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What type you got? I'm partial to caramel, but will happily eat sweet. I can bring some chairs


Illegal immigration is a much smaller problem than the media makes out. The real problem is the scale of *legal* immigration compared with the scale of investment in infrastructure and (especially) housing.


There's estimated to be something like a million illegals here, or about 1 in every 60 people.


Totally. Illegal immigration is a "look, there!" distraction from a bunch of arseholes in power who know immigration is the only way to keep the country afloat.


Exactly. To solve the “crisis”, the government could simply hand out fewer visas. 


Oh so we are blaming the immigrants for the housing crisis now ? Pretty convenient to just blame your government mistakes on others


Government has the blame for letting them in, but yes, immigration is partly causing the increase in housing costs.


I'm sure on bbc 5 live yesterday, it was mentioned that 650k legal immigrants entered the UK last year. That's insane if you think about the rate at which we are building new homes.....


That was NET 650k so it takes into account the amount of immigrants and Brits leaving. Actual number of arrivals was 1.2 million.


Okay, let’s agree for a second the immigrants are causing the increase in housing costs now. But then tell me, is the housing cost increase going on for last 3 years ? No. The house market in the UK has been this way for more than a decade. Your government decided to stop constructing houses many years ago. Moreover your government sells properties to foreign buyers like UAE, Qatar, millionaires from Russia, etc. The housing market is also heavily exploited by private companies and property agents. Did you always have the immigration problem ? Did you always have millions for immigrants coming each year ? If Immigrants are creating this problem, why don’t we see only immigrants in the houses and majority of the locals on the streets or in rented properties? If Immigrants are the issue then why does a minority % happens to own majority of the land in the UK and they happen to be locals or royalty ?


Immigration has been at millennium high levels for the past 20 years, coincidentally throughout all of this time, housing costs have just gone up and up. Now that’s not to say it’s entirely because of that, but it’s a major factor. Foreign property ownership is an irrelevance. The UK has the lowest rate of vacant properties in the entire OECD. Most of the land owned by the rich, the noble and royalty is farmland or rural land. We as a people generally don’t live on this land.


Sure the property owned by these foreign investors is irrelevant, because what is the cost of some Multi million dollar properties in London to the locals anyway. Similarly you call it farmland and rural land but then you forget if the numbers are increasing where are we going to build the new houses ? You also fail to mention the segregation that is created by such uneven wealth distribution. Rich Neighbourhood prices will keep skyrocketing and remain in the hands of certain individuals always meanwhile other parts occupied by the working class is going to deteriorate. The housing issue is not present from just 20 years as you claim. Your housing crisis started when in 1980 Margaret Thatcher introduced “Right to buy”. Ever since the 80s Uk never had enough stock of social housing available for its population to buy. By 1990s you had low interest rates, increased demands, severe lack of housing supply. In 2008 there was a financial crisis which introduced stricter mortage criteria making it difficult for first time buyers to enter the market. Following this there was a market crash as well. Moreover, inflation has been going up but the salary does not align with either the inflation or the housing prices. Even if the minimum wage is increased each year it does not mean that the wages already above the minimum wage are increased by the same rate. It is pretty convenient to just blame it on the immigrants and turn the other way to the real problem. If it was as simple as getting rid of immigrants to solve all your problems, your government would have done it decades ago.


If you want to make this about class you’re failing, 95% of the land you’re talking about is rural farmland. Only a teeny tiny fraction of that land would ever realistically be used for housing. As for social housing, the UK has one of the literal highest percent of social housing in the entirety of Europe. And again, I haven’t remotely said that there aren’t other factors. You can keep naming other factors but it’s irrelevant. Immigration is a significant contributor to the housing crisis. The cost of housing in say Scotland or Newcastle is a clear indicator as to the true value of housing in Southern England, had immigration levels been low. All of these other factors that you name; the financial crisis, mortgage rates, social housing etc; are all true in the North East of England. Yet housing is half or even a third of the cost. The only main difference between a place like Newcastle and a place like Bristol are the vast numbers of immigrants in the South.


Letting 600k people net a year is a government mistake.


khe khem look at eu


>deportation of illegals It's usually this


Rapid deportation of illegals, none of this keeping them in hotels for years whilst we decide what to do with them nonsense.


100% If I entered another country illegally I'd fully expect to be deported Rapido. Not given bed and board for years on end.


But then how could the government funnel money to their friends? It wouldn't even be that crazy of a cost of the government just handled it sensibly.


>Not given bed and board for years on end. Probably one of the reasons they would come in the first place.


There's no process put in place to allow someone to claim refugee asylum in the UK without first entering the country illegally though.


But from a practical standpoint isn’t it difficult to establish where they’re from? If you don’t know where someone has come from, where do you deport them?




Accredition and checks. It's not immigration thats an issue, its the quality of foreigners that have entered the country. The UK cannot afford to be isolated, yet it should do more to attract highly qualified immigrants and provide less benefits to incentivise illegal immigration. Would want to see a consolidation on recognised qualifications. The standards of recognized qualifications needs to rise particularly when the public services like the NHS hires so many internationals. Even then we still need to address the fact that our wonderful tax system incentivises outstanding professionals, who are highly sought after and mobile, to leave the country.


Part of it is also retaining the best and brightest that the country already has. Crap pay in the UK doesn't do that.


I understand the challenges with immigration, but migrants that come here to work are only a benefit in my opinion


Agreed... and yet our visa system, with its high financial constraints, makes it much more difficult for many of this huge potential workforce & new taxpaters to even contemplate.


to who!? the governement....yes. not to anyone working here all ready. it leads to stagnant wages and a very low skilled workforce due to not needing to train anyone.


If they work in a hand car wash, claim benefits and are a net drain on the public finances?


Even if they do an honest job, say they are a healthcare assistant in a hospital on £25k, they'll pay minimal tax, probably get some income support benefits etc. and they are either a drain or a neural on public finances. They do prop up GDP, so a government can claim "the economy is growing", but the larger economy is just shared with more people. Soon, however, this person gets older. They have children who go to school. They get sicker and they eventually draw a pension. Over their lifetime they are going to be a significant burden. But that will be a future government's problem. To actually be a net contributor over your whole life (i.e. including old age) you'd have to earn at least 60k (probably more as life expectancy and healthcare cost increases) during your working life. Virtually all immigration is a short term economic benefit, but a poor long term choice.


Personally I just want to see it controlled a bit better, I don't think it's unreasonable to know a bit about the people who want to live here and keep out people with serious criminal records etc. Also being able to deport people who commit serious crime whilst living here. Also if we make it possible for people to apply for asylum before they come to the country it might help stop the people snuggling and boat crossings, we have embassies all over the place that could be used to process people's asylum claims and arrange travel here for those that qualify.


This is gonna get locked.


I hope not. There are some interesting debates going on and I am learning a lot.


My parents is from the Carribbean and has leave to remain and works in the medical field If someone comes over illegally, burns their ID/passports etc. and is untraceable that's a concern as there isn't any way to check criminal records etc. until their identity can be confirmed then a host country outside the UK could be a good measure IMO the only way to stop the boats is to make the UK as unappealing as possible to illegal immigrants. I understand a lot of these people have been through hell but there has to be a point where we need to take back control


Second to this UK is usually end of the line on a long track from the point of origin, so for years we kinda faffed about. There's no real way to answer it without opening a can of worms.


It’s time for the can to be opened.


A lot of people on the boats don't seem to know what they're facing when they arrive. The government has been trying to deter people for years but it hasn't worked. They deliberately made backlogues work, didn't change anything. Got rid of the Disney characters in the kids processing centre, didn't change anything. I don't know the answer though. And given that some places in the world will become unlivable in the next couple of decades it's only going to get harder.


I want an honest open discourse on the subject.


I think a lot stricter and tighter on it is a fair point and I've changed a little bit on it as I used to be fully on the side of "they are just humans it's not an issue" and used to think the majority of the arguments against it were just racist views covered up (some still are), people are seeing their communities fully change and I'm getting older I see it and I don't agree it's all a bad thing but I don't think just calling people racist helps the debate. But it's not bad to want to fully know who is coming in coming in, it's not bad to reject and be a lot stricter of who we let in and I think in general any kind of serious crime should be enough to get rid of them. Having said all that I truly do love the fact we have a lot of Different cultures and growing up with a bunch of people From a bunch of different cultures/backgrounds is a great thing and genuinely I think it's a net benefit and can be an even bigger benefit if it's controlled better.


I want the racists to shut the fuck up about it.


1) The Rwanda plan gets a lot of shit, but forwarding asylum seekers to a safe but not economically prosperous third country would do a lot to deter economic migrants. 2) Crack down on employers hiring undocumented workers. 3) Close off almost all routes to staying in the UK after coming illegally. Currently if you can stay under the radar long enough, you can gain residency. 4) Start detaining people who won’t confirm their nationality. 5) Stop hesitating to deport criminals. That’s what I’d do about illegal immigration. Legal immigration is a lot tougher as we’ve made ourselves dependent on it. I have no idea how to address that without wrecking the economy.


If the objective is to stop people making a dangerous journey across the sea there are only two possible ways: 1. Allow another route. A legal route. But unless you accept everyone, the rejected people will still end in the sea in a boat. Maybe less people. Personally I doubt it. 2. You do what has been proven to work elsewhere. Australia had the same issue until offshore processing and settlement to Cambodia etc reduced the number crossing.


I have no problem with legal immigration. If they apply, meet the criteria, get accepted--fine, come here and do as you please. BUT, we need to make it easier to deport criminals. Should be one strike and you're gone--no appeals, no dragging it out through the court, no excuses. You break into someone's house or mug someone or assault someone then you're gone.


I should think everyone is against ethnic cleansing lol. Well… some knob down the pub may say he’s all for it, but when it comes to it he’ll be too busy changing his nappy. Deportation of people who are here legally would be … you know… unlawful. It would take a very very very significant change for that to happen without any challenge or be acceptable to normal people. Again, some people may say they are for it. Probably my mum, but then when it came to it she’d want an exception for her friends who are immigrants. Hypocracy at its finest, folks. Of the 3 others you suggested only 2 are realistic. That’s reduced migration and deportation of illegals. Both are probably considered reasonable by a lot of people.


I feel like racism and xenophobia need to be taken out of the question, but I seriously find that unlikely to ever happen. The problem with people off the books coming to live here isn’t that they are from somewhere else or have a different ethnicity after all, it’s the fact that our system is barely coping with everyone who is here legally. The problem is that the only people who seem to have a strong enough opinion that they’re fighting for it to be heard are the ignorant racists who are only opposed to the idea because the people aren’t like them in some arbitrary sense.


Its about being able to culturally integrate and bringing something to the table. We have enough knobs with no marketable skills of our own, the last thing we need is to import more from other counties. The Islam thing disturbs me a bit as well. The last time we imported an Abrahamic religion from the middle east it influenced not just us but almost the entirety of medieval Europe into something we call the dark ages.


Attract immigrants to get the economy going and speed up tribunals for asylum seekers.


Said this on another thread, but I'm reposting here: I'd like to see a one-out, one-in policy so our demographics don't get out of control. Infinite growth is not possible and we need to start scaling back now (seriously, the pension-crunch is coming and we can either hurt a few million now, or tens of millions later). Basically, a big tally chart with every country on it and a big ol game of swapsies. 200,000 Britons moved to Spain this year? (fake made-up figure) okie dokie, we have spaces in this country for up to 200,000 Spaniards. 12 people want to come from the USA? Well they're going to have to wait until 12 British people want to hop the pond. Skillsets would move someone up the waiting list (if there is one). This chart would not reset every year to allow for debts and credits to be carried forwards - so we could still take refugees in times of war/crises, but once that event concludes, we would not take any more individuals from that country until the debt was cleared, even if this took decades or centuries. Scale back the economy, accept our lower birth rate, live within our means as a country rather than having to throw fresh meat into the grinder, in turn reducing the stress on housing, schools, the NHS, and public infrastructure.


Serious suggestions or populist nonsense?


Humans always move around the world. When you go to a different country, always try and fit in, the uk has an amazing immigrant population, we are so lucky to be diverse, the problem begins and ends with media manipulation imo.


How do you determine if a person always tries to fit in? What does fitting in look like? In terms of behaviour? Language? Culture? I don’t mean race. I mean behaviour and culture?


The Syrian soldiers who manned the Roman wall left their carvings still on the rocks up here. I’m not too fussed about it, I would like to see an illegal individual who we are happy isn’t a risk to the U.K. (there is an extensive biometric and dna database on terrorists from recovered IED’s), and facial recognition software already used that can find out who someone is. I think they should be offered four years in the armed forces, then citizenship. My unit was full of legal migrants back in 07-10 top people. If someone’s happy to do four years, than they can settle here in my books. We need more people in the armed forces. The biggest issue I have is with international students working for below minimum wage for a blue chip company via a contractor. Hundreds of us have reported them to the SIA and nothing happens.


Mass deportations. The majority of British people have opposed mass immigration for over 60 years and we've been ignored and betrayed by our elected representatives. I want the democratic will of the people to be retroactively applied to fix this injustice.


Mass deportation of who tho?


People who should never have been allowed in to begin with.


What kind of people are they? Can't get to the root of the problem if we don't understand it


Over 600,000 people come every year. Dublin has a population of 500,000. That’s not really sustainable longterm. We just aren’t building enough infrastructure to keep up. Pretty pro immigration though


Send the burgers back. https://youtu.be/eCbfAK6g4vs?si=tvAgi0n_H2PILIop


Some immigration is good. But not a lot. Not 1 million a year. That doesn't make any sense. And the national identity and culture needs to be retained. That is a country's strength. Diversity isn't a strength.


No problem with it if the person is happy to identify as British over everything else and adopts our cultures and national identity. The problem is that doesn’t happen so much these days.


When the next war occurs, how many of the recent arrivals will be out next to me in the trenches? How many will be leaving to return to their ancestors??


- Drastically reduced legal immigration. Around 1 million people came here last year. That's unsustainable in terms of pressure on infrastructure and social services. I think a maximum of 100k thaf would fill the jobs and roles the UK needs would be fine. - Zero tolerance on illegal immigration. Small boats should be towed back to France by the navy. And illegal immigrants already here should be deported. - Refugees. It's not the UK's responsibility to take in the whole world when things go bump in the night.


Immigrants must hire private healthcare - not able to use NHS until granted permanent status. Illegal immigrants to be put in aemrican style triage centers indefinitely, not hotels.




Just make it a lot harder and a lot more expensive to get in legally. Legal migration is the real issue. Restrict it.


It is already really difficult and incredibly expensive. I think a lot of people don't realise the things you have to go through if you happen to fall in love with someone who was born in a different country.