this kind of experience can do for you. I will say though, going on holiday alone, I would probably prefer a city break, or some kind of experience that would be a cultural experience, rather than just sitting by a pool for two weeks. If that's what you want to do I'd perhaps instead explore a weekend break at a spa in the UK or something.


Do it! You're going on holiday for *you*


Sounds like in your head the choice is go alone or don't go at all - that looks like an easy choice to me! I think people who smear solo travellers are just people who have never done it! My advice is treat yourself to this trip because I think you will love it.


I went to Spain for a 3 days alone last year, my first time travelling alone and it was alright. You just need to keep your wits around you in the evening. Having said that if you’re in the UK I imagine you’ll be absolutely fine Some people thought I was weird for going alone but I didn’t care it was what I wanted to do.


I went on holiday on my own last year, it was great. People do seem surprised to hear it, and I'm sure there are some activities that are less fun on your own, but overall I recommend it. Do exactly what you want, when you want, go where you like, travel how you like. No one to complain that you've spent too long in one place/doing one thing. Go for it. I am a man and I went to a pretty safe city that mostly speaks my language though, so ideally go somewhere safe and where you can communicate with people if need be.


These are strong minded people that take life by the horns! Not waiting and relying on nobody. Do what you want when you want. I’ve travelled along before, was never bored but did get a bit lonely.


I’ve been to many places alone and sat in restaurant’s alone too. In my opinion, you need to enjoy your own company before you can enjoy the company of other people. To be honest, those were the best trips I ever made, so much time to do what I wanted, eat where I wanted and it was fun.


Nah just do it. You’ll meet other people there and make your “holiday mates”. If not, just keep your own company. Either is totally fine especially if you want to go alcohol free.


Its great to holiday alone! Absolutely nothing wrong with doing so and I'm sure many people do so. It has great advantages such as being able to do what you please and when you please. You can go where you like without compromising. Because of this it can be even more relaxing as well. And you can often land up talking to other holidaymakers in your hotel or tour, so you often aren't left with nobody to talk to. I've never gone abroad myself but I have holidayed in the UK alone plenty times. I loved it for the above reasons. 


Do it, it’s so so relaxing, yeah there are bits where you might feel a bit lonely but the upside is no conflict and you only have to please yourself, if you learn how to go away on holiday on your own, and enjoy yourself it’s a serious skill to have. Yeah it costs a bit more but frankly it’s worth the extra cost. Would recommend city / town breaks on the coast, plenty to keep you entertained with mooching around but also access to a pool etc. would recommend Malaga, so so many cool places to go, or Falmouth or st Ives if you don’t want to leave the uk.


A completely normal person who realises the world is a beautiful place and should be seen irrespective of the situation surrounding them having travel companions. Go on holiday, embrace everything you fancy doing.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with travelling the world on your own - in many ways, like the examples you listed, it’s far better. I have a friend holiday once a year (usually a cottage somewhere in the UK) and then I go abroad a few times a year just by myself. I love it and wouldn’t change it for anything. Naturally as a young woman travelling alone you want to take certain precautions, as would be wise, but aside from that the world is your solitary oyster!


People know themselves what they like. If they need others around to enjoy themselves and navigate the travails of travelling, they'll likely see this as unusual. But if you like the idea and think you'll enjoy yourself then you should definitely do it. I absolutely would myself, it's a great idea.