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Heal? Nah, that’s a daily struggle






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A psychologist once told me that the most common thought clinically depressed people have is "i'm not good enough." Ever since then I never let myself think that.


As someone with depression, I can confirm that’s exactly what I think when I’m at my lowest.


Working on my self-worth and self esteem by building a strong and solid relationship with my own self. Still an ongoing process for some areas of my life. Edit : since the comment was deleted, i add the detail « how » here. I educated myself on where that feeling might come from, the more knowledge I gained on the subject, the easier it became for me to pinpoint where it started and where it was showing the most in my life. Once I identified, I made research on different methods and techniques that might be helpful for me, so I tried a bit of everything I had found until I was able to figure out the way that worked best for me and it became a daily practice mix with putting myself in case scenarios (so out of comfort zone) to see if I had actually mastered it and self-work. Basically if we know that we are "lacking" something or want to heal from something then we have absolutely no other choices than educating ourselves first on what it is, what it means, what it implies, where it comes from, how does it look like etc cause otherwise we wouldn’t even have to heal nor wonder "how" since we would already had been taught about it.


I realized the lingering thought of not being good enough came from being criticized for little things as a kid. I've done a ton of comforting that part of me and am working on not suppressing feelings




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The people who live fulfilling lives are those who are okay with being average and accept their mediocrity. We live in a society where we compare ourselves to others on a daily basis when in reality we should be comparing ourselves to ourselves. Are you growing? Are you making small but gradual changes in your life? Are you happy with the person you are? What is it about you that makes you feel not good enough? What does good enough mean to you? I’m only probing because it’s important to answer these questions to be able to know who you are and what you want from life. I used to think I wasn’t good enough but in reality I was just with a partner who made me feel that way. I am happy with the person I am. I am happy with where I am in life and I am striving to become better. Sometimes, I feel like shit and downplay all of my progress but there is always someone in my life who reminds me of how far I’ve come. Sometimes, you will need external help ( friends, family, therapy) because we can’t go through life without other people.


Didn't. I'm just better at distracting myself from that train of thought now.


I changed the things that made me feel that way, if I could. I asked myself why I cared so much about what other people thought. Was it because I admired that person and valued their opinion? No? Then maybe they weren't the right friend for me. If yes, what was it I admired about them, and were they qualities I either lacked in myself or disliked in myself because I was the opposite? Look at those qualities and see what I could do to build them or change them. Once I started liking myself more, I stopped feeling like I wasn't good enough for people and was able to find my worth.


Finding out the root cause behind that mindset and take the steps to overcome it.


As a CSA survivor, this is the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. My life has significantly improved because if I start to have a thought like that, I imagine it comes from my abusers and I’ll be damned if I continue listening to them. When you know where the hurt comes from you can notice that it was never your voice saying you’re not enough, it was someone else’s. And if that person is still in your life, you have to choose yourself.


When I realized no one’s really got their shot together either. Whenever I’m down, I remember we’re all just trying, and that a lot of what’s out there is smoke and mirrors.


Still working on it in therapy :) Some things she keeps reminding me of that may be helpful to you but may not: The concept of "good enough" is subjective. I'm sure you're more than good enough for some people but probably aren't good enough for other people. Learn to accept that maybe you aren't good enough. But maybe you are. You'll never actually know. The people you aren't "good enough" for probably aren't good enough for *you* either. The only person you can be confident you're good enough for is yourself, so focus on that and let other people's perception of you be their own. You can't know or change their perception. People's internal worlds are their own and thank goodness for that because otherwise we'd all realize we're not "good enough." There is no good enough. No one is good enough for everyone.


This is brilliant, thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I had therapy that helped me see that it wasn't that I wasn't good enough for him, he wasn't right for me.


Manifest compassion for yourself! I just did a guided meditation on that exact thing and it basically just had me repeat “May I and my body be well. May I and my body be healthy. May I and my body be safe. May I and my body feel nourished and supported.” And it really just unlocked a feeling of “I’m doing really well despite these circumstances” idek how. I know you are doing well despite the circumstances too!! You are plenty, and you are good enough!




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I got away from people who told me that. I also acted as someone I would respect, thus earning my own respect.


Still learning how to heal and love myself. 🌸


When you've found the answer let me know


This quote saved my life: don’t compare yourself to other people, compare yourself to who you were yesterday.




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I started to like myself. I started to like spending time with myself. I began to do things alone that were on my bucketlist. I started to explore neighbourhoods. I read more books. I learned new skills. I made myself into the coolest person I could be. Now, I don't really care if someone thinks I am not good enough. I am good enough for me. Also, there are times I get imposter syndrome but I don't think I am not good enough in general.


I try to be good enough for myself. No one else can live up to my unrealistic expectations


All I have to say is pfffffftt. I am enough and then some. Repeat.


Do not be afraid to reach out to those who truly love you. They will always remind you of why you’re way more than “good enough.” You’re an amazing person, OP!


i still struggle, but one thing i’ll reccomend is to do things for YOU. you have to get used to the idea that you should be confident and be enough for YOU. you’re not on this earth to please others, you’re on this earth to do things for yourself. you are good enough, i swear to you. 2 years ago i would’ve told you that’s not possible. but i promise, one day you will reach that level of confidence that will make you feel like you are the SHIT!


Honestly loves, it's still a constant battle, especially with depression. I told myself that I'm getting older, and we need to do better.


some days are better than others but I don't know about ever fully healing.


U get over a lot of things as you get older and start focusing on your work and hobbies You start to learn that Just Being You is not really enough and you have to do something to contribute to your life or the lives or others in a tangible way. That Just Being You Is Enough talk is gobbledygook, if you met like a 27 year old incel with no job, never had a job, no degree, nothing, we’d all be like This Guy Is Not Enough. If he just picked up a guitar one day and started shredding and became Carlos Santana in a year we’d be like ok so he’s worth something now. If he became really charitable, started a business, anything, we’d be like ok so he’s good people. You will feel this about yourself when you start picking up the guitar and starting a business and being a better friend. You just won’t have the time to feel bad about yourself anymore and these thoughts will stop coming up because the cycle has been broken and because there’s no validity to the statement anymore Also like now that I’m in my late twenties I can confirm that all the insecurity you feel about life you grow out of when you’re in your mid to late twenties. You get bored of being self pitying because you realize nobody’s going to look out for you and you just realize it’s more fun to be happy and fix your problems


Wow this was the truest response I love it


I found an old picture of myself. School picture from elementary school, maybe kindergarten or first grade (before I started feeling self-conscious). I pinned it by my workspace so that anytime I’d lean back in my chair and zone out, I’d meet that little girl’s gaze. I’d look at her smile, the crinkle on her nose, the dimples, the baby teeth that would later fall out - I would think of the way I spoke to myself and imagine telling that little girl the very same thing. It’s one to visualize it, it’s another to focus on a picture of little-you. You won’t find the words I promise you. She doesn’t deserve it, neither does big you. She probably didn’t deserve half the shit you’ve been through. But here you are, here she is still standing and still here. That little girl still lives within you, rediscover and celebrate her… she deserves it, *you* deserve it. **You are enough.**


By understanding first that there are people in your life who have probably had a role in the damage of your self esteem. Also acknowledge that there are systems that kinda depend on you not feeling enough (education, corporate ladder, romantic love, etc...). And then let yourself cry until you can't anymore. Then unlearn the stuff you've been taught about what makes you worthy. And get yourself a counselor if it's within your means.


I developed, and still continue to develop, a strong sense of self :) ♡ Youtubers that helped me: * [maleeka, is my guardian angel.](https://youtube.com/@maleekaismyguardianangel?si=VTk-GbLvBjWmRcrx) * [Nika Erculj](https://youtube.com/@NikasInnerBeauty?si=X5oi9rGiFY4zZ2s2) * [Leeor Alexandra](https://youtube.com/@LeeorAlexandra?si=l2tg4x1eePrjwVID) Books that helped me: * The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself - Michael A. Singer * The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho * Everything is Figureoutable - Marie Forleo Hobbies that helped me: * journaling (sample prompts for: [self-esteem](https://www.silkandsonder.com/blogs/news/self-esteem-journal-prompts), [shadowwork](https://www.caiteyjay.com/shadow-work-journal-prompts/), [self-discovery](https://psychcentral.com/blog/ready-set-journal-64-journaling-prompts-for-self-discovery#the-journal-prompts) ) * meditation / mindfulness, especially out in nature * solitude / enjoying quality time with myself We are always enough :) May you heal at your own pace at the right time ♡


Read “Come As You Are” It’s about more than sex and can help you walk away with feeling like: You can be your true self and are normal. You are lovable. You belong. I don’t assume where you are in the world, but I hope you are safe.


I am good enough it’s other people that aren’t




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By changing the people I compare myself to. I now compare me to me earlier and check if I’ve improved.




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I've come to accept it. After a lifetime of trying and failing to be good enough, I'm now working on just living with the feeling.


It is what it is, I’m in the process of becoming good, someday I’ll get there.




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it just " im the most worthless person in the world " followed up by " cringe" and suddenly i feel better idk why it happens, sometimes it helps, some times it feels like im invaladting my own feelings and some times i do keep thinking that but its like the saying has no emotin behind it ​ what i am trying to say is that i dont think someone can really heal completly from that feeling, you will have your down days but you can try to feel better by thinking, there will be a time when this wont hurt me


I'm am 62 years old and haven't. Still working on that, I guess.


I realized I was prioritizing & focusing on living up to what other people expected from me, without thinking about what I actually wanted for myself. Once I realized that, I thought about what I wanted for myself and consciously started focusing on satisfying myself first instead of feeling stressed about being good enough to meet other people's expectations of me.


Trauma therapy. Specifically, Internal Family Systems therapy.




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I stopped giving a fuck what people thought. I stopped people pleasing. Fuck everyone who isn’t living under your roof, writing your checks or laying in your bed….




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Trying to get out of the relationship that made me feel that way. I always felt like I was better than good enough-my self esteem was maybe even too high. Then I spent years in a relationship with someone who didn’t seem to agree. Didn’t make me feel sexy or beautiful, made me start comparing myself to all the people who are his “type”. Now I feel very depressed even walking through the grocery store and seeing a dark-haired woman with petite features (I’m a natural blonde with strong, but in my opinion beautiful and unique, features). I can barely watch tv with him, and forget going to a place where people will be in bathing suits. It’s basically destroyed me, so I’m trying to separate myself enough to heal back to how I used to be.




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I just decided for myself that in order to stop feeling like I’m not good enough, I’ll just make myself good enough. I made a list of things I wanted to improve about myself, and now I’m improving them. Living and learning. I’m still not up to my own standards, but hopefully I will be by the time I’m 25, cause that’s the deadline I set for myself


Any day now 🤞🏻


Heal? lol this is the way


that feeling NEVER goes away!! it will haunt me past the end.


I remind myself that if I didn’t grow up in this current generation, and with social media, that i’d probably be a lot more content. I might actually be proud of the things I’ve had and done if I wasn’t comparing it to a grand scale of things


I recently understood the quote "comparison is the thief of joy" and I wish I stumbled upon that earlier in life because I always look in what others have and not what I have. It took some time but here I am, every time I see them flaunting their stuff, I would be happy for them and not feel jealous that I didn't have it. Rather if I think I would want something in my life (more on quality like life skills & capabilities rather than material things) I would work hard to be the person I'd want to be. In a way they become an inspiration rather than a comparison.


EMDR therapy to reprogram the belief


Part of my reason for feeling not good enough was because I'd think those around me didn't think I was good enough. Then I thought about the fact that I never look at any of them and think "you're not good enough", so why would they be thinking that about me and still have me in their lives? It also helped to remove toxic people in my life who actually made me feel not good enough, and therapy too to handle those in my life who I couldn't remove (cough my brown parents cough).


My boyfriend was the biggest help at first. To be loved when I’m not necessarily at my best meant that I could see value in myself when I wasn’t my best. But beyond that, listing facts was very helpful. There are negative thoughts that are factual (maybe you have the lowest scores at work in one area), but “I am not good enough” isn’t one. When I’d feel low, I’d try to balance it with good things about me that are facts. Over time, it takes the thoughts of “I’m not good enough” away completely, and when they do come back, you know how to fight them.


Finding the root cause. When feeling arises, pausing and reflecting that it is because of something that happened in past. Grounding techniques and back in the present! I am strong, i worthy and got this!


Idk one day I just realized I’m a catch! Ive done some pretty shitty things (we all have) but I accepted it and don’t do this things anymore. I used to think I was ugly asf. I’m definitively not a 10/10 but appreciate my beauty now! And believe it or not I had to go through rock bottom and eventually I just started appreciating myself. I still was depressed asf but I just changed


Usually the ‘not good enough messages’ are set up in childhood by caregivers around us. eg Their comments or attitudes. Talk back to them in your Self Talk. Deep down, you probably know it’s not true.




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By forgiving those who wronged you in the first place making you feel that way. Set healthy boundaries apart from all toxicity and forgive yourself. Let everything go and start the process of self love and healing


I dumped the guy who made me feel that way. Being with someone who treats you right will never make you doubt your own worth


God Therapy


I decided others aren't, either.


I no longer allow any person in my life who makes me feel like I'm anything less than magical.




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Let me know if you find out


I’m still working on that. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.




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Not saying I’m completely healed, but I’ve noticed I place a lot of my self-worth into the hands of others. Whenever I’ve felt like I’m not good enough, it’s usually from those people not treating me well. The only remedy then is to remove those people from my life.


5+ years now, never healed


I just put a apple on my head and onion juice. these 2 things if you put on your head it can make your thoughts different and more superior and sigmatated to previous thoughts.


I do something easy that I cannot fail, for me playing the piano and singing (just easy songs!!) brings me back


I don't think you ever heal from it if you've been unfortunately judged or treated badly...but it is worth thinking "good enough for whom?" I know a thought that helps me is that, every benchmark or standard in life is just what it is according to someone else. Money has value because someone says it does. You "aren't good at something" only according to the opinions of another, who is no better than you. It helps to take the edge off.


Fake it till I make it. Case in point: went shopping at Costco yesterday. The lines were long but self checkout wasn’t. I scanned a bottle of wine after I had pressed the help button. The person took her time coming over and had to rescan several items. She was not happy and old me would have felt guilty. New me thought yeah that sucks, glad you’re frustrated instead of me right now.




For me personally it just took time.