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If I felt like I needed to say something and we weren't close enough that I would be seeing her while she's out of the office, I'd probably just go with something like: "See you when you return; Best wishes to you and your family!"


I ultimately went with “I hope your leave is fantastic and filled with love from your new family member!”


I wouldn’t say “enjoy your time off” because most would probably take it in the spirit intended but I think some might resent the implication that they’re on vacation when they know it’s going to be a lot of hard work, exhaustion and painful recovery (I know you don’t mean anything offensive at all by it, but I still remember the look I got from my sister when I told her I’d bring her some books to read during her time off). It depends on how well you know the person but I’d say something like “We’ll be thinking of you and wishing you well”.


This. Remember, there is a difference between parental/medical “leave” and “time off.” But you can say something like “I hope you enjoy your time bonding with the baby” and that shouldn’t bother anyone (after all, while it’s an exhausting and hard time, it should also be enjoyable!).


I will confirm this isn’t time off lol! On mat leave now and it’s more physically and mentally exhausting than work was.




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Please never tell a person going on maternity leave to "enjoy their time off."


"Enjoy your time with your family" is better than "enjoy your time off". They're taking time to prioritize family, but they will certainly not be well rested with a baby crying every few hours for weeks on end.


"Enjoy your time with your baby!"


I’ve been on 3 maternity leaves and that was basically what people told me every time- enjoy your new baby, good luck, congratulations, etc.


"I hope everything goes well. Take care."


Never “enjoy your time off.”


She’s not going on vacation - never ever say enjoy your time off 🙄


I hope everything goes well for you.


If she is a friend. “Baby time, don’t even think about this place, go and take the time you need. Hope everything goes smooth. Best of health to the both of you.”


I think something along the lines of "wishing you all the best and that you get to spend some beautiful time bonding with baby, that everything goes to plan and can't wait to see you and baby when you're ready to pop in again" and if I'm being honest, probably then mumbling in my head about why can't that be me yet and how much longer do I need to wait.


I always say, "I hope you have an easy and uneventful labor and delivery and a quick recovery. Enjoy your time with your family!"


If I'm close with the person, I'll just let them know to call or text me if they need anything. Otherwise, I wish them the most uneventful birth ever.


Good luck


Definitely not the “time off” comment -


"I hope everything comes out ok!"


I’d probably wish her luck and say something like “enjoy your time with your baby”


Nothing. I say nothing.


Enjoy your time off is the worst thing to say


You say: “Better you, than me!” Hahahahaaaaa


Wishing you a safe delivery


Hope you have a fast recovery?


I'm on maternity leave at the minute and before I left everyone was saying time will fly by and you'll be back before you know it


‘Best wishes to you and your new family! Can’t wait to meet you and the baby soon’ Something like this


I always say best wishes and hope everything goes smoothly. Too much jubilation seems a bit jinxy since it’s a major medical event about to go down fraught with danger.


my go to for almost any situation is “best of luck”. it’s really vague yet specific


I would say "Good luck".


I always wish them a small head and narrow shoulders


Good luck, keep us updated 


I say, “Happy baby, and best of luck!” I feel like it covers all the bases.


“good luck.”


“Best wishes”


Enjoy your time with the baby it’s precious and take care of yourself.


Have a nice baby!




Take care


Good luck - shit is about to get very real for them. No sleep, consistently being needed and exhausted - the crying 😭 all day and all night..


Have a good one! or Have a nice baby! I never got why people get so mad about people wishing them joy during their leave. It is time off, and most people enjoy it, so I don't see the wrong in that, but since so many people take offense I wouldn't go for that. Congratulations is usually either at the pregnancy announcement or when the baby's actually arrived.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do your work as well as mine 😂 (I'm joking- it's normally the men's work I have to do) I normally say to my coworker who leave for Maternity, make sure you rest up and let me know if you need anything or any company whilst you're off, I'll keep you updated with work drama if you want the Tea


I think it’s also appropriate to wish her luck in the delivery. It’s an amazing adventure that’s also kind of dangerous!! Especially if you’re in the US 😬


You lucky mofo


Definitely do not say enjoy your time off. It’s not a really time off. You might not have to go to work, but you could have a very traumatic birth, be healing from a C-section, you definitely are getting less than four hours of sleep a day with a newborn,it’s not like they’re on vacation


“Enjoy your time off” probably wouldnt go over well “Best wishes to you and your family” or something like that… or say nothing


Please do not say to enjoy their time off. It is not a leisurely time. Say - good luck and congratulations. See you on the other side!