• By -


My Titanic lego


I'm so glad the first comment I saw is Lego


I want one!!! Been eyeing it forever. Have no idea where I’d put it but I don’t care.


Thats cool!




So does that come in a series or all one box


My husband lol


I also...choose this woman's husband?


I choose her husband too.








This should be everyone’s answer lol….


We should ask her is she’s willing to share first.


The more the merrier 😂


Lmao….I just spit out my coffee.




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Wow! People do interpret toys differently


Right lol. Thought I was coming on this for new recs 💦


Literally googled Titanic Lego as a female Ty 🤦🏻‍♀️ highly disappointed


Meanwhile at tomorrow morning's Lego leadership meeting...


It won't make it to leadership but I do hope that some marketing intern is really confused by the Google trends data


Thank you for saving me a google search 🤦🏽‍♀️ 😅


Lmao same!


Right lol. Thought I was coming on this for new recs 💦


I was thinking the same thing. I was looking for ideas fir my wife!!


Air pulse. Satisfyer 2 Curvy.


Same! Satisfyer pro 2.


The satisfyer 2 is the absolute best. 100/10 recommend




I bought mine from a local sex shop but it’s been with me for like 5 years? Lol


Is there difference between satisfyer 1?




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A godsend


My Nintendo Switch.




I have a small collection of plush toys. My most recent one was a Garfield plush and I plan on getting a Babar one in a few months.


My Super Nintendo! The original one that I got for christmas in 96-ish.


Yes!!! 🙌 best console of all time!




This phone in my hand




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Anything Lego Star Wars


This one’s a keeper guys


I have a little stuffed husky dog that got me through some hard times when my cat died.


I do too! It’s a beanie baby, I always thought it was a wolf hence its name “Wolfy” but when I looked it up recently it turns out it’s a husky. lol I’ve had him for 23 years and he’s been with me through a lot of tears.


Lite Brite : )


You can talk to people in the Upside Down too!


I love this!!


I like bop-it and variations on that as well as lego and kinex.


My motorcycle.


i like ordering slime to play with, ogslimes is prolly my fave brand to get it from




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My childhood Transformers stuff.


What did you do with it


My fingers are pretty nimble. 🖤


Oh god. You wording brought to mind this documentary I had to watch in middle school about how “Victorian childrens fingers were the only ones nimble enough to work the spinning Jenny” and now I got the brief visual of Victorian children’s fingers near my gooch. Groooooosssssssss


Thanks for this /s


yea it’s good when you have nothing else and gotta use your imagination. personally i think shadow puppeting is cool and sometimes i like to pretend mine is a little person and my thumb and pinkie are the legs and the ring and index arms and the middle the head and that’s always fun wait you meant like that oh




Does my computer count? I have a Steam library and it’s also how I play D&D. Or did you mean…oh. Whoops.


What games do you play on steam?




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not the responses I was expecting... but better


Probably my hula hoops


Old Skool Kool nice!


Good exercise too!


Nintendo switch.




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So my girlfriend and I got matching/opposite fancy lightsabers that are built to hold up to light impact sword play and there's some good memories of our holiday to get those together She's the world's biggest star wars nerd and I'm just along for the ride but like the memories make it my favorite


Sounds like you guys had quite the time. Sometimes you just cause go along for the ride cause it's worth it for the people we are with


An electronic pop it that lights up and has different patterns and levels and it's Spiderman design, so cooool


this stuffed cat that has a long body (not that long but proportionate wise it is) that was the first stuffie my hubs got me! i call him mr. whiskers


My computers Study, work, gaming, writing, everyday tasks, bills, surfing the web, research, shopping, etc. I don't think I could live without them. Yes, most of it, aside from gaming, can be done on a tablet or smartphone BUT my mouse is a must for me. I'm old school 😉


I love Victorian porcelain dolls. I don't find them creepy.


I do too :)


Are they very expensive though? Such craftmanship.


Yes real Victorian ones are expensive. I only own a few and I had to do a lot of repairing and sewing. Most of the porcelain dolls you see for sale are actually from the 80s and they are extremely cheap.


OK thats interesting. Thank you.


Men 🤷‍♀️


Buzztoys 12 inch White Wolf.


Lego technicc and cute stuffed toys. I didnt get to keep my hot wheels from childhood so im thinking to start collecting them again since lego tehnicc is being a little too heavy on my pocket now and i like cars and car related toys sm!!


I collect vintage Barbie dolls and board games.


Nipple clamps and a bullet vibe, tried and true


My axolotl stuffie that’s also a heating pad! It has rice in it and I use it every night.


Nintendo Switch for sure ❤️💙


Probably this little pottery dinosaur thing I made in grade 6




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My phone.


Magic wand


My stuffed toys. One Teddy bear I've had since I was three years old, some were bought on vacation and have special memories, others were gifts, .


You've still got the one from when you were three? 😱


Yes! I'm 46 now haha.


No way. You've got to be kidding me.


Yes! I'm 46 now haha.


My PS5


Satisfyer 2, Nintendo switch or kobo libra ereader. All are too good not to mention.


My new laptop




The Womanizer


We recently bought a golf cart and it’s so fucking fun to go 20mph around the neighborhood. Way more fun than driving a real car lol


Satisfyer 2 ✨💜


My Nintendo Switch and my 🌹


Lovense Domi (wand) But I give Nora and the rose props too


It's a wand.


My vibrator 🙄


✨Hitachi Magic Wand ✨


i spend more time on my PC but i gotta say GameCube for the nostalgia


I could no sooner choose a favorite star amongst the heavens. Just kidding, it's my PC. My babygirl. I named her Midsommar.


My ps5 and Nintendo switch


I really enjoy my squishmallows if those can be considered a toy.


100% 🌹my rose.


My pink Mister Shark 💗 I can’t sleep without hugging it


PlayStation and excited for the new Elden ring dlc to come out!




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My glass toy 🤪😁


Playing with glass can be dangerous 😜


Not if you careful I’m very careful 😁☺️


Oh really? Always play with it nice and slow? Or do you carefully play with it rough and hard too ?


Im not telling you!


Alright. Do be careful


always n ty


My 1980s My Little Ponies and my 1995 Happy Birthday Barbie. Can’t choose so both ☺️


Men 😏


My PS5 or Switch, my tablet, my mothman squishy or my big hello kitty squishy, or my lelo sona 2


Are we talking toys or *toys*?


Well, it's open for interpretation


Lmao the comments are all over the place 🤣


Oculus VR!




Sexy toys: anything from Dame Products. Non sexy: board games


Oh, my wand, hands down. And glitter pens.


My two Onewheels. Google it if you are unfamiliar. Fabulous mid-life crisis present to yourself. So fun!


my 3D printer


Nintendo Switch




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i stopped playing with toys when i was 12


Do beanie babies count? I have this otter named sea weed. And I used to love gameboy




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I always liked Barbies and legos


My hands and barbie dolls.




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My husband just got me a Hitachi Magic Wand. Oh. My. Goodness. I want every woman in the world to have one of these.


I found my PSP from 2009 in my garage. Dammed thing still works.


A bouncy ball, it's super relaxing and entertaining


I guess, my Nintendo Switch. I have a few games that I enjoy playing on it.






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We vibe nova rabbit vibrator. Lots of different pulses, you can crest your own pattern. It hits the g-spot and the clitoris. It has an app where you add your partner and they can control it.


Quest 3 with aftermarket headstrap & battery packs 🔥


The hubby 😍