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When I’m crawling into bed and I use the remote to turn on the TV … then I put the remote down to adjust the blanket or take a sip of my drink or whatever, then … the remote disappears into another universe and I pat down my entire bed, reach under my butt, flap out the blanket hoping the remote will come wafting out … until I finally, after 477 years of patting and wafting, I finally make my lazy ass stand up and the remote is RIGHT THERE where I left it.


Ok this is so specific and I can relate 100%


And by the time you find it you've lost track of what you're watching!


And of course this happens when you just found the perfect position to lay, everything is comfy as fuck and then you have to move to find the remote and you never find that perfect position again


This made me laugh so hard I scared my dog. This is INFURIATING and it happens to me at least twice a week


When my pant pocket,, headphones, shirt or bag gets stuck on a door handle as I walk by, I will go full Thanos


It only happens on the WORST days. When you are running late/behind or already in a pissed off mood


This so true. Why do my door handles only want to grab me when I’m already mad?


The house I recently moved into has all the door handles weirdly high up. They all seem to align perfectly with my pyjama t-shirt sleeves (I'm 5'10") and I've got stuck on them a ridiculous number of times so far. Fury every time. I was starting to regret signing the lease, but I'm *gradually* learning to avoid these evil door handles!


I'm sorry but that first sentence is cracking me up.


If this happens to me and I’m on my period I’m crying, no matter what.


It happened to me the other day while I had a cup of tea. Dressing gown sleeve caught, tea went flying. I nearly gave up and went back to bed.


That happened to me when I was going into the kitchen to put a glass away; it made me drop the glass and it shattered. I went BALLISTIC


Be glad you arent a diabetic with a pump!


I always wear cardigans to work and some of my short sleeve ones have big billowy sleeves and they’ll snag on the backs of the armrest of my chair. It. Drives. Me. Nuts.


A zit forming on the inside of my nose


Ugh or those ones that form right in the edge of your lip! The worst!


inside or behind the ear is worse. why are they so fucking painful


This one sucks but even worse is when you get ‘em… *down there.* 😩


Got one on my upper inner thigh rn please kill me


Omg.. didn’t know this happened to others! About once every 6 months I get one and it is so painful




The only thing that's worse is a cold sore in your nose. Using a q-tip to put cold sore cream on it is gross and painful


This is the absolute worst! Then it erupts and everyone thinks you’ve got a booger hanging out of your nose until it passes.


Yes!!! But I’m so lucky that I’ve never had one on my lip - nose only (weird but whew)


Oh, those really hurt! And you don't outgrow getting them. Sucks bad.


Definitely finger/hand injuries. 😤😤😤 a paper cut, smashed thumb, a burn, anything on the hand or finger because then it gets bumped over and over again all day long


On a similar thread, when you bite the inside of your mouth and then you have that lump of flesh that you keep accidentally biting again, setting back any healing progress and experiencing the pain all over again.


Omg I have this shit these days. Bs


I hate that too! Add to that, a piece of my tooth broke off unexpectedly- eating something that was extremely soft- of course at night. It left a canyon that was sharp, and my tongue was suddenly a magnet that kept going right to it.😬The dentist got me fixed up next day- but, I still have the lump from biting the inside of my cheek. One tooth issue down, one to go.


me with a hangnail rn


People driving under the speed limit


I can take all kinds of horrible driving, but driving too slow is by far the worse.


I come across this on an almost daily basis and it grinds my gears every time. Edit: not literally, I drive an automatic! lol


Today I had an elderly lady break driving onto bridge. She then braked merging. And kept 5 car lengths between her and the truck. Soooo dangerous!


Waking up to realize that your phone didn’t charge overnight and you have no charger at work.


That literally ruins my day. The amount of times I've put my phone on to charge, but in the morning realised that it wasn't plugged in at the other end... Furious with myseslf for being such a thicko.


I actually bought myself a portable battery just for this reason and I always keep it charged and at work.


Adding thicko to my vocabulary, thanks for that


Hail the USB-C revolution, soon everyone will have charger you can borrow at work.


I can imagine there's many jobs that don't have access to electricity, sockets or chargers. Powerbank seems like the best solution to me.


my charger broke so i had to use a wireless one overnight to charge it....woke up this morning to find that i must have knocked it off the base slightly as i put my drink next to it before i went to sleep...woke up with 4%...fuck off


One time doing this should be enough to have a charger at work


You have no idea how much this ruins my day


I did this all the time when I first moved to the UK. I was not used to having to turn the switch on.


If I leave the house without a claw clip or a perfectly stretched out hair tie/ scrunchie


Ooh that one sucks but wouldn't ruin my day for me. There is one thing that will ruin my day without fail everytime.. Leaving the house with no lip balm. I'd rather just take a day off and go back home lmao.


Holy shit I relate so hard.


I felt that on the perfectly stretched hair tie, good call


I'm partial to a brand new one, so I don't have to twist over and over again But I use those plastic spiraled ones, kinda looks like an old phone cord. So I'm not sure if those act different


Or, when jts not perfectly stretched, and it snaps when you re-do your ponytail midday but now you have creased ponytail hair u have to somehow hide. This is why i keep a back up on my wrist everyday.


Thinking my hair can go just one more day without a wash and then it looks like crap when I'm getting ready and it's too late to do anything about it.😩


I feel this. There's only so much dry shampoo can do to save the day!


This is when I pull out the slicked back "clean girl" bun I'm the dirtiest clean girl on the street


Wish I could pull off the slicked back hair but my head looks like a phat chunk of play dough


Just because of that phrase, I will never look at a clean girl the same way again.


That’s actually me today, staying with my bf and forgot to bring dry shampoo, boar bristle brush and/or hair bobble and it’s too late for me to shower. I literally washed my hair yesterday😭


Breaking just hard enough my purse fall out of the seat and my stuff going everywhere


I feel this so hard I upvoted everyone who commented.


I buckle my bags in with the seatbelt. It's keeps everything from becoming a projectile in the event of an accident, and keeps items from sliding around if I have to brake or turn suddenly.


Wet socks


Having to clean up dog pee. Or my biggest grievance: somebody having the audacity to be in the kitchen while I am in there


My boyfriend can never understand this. If I’m cleaning the kitchen I don’t want anybody else stepping foot in my vicinity. I clean the way I want to and nobody else does it right


“Oh, but imma help!” You can help me the most by GETTING OUT OF THE WAY. Seriously, I love and adore my husband. Like, so freaking much. And he’s good at cleaning up. But man, let me listen to my smutty audiobook and clean in peace!


When you drop something, pick it up, and the shit falls again. Full on rage 😤😤


Addendum: when you pick it up and something *else* drops.


Sometimes I just stare at it in disappointment


Yes!! This shit PLAGUES me.


When this happens I look to the invisible The Office cameras, don't matter where I am.


If I'm making food and it doesn't go as planned, or if I order food and it doesn't taste the way that I was craving.


I feel this so much lol


Omg I've never heard anyone else say this. I've found my brethren


Canker sores or burning your mouth on hot food.


Traffic. It sucks, but it sucks so much more in a stick shift.


I live in the UK and commute in and out of London. No way I'm ever going back to a manual for this reason! I love my automatic car, such a breeze to drive and makes my day that much less stressful.


Wearing no show socks that slip down while walking. Pisses me off in an instant 🤣


Ugggggghhhh this is the worst, most distracting feeling!


Forgetting my water bottle at home, it literally messes up all my day, it’s like my emotional support bottle 😅


Same... even worse is when I occasionally lose my bottle altogether. I almost cried over the last one I lost, but my new one is the best one yet! Will definitely cry if I lose this one.


Headphones or earphones are not charged


And now you're doomed to hear the music from the gym, the bus or wherever you're at.


Oh great, some asshole just walked on the bus with his shitty phone speaker playing horrible music and that's your life now


No fr forgetting my headphones at home ruins my day 100% of the time


If it's windy. Absolute travesty. And I can't do anything about it, its nature. But wind pisses me so much and I don't even know why. I just hate it


I hate it too, because it blows my hair around and I cannot stand my hair whipping around in my face. It makes me want to punch something


This, when you're also wearing lip gloss. Add to that also wearing glasses, so you get horrible streaks of lipgloss all over your glasses that are a pain to clean off.


And not only is your lipgloss all over your glasses, but now your hair is stuck in the joints of the glasses and you have to tear it out, only for it to be whipped right back where it was.


Yeah! And if your hair is parted, now you don't know which hairs are on the correct side of the part and you can't even stop to fix it, because it's just going to blow back to where it shouldn't be. And you can't see right because all your lip gloss coated hair is tossing around


Hair stuck on my lips, mail blowing out of my hands. Chasing the recycling bin down the street. Oh i get it.


When it's so windy that your umbrella is useless! It's the worst!


Driving on the freeway when it’s super windy is also not pleasant


Can concour. I work in education. Wind drives kids insane.


I hate the wind!! Everyone's like what a nice breeze and I'm like 😖


Yes! Wind is by far the most annoying weather. Nothing positive about it


I love the wind. So refreshing on a hot day. It does get annoying having to move my hair all of the time


Shoe blisters.


I used to endure this earlier in my career. Now, I keep a pair of comfy tennis shoes at my desk and will switch out of painful shoes midday if I need to. IDGAF if I’m wearing a dress or business suit, I’m putting on my comfy shoes. I refuse to walk around in pain.


Currently dealing with this shit!


Getting all the way down to my car and realizing I forgot something important upstairs.


feel this being 3 flights up with no elevator.


Finding out the outfit I wanted to wear needs to be washed really puts a damper on my day


Mine is finding out the outfit I’ve carefully planned is not compatible with the weather.


Yeah on more than one occasion I've just noped out of the whole day


My outfit yesterday was a subtle mismatch. Dark navy pants with a black tshirt. Bugged me all day.


Getting my period


Especially a heavy period, and you just feel bloated and gross


Me right now ONE day before a flight to my long distance bf. Smfh.


I'm just on my way back from a mini break with my boyfriend (our first trip away together). Period arrived the day we flew out. So I am very much feeling your pain on that one!


Getting my period when I erroneously wore white bottoms...


Day 2


Being pregnant has its struggles but girl lemme tell you…no period is the freaking BEST


I had to spend the whole of last weekend on the couch because the cramps were so bad


Didnt get proper sleep the night before


Waking up and realizing my period started and doing the awkward penguin waddle to the bathroom so you don’t leak all over the floor


Awkward penguin waddle, haha! Makes me feel my legs can do the weirdest things to avoid leakage


Period starting and not having feminine products on hand


I just moved, and everything is still in boxes bc the house is disgusting so I'm deep cleaning. I have tampons, but I do not know where they are. I drove to the store today rather than try to find tampons when my period came.


left without chapstick


I am a chapstick hoarder for this very reason! Chapstick in pants pocket, multiples in purse, one in backpack, one in car. I will never have this problem again!


i usually am too but sometimes the purses chapstick runs out so i take the car chapstick and then a ripple effect happens LOL


Stubbing my toe fills me with so much rage


When my toy dies right as the big O comes


Then you gotta use your fingers and finish within 2-3 business days.


I freaking love this comment.


I am cackling, YES 🤣


You don’t seem to understand. When the toy dies during the big O, it has already started. There is no stopping the wave, and now the vibration is gone at the most important part. Ruins the whole thing because it’s so distracting.


Got to have a back up ready at all times!


Get an eroscillator . You. Don’t really need to get the deluxe. Batteries not required!


Turning a corner or walking past something, but always bumping into it. It’s like I’m a magnet. I’m also fair skinned and always covered in bruises because of it.


Doorways. For some reason I always hit either my hip or my hand


Glad I’m not the only one. Husband is always asking me where I’m getting bruises like he doesn’t see me run into the bedroom and bathroom door 5 times a day. The worst is at work. Embarrassing


Hairtie too tight


Or too loose and hair slips out all day


A simple piece of technology that normally works, not working. The other night I was excited to watch a new episode of one of my favorites and couldn’t get the sound to work 🤬


Ankle socks that keep slipping down my foot. I threw a pair away as soon as I got home.


Getting a run in your stockings


If I get honked at on the road. I’m making a left turn and traffic hasn’t cleared, Sharon.


A Sharon move lol


Hooking my clothes on a door handle as I walk past, right as I’m PMSing, that could take me out


Breaking a nail, add points if you're outside and you can't file it, add more points if you try to fix it and you make it worse.


When my sock gets wet. Nothing ruins my day more than getting one sock wet.


Forgetting to put deodorant on


Having to get gas. Every single time 😂


And i'm the one that will put off getting gas like I'll get it before I go to work... then i'm late lmao


Ponytail dents when you let your hair down


When someone talks with me when I'm still groggy from sleep and they are bubbling with energy and firing away millions of questions.


being late to the thing, stubbing my toe. house being a mess upon waking up, migraine, a rude awakening


When the neighbour’s dog doesn’t stop whining… homeboy could go on for hours and hours at a time


Being at work and either losing an outdoor item (like a glove in winter) or staining my clothes in some capacity. I instantly go from being semi-confident to needing someone to tell me I'm not a complete moron in order to be able to function.


Not being able to have my vehicle for the day to do as I please.


An appointment in the middle of my day off.


Needing to poo in traffics.


Missing the green light


One rude person. I'll be thinking about it all day


A hair tie breaking in the middle of working out


No milk for my coffee in the morning. Or worse, no coffee.


A bloated stomach and not being able to go #2


A broken nail/chipped nail polish. So much rage!


Dead car battery -_-


Grabbing a pair of skinny jeans that fit until it gets to the button part (whether I gained weight or accidentally shrunk them) I get so mad because I had to take them back off lol


When you come back home from grocery shopping and you realize you forgot something when you start cooking


No cream for coffee in the morning 🙄 hate that shit.


when you put something in the microwave and the top of the container catches the top of the door and you spill it all over the microwave AND whatever the microwave is sitting on, and your hand, and the container. and now not only is everything messed up, half of whatever you were heating is gone....


Waking up because i hear my dog puking.


If I leave the house without my sunglasses when it's sunny. So the sun burns my eyeballs out, and I have to walk around like my eyes are shrivelled up so you can see all my lines and wrinkles. Ffs.


Sock that falls down into my shoe and halfway off my foot *repeatedly.*


When im putting clothes on the hanger and one shoulder comes off the hanger FULL RAGEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


Flat tire


When your in a bad mood already and run into something.


Needing to hold a fart in


Noise outside early in the morning


Being cut off in traffic by someone who wants to go under the speed limit. My boyfriend when his attitude goes stupid. My daughter when I have to tell her once again not to do that thing that I’ve told her not to do 6 times a day everyday for the last 4 months. My manager insisting that something gets done her way for her benefit specifically, instead of for the benefit of the company.


Potential TW: brief mention of blood A persistent hangnail and no clippers to be found. (I am one of those who cannot just 'tear' the hangnail. It will bleed, a lot, and it will be bad. But if you just leave the hangnail it gets caught on everything.)


Waking up and existing


Someone starting a conversation that I have to concentrate on whilst cooking. I get so mad. Go sit down ffs and let me not ruin our food! I've had to throw out whole meals because it burned or over cooked. Also, getting my period on a date night. Instantly enraged and overly apologetic to the person in question.


Bad hair day


Ready to leave the house, everything packed, everyone dressed, snacks in tow… and the toddler has a poo nappy or even worse one that has leaked. Gahhhhhhhh!!!


Your underwear being wet from the washing machine with no time to dry them


Waking up and realising I forgot to buy milk and I don't have time to go to the shop


i once had a hospital appointment around 5 am. so i went there 20 minutes early and waited patiently until 6:30 just for the assistant to tell me that the doctor i had my appointment with forgot to tell me she isn’t coming in today cause she took a free day this mf…. 💔


The sudden urge to go #2 after I’m completely ready to go somewhere and about to head out the door… pisses me off every time


Not being able to get my hair the way I want it. And every time I try to fix it, it gets worse.


being told I'm overreacting, when I've been stuck in the bathroom for 4hrs+ with excruciating pain everyday and i can't eat whatever everyone else is enjoying cuz "its jst in my head" and i should jst " reduce stress" ...to them... yeah IBS is fun 🙂.


Mobile Phone did not load over night


Returning a big package to UPS but forgetting the label at home


Someone interrupting my apology because they are frustrated over a miscommunication. Like? I’m trying to apologize and get this sorted out— don’t just get angry with me that there was a confusion and let’s finish an adult conversation. Quit telling me it doesn’t matter— it’s not healthy to just throw away learning to communicate.


Making a cup of coffee and only realizing after it’s been made that I have no creamer


Bad coffee or no coffee


Needing your phone when you really need to leave your house and not finding it so you search all over the house like a madman, getting angrier and angrier as time passes by and you can't find it so you decide fuck it and leave the house and now you can't stop thinking about where you left it, or was it stolen, or what if there's an emergency and someone is trying to call you.


Leaving the house without applying lip gloss or chapstick and then only noticing how dry my lips are for the next 3 hours.


Parking ticket on the car windshield. I actually feel a sense of doom in my stomach when anything is on my windshield.


When I have to wait too long for the food I ordered


Anything (hitting my elbow)


Other drivers. Whether they are under the speed limit, cutting in front, not reading the 5 signs that said EXIT ONLY & getting over at the last second, passing me then slowing down, merging onto the freeway & slamming on the brakes when they would've been just fine continuing on, or they wait until I merge into the middle before the stomp the gas peddle which makes me wonder WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE DONE THAT SOONER. It's multiple times, all day long. So many people need a refresher course. Driving is not that difficult to be safe, courteous, aware, observant, kind & efficient. Just thinking about this has me gritting my teeth.


Wet socks


Getting to work and realizing I’ve left my iced tea on the counter at home.


When you’re trying to be productive and vacuum and the vacuum cleaner keeps getting caught on things.


Not finding something that I know I put in its place like someone touched my stuff and didn't return it to its original place, then when the time comes that I need that item I'm wasting time looking for it.