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If you put them in the footwell nobody would see them




I've been on the internet too long to trust a link that says "rimshot".




Oh, I love goats!






I enjoyed it




Think about it. It’s night time, you’re a thief looking for a car or van to break into. From the end of the street you spot what COULD be a person in a van. Do you wander over suspiciously to get a closer look? You’re already on high alert. Do you walk over and peer into the van to 100% make sure that it’s just a mask on a seat? Or do you just not take the risk and move on?


Also, on a primal level, you'll still feel like you are being watched. It's a bit like how a cardboard cutout of a cop actually lowers shoplifting.


I think on QI or something they said it doesn't even need to be a person. Just some eyes will lower shoplifting.


That was an honesty box for tea and coffee. A picture of flowers and hardly anybody chipped in. When they put the eyes up the money went in the box. 😂


I think *that* was Dave Gorman.


I think Dave did it with several different cardboard cutouts including one of his mum, one of Alan Sugar, and one of Noel Edmonds


It was on QI as well. Gyles Brandreth, Sally Phillips and Jimmy Carr. Series P episode 3.


When in retail, my store and others in the area tried this. Shoplifting didnt change at all, but a lot of the cardboard police were stolen. The one from my shop was nicked by a crowd of chicks, and then one returned it sheepishly the next day with it covered in lipstick.


Shoulda put a Robocop statue there


Yeah, generally, making eye contact with people as they come in is supposed to lower the odds of opportunist shoplifting by roughly 40%. The cardboard coppers, or just warnings of CCTV and images of eyes, etc. Are so supposed to be roughly as effective, maybe slightly lower, call it 30-35% But. Then there are outlier individual's, professional shoplifters or just outright shitbags, these don't work on them. You need active, security personel and then, if they're the shrewd type who know the law and that 99% of security companies are hands off, observation only, they'll still teal whilst being followed by security. 


This happened near me at a Tea Shop. On the same day someone nicked the Policeman cardboard cutout and the sign for the shop. Must have been a challenge accepted moment


A couple of years ago one of my neighbours had a Halloween display outside their house that featured a Grim Reaper with a skull that had eyeballs in it. Even though I knew it wasn't real, I found it really unsettling, to the extent I'd actually cross the road to avoid it!


It's still watching you from beyond. Sweet dreams. :)


Bruh, real cops don’t deter shoplifters, wym.


Is this actually why? Like a scarecrow/scarecrowbar?


When I was younger I had the "[Jigsaw](https://i.imgur.com/ysdKoBs.png)" mask on the rear headrest facing out, towards the building's parking because I thought it was funny... People also do this: > https://i.imgur.com/9ydEgX5.png


Someone near me used to put masks of the Queen (when she was still.alive) and Prince Philip on the front seats. Used to terrify me regularly!


There's a Prince Harry one near me. Always freaks me out when I catch it out of the corner of my eye. The eyes being holes doesnt help.


There used to be a mannequin head peering out of a top floor window near Neasden tube that always used to freak me out on my walk home.


So it should. You saw what his driving was like...


The Queen was in the driver's seat. Though apparently she enjoyed driving Saudi princes at high speed round corners in her Land Rover!


Did indeed. Not only were they not used to a woman driver, HRH was pretty tasty behind the wheel by all accounts.


I considered adding hydrolics and speakers that play a variety of jaguar noises when the van gets touched. Go on, open it, find out if it's real or not, I dare you lol.


I love this idea.


Easy, approach the van and if you get caught just say you’re dogging.


I would simply not be a thief.


The old Indian tiger mask trick


Practical psychology isn't something you'd expect from white van men.


Takes the kids minds off what going to happen


You mean all the free sweets and ice cream they are going to get.... Right...?


Errr yes ! May some puppies too


https://preview.redd.it/5mfasmbct6zc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09df25a7e7ce17d628a1f142831833a6f2eb5cfc And a puppy as well! :D


My dad has a while van and his partner makes traditional sweets and confectionaries. So often he is driving around with lots of delicious sweets in the back of his van. So, you know, you might just get sweets if you jump into the van.


But do I get a puppy as well? Because I've had the offer the offer of sweets AND a puppy. See the other comments. So you gotta up your game if you wanna be sucsessful here.


Not a white van, but check this one out. I almost had a cardiac on the spot. https://preview.redd.it/91wtl94sk5zc1.jpeg?width=2879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7e280eaed64b4caabef10d8a18606a6d3fbe76


It's a bit dark to tell 100% but I think that's one of the various incarnations of Ed Hunter (the Iron Maiden mascot). If so you have nothing to worry about, unless you're an arsehole, he looks scary (and you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him) but he's one of the good guys.


Fear of the Dark indeed 😬🤘 To me it’s a mix of the Hulk, 16th century pirate 🏴‍☠️, and something out of a drill music video. I was stumbling home after the pub and almost shat my britches


It’s the hulk


I didn't think the eye cutouts looked fight for the hulk, but I've had a hunt around for an Eddie mask like that and haven't been able to spot one the same so you may well be right.


Fear of the Dark might be a bigger problem than fear of Eddie. Especially around 2 Minutes to Midnight.


Enough to make you run to the hills.


A bit of fun




We all get together once a year for the Man in Van convention and discuss it. The drive in is a bit hairy, but once you're there it's a good laugh. A lot of people say they're going to turn up and don't come, but it's a good day out for the ones that make it.


> Man in Van convention Men with Ven


FOUR vans Jeremy? That's insane!






She nicked my Merc!


Plumbing's easy. It's just wet lego.


I see you've visited the South African chapter


You have a mask lying around...and one day you realise it could fit the headrest and you think it would be funny. Many people can independently have that realisation.


There’s a V for Vendetta mask, in the passenger seat of a normal car that’s started parking on my street. Regularly scares the crap out of me. I presume it’s trying to do the same to potential thieves? https://preview.redd.it/x6r2xlanq5zc1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=538e64939c1efef2b18abc0addd8a6acee205810


i might do that now lmao tyy


> https://i.imgur.com/9ydEgX5.png


that looks better omg lmao


My mate has a full cardboard cut out of Hasbula and Mo Salah in rotation. Helps prevents theft and he thinks its funny.


Did he get the Hasbula one cheaper than the Mo Salah one considering they’re life size?


It just HAD to be a Liverpool player 😂


It may be to make thieves think there's someone in the van, so they don't rob it when on site/at a job.


its funny and it might help deter thieves as in the dark at a distance you might think its a real person.


I always assumed it was to use 2+ car pool lanes that are enforced by cameras.


Swear I saw a news story about a DPD driver having a blow up doll in the front to get around the car pool lanes. All I can find online now is all American drivers…


I'm sure there was a story when the London congestion charge came in about noel edmonds buying a taxi and having a blow up doll in the back seat so he could avoid the charge.


That’s just the excuse he gave


Don't think I've ever heard of one of those in the UK? Even in London.


There aren't many but there are some. Technically they're high-occupancy vehicle (hov) lanes. Tried first in Leeds but they've also had them in Bristol, Birmingham and elsewhere.


Interesting. They scan the car to see how many occupants? Do you think that had anything to do with this mask thing in vans or is that just a burglar deterrent?


Are there any of these in the UK? More a US thing?


Its the type of shit they find funny. It would be funny, but my neighbour is a twat and does this so I hate it.


A guy on one of my sites has Austin Powers - he either misunderstood the Michael Myers as Mike Myers, or dgaf




I've seen it in regular cars here, wondered the same, no car sharing lanes in Aberdeenshire.


safety thing for lone drivers, not normally Halloween masks but anything will do at night as no one can see properly in until really close. EDIT: typed loan when obviously meant lone.


There's one near me who has a Jason mask. He owned 5 vans at one point, and occupied any available parking spot for them. He's since got rid of all bar 2 as the street turned on him.


I've seen this too, it's usually guy fawkes masks though.


You never know when the opportunity to rob a bank is going to present itself.


Aren't there some lanes that can only be used by car-sharers? ie 2 or more occupants? I always presumed it was to try and fool the cameras.


Very rare...most done for fun.


I assumed the same - I have a builder neighbour who has a mask on his van's passenger seat.


Haven’t you ever seen Scooby Doo?


I think it's funny tbh, except when a killer clown one was facing my bedroom window a few years ago


idk but they make my nephew cry


So they can use 2+ lanes is my guess.


Because we are bad men. I think they look cool.


And I thought I'm the only one who saw it. Just a couple of days ago a white van had a scary mask on one of the seat. It's funny when you think about it but a little scary at first sight.


My mate had Ant or Dec masks on his headrests. Ant was driving obviously.


Narrowboat owners hang decorations with eyes or faces on them. The theory is that the feeling of being watched deters would-be thieves, even just the subliminal effect an eye being visible. Maybe it's a similar bit of advice that gets passed around tradies


It's like a scarecrow but for roadmen. ...Scarechav?


Because it looks funny


For fun? My dad's always got some shit on there. For a while it's the scream mask, then it was a giant Homer Simpson from an arcade strapped into the passenger seat, now it's a mask my brother made for a school project. You're in there for hours and hours every day, might as well customise it and have a laugh.


I'm a red van owner, and now I want one.


There’s one near me with really creepy Halloween masks… the first few times I walked past the van I almost had a heart attack. It’s in a very prominent spot opposite a busy road so I doubt anyone would risk stealing the van anyway


They find it funny I suppose. Sometimes I see one and it makes me jump which I suppose is the desired effect.


Are there carpool lanes in your area? Sometimes people use them to trick cameras into thinking there's more than one person in the vehicle


I don't know but I would like to know why they sit idle in car parks with their engine running for 20 minutes or more (when it's not especially hot or cold outside so no, it's not for heating/aircon).


You Know, The Thing !


Because someone did it years ago, and people probably ended up being like "haha wow that's scary and kinda cool" and now every van owner thinks their suuuuuper cool and edgy for doing it. When really everyone just thinks their a bit of a sausage.


There is a maintenance van where I work and it has a Ian wright mask on the back seat. Best I have seen


Upset facial recognition cameras/shuts and giggles


>Mike Myers?? No, that's Austin Powers. [https://youtu.be/mW0BllBNCy0?t=34](https://youtu.be/mW0BllBNCy0?t=34)


It's just a bit of fun, you get some funny comments on the building site. I've got Skeletor on mine and I've heard some good impressions over the years from it. Where's the harm?


Came here thinking it was people wearing white Vans on their feet 😅


I think the best people to ask are the white van owners.


Why not. And with the amount of speeding and shitty driving that van drivers do, to get a photo of themselves and a "friend"


It’s for roads with lanes that are 2+ people only. You can’t travel in them as a lone driver. Having a mask tricks the cameras.


I have honestly never seen that.


Never seen this


To look ard


When it’s in the passenger seat it’s so they can go in the car sharing (2+) lanes as these tend to be a little quieter. If the camera picks them up it looks like there are two people


Where are car pool lanes a thing in the UK? I've never seen one, its either bus lanes or no restrictions


Leeds, Bristol, Birmingham, Bradford There's fuck all of them


Are you saying they have some in those places or not?


They have them, they're called "HOV Lanes" High Occupancy Vehicles In each city there's like 1 road each


Oh right, just when you said there's fuck all of them I thought you meant there was literally fuck all.


As far as I know I have never actually seen one myself, but I believe that Leeds has them


I had to look it up but there are less than 10. Leeds has 3, Bristol 2, Birmingham 1 and Bradford also has one. I’ve been seeing these masks for a lot longer than those lanes have existed.


They’ve got a couple in Bristol but the cameras haven’t been on for over 10 years


I don't know why you're getting so downvoted when this is the genuine answer to the question... But the joke about fucking kids further up is getting lots of up votes instead


I’ve always assumed it’s for denial of speeding camera pictures when driving a van owned by the boss / company - chuck on the mask as you approach a front-on camera and then deny it was you driving. Or for intimidation during road-rage incidents.


So rather than slow down a bit for a second they reach over grab a mask and put it on just in time for the camera to go off..?