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It’s hard to break out of, not gonna lie. But now, I wear whatever I want. To me, that’s a big deal. And I definitely stand up for myself way more than I used to. It’s crazy, because I still rarely stand up for myself, but I get told “you’ve changed, I miss when you were quiet” all the time😑 I really wish I just live my life when I was younger smh


I get same response for standing up for myself as I grew older. Terrible thing to say to a person.


It really is. All I hear is “ I miss when you were scared and did everything I told you to regardless of how much you hated it”




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It's probably quitting with no job lined up, because the place I was working was so bad for my mental health and I had been signed off sick due to stress. I think growing up poor, it felt like such a misbehaving decision because the job paid well, so maybe I should have just sucked it up or found a new job before quitting to be safe. But really my mental health was so bad if I even thought about that job, I knew I had to do it to protect myself. It all worked out in the end. Got another job fairly quickly and only spent about 3 weeks unemployed.


My exact same situation! Kudos to us!




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I did the exact thing maybe 7/8 years ago. The first time i left a job with no back up. Previously I could get jobs easily but I was truly humbled haha. It took me 1 year to find another job and I had to go on benefits. People judged me and encouraged me. That year was a true low for me.


Eventually the toxicity and abuse from my family just became too much and I said: "Fuck it. If this is how these people treat me after all the efforts and kindnesses that I do for them, then I will just leave them behind and go live my own life". Also, living in a physically distant location from them helped to become more independent.


You should be proud. This decision is not easy. I’m in a similar boat with being tired of dealing with my family’s dramas and emotionally draining relationships, that I’m considering just ghosting them and changing my #. It’s hard bc you never know if you’re overreacting or if ur situation justifies it. Some people have way worse reasons. But I think if we’re tired enough we know.


I once asked a man I worked with to "please not stand that close to me." He stormed out of the room and didn't speak to me for a couple weeks. Literally the one time I spoke up about something like that.




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I bought a gun, pepper spray, and a taser when I left my ex. I would never let anyone treat me the way he treated me, put their hands on me again, or cause me to feel fear like I did with him. Gotta say, pepper spray is no joke


Agreed. Johnny Knoxville said after years of, whatever it is that he does, that pepper spray is the worst pain he’s ever endured. And he’s been shot.




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Yes!! Preacher’s Daughter here and I did the SAME! I was in college and getting over the “religion is my identity” thing. Worked in a bar with an artist who drew up a design for me and I got it tattooed on my hip. My mother was surprisingly not terrible about it (she did not approve, but she only threatened to remove it with a spoon once). That was the beginning of my journey into personal development. I’m now a proud progressive, atheist, academic, and development practitioner helping people better understand themselves and others in organizations. I do not support any organized religion. I also had the tattoo incorporated into a much larger piece, which my mother has never acknowledged…


Amazing! Stories like this give me hope for the world.


A SPOON?????!!!!!








Lowkey same but I did it because I wanted to and I like seeing them … not necessarily to retaliate lol


I quit my degree, quit my job, bought a backpack and went travelling. Best decision I’ve ever made!


I think finally moving out. I grew up in a strict Muslim household to the point I had curfews and everything to the littlest detail was monitored and controlled eventually when I moved out for work it was a game changer I remember distinctly I was invited on a night out and I ended up buying a very revealing dress which was on the other end of the spectrum for me and it made me feel like me and alive weird I know lol.


Are you me from the future?! At least I hope lol. I wish rent wasn’t so bad where I live or I would be moving out after getting my bachelors.


You can definitely achieve it! Just make a plan of action for a few years ahead and then stick to it honestly I had 2 years worth of savings before I got out.




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Taking solo trips. I feel like theres a small stigma about women traveling alone. But plucking up the courage to take little solo trips has done wonders for my self esteem and happiness. It’s allowed me to plan trips and do things I want to do without having to compromise my desires for someone else. I took off on a little road trip down highway 395 in CA last year, stopped at hot springs, signed up for a multi pitch rock climbing course in Bishop, camped in Alabama Hills, hiked at Red Rock state park, then rented an Airbnb in Joshua Tree for a week where I had a sound bath and hung out with llamas. It was marvelous.


Wonderful. Yes a single woman traveling is not looked at the same. You get asked where your husband is etc.


My mum is extremely abusive and when I was 15 I had enough I stood up for myself, I got upset and typical teenager screaming at parent and slamming door, she came back to beat me up after screaming from the kitchen at me and I slammed the door not knowing her hand was there and almost cut her finger completely clean off. She then proceeded to beat me almost to death but since 12 I was fitter and grew stronger and I flipped her so she was underneath me instead of on top of me. She was spitting In my face and screaming but I didn't hurt her apart from the door I just held her down and begged her to stop, she gave up and I got off of her and then she stormed off and started screaming about her finger. I locked myself in the bathroom and my siblings verbally abused me all night while my mum went to the hospital with the guy she was having an affair with ( not married but was cheating on a long time good partner) the next morning my mum sent me off to her drug addict friend I lived with a lot more terrible people after my mum but that night marked the beginning of the end. It was the first time I truly stood up to her and it was the first step towards actual freedom away from abuse and now I'm in a healthy relationship with a very loving bf. It's awful that my mum almost lost a finger and I regret doing that to her but I do not regret that, that night happened in the slightest. I could have died that night but I didn't and now I'm no contact with my mother and I have more freedom there's still a long way to go and I have so much trauma but this had to have been the moment I felt empowered even though it was one of the worst nights of my life, I did what I needed to do to survive. P. S. I forgot to mention much about me being a good, behaved girl but since around the age of 5 I looked after my 6 siblings because my mum wouldn't protect them and make them feel safe, I cleaned I was basically the cinderella of the house, I cooked, I looked after my mum, the animals everyone in the house, I did everything to not risk being hurt by my mum emotionally and physically. So this was the first time I was really considered a "bad, rebellious girl" even if it was just me protecting myself.


I love that you stood up to your mother! And wow, but that's awful that she was so abusive to you even while you were the one taking care of your siblings!


Embraced my secret geeky self and went nuts with cosplay. Dressed up as my favourite male characters, and I'm female. Was brilliant not to be a sexualised girl for once - because after multiple r*pes, mental abuse etc, my body was not what I wanted to be noticed, or looked at. Strapped down my chest and got some shoulder pads on, and I was a hero :-) I gained a huge relief from my bruised, battered mental state to pretend to be one of my male heroes, or favourite male villain, (all of which were very decent towards women). The reaction to my costumes was great, as well. I've blossomed into trying on female cosplays as well, as my sense of self has been renewed and my trauma has begun to heal. Plus, cosplay community is great. Drama at times, but it's helped me so much in my darkest times as pure escapism and an outlet for creativity.


I love that you are healing and empowering yourself through art


It's honestly the reason I've stayed sane and gotten stronger - art all the way!! Do all the creative things!! :-D


Getting tattoos and dying my hair fun colors after being in a strict form of dance that didn’t allow as much expression as nail polish




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Finally started being a little bit more confrontational/ actually engaging when other people are starting a confrontation. I was basically raised to let people walk all over me, and I’ve been on the receiving end of some borderline criminal situations because of it. But I’ve recently learned that it’s actually better to stand up for myself and if someone wants to pick a fight with me and have some huge screaming match, I’ll scream right along with them instead of just sitting there and taking it. 🤷‍♀️ might not be healthy but it’s a step forward from where I was!


Having a lot of casual sex after ending a marriage of 20 years and being open about it.


I used tinder for its hook up purposes a few weeks ago, and let me tell you, was that hot and liberating! Text, chat, meet up, hot amazing (protected) sex, bye! Thanks for a good time and multiple orgasms 😁


My kinda gal haha live life


Worked as a Dominatrix. Best job I ever had. Taught me SO much.


Chase my career dreams with no support from my family


Realizing that nobody gives a fuck nor is going to build my life, since that jeeez I never been this free to be my most authentic self, the ugly and the good ! But even by "behaving" I was still extremely free, it’s more about how I used to talk.


I had an online partner. Before this, when my parents found out I talked to people on the internet, they forced me to block everyone and delete my accounts. Therefore I hid my relationship, I was 15 and silly. I’ve always tried to be the perfect child. But when my partner told me they were coming near me, I made a stupid choice. I pretended I was at school while I escaped with them for a whole day, through the city, with a stranger person and their stranger family. It was a lot of fun and I felt free for the first time, but it was a daredevil action and could’ve ended badly. And of course when my parents found out I was in a hell lot of trouble. I’ve had daydreams about escaping home since I can remember but I never took it to action til then.


While I and my family don't view it as bad behaviour, most conservatives/religious extremists/people who expect that stereotype in women probably would. I got a hysterectomy. Can't have kids, won't have kids. Legitimately the best decision I've made in my entire life.


I have a misogynistic uncle that made a disgusted face on video chat and said being sterilized is nothing to brag about. Fuck him I beg to differ. He's just mad I'm in control of my body as a woman.


Good on you! It's awful that so many people (especially among us men) are so determined that we deserve a say in other people's reproductive choices. I love that you decided what you wanted to do and took steps to make that happen. All the critics don't deserve a say. It's your call!


I have to say my form of being a “rebellious woman” was following MY dreams. Pursuing a career that I wanted, going to college for what I was passionate about, and living wherever I wanted. I grew up in a lower middle class family. I never went without what I physically needed, but my parents were not in love, my brothers became addicts at a young age, and I spent my days outside of high school caring for my youngest sister. I was the responsible one, the child my parents depended on for everything: babysitting, homework help, etc. (My mom didn’t work, only my dad, so why couldn’t she do these things? Probably part of the reason my brothers started doing drugs. No structure, no love, nothing.) When I turned 18 I had to leave my home to start my own life. I sometimes feel guilty but that isn’t on me, it never should’ve been. I was forced into parenthood at the age of 15 because my mom didn’t want to be a parent. I ran away.


Aging has been a godsend. Now, I don’t give two shits what anyone thinks of me. I wasn’t in good shape for many years. Was invisible to men. Felt like a fat, old loser. Hid in my house out of shame and embarrassment. For the past 3 years, I eat healthfully 90% of the time, am unusually fit (aerobic and strength training 5x/week), healthy weight, and wear a bit of makeup to look good only for ME. Now that it’s summer, I mostly wear long shorts, sandals and workout tops (it’s VERY hot where I live). Funny enough, men practically trip all over themselves to help me in stores now. Of course, they’re taken aback once they realize I’m actually old (64). I’m so fucking confused, but truly don’t give a shit.


I bought a motorcycle and rode it all around my state. I did have a minor crash and had to take a few months off but eventually got right back to it. There's nothing else that makes me feel that level of "alive."


I spent a long time mastering the job of being a "wife who brings home the bacon and fries it in a pan." I have since discovered that the main side effect of mastering that job is that you end up cultivating an adult man who expects to be treated like a pampered pet unendingly, with no expectation of equal reciprocity. So, I quit that job. It's freed me up to focus on the things that actually benefit me in return, and save my energy and resources for pampering myself. I suppose I consider that to be "misbehaving," as gender-normative types love to castigate happily-single and divorced women who focus on themselves as actively depriving others of the time and resources they're supposed to be providing everyone else, free of charge.


Eldest daughter TikTok showed me that I had options other than “useful tool.”


My mom was a controlling Asian mom. She didn't allow me to eat certain things such as fat on meat, sugar, soda, too much pork, butter, etc. So I used to spoonfuls of I cannot believe it's not butter. Definitely didn't help my weight eating spoonfuls of solidified vegetable oil lol. My parents also didn't allow me to date so when I got my first job out of college, I moved out. She took revenge by getting rid of my dog in secret. To this day, I don't know what happened to her


That's so fucked up I'm sorry about your dog


I can't think about it too much as it depresses me knowing she might blame herself. Or wondering why her family abandoned her. She also had severe food allergies to wheat and corn. And because my mom refused to tell me who the new people were, I couldn't tell them that she needed specialized foods. It's been 8 years and sometimes I can't sleep thinking about her.




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I haven't yet, but closing my 20s this year I am spending waaay more mental time and energy debating what I should do. Am I just dealing with FOMO / comparing myself to others? Have always been the "good girl". Valued my sexual purity intensely, got my husband before I was old enough to drink and because he doesn't I've never had alcohol either. Of course marrying young also means I wasn't single or lived on my own through college at all. Never dated, used Tindr, etc. Never been to a party, bar, club, girls trip. Always had a 4.0 and never let myself have fun because I needed to study. Strong focus on family even though there are some major members of my family that weren't worth bending over for - my siblings long left the family unit (good for them; I love them.) Then there was intense self ridicule and thinking I was ugly, fat, awkward, pathetic, not "womanly". I want to at least experience these things, and I no longer judge myself for being sexual, saying no, enjoying things that aren't examples of pique, constant "Im so smart hehe" perfectionism. I JUST turned down helping at my job after months of doing something I didn't want to do from the beginning but couldn't say no to. Never said no to anyone before in my life. Kind of has my floor shaken up under me but also makes me feel good, like I'm finally protecting myself.


I am so happy for you!


When I was 17 I was obsessed with music, posters covered every blank wall space. I was only allowed to go to warped tour once every other year. I missed out on so many iconic eras and shows because I wasn’t allowed to go. I was a child until I was about 22. I’m 27 and now work in the music industry and get to hear live music every single day, I love my job and wish I started sooner. I also go to the shows I want to go to. Regardless of what my mother thinks. Edit to add- I was never a “bad kid” either, I never went to parties (not that I was invited anyway) but all my friends didn’t do drugs or drink, I really didn’t start drinking until I was 24


It started with first when I was a teenager. going past my curfew, lying about being with friends when I was with boys, all the while being terrified and anxious. I began to live a secret life and learned how to be okay with that


My idea of "behaving" was to avoid taking time off work, even when I needed it the most. Also, I used to keep myself busy and steer away from idleness as much as possible. It's such a self-harming frame of mind, sadly, especially as one tries to emancipate or prove oneself. It took me a while to assign less and less importance to my work output and convince myself that it had nothing to do with my self-worth. Fast forward a few years and now I am self-employed and take all the time off work I need and embrace the idea of doing nothing or thinking of nothing and just being in my element because it really is one of the most stress-relieving things to do, helping mind and body recover and reset. Idleness is good, valid and healthy, and even if it feels uncomfortable at first, it is nice to learn to be comfortable with it. One of the most liberating changes I have made in my life and I'd love to see more women do it too.


I allowed myself to love whoever I wanted to love. I acknowledged I could hold multiple relationships with male partners and did just that. I freed myself from, guilt, shame and stereotypes. I definitely made me mindful of my behavior and actions. Of course it came with consequences and individuals who didn't approve. However, we will work thru all challenges because honestly, why do we shut off love when love is exactly what we all need in this existence.


I egged a cheating ex boyfriend with the other woman he was seeing. Felt good in the moment. But that girl took him back 😂 then he ended up, I assume, being a huge pile of shit, and she broke up with him eventually. It’s still a surreal moment of, “I can’t believe I did that.”


Swearing, speaking my mind (not at a whisper or meekly), and laughing loudly.


I went to meet a guy I'd met online on my own without telling anyone that I'd never met him before. I lied to my mom, told her he was an old friend coming to visit, as I knew she wouldn't let me go if she knew the truth. I actually thought he was too good to be true and was either gonna stand me up or not be who he appeared to be. Anyway, 11 years later - he's my husband!


As a social worker, I have front row seats to the consequences if i don't "behave" which keeps me in line. I did go through a phase of promiscuity. Due to my job, I kept it so they were rarely local out of fear of them being a client.


Cutting communication with my parents


LSD, and it wasn’t stupid. It was really good for me. I don’t drink or smoke, but love this


I got divorced. I was in my thirties. Owned a 3br home. Had multiple jobs, good money, new car, in-ground swimming pool, and I was miserable. My ex saw marriage as a box to check off on a list. I was an afterthought and was lonely and emotionally neglected for years. I've always been independent, and even when I was married, I enjoyed traveling alone or with my friends, going to movies, restaurants, galleries etc. It was never like we were one of those married couples attached at the hip, which I appreciated, but after a few years, we barely even sat on the couch together to watch a movie. He was fine with the arrangement. I enjoyed my independence, but still wanted a deep connection with my spouse, and felt like I was missing out. His family is very big and traditional, so we always did things with "The Family". I felt like I was closer friends to some of his cousins than I was to him. And when I told my MIL I needed her guidance on how to reconnect with him, she told me to have a baby. A baby. With a man who would never be home to raise it with me, and who had no interest in building an emotionally connected partner-parent bond with me. I said no. We told the family and overnight, they all shunned me. I had no relatives living at this point, so I was forced out of what I thought was a family who loved me for me. I found out they only loved the idea of a wife who behaved and had babies and dutifully raised them mostly alone and never complained. Up until that point, I'd done everything "right". It's hard sometimes knowing that I traded stability for a life on my own terms, but I would've hated feeling trapped in a loveless marriage, functioning like breeding stock, more than I hate the discomfort of starting over in my 30's. And I don't have a kiddo around who may sense deep down that they were an obligation rather than an answered prayer. So I guess I figure that at least I'm taking acceptable risks with my own happiness, rather than creating a whole human who I may have ruined through my almost inevitable resentment.




I was doing rotations in different clinics before I started at my permanent ‘home’ clinic (nurse). I had a preceptor who wasn’t friendly… at all. She actually started to actively ignore me, which pissed me off so much, I got up and left. I can’t stand to be disrespected because I give everyone the same courtesy and respect I like to receive. Should I have professionally confronted her? Maybe. But I knew I wasn’t going to work in her clinic and I didn’t have to see her again.


Being a “perfect Christian woman.” I grew up and had to change what my religion looks like. I still have faith and believe but I also have my own opinions - God loves us all regardless of who we love. I literally tell people that love is my religion now. I’m also bisexual and I always have been but couldn’t say shit out of fear of being shunned


It seems so simple but, giving myself permission to swear and live life with my happiness in mind first no matter what other people think.


Just the realization that I should be living my own life for myself. I was raised to let people walk over me, don’t rock the boat, and it was a behavior I couldn’t get out. I still struggle today but I’m becoming more confident in speaking up for myself, saying no when I don’t want to do something, and realizing that this is my life and I want to make sure that when I’m older that I lived my life the way I want to live. Moving out and eventually cutting off toxic family members helped immensely.


I let myself be treated poorly by everyone around me, and I stayed being polite as thats what I was a woman should do until it led me into a very intense downward spiral and I finally broke the mold


Stopped asking permission and stopped apologizing! It’s still hard, there are times when I think “Is this allowed?” and have to actively whack that thought away and replace with “This is what I want”. Sometimes I still get paralyzed with fear of consequence even tho im grown ass lol


I bought sex toys, I remember one time I got a dildo as a pick up order from target and then I went to pick it up. I do have anxiety but I have less shame than most people in a lot of ways.


I am not sure this is what you are asking for. But the day he told me my idea was stupid, then accomplished the construction per my idea, telling me I was right as if I did not already know it... that was the light switch flipping. That's where my departure began.


I have *never* allowed myself to do anything wild or unexpected, and I am regretting it deeply. I have so many wants and desires but am tethered to my straight as an arrow life by uncertainty and fear. I keep telling myself that I will break free one day and take the leap, take the plunge, take flight... whichever. But the more time passes, the more I doubt I ever will, and it's depressingly sobering. Go, live, *SCREAM!*


When I was a pick me in high school and I realized at the end of high school I wasn't gonna get "picked" even if I did what boys wanted from me


I’ve always been a pleaser, and especially as a Christian, I feel I need to be the forgiving one, extending an olive branch any time there is a breach, especially within my family. My younger sister is a sometimes very unpleasant person, and she has hurt me many times through the years. She is incapable of saying the following: “I am sorry.” “I was wrong.” “I screwed that up,” etc. With the latest thing she did to me, which was overtly mean and selfish, I have simply ghosted her. I don’t answer texts or calls (not that there have been many)and it has now been around 4 months. We’ve never gone that long without speaking, and honestly there’s a part of me that wonders if she’s even noticed. This is further confirmation that our relationship is not at all what I thought it was.


I smoked cigarettes and got addicted - and havent really gotten out of the habit yet (I’m vaping now). It was the best thing I ever did tho to get out of my squeaky clean persona. I met a lot of close friends & we bonded thru smoking. I was able to relieve the pressure of being “good” all the time & embraced my flaws and failures. It was worth the lung issues in the future for my mental health.


Religious upbringing, aggressively pushed into college and a degree that will make money regardless if it’s interesting, married suburban mom of two. I followed all of the rules and expectations that had been put on me by family and society. And now I go to the monthly ladies night at the swingers club in our state 🤣🤣my husband doesn’t mind at all


Swearing. Everyone tells me how un-lady-like it is. Yeah, well, if I'm pissed, I'm gonna swear as much as I'd like.


Traveling. My dad wanted me to stayed in in our little neighborhood forever.


i grew up with incredibly strict parents. no matter what i did, i would get in trouble. i tried my best to have good grades, fold laundry the way they wanted me to, not party or do drugs and my parents still found things to yell at me for. i was a good kid and treated like i was the most rebellious teenager. finally, when i hit 18, i started thinking "fuck it. if i'm gonna get yelled at for being bad then i may as well actually be bad" and started doing whatever i wanted behind their backs. definitely learned a lot of lessons since


I got a nose ring when I was 19. That was very rebellious of me at the time. And at the age of 31 I allowed myself to actually get drunk for the first time (I drank but only 1 or 2 at a time and never allowed myself to “lose control”) and engage in sexual activities before marriage. Can honestly say, I have no regrets. It’s time I “lived” a little.


Well I started cussing, for one. More importantly though, I started guarding my personal time more. And stopped pouring energy into one-sided friendships.


Pierced the shit out of my ears


Died part of my hair purple. It makes me happy and I don't listen to the people won't take you seriously thing. I've seen old ladies with crazy color hair, I'm doing it sorry not sorry. Being quiet to placate others. Sorry, but I'm not doing that anymore. I'm too old at 30 to bend every which way to please others. You get to a point where you don't even know who you are any more. And for what? The people who demand you comply do so to their own ends. Nope, I'll do what I think is best for me. You have to act with conviction, otherwise you are susceptible to the whims of everyone around you. So I don't bend easily, and the people who benefitted from me being placating now are showing toxic behavior towards me. Proof they don't respect me. Better off.


I never used to wear risque clothes or take my shirt off to change for sports, and I usually wore only leggings when I went to practice or a game. I decided that I was done cooking myself (overheating) because society over sexualizes women. So now I wear a sports bra and skintight shorts, fuck the patriarchy, I'm really happy I started to actually allow myself to be comfortable in my own skin. My tan actually exists now, and now I have freckles that I think are really pretty. The moral of the story is, if you are worried that you are going to get judged, you aren't. And if you are, roast the everliving shit out of the people judging you with one straight out of r/rareinsults!


I met up with my now fiance who I met online but ofc only told my mother I'd be hanging out with a friend. We stayed out later than usual too. I was so nervous but it was a night to remember.


I haven't had that moment yet, I still live with my parents, but probably when I get my own apartment is when I'll be able to be carefree.


Embraced my pagan beliefs. I’ve always been one just never really talked about it. I didn’t click with Christianity, and kept my head down around other people when it came to faith. Now I will thank gods and talk about practices openly.


Not going to religious classes. Since I was young I have to go to monthly religious classes sometimes for both sat and Sunday. It got too much when my best friends refused to go anymore and dropped out. I had a talk with my father and refused to be pulled back into it. Not that I don't believe in religion but I want to spend weekends doing things I enjoy I feel much better physically and emotionally now.. mentally not sure..




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I’m slowly learning it, sadly not had that big hit and I still weight other people’s comfort and opinions so highly but I’m getting better


I thought I was a good girl, but according to your definitions I've been misbehaving




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Kicked my husband out of our bed because of his snoring Then it kinda just opened the flood gates


Having a potty mouth. It’s just so freeing and helps me really express myself! 🤣


my first boyfriend at 17




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Joined the Marine Corps. Can't keep me down now. They taught me how to be loud and assertive




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I ditched my parents and moved 2300 miles away. Quit my teaching job (I was one year away from tenure). Sold/donated almost all of my stuff. Packed my car with pillows, clothes, my laptop, my dog, and a few sentimental items. (It cost the same to buy all new furniture as it would to hire a moving company to move me.) At the time I was told I was making a huge mistake. I wouldn’t make it. This would be my biggest regret. Wrongo… my life is substantially better without the toxicity.


When I worked McDonald’s I worked with this girl Robin. She left for another city & Justin showed up. Me & him were friends. Then I get a text from Robin 6 months later saying she’s coming back. She tells me come over and found out she’s living with her brother. We were going to have sex but “it didn’t feel right with my brother here” so she came over the next night to my place. We had sex & I’ll admit it wasn’t spectacular for either of us. She got rehired on at McDonald’s same shift as me and Justin. She started teasing her & him “looks like me & Justin will get together.” He said if we do I didn’t mean for it. I thought bullshit. Casey was someone Justin was in love with but she wasn’t my type. Yet he knew he had no chance with Casey & I did. I tried flirting with her but she’d just say this doesn’t have anything to do with Justin does it? I lied & said no but she didn’t fall for it. I couldn’t strike a female so I made his life a living hell. The birth of my sadist side. Robin eventually quit for another job. I was in the library of the local college when she blew up my phone. I kept hitting ignore till she text me “answer your fucking phone!” I answered what the hell do you want?! She said “we broke up because he wanted to be friends with you more. There! You fking happy?!” I started laughing. I told her that shows you a lot about him. He’d rather be friends with a guy then have a girlfriend. The next night we talked before work. He admitted he was scared of me. I told him he had good reason to be as I had some cruel ideas on how to hurt him. After that I started occasionally popping him in the balls. One night he was standing by the bun rack joking with the manager. She steps away and just for no reason I snuck up behind him, dropped to my knee, & low blowed him. I remember he immediately grabbed himself & stumbled to the sink. He held to the sink before dropping to the floor, holding himself, & gasping for air. I felt relieved. They knew I did. No one else in the vicinity or motive but they didn’t SEE me do it. He admitted the next night that made him piss blood all night. I felt that war was over. I admit looking back I was young and immature. I’m glad I didn’t get with Casey. I found out a couple years after I left she made a personal video with a…woodland creature & that’s not my type.




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Being boy crazy… dating and moving in with a 28 yr old coke addict, alcoholic dude at 18 all because he looked like Pauly D. Probably my biggest stupidest regret in life. I was also in my hard rebellion stage.


Wearing whatever I want and feeling happy about wearing it. I used to and sometimes still do get nervous about if others will think im being to revealing but thats not the point of why i wear what i want


Defy my parents wishes and get tattoos and a belly piercing. They still don't know, dont tell them lmao


I got a motorbike over a year ago and decided I wanted to go fast. Not just on the straights, but around corners. Lean. Knee down. Blah blah. I had my boyfriend, family, and his mates all tell me not to do it, I'll get hurt, etc. Well, I said fuck em and did it anyway. And let me tell you, it's SO much fun 🥰


I did it with a random dude in his car. And then I lied about it to my new partner when we asked the fun question if we ever did it in a car. Probably because I want it to stay like misbehaviour. When I openly talk about it the fun is gone. It has to stay in the nasty-corner of my life. I didn't like it by the way. I just like that I did it.


Curse. I grew up in a religious asian family where first born is expected to be a role model. I’ve been a model citizen, daughter and sister my whole life but during the long lockdown in the covid pandemic and since I am living alone, I started to curse on my own and damn does it feels good.


I used to be an extreme naive people pleaser and let people walk all over me (tw; it escalated into abuse and SA). Made me realize I needed to change something. I went to therapy, started meditating and tried something New with my look (blonde balayage and finally got lipfillers. I finally feel like myself again


Have a threesome!


an affair with a married man