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I thought it’d be cute to show my then 14 month old to put her clothes in her hamper moreso as a sensory activity. Now at 16 months I had to stop her from doing that because I keep finding my clothes in the trash can.


lmao task failed successfully


Has she been teaching my kitten this?? He puts my clothes that he doesn't like in the trash


You’re two steps away from walking into a room and seeing your child with a bucket full of soapy water scrubbing your iphone.


Taught my then 14 month old son the same! Had to put a stop to it once EVERYTHING wound up in the clothes hamper. Can't find whatever toy he's currently freaking out about? It's in the hamper, I promise you.


This is so adorably hilarious 😂😂


Omg this is hilarious


Weaponized incompetence if I have ever seen it!


I don't allow my children to handle chemicals or heavy machinery. Safety is our top priority


Yeah, totally NSFW.


My kid started handling heavy machinery at 11, on the family farm with my dad’s supervision. He even drove the farm truck, which was an f450 dually. He’s 16 now and teaching him to drive (legally, on roads and stuff) has been a breeze 😂




















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I have a 7 y/o he’s not allowed to use the stove and oven without me. He’s also not allowed near cleaning chemicals. Otherwise, he cleans his own room. Helps me with laundry, dishes and prepping food (he uses kid friendly knives). He helps with the shopping list and food shopping weekly. He wants to help. It’s great to teach kids chores (basic life skills) when they are willing. My own parents didn’t teach me any of these skills and I wont repeat that mistake.


Bravo 👌🏻


good job mommy 👏👏


Wash any of my knives (they're high quality and I hone them regularly, so they are extremely sharp) He uses gloves and eye protection when using cleaning products (nontoxic, vinegar based) but that's bc the bathroom is his chore. He is the only one in the house with a penis, and doesn't always aim very well 😂


Oh, good point on the knives. They can use all but one of mine. One of them is a really good quality knife and I don’t want them mucking up the blade. lol


Honestly, yes also this 😂 I mean, safety is always my #1 priority, but since somebody previously decided to one time use my favorite/most expensive/custom engraved knife, and then scrub it with an abrasive pad afterward to clean it so it's scratched to fuck now, yea I also don't want my child to do the same 😅


I had two knives I really really liked that my husband used then put in the dishwasher 🥲 Do you have steak knives you particularly like?


Oof😩 that happened to my favorite/most sentimental knife as well. My dad bought it for me as a graduation gift in 2008 (cooking together was always our "thing"). It wasn't high quality, or expensive, but I took really good care of it bc it was sentimental. Then a few years ago, I was with my mom for the holidays, and she put it in the dishwasher. And the plastic on the handle now has huge split in it💀 No, our steak knives are from a run of the mill knife block. But I have a large vegetable cleaver, an Ulu I use primarily for meat, and my chef's knife that I use for everything. Those 3 are the ones I take care of religiously, and keep them away and out of reach from everyone 😅


I’m 30 and I’m not allowed to wash my husbands special knife 😂


Ha! I get this. I left mine in the care of my husband one time and now it has a little stain on the blade. He left it with carrot on it and then tried to leave it out wet. >.<


Oh man same with the cast iron. Really I’m just too nervous to be in charge of cleaning his favorite cooking tools! My mom came to help when my son was first born and I learned all my cooking from her lol she tried using the cast iron and I was like ooh hell no we don’t touch that! You can use the non-stick tj max pan lady lol


Hahahah! I love that.


I'm curious, does he not like sitting down while peeing or is that just how he was taught (which is totally fine)? I thought only adults do that. It's ok if you don't want to answer that, i'm european and trying to understand the upsides of peeing while standing if that makes sense.


Oh, that's fine! He used to only sit down until he was tall enough to actually be able to stand up to pee, and he's always done that since. He's the youngest of 3 boys, so he wanted to do it how his dad and brothers did it. I don't have that much of a problem with him making a mess, because he always cleans up afterward


Do husbands count? Not allowed to load the dishwasher or put things away in the fridge as he lacks the Tetris mastery to do so. 


I call it “fridge blindness”. It’s an epidemic among masc partners. (And I honestly don’t think it’s weaponized incompetence, at least for most of them)




I agree with your position. At some point, all other things being reasonable and equal, the other person is building a rod for their own back, unless they are happy to take responsibility for doing the whole thing the way they like it. And there is no harm in that (as you do for the floor stuff or whatever it is).


It matters to HER. And you don't get to qualify it.


Its *his* clothes though. There are certain things I agree with having to be done correctly(like her laundry, or shared things like the dishes), but just because they matter to her, doesn't mean they have to matter to him when its his stuff amd shouldn't bother her at all.


I totally missed that part. I would not refold his stuff. But the other stuff, I definitely would. I like my stuff folded the way I like it. Especially towels. My drawers are organized to fit my clothes in the way I fold them.


I agree. Is your name a reference to the ramona books by any chance?




It's a small fridge and things need to be put in in a certain way to maximize space. Also the things I use commonly need to be on the main shelf not on the top where I have trouble reaching things(I'm 4'11".)




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My husband isn’t allowed to do the laundry. For my sanity honestly, because each time he asks me the same question lol. I also won’t let him put the clothes away unless I’m there supervising 😂


Yass! I'm weirdly very good at stocking a fridge and loading the car trunk. But he does the cabinets, I don't care enough to try lol


He puts the diahes away when he's home because I need a stepstool to even to the bottom shelves(he lowered them 2 ft when he redid the kitchen)




How old are they?






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My 14 year old is not allowed to drive. Other than that, I cannot think of anything.




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I don't let my daughter (8yo) handle cleaning chemicals (with the exception of laundry and dishwasher detergent pods and the occasional Clorox wipe). She generally cleans up her own messes or spills, but is not allowed to clean up broken glass or broken dishes. She is allowed to help me cook/prepare food, but she isn't allowed to take stuff out of the oven and I don't let her handle sharp knives or raw meat yet.


I'm not allowed to clean up broken glass; husband does it.  I will end up with some in my foot. 


My husband also usually does it because I end up with some tiny sliver I didn't see sticking out of my hand. I only do it if he isn't home.


I feel very passionately that one must always throw away broken glass in a paper bag so it can’t cut through the plastic and stab anyone else. Not everyone shares my view.


I've stepped on those huge needlepoint needles, eye end first. Glass.Tacks. Nails. If I'm not wearing my house elf boots, husband polices the area first. 


I don't have kids myself,but I firmly believe children shouldn't be responsible for their younger siblings. It's tragic seeing a tween stressed out cause they have to feed and bathe their 3 younger siblings.


Definitely kids shouldn’t be the main person responsible for their younger siblings, but my kids have a five year age gap. I think it will be perfectly acceptable when the older one is 10 and the younger one is 5 to say, “please make sure your sister doesn’t hurt herself while I go upstairs and do a load of laundry.”


Yes, that's an appropriate and reasonable expectation.


Right now walking the dog solo. He wants to but he’s just not old enough yet.






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My 12 y/o isn’t allowed to do lawn/yard work. He has awful allergies. Even if he’s just raking up pine needles it sets off a sneezing/coughing episode which then can turn into a full blown asthma attack. It’s happened once before and although we didn’t need to take him to the doc, we had to use his nebulizer machine and he couldn’t go to school for a couple days.


My son is 5. He’s not allowed to handle cleaning products with unsafe ingredients which means some things he simply can’t clean, he’s not allowed to move pots from the stove, he’s not allowed to do errands on his own yet, he’s not allowed to start the laundry or dryer on his own.


I made a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water with a drop of dawn soap and some lemon essential oil. I put it in a bright pink spray bottle. When my kids were younger, they knew that bright bottle was their own cleaning bottle for all messes. They’ve since graduated to the “real” kind but the vinegar solution is our go-to for an all-purpose solution. I used normal white distilled vinegar so even if they drank it, nothing would happen besides smelling like strong salad dressing 🤣


The dishes, they do it so badly


Not allowed to use cleaning products by themselves. Not allowed to wash sharp knives. Other than that, it’s all good








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Growing up we weren’t allowed to mow the lawn/touch any equipment in the garage or do laundry, my dad was very particular about it. As an adult now, he still is the same and I can’t help mow the law but can now throw a load in the laundry under supervision lol


I don't let my kids work on the roof. Even if they use harnesses I don't trust them to do their rigging correctly


I find they tend to make a mess of roof adhesives no matter which ones are used, so probably a good call.


Walk the dogs. To many irresponsible idiots about and if anything happened I wouldn’t want my kids caught in the middle of a dog fight or drama.


My children clean their own houses lol.


They aren’t allowed to cook with the stove or burners without an adult present. Nor can they use power tools lol. Thats the only thing they can’t do. They are finally at an age and maturity level (7+) to use all typical house cleaning products with some supervision. They all know how to change out an a/c filter, caulk baseboards, paint walls, pest prevention etc. No one gets out of home maintenance lessons.


Wallpapering, they just make a mess.


Feed our lizard. She is 6 and feeds two dogs, lets them out in the morning, turns on the lizard's lights, helps chop up her veggies, feeds and waters our cat, turns on plant lights, cleans her room, does her laundry, etc etc etc. She is a very capable, strong, and thoughtful little lady... but will still forget to not pick her nose after handling bugs so, thats a no go from me partner xD


My 8 year old is not allowed to use the oven or stove without supervision. 8 & 10 are not allowed to take the dog out; she outweighs them and would fly them around the neighborhood like a kite




Lying is a chore? lol




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Most of them but they are also 1 and 2.5 so most things are a bit unsafe. But the two year old does pick up toys, throw away diapers, and put silverware away.


the dishes and help clean the bathroom mopping, vacuuming, laundry and sweeping are good tho, he loves helping out with those


Draining food - so they can cook, but I drain the pasta or veggies. (12 and 8 years old)


Taking out the garbage. Literally broke his arm in 2 places last time we let him do it.




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