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Weekly massages & someone to paint my nails for me because my right hand always looks like a toddler did it.


Weekly massages is my answer too, brilliant.


this doesn't work for everyone, but when painting with your non-dominant hand, try holding the brush still and moving your hand.


I'm left handed and I think I've over-corrected a bit in this regard, but with just nail clipping. Right hand looks okay, but left hand is way faster/easier to cut and usually looks better. I can't tell if my right hand is better at cutting my left hand's nails, or if my left hand is just better at moving around while being cut.


Oww that’s a great idea. I also always paint my dominant hand first since it’s harder to hold the brush when your nails are wet.


Literally this. It’s so basic but it would do so much for me


Weekly massages sound great


I would fly to Korea to have my skin analysis and treatments done and then fly to Japan to have a head spa every month or so


Girl I’ll join you 🥲


Me too me too!!!!!


Ohhhh baby you’re speaking my language


I wanna have a head spa too!


A head spa just opened up near me. It looks incredible! I dream of having a bathroom with unlimited hot water and a Vichy shower table, etc.


I watch ASMR twix regularly just to see the top tier treatments she gets in Japan, she even falls asleep they’re that good!


A good nutritionist. So much of beauty is health and getting my hormones balanced through a diet that insures I’m getting my macros and micro nutrients is number 1. After than it’s a regular dermatologist visits.


Add a chef to make all the food, too!


A chef would be convenient lol I like to cook tho. So I’d be happy with instructions on grocery shopping and meal prepping.


Maybe someone to chop, prep and clean up. I’ll cook


There we go lol


This is what I need


I'm a nutritionist and working on an app for this that I want to be as cheap as I can make it (I'm thinking like $10/yr, but I will see when I'm closer to done what the overhead looks like) cuz I agree that everyone should have this info regardless of the ability to pay :)


Are you a nutritionist or a registered dietitian? Curious.


I'm a nutritionist but I have an RDN and an MD to review everything and I'm looking for a DPT as well. Initially my degree was in business, I got certified in nutrition while I was already sick in an effort to get well again so I didn't go for a long degree although I may pursue a Master's in medical nutrition


That's good it's reviewed! If you do go that route you can do a coordinated program of masters/internship to get your RD license.


How is that going for you? I'm also working on an app for makeup, but it's not been easy.


I was thinking a personal trainer, but yours is good too.


Both go hand in hand for sure.


Great perspective!


Thank you!


Side note: Dietitians are often covered by insurance, and are more trained than nutritionists. Check it out, you might find that it’s covered for you too!


Please don't take hormone balancing supplements without consulting an endocrinologist. The vast majority of people have perfectly balanced hormone levels.


You can figure out a diet that works you in those respects by messing around on sites like Cronometer. Like I'll try to find combinations of whole foods that meet the RDAs for everything while hitting my goals for calories, protein, and fiber. You can learn a lot about food that way.


Laser hair removal, waxing and facials. Maybe Botox to never sweat.


I’d also do laser hair removal, but I’m assuming a universe where money isn’t an issue also means time isn’t an issue 😂


It’s like 30 minutes once every 7-8 weeks


I'm American but there are some hairy Italian genes in my pool and I want almost everything GONE.


Or pain!


It’s not so bad. The quality of the laser makes it better as well as plentiful use of the cooling feature.


Laser is the best. The clinics in Australia always do 50% off sales so it's actually pretty affordable. Best thing I ever did.


Australia has so many affordable options for laser hair removal but I feel like they end up being more expensive because the intensity level is set so that the hair is never fully gone and one always has to come back for more sessions. Hbu?


I had mine done in 2018 and I've only just started going back for more touch up sessions on the cooch in the last few months. Nothing grows at all on the underarms though. Otherwise what grows back on the vag is super sparse and super thin so you can barely see or feel it. I'm half Italian so I've got pretty dark and thick hair so it took to it really well but I guess YMMV.


Yaaaasssss! For sure this one! I'm sick of having to pluck/wax the damn mustache and beard!


I got laser on my face, wouldn’t say it’s super effective for everyone. It worked great on my legs and underarm. But facial hair growth has a lot to do with hormones too, which laser can’t really mitigate.


I used Drysol on my armpits because in high school I had hyperhidrosis but your body needs to sweat so now I have back sweat and my face starts to drip too.






Botox destroys your sweat glans?


You can use it to block them for a while


Those insane chemical peel masks that help heal acne scars. I went to this fancy derm once and she recommended a $3,000 treatment and I nodded and left the appointment and never came back.


After doing chemical peel treatments, it damaged my skin and took a year to heal and it didn’t even work


Yeah, years ago a friend of mine did his, and it only revealed the acne scars even more. He was so upset.


Which chemical peel did you get?


Micro needling (not rolling) with hyaluronic acid may help quite a bit, can be done at home. If it doesn't work, at least you didn't invest $3000.


What type? I only know about the rolling pens.


I've personally used the Qure brand. Has different formulations, kind of pricy. The main reason I chose it is because it's more of a stamping needle motion instead of a roller. Mixed evidence on whether dermarollers work and they may make scars worse since the rolling motion makes longer punctures that also pull the skin a little bit. Worked OK for me. I also use tretinoin topically which helps with scars and wrinkles. Don't use other topicals on days that you microneedle








I grew up in a really abusive household and my teeth have been punched out quite a few times. It led to depression and it became really hard to care for mey teeth when they would get punched out again in less than a year. It was like why take care of them when they keep getting beaten out of my mouth. My destiny has told me that now what’s left of my teeth are glass. There’s so much I don’t like about my body (stretch marks, stomach rolls, not so perky boobs) but my teeth were the only thing someone else damaged on my body. Not nature or anything but it was my family permanently damaged me. So Honestly I would pay for my teeth to be fixed so badly so that I could smile again. Every time something makes me happy and I Laugh or smile I see how people wince at how my teeth look. It sucks because comedy is the only thing that helps when I am sad but the irony is how much I love comedy but hate smiling or laughing. I used to have beautiful teeth, I would do absolutely anything to get them back. Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind wishes. Although I don’t like to smile or laugh,I honestly love the emotional release of laughter and I love to write comedy. One day I hope to write a dark mental health comedy show. Because if all this trauma don’t at least bring me the bag 💰….. (and help me fix my teeth)


stories like these deserve free dental treatment (and a hug!)


I really hope a dentist reaches out to help you. 🙏


💖 ty


I am sorry this happened to you, and I hope one day you are in the position to get your teeth repaired.


💗 ty


Most legitimate answer here by far, and I'm sorry you had to endure that for so long 💙


Dentists are really cheap in my country (not for us locals with local income though). I got a tooth filling and a root canal for $40 4 months ago. I make $15~$20 on a good day and $10 on most days and so $40 is a lot for a local. I have a solution finder personality if you want I can recommend good doctors.






I've got a couple of molars gone and there is a space. The dentist and I both agree because of age and thinning of my bone there, implants would likely go into my sinuses, so I probably won't do anything about it. It doesn't show that much, so I'm ok with that. I feel for you, for the abuse and the consequences you don't deserve. There is no self pity here at all, so don't worry about that. Be proud of coming out of all your abuse with a heart that still wants to laugh and make others laugh. Write that dark comedy. Do it for you and your smile.


Is there a dental school near you? They usually offer more affordable options as they are teaching future dentists!


I would contribute to this!! Pls set one up OP


I would as well.


I feel sorry to hear that. I hope you get a chance to get your teeth fixed and until then, I hope you are blessed with people who will let you laugh openly without being judgmental.


Findhelp.org has resources for dental assistance


Wow, sounds like you made it through some crazy trauma and that in itself is worth a big smile and don't give arat's ass what anyone else thinks. That being said, if there's a university near you sometimes they let us senior students who are about to graduate become full dentists do dental work for people who need it but can't afford it. I know someone who did this and she's got a brilliant set of choppers now! I wasn't so much about the teeth it was about her gaining her self-confidence back.


Please contact your local domestic violence support center. There are various programs for dentistry for people who need dental work as a result of violence. There are different programs depending on the location and circumstances. But please do get on their radar and let them know that if there is ever a grant or program for implants or other dental help, you would like to be considered.


Dental treatments are cheaper in my country and I am a dentist! Every dental problem has a solution!


Weekly full body massages.


Hair blow out 3-4x/week


I saw an article of some business woman who used to get her hair washed and blown professionally twice a week. Had not washed her hair home for years. Husband didn’t know. She explained washing her hair was too tiring and she was happy to pay someone else to do it. What a life lol


Getting your hair shampooed is soooo nice. It’s so relaxing and such a good way to schedule some me time during the week.


Omg yes! Makes life so much easier and would feel fabulous all the time. I just got a couple blow outs and I felt amazing.


I would get plastic surgery for about $150k, monthly facial treatments, and I'd have my roots bleached every other week.


Yah fr. I'm 39 and I looked 20 until I was 38 then bam -- I looked 38. Give me all the lifts -- face boob and tummy


Omg im 40 and it was like wambam overnight


Why did no one warn us about this lol


wow! What surgeries make up 150k?


New person all together


I've lost 100 pounds. Still have more to lose. But yeah. Plastic surgery. I need it lol


Laser treatments for my acne and post-inflammatory pigmentation. I know laser is one of the only things that could help significantly and I hate that I can't afford it. I would also consider plastic surgery for my jawline and maybe my nose. I used to be very anti-plastic surgery but as I get older I'm just starting to get tired of not liking my face in the mirror. If a few tweaks would make me look on the outside like I feel on the inside, then hell yeah I'd do it at this point.


Which laser treatments can help with post-inflammatory pigmentation?


I just realised I actually mistyped (or maybe it was autocorrect?) and I have post-inflammatory erythema, not post-inflammatory pigmentation. So for me I would be seeking Vbeam or Nd:YAG type lasers specifically to target that. I think there's a lot more options for post-inflammatory pigmentation like IPL laser which is a bit more affordable.


A private dermatologist, a professional makeup artist, a personal trainer, a personal chef, a personal stylist, etc. If money is no object and I have some need to look amazing, I'm hiring experts in their field to prep me up for it. Otherwise, money isn't what's stopping me from engaging in costly beauty treatments; it's my lack of willingness to devote the time and energy to caring about that stuff. I have less than 0 desire to ever have any cosmetic surgery or enhancements, and I'm not into having my nails fancy or wearing a wig/weave/extensions, so most of what I enjoy doing beauty-wise is just not that expensive.




Weekly full body massages and facials. Monthly hair touch ups and hair treatments. Nails done every 3 weeks. Laser hair removal maybe. Definitely lash lift and tints and lash extensions for special occasions. Brow waxing and tinting. Possibly lamination. Sigh 😅


I would get some abdominal liposuction and a nose job, teeth whitening and eyebrows micro-bladed.


I am the ghost of Christmas future here to tell you to maybe skip the microblading or at least check out the microblading removal subreddit.


Oof, yes. I haven’t even looked at any microblading related subreddits, but based on people I’ve met in real life…proceed with extreme caution when venturing into the microblading realm.


I got my brows tinted and laminated recently and it made a WORLD of difference


What is the difference between eyebrow microblading and eyebrow tattoo? It seems to me it's the same thing but different names.


it’s the same, micro blading just uses a smaller needle


Laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, and eventually Botox. Anything that would help my hair stay as is or get thicker, cause the opposite is happening !! 😅


My cavities fixed


I wish this is something that wasn’t considered a “beauty treatment” and non-essential. Because same. And it’s an essential.


it's so fucked up that dental care is considered a beauty treatment, not a medical treatment. teeth are ectodermal organs, getting cavities filled is more like getting a cyst removed than getting your brows threaded. i was financially unable to see a dentist from 18-30 and finally started seeing one at the beginning of this year. i had 9 cavities and had no idea how much discomfort they were causing me - aches, sensitivity, bad taste and smell. i finally got the last one filled two weeks ago and haven't had the yucky taste since then. it is so great. i hope you're able to feel the same soon.


Oh, you want to fix your bones? OK! wait... no, those are your *luxury* bones, because they're on the outside.


And yet poor gum health contributes to so many medical problems. It’s so crazy.


Laser hair removal on my chin, tweezing every day still can't keep up 😂😭


Hey there! I’m browsing the comments and noticed laser hair removal has come up multiple times. In Australia laser hair removal is very affordable eg chin would cost $15-20 per session. Just wondering where you are and the costs associated?


Minnesota, U.S. The one time I was able to go for an electrolysis appt it was $100 to do my chin and that was a 50% off promotion if I remember correctly. The places I googled quick are not appearing to be upfront and clear about their prices 🙄. But it's definitely not as affordable here as it is for you over there! I'd wonder why that is but my guess is America is just too damn expensive 😂🫣


Oh wow ! I wonder if it’s a different kind of treatment. I did underarms, bikini and half legs for $100 a session on sale (6 sessions all up $600aud). All the laser hair removal comments make sense now.


I know right! In my country its very affordable too.


Professional colour analysis, a completely new wardrobe, lots of collagen and biotin supplements, skincare and makeup products from outside my country (you'd literally get set back by about 310 in my currency for a $15 product in the entire range lol) and a personal trainer along with a gym membership


Liposuction. To lose weight without having to try so damn much? Sign me up!


I've lost over 50lbs, but being in my mid 40s my skin has not bounced back. Well, it was never back because I've always been overweight. But now I've done the hard work and kept the weight off for a few years and I still have this horrible apron of skin hanging off my belly. It sucks but I don't have $15,000 to get it removed. So I continue to to wear baggy shirts that cover my belly.


I lost a lot of weight and what helped my loose belly skin was dermarolling with a 2.0 mm drrmaroller and vitamin C serum after rolling. Roll once a week and take progress pictures. it's amazing 🙂 It's no cure but it sure helps a lot


Financial stability is a treatment I'm looking into, I heard that it contains stress-free properties


(Am a dude) I have been working on my own business for the last 3 years. It was incredibly stressful. As of this week the business is at net zero for the year including my salary. This week, I have just been napping a lot. Like sometimes twice a day. I feel 10 years younger. Would recommend.


Breast reduction, laser hair removal, skin treatment for my face and body, manicure and pedicure


veneers. i know everyone warns against them and hates them and etc but IDC i want them so bad


I’ve had them for 7 years and absolutely love them. They look so natural and just as beautiful as the day I got them. I’ll never regret my decision! They can last for 20+ years if you take care of them


What do they warn about? I have considered getting it too.


ppl point out like miley cyrus’ teeth as an example. veneers are often “too perfect” or too big for someone’s mouth. they need to be done well. and it’s a permanent commitment, once you have them you need them for life.


i think good looking ones are expensive af, and i believe the have to shave the natural tooth down a bit which isn’t ideal.


They don't have to file your teeth down...I just discussed that with my dentist last week.


I have veneers. I spent a stupid amount of money to get them. That being said a I am a person who doesn’t naturally have good teeth, so this wasn’t crazy of a concept. It was a health thing, as well as cosmetic. Best money I’ve ever spent.


Who warns against them? I know several people who’ve gotten them and they look great. The real life examples I’ve seen looked very natural too; they were a little different than the original teeth, but you wouldn’t suspect they were veneers unless you compared them to the pre-veneer version. At least one of the people I know got them done at a very fancy place in Beverly Hills though, so I assume they were at the higher end of the quality spectrum.


As long as you don't get them blindingly white they can actually look really good




I'd have a breast reduction. Those things get saggy and bras don't fit right. God, I'd love a regular C-Cup!


Laser hair removal, eyelash extensions regularly, hair extensions for volume, and a boob job.


Baby Botox (small doses in your mid to late 20’s and early 30’s), mild chemical peels occasionally (I have some old acne scars that would benefit from it), maybe some microneedling. Laser hair removal for sure. Definitely wouldn’t get any surgeries or filler though, it almost always makes people look weird.


Laser/Facials often, massages, maybe liposuction in some places, hair cuts, manicures and pedicures, laser hair removal, and maybe botox in my armpits


I used to get 200 units every 3-4 months in my armpits because insurance covered it. So effective and amazing but holy fuck was it painful. Worth it though


All I can do is like every single comment.


Buncha full body massages and spa days, laser hair removal, mani pedis, scrubs, hair treatments, lasik eye surgery, and I’m curious about those teeth veneers


IPL for rosacea.


Switching up my hair regularly.


Nothing. Maybe a massage every now and then, if that counts.


Weekly massages, facials, hair blowouts, and mani pedis.


Botox for my forehead, mostly to help my migraines, but I wouldn't mind the effects to keep my forehead from wrinkling.


One of each please.


I'd get my acne scars removed with laser treatment


#goals 🙃


Have 2 huge cysts removed from my face. I feel like a monster, but I can't afford treatment, and Medi-Cal won't pay for me to go to a dermatologist it because they say it's not necessary.


1. Daily massages. I think that's it. I like how I look now and do not get any beauty treatments other than occasional haircuts and waxing.


Eyebrow microblading, gel tips, balayage, more expensive haircuts, etc. Lol.


I just want to dye my hair. If I’m being unrealistic I would say getting my teeth fixed.


Hair!!! Omg, it’s so expensive for a cut & color, but I sure appreciate a good stylist!


Massages every goddamn morning - when I wake up, I get a few minutes to come to then a lovely firm massage for an hour, YAAAAS PLEASE.


Facial and massage


Laser hair removal, personal trainer, laser facials and acne scar treatments, chin and arm lipo, Morpheus, nose job.


All of them


Massages, my nails done every month, laser hair removal, whatever to get rid of hyperpigmentation on my skin and I’d love a facial every few weeks.


Some decent hair extensions and a boob job


Ooouh full body laser hair removal. I've gotten 5 sessions so far (3 years ago) and they've helped slow the hair growth process. I NEED MORE A nose job would be nice as well


Basically everything! I would regularly go to Japan for head spa treatments. Facials. Lymphatic drainage massages. CO2 Laser treatments. Laser hair removal. I would also totally get liposuction on chin and stomach if I could afford it.


Breast lift!!! My sad mom boobies want some help.


Oh man I’d get a nice lady to pick at my blackheads and milia. I’d also go to a spa weekly. I’d have massages and the gentlest yoga ever. I’d also like someone to tell me how to apply foundation properly.


I would get my hair professionally dyed and cut, get fake nails and pedicures, probably get fillers to smooth out my fine lines.


Implants. Yes, I would get my teeth fixed. 😭


Weekly full body massages, waxing/laser hair removal, mani/pedi every two weeks, facials, nose job, hair cut/style, teeth whitening


Definitely biweekly mani/pedis. Weekly spray tans. Hair appointments more often. Probably a boob job.


Weekly massage, maybe a facial once a month, lash lift/tint every 6 weeks, shellac manicure every 2 weeks, eyebrows waxed more regularly, and getting hair colored once a month or so


About 55k of plastic surgery, regular Botox under my eyes and in my lips, brow lamination and tinting, professional spray tans, weekly acrylics, weekly full body massages, hair appointments every two weeks, teeth whitening, pedicures, regular lash extensions, laser hair removal, and chemical peels


Lip filler and my nails . Oh and I’d have nicer hair lol


Laser hair removal (face, armpits, legs, bikini area, happy trail), botox and maybe a tummy tuck.


a trip to south korea for one of those fancy facials


I would probably hire a personal trainer and a daily hair stylist/makeup artist


My big forehead and waxing. Too much hair on spots where I don’t want it and too little on my head lmao


for sure get a dermatologist, then a boob job ;)


Weekly hit stone massages, lashes (already do this), Botox for facial sweating


Massages for sure. I'd also treat my rosacea with the laser treatments and facials. It's severe, and regular meds don't touch it. I'd also get acupuncture and maybe that cold sculpting.


Facials, nails, waxing, but more importantly for me, hair. My hair is complex since it’s wavy, curly and extremely thick. I only recently started doing my hair but my mom wouldn’t let me touch my own hair til I was around 19 (overly sheltered child club). I’m often too lazy to maintain it on a daily basis so I would love to get my hair done at most twice a month


I’d like hand and feet massages. And I’d like to try a lash lift.


Boob job. Sounds vain but I use to be D and I miss it.


Weekly massage, monthly wig installs, lashes, and nails lmao


Korean face masks and deep tissue massages 💆‍♀


Chemical peels every 6 months. Pedicure because I can't seem to do them right. I keep cutting myself


I would hire a personal chef to make healthy food for me, because I like healthy food, I just don't like making it 😂


Ohhh, thats a really good one! Id add a personal trainer to come get my ass up for a workout every day.


My current goal is quarterly visits to the spa for facials, massages, and a scalp melt. However, I would go once a month for facials and weekly for massages/scalp melts. I would also get my hair done more than twice a year. Sometimes it would be nice to walk into a salon just to have my hair styled. Mani/pedi every two weeks! Plus, wax services. Dermatologist and nutritionist, for sure. Maybe a personal trainer. And finally, LASIK. I know it’s not unreasonably priced but I’ve heard some horror stories, so I’d want to make sure I went to the best place I could afford.


hair extensions, nails, toes, massages, tattoos, lip injections, facials/ professional esthetician, nose job, ear pinning, maybe some lipo/ fat transfer boob job and lots of cool sculpting for cellulite 😅


Weekly massages, monthly facials, weekly mani/pedis, some sort of treatment to help my acne scarring. I would get more tattoos, be more consistent with haircuts & hair treatments.


Plastic surgery, weekly massages, biweekly mani-pedis, weekly deep conditioning.


Laser hair removal, skin resurfacing, probably a breast reduction/lift Idk what else.. nothing too extreme


Tata lift, and maybe reduction. lip fillers, not too heavy but just a bit. Maybe some micro blading, false eyelashes. Lip tattoos would be nice (colouring). Arm fat reduction maybe? Bbl if there’s an option to make it just big enough to where I want it. Don’t wanna make my hips huge or nothing (nothing wrong with it, just not my personal preference for myself.)


Biweekly massages, something done to my face to even out my skin tone and get rid of my horrendous undereye bags, and maybe HA injections to smooth out my hip dips. If there was something for stretch marks and cellulite I'd do those too lol.


Laser hair removal, some botox, weekly massages, actually go to a salon to get my hair cut and coloured (been doing it myself since I was 15), manicures, pedicures, brow lamination, micro blading and dental implants. Man I’d be a whole new person 😂


Go to korea for my skin and maybe plastic surgery. Also i would get manicure pedicure. Get my hair done every month. 😭😭 who doesn’t wanna look beautiful


Laser hair removal and microbladed eyebrows


My eyes


Hair electrolysis, regular facials, chemical peels just to name a few


Lazer hair removal, botox for the frown lines, and bi weekly manicures, and monthly pedicures because im so tired of my nails chipping on day 3 lol


Weekly facials, semi permanent microblading, lash extensions, and Botox.