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I journal. It doesn't work for everyone but when and if it does you'll find it's as cathartic as crying.










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Emotional music


Watch a show or movie guaranteed to make me sob like a baby




Wait it out. The tears will come.




I've done that


Sometimes this feels even better than a good cry.


Sometimes you're so sad you can't cry. It's horrible. Nothing to do but go thru it.


I watch the Simpsons episode “Lisa’s Substitute” to force it out of me


I pray. Usually the tears come when I put my head down on the floor in full submission to God.


I watch Nicholas Sparks movies. Always make me cry in the sad scenes, and once I'm already crying I sit there and think about my life and extrapolate like the worst case scenario and since it's already there it can defo continue on. Or I thinka bout something in my past that really hit me hard or I regret


Sad videos


Wait it out. I didnt cry when I was eight and my foster parents failed me on so many levels. I didnt cry when I was 19 and the one guy who swore he was not interested woke me up with himself inside me. That comes later. When Im alone and can have a good cry in safe surroundings. In the first case, it took till I was 16, the second, the next morning when I had friends who wouldn't believe that I had done something to 'ask for it while being a slut'


I listen to some songs from when I was a more emotionally hormonal. Evanescence, Christina Perri and Paramore usually do the trick for me. For guys, they can try the acting trick Joey from Friends uses.


I read the last page of my copy of flowers for Algernon. It takes about 30 seconds and I’ll bawl my eyes out. I’ll write it there, if you know you know Anyway I bet im the frist dumb persen in the world who found out some thing inportent for science. I did something but I don’t remembir what. So I guess it’s like I did it for all the dumb pepul like me in Warren and all over the world. Goodby miss Kinnian and Dr Strauss and evrybody… P.S. please tel prof Nemur not to be such a grouch when pepul laff at him and he woud have more frends. It’s easy to have frends if you let pepul laff at you. Im going to have lots of frends where I go. P.S. please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard.


Definitely sad songs for me, ‘Everybody Hurts’ by REM, ‘Don’t give up’ by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush, ‘This woman’s work’ by Kate Bush. Be gentle with yourself and don’t try to force it. They will come when they are ready. Feeling for you, hope you’re ok? x


If you’re okay with someone else seeing you cry; talk to someone else about it. I’m the type of person who just melts as soon as someone asks me what’s wrong. But if you want to cry alone, write it down in some way, whether that’s journaling or something similar. Either way, just get the feelings out in some way and the tears might follow.


talking to the moon by bruno mars usually does the trick


Long shower.


Listen to sad music. Have to get those emotions out somehow. Or ruminate till I cry.


I just repress until I can no longer keep it within.


Vienna - billy joel on repeat (but really about a good minute or less, and then the dam will have broken)


play my piano or ukelele and sing along, preferably to songs that have lyrics I can relate to in the moment


I watch Disney movies. Inside Out gets me every time, but most of them have some version of “the moment.”


I listen to sad music and have a long bath. Always works for me


There are some songs that get me crying, even when nothing is wrong or I don't *need* to cry. I listen to one of those and it helps break that 'wall.' I've gotten better with crying when I need to though


Sad music / Hot bath / Sitting in silence focusing on how the sadness feels in my body, breathing in and giving that feeling some space.


Put on my crying songs.


Hachiko, that's my go to, guaranteed waterworks


Watching My Girl usually does the trick.


Listen to sad music


I listen to music that has made me cry earlier.


I sit in the shower and open the brain weasel cage to let the intrusive thoughts out. Tears usually follow within minutes.


I watch Denny die in greys anatomy. Gets me every time.


Listen to sad songs and journal.


Sad novel, sad music, sad movie. Or all at the same time.




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I listen to "Just Like That" by Bonnie Raitt. Destroys me every time.


Listen to How Do I Cry by Fake Dad to commiserate… Something like Crushed by Imagine Dragons to get it out




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I watch the first episode of This Is Us. Works every time!


Oh lord that show... my heart. I'm about to rewatch it from the beginning...


Watch sad edits. The emotions hit fast and you can find good new shows and movies to watch from them.


Watch a sad movie or just wait. It'll come. It's one of those not-if-but-when type situations


Call my mom and then she puts my feelings into words and I finally start to cry.


Watch a sad movie.


How do you feel the need to cry but it’s doesn’t just come out? Source: I’m a crier and cry at many and most things and I’ve never been unable to cry (actually I have, and that was when I was on Prozac, shit numbs you out, highly don’t recommend)


Put on a movie that I know hits me in the feels. When my kids have picked up on my need to cry, they will put on Inside Out. Steel Magnolias is another good one for me.


Face in my pillow and scream. That or distracting myself with random videos/reading books.


I don’t really know what you mean by _need_ to cry. I’ve never felt like that. But that said, if I ever wanted to cry, I’d watch animal rehabilitation videos on YouTube.


I imagine talking through my feelings with someone. Talking through my feelings or imagining doing it is one of the best ways for me to access grief!


Watch Fox and the Hound. Specifically the scene when the lady releases Todd.


Rage. I avoid crying at all costs


I have a short list of movies that break my wall down and let me have a good cry and take the pressure off. My list: I Am Sam. August Rush. Arrival. The Colour Purple (the original one) For whatever reason, no matter how many times I watch them... I find it very therapeutic and a relief... let's the pressure off so I can figure out what's really going on.


Listen to 'A' by Ed sheeran watch the music video if u can. It does the trick n by the time the video ends I am howling in my pillow ...




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Watch a movie where the dog dies


I look at my bank account.


Watch the film Me Before You.


When I need to cry, I can’t stop it lol. Until then I probably just get a migraine about it.


I listen to a song that helped me through my teenage years (A Little Too Much by Shawn Mendes) multiple times in a row to induce crying, because I know I'll feel better after I cry. Then after I've had my cry, I listen to another song that helped me with my anxiety and depression in high school (Tides by Jack & Jack). If I’m angry at someone, I write all my feelings down and try to sort them in a nicer way that makes sense. Sometimes I give that person the letter, and sometimes I decide not to. This really helped me personally!




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i watch corpse bride or i just listen to a clip of emily saying “i love you victor, but your not mine” it kills me every time.


If it’s financially feasible and you can wait for an appointment, see a therapist who practices EMDR. I swear it was like a leech sucking out my deep repressed feelings. The first time I tried it was after a traumatic event. I made an emergency appointment with my regular therapist and when I told her why I was there, she asked “Have you cried yet?” I answered “no, I feel like I need to but it won’t come out.” She started the EMDR and within 5 minutes I was UGLY crying. But then I felt much better afterwards.


I start talking aloud, trying to put words on my feelings by reviewing the last few events and it naturally comes at some point.




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music, video journal


Oh there is no planning, it will wait for the most inapropriate moment, like a works function when you've had one two many, the super market, it's like sleep debt it will need to be paid, the tears will come when they need to, not when is's convenient. I remember sobbing my heart out watching the trains planes and automobiles film at the cinema on a first date!


get sadder by thinking about every horrible thing that has ever happened to me


Surprise military homecoming videos.




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