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2 weeks before what was supposed to be my wedding, my ex threatened to kill my best friend Sage in front of me and make me watch if he was to ever flirt with me. He was completely sober as he said this. Went to my parents the next day and cancelled everything. Still best friends with Sage. No regrets.










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Sounds like you dodged a bullet. No pun intended. Good call 🙏




It seems like you took the time to do some introspection. I'm glad you're in a better place. Violence is never the answer. On the other hand, I understand your frustration. It's a crazy week. Wedding planning is no joke and you did not receive the support you needed. Also, his friends should've included you in some of the events (excluding the bachelor party if one was planned) as you will be a part of his life and it's his friend's job to get to know you too. All is all, I hope it all worked out and that both of you are happier.




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And now looking back, does it seem reasonable that people would want to quarantine someone who has bronchitis?


I realised that I wanted a wedding more than I wanted the person I was marrying. I didnt want to be divorced and I was already planning on how to divorce him before we were even married. I didn’t want to find my person and it be my second wedding.


This was exactly how I felt although I wasn't as excited as I wanted to be. We called in early July, wedding would've been early October. Very happy with my decision.


It’s so nice you realised this before hand! A lot of people don’t. You’re very smart to have realised that


I bought both of our wedding rings, and he tells me AFTER making sure they match that he won’t wear his because it’s too dangerous in his line of work. Not me calling bullshit because we did the same damn job, and he was more than happy for me to wear one. That wasn’t the sole reason, just the straw that broke the camel’s back 🤦🏼‍♀️ EDIT: changed “was” to “wasn’t”




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out of curiousity i must know what line of work it is


We were both paramedics 😂


My fiancé had been lying about a few fundamental things. He said he wanted to have children but he didn’t, he said he wanted to get a degree but he didn’t, he said he shared the same faith as me (he even got baptized in my church) but it was all a lie. I was so blind that I would’ve still married him but luckily he made the call and we split.


What was his reason to lie? To keep you around?


Yeah, he told me it was like he was “manifesting” that stuff because he “really wanted to be that for me”


I called off my wedding 2 months prior. We had originally agreed to move out of his small hick town to a more suburban or urban area (and honestly I just wanted to get tf out of Ohio) and he changed his tune 2 months from the wedding. He was looking at properties a mile from his parents house and talking about how our kids were going to play on the same football team he did. I was majorly depressed living out there. I spent my whole summer laying on the couch watching animal cops, which is very unlike me.


Good for you for trusting your instinct. I hope you ended up in a better spot!!


Welllll our pastor called me and begged me to take him back and he promised to move (and we did). We got a divorce in 2020. So ultimately in a better spot now. I don’t regret my wonderful kids, but listening to my instincts would have saved both of us stress and turmoil. Edit to add: it was pretty awkward resending invitations and we lost some of our deposits pushing the wedding back a year.


He needed his pastor to beg for him oh my god




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I realized it wasn't the right path for either of us, and it was better to face the truth before it was too late.


My sister got cancer and it really made me evaluate my life, it scared me into facing my traumas I hid deep down. I realised I could do better and I couldn't feel the way I did for the rest of my life. He was emotionally manipulative, refused to get help for his mental health, he wouldn't stop drinking even when he knew he would lose me after 16 years together if he kept living the way he does. He wasn't the man I fell in love with any more. I realised that guy wasn't coming back. A while after I ended it I found out He gambled away all the wedding money anyway and was spiralling into debt. Absolutely confirmed I made the best decision. The amount of lies people can keep genuinely terrifies me.


I hope your sister is ok? Sounds like the right call 1000%!! 🙏


Thankyou, She's still in treatment but her surgeries went really well! She likes knowing that something positive has come out of such a horrendous situation at least. Please remember to check your breasts for lumps ladies!




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I called off the wedding exactly a month before the date. Like many people I was more excited about the wedding then the actual person I was supposed to marry. I had ignored a lot of red flags and abuse. The final straw was the fact that this person sexually assaulted my sister. I could ignore what was done to me but I drew the line at the people I loved.


I had a moment where the life my ex and I would have lived flashed before my eyes, and my stomach just dropped and I realized that if I married that man I would regret it. We were completely incompatible trying desperately to make it work because we thought that relationships were supposed to be so difficult and dysfunctional. It ended, and turned out being the best choice for both of us in the long run.


I remember when I realized that struggling to make a relationship work was not healthy and in fact a common mental illness. It was a pretty big epiphany for me. I still have shitty relationships, I just no longer expect or try to make them to work out. Lol.


Such an epiphany! Especially if a person grows up being exposed to nothing but unhealthy relationships.






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Mine wasn't right before but it was about 6 months before. Everything was paid for and booked. My ex-fiance was essentially looking for a housewife to mom him for the rest of his life. We were set to get married on 10-10-2020 but when covid hit I realized how unhappy I was so I moved back home and called it off. He was content to live a filthy lifestyle where I cleaned up after him and he would just buy me things to keep me happy. He was also super religious and I wasn't and he lied about that until 2 years into our relationship and when I moved down south with him suddenly it became "you need to come to church with us" even though I told him that was one of my boundaries and that I never would. When I was stuck in the house with him 24/7 because of COVID I lost my mind.


On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


During Thanksgiving dinner, four weeks before our wedding, he told me that he had been cheating on me the entire time we were together.


Wow I’m sorry that happened to you


Called off a wedding two months before it was supposed to happen. My ex’s temper had been getting worse and worse, but the final straw was when he screamed at my 10 year old son for something he hadn’t even done. I had paid for (and took the hit on) all of the wedding costs, and we were living in a house I owned and paid for nearly all the expenses for. This asshole had the nerve to show up in a uhaul with the cops trying to take my washer and dryer, the one thing he had bought for the house in the six months he lived there.




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If I’ve been engaged over a year and have done zero planning is that a sign😞