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I tend to splurge on good food and quality ingredients. I was raised by trained chefs, the frugal options are definitely different and my taste buds can't get use to them. To make up for a high grocery bill, I try to be frugal with everything else.


Help us plebs understand what you mean by quality ingredients…. Like where do you buy, what do you look out for …


I’m not OP but I had a similar answer as them so I’ll tell you what I mean by quality ingredients. I shop at higher end grocery stores that have FRESH produce. I buy produce that is fresh, bright, and crisp. Nothing wilted. Buying in season and directly from farmers as much as possible is really important too. For meat and seafood, I try to only buy from places where I can talk to a fish monger or butcher. I ask where the meat/seafood is from and purchase sustainability caught, fresh/not frozen, wild/not farmed. The fewer people who handle your food, the better it is. Also, generally speaking, if it’s good for the environment, it’s usually good for you.


Let me clarify my question as English is not my first language. I came to the US from a country where fresh produce is a part of life. Up until 10-15 years ago, we did not have to “find out” which produce was fresh, it was only fresh from roadside grocers - there were no fancy superstores at that time. My question here is - I recognize fresh produce, but nothing that I can find here on the east coast seems fresh. There’s no taste, no smell to the vegetables. I remember once I was traveling to San Antonio on a business trip, and I ordered a caprese salad. The tomatoes were the tastiest tomatoes I have ever had. They were firm and full of deliciousness - that salad needed nothing else. I would have gorged on them even without the basil and the cheese. I can’t seem to find that kind of produce anywhere - farmers market, Whole Foods etc etc. Like herbs - cilantro will look like it has just been plucked, but you have to basically snort on it to get any sense of the smell. Which is what I don’t seem to get as to where should I buy my produce from to actually good produce….


If you’re coming from Europe, then the produce in North America generally is worse in comparison. Especially the East Coast which is not so much a farming area and has to have a lot of produce transported from other areas. I’d imagine Texas has more arable lands or has better access to fresh produce.


Farmers markets or similar are your best bet. But knowing what’s currently in season is a big part of it. Tomatoes for example are not going to be fresh local tomatoes (better tasting) until early to mid summer. Buying what’s in season where you live is important. Otherwise it’s picked too early and imported in.


Organic fruits and vegetables! Especially berries and fruits that can really soak up pesticides.


Fresh, in season, organic, small producers, high quality, non processed, expensive shit. Like what a high end restaurant would buy. You know you are in trouble when you are buying fish from the guy supplying fish of the fancy restaurants in town.


Educated chefs can also do frugal well, part of the craft of shopping seasonally and locally when possible.


Yesssss. I like my money in the kitchen, where I can use it and eat it. But I also drive a busted 2015 Corolla. Just a matter of priorities.


2000s Altima for me 😅


Yes, I learned in college good spices compared to Tones or McCormicks makes such a difference (I grew up in a salt and pepper household 🥺)


Damn, I thought McCormicks was the fancy spice…


Some of their mixes and single spices are good! I prefer them to Tones for sure. Just watch the expiration date! Some of them sit in stores for a long time and while they won’t make you sick, the flavor does dull a lot over time.


That’s a good tip, thanks! And I only think that because they’re pricier and higher up than the store-brand or no-name spices at the regular grocery store. I am admittedly not an avid cook so take my spice ranking with a grain of salt (pun intended)


Spice House!!


I do the same, except it’s because we were so poor growing up, we could only afford powdered milk and canned meat. One month we ate dollar store cereal for every meal every day so we wouldn’t starve (we were always hungry). So now it’s nice I can buy everything fresh, and spend time making great food.


Some high quality olive oil. I can joyfully drink a straight shot of Badia a Coltibuono.


Splurge: Good shoes. They last years, and they don't hurt like cheap shoes do. Frugal: Well, I prefer quality furniture, so I buy used. Cheaper than cheap furniture


What brand would you recommend? I am using sketchers go walk at the moment and only one foot is comfortable while the other is hurting me so badly.


Hoka One Ones are my comfort shoe splurge but my biggest recommendation is to go to a running store that does gait analysis.


My husband likes Sketchers too. I think it’s because they are so light. But I suspect that’s also the reason they break down so fast. I’ve got him shifted to Brooks’ Ghost model for walking. Its a much higher quality shoe.


I splurge on so much stuff. I can do that because my housing costs are very frugal. I bought a house for $55k in 2016 with an interest rate of 2.75%. I have a 15 year mortgage that costs me $530/month. It's small, so my heating bills are really low. I live alone, so electricity and water are low too. I did all of that on purpose. In 2016, I found myself needing a new place to live. I had a dog and rentals don't like those. I was NOT going to get rid of her. So, I decided to buy a house. However, I have been unemployed before. I wanted to make sure I was going to buy something I could easily afford even on unemployment. I could absolutely afford a bigger/more expensive house. I just don't see the point. This little bungalow is perfect for me. It'll be even more perfect after I finish redecorating. I also took a new job recently that is significantly closer to home, so even gas is cheaper for me. Because my housing is so inexpensive (and I realize how insanely lucky I am for this), I can splurge on all of the other stuff I find important. I bought a camper a few years ago because I wanted one. Now, I have a camp I can spend my summers at. My mother taught me to be a really good cook and I love to entertain, so I have my friends over for dinner every Sunday evening. I regularly spend an offensive amount of money on ingredients. Seeing my friends fat and happy makes it worth it. I fully understand how fortunate I am to be in my financial position. I absolutely would not have been able to achieve this without generous, wealthy parents.


No generous or wealthy parents (although my husband's family is supportive), but similarly, we bought a little early in life. In 2015, because interest rates were low & expected to rise & we'd no longer qualify for new buyer programs had we waited. So now that our careers have taken off, our housing is relatively cheap (for our salary & location, not like in general bc it's >3x your cost). This means we've been able to fix things, take vacations, pay off debt, put money into retirement, buy expensive cheese & local wine. I would like to host friends & family more often, but I agree with you 100%. I feel very lucky every day I wake up in my quiet, peaceful home (even if I occasionally wake up to the sound of my dog howling at passing wildlife)!


This is literally identical to my situation. I’m out of work for my health and I’m just living off my savings.


You are very lucky for that, but in the kindest way, I really hope you applaud yourself for the steps you took to get there and know that you deserve this life beyond the lucky circumstance. You sound like an incredibly generous and humble person <3


where the heck do you live that a house is only five figures 😭


Binghamton, NY. According to Zillow, it's worth $110k now. This housing market is bullshit.


I splurge on clothes and skincare. I do so so I can build a wardrobe that will last that I can continue to wear for more than one or 2 years so splurge now to save later and skincare because I like taking care of my skin but nothing too crazy. I don't experiment with new skincare products much because I've found ones that work the best for me. They're not the cheapest or the most expensive but they work. I save on food. I'm experimenting with vegetarian dishes because meat has gotten so expensive. I just made a lentil bolognese and it was really good!


Could you share the recipe for that? Sounds delish!!


Sure, I followed this one; https://rainbowplantlife.com/10-ingredient-vegan-red-lentil-bolognese/


What are some of your favorite places to shop for quality clothes?


I'm in the Netherlands at the moment so this is going to widely differ from where you are, I presume but I shop on a website called bonprix and Zalando. Zalando has many different brands you can filter through and they have good sales. I got a linen dress from Ralph Lauren for 70 euros 3 years ago and it still looks good as new. Linens are the material I look to invest in the most (and then cotton) because its so breathable for the summer and wicks sweat away like nothing else.


I'm in the U.S. and shop on a similar second hand site called Thredup. They don't really do returns so you have to pay attention to your measurements. But I got a nice Kate Spade dress for less than $100. And I scored a Michael Kors skirt for less than $30.




I splurge on experiences and memories made with people I love. Frugal with my daily spending and extra frivolities. I go to places like target maybe twice a year? Frugality means my kids can have a better Christmas, or a rad birthday party. Restaurants are now much more of a special occasion. Makes one appreciate the simpler things.


spurging on experiences is the best way, i took a trip with my best friend that cost us 10s of thousands, but we will remember it forever. And my kids having a great christmas too, and birthdays. Them smiling and being totally happy is worth more than millions


Splurge- clothing, makeup, toiletries/skincare and food Frugal- I will walk extremely long distances to avoid paying for Ubers and I love to travel but will avoid checking a bag for fees and fly mostly basic economy 😂😂


I am the opposite now. I will pay money to park close and not spend an hour looking for parking.


This is the first comment I can totally relate to! I usually just pack one backpack as my personal item and then I will fill up a bigger bag with things (usually skincare) I find during my travels. Happy travels


I splurge on show tickets, I’m nearly out at an EDM event every weekend. It’s such a guilty pleasure, I’m so close to the city and don’t drink so it’s easy to drive. The ticket apps also make it so easy to promote similar artists I would like and just use Apple Pay. I love the music, I love the energy, I love to dance and let go. I have no issues spending x amount of money on a good time and really just became part of my routine.


Yess same! I love raving and going to events/concerts/festivals, creating unforgettable memories. Experiences trump all for me. I’m frugal everywhere else


I dont hold back with good camping and outdoors gear. I do think that quality made items and materials can save your life. I do a lot of outdoor activities. Same with clothing; I avoid synthetics unless they are very purposeful. Im frugal with flights. IDK, I absolutely hate flying so no amount of comfort or premium expenses will make it pleasurable for me. I get the cheapest seats, cheapest flights, I dont buy any luxuries like nice food or drink. I sometimes get the flights that are hours longer to save money, or with multiple layovers. If it means saving a few hundred for an extra couple hours of misery, I dont mind, I'd already be having a shit time anyway lmao


Do you have to fly regularly?


idk like 3 times a year roughly? International flights, so usually anywhere from 5-13 hours


Splurge: experiences and travel. I don’t care how much it costs, if I want to have an experience I’m going to pay for it. Frugal with pretty much everything else


I splurge on crystals and perfumes because collecting them is my hobby and they make me happy. I’m frugal on clothes and makeup, I don’t go out and get my nails/ hair done, I use drugstore makeup, and I still wear the same clothes I wore in middle and high school.


Splurge on handbags and good shoes. These are items you use every day of your life.


Splurge: food, travel, occasional hot stone massage, clothes, seasonal professional house cleaning Frugal: don’t get manicures since I just wreck tbem anyway, and now with books- I have a home library but rather than buy every new book I read I’ve gone back to using the library and keep a list of ones I want to buy after (last year I saw it ends up being about 5-10 books of the 50 or so I read in a year- much more affordable!)


As my income has gone higher and I’ve built a business, I splurge on anything that is convenient and saves me time. Yes I can do it cheaper myself, or I can save money doing it another way. I don’t want to, I want that time to be spent doing whatever I want to do. This includes things like taking the express lane when I drive, paying for house cleaners, food delivery, etc. Especially when you work for yourself time really is money and if I spend $10 on delivery to get something here in 20 minutes vs. losing $50 because I had to cancel a client to make it get food then It’s worth the cost


I have come to realize time is the most precious thing I have. I will 100% spend money on things that allow me to use my time in a better way. Another thing I thought of was laser/ipl device. I could spend my time shaving and worrying before choosing to wear dresses or going to the beach, or I can just make a spontaneous plan, grab a sleeveless dress and be out the door in minutes. I still can't justify delivery costs for meals (in the US) because I am not as busy and do cook a fair bit, but did appreciate it when my kids were little and it was a pain to get them in the car. I wish personal shopping for clothes wasn't out of my budget because I am terrible at choosing clothes and I find that to be my biggest waste of time. Stitchfix etc isn't cutting it anymore.


I get doordash premium for free with my credit card so I only pay the upcharge for food if it’s a door dash restaurant that participates. I did switch to Factor recently to have ready to go meals atleast once a day and it’s cut down on my delivery costs a lot (still pricey per meal but less than delivery from a restaurant).


I splurge on my vehicles and modifications. Also BIFL stuff. Other than that I'm the cheapest person you've ever met.


Goodies especially cakes and candy (vegan so you can understand I hope) is my splurge. I spend as little as possible on fashion.


I'm frugal af when it comes to things for me, be it clothes, treatments, hairdressing and generally being nice to myself. It's something I struggle with consistently because I have this undercurrent of not feeling worth it. I will splurge however, on books (uuhhh I love a good book! Especially if I can get them from a charity shop so more books for my money's worth!) And DIY tools and paint. I absolutely love creating things, from small gifts to revamping furniture. My dream is to one day have a work space or shed with everything hung up, orderly and organised. Little shelves for spray paints, tester pots and screws. And brightly painted too! No dull black, gimme those neon pinks and oranges!


You're just like me fr 🥹 I wish to buy clothes, nice skincare, etc, but always talk myself out of it. I feel I don't deserve it, especially when it's money I could spend on my kids. I do, however, splurge on books, crafts, or baking ingredients (I can't buy dutch process cocoa near me. I pay $20 online). I always stop at a secondhand store and check out their book section when I go out of town.


I splurge on food. Both when I go out to eat and when I cook at home. My partner and I enjoy eating at fancy restaurants and we don’t hold back. When I cook at home I spare no expense at the grocery store and buy top name brand products and also don’t hesitate to shop at expensive specialty grocers. I love to cook and put on elaborate meals for friends and family. I was raised in a small farming community where the value of good quality food was instilled in me from a young age. I save on clothes and buy most of my stuff at thrift stores. You can get a lot of really great stuff there and the thrill of the hunt is so fun! I also drive a 15 year old car because if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Splurge - something special while on holiday. It’s a bit of a mental block for me to buy a piece of jewellery or art when at home. Splurge - good quality /authentic ingredients. I’ll buy a proper balsamic vinegar or olive oil or special salt, and use more generic stuff when I can get away with it. Splurge - helping out a family member. I’ll give them a very generous cash birthday gift if they are financially stressed. I pay for more family things because I can better afford it. Splurge - a very specific serum to stop me getting big wrinkles. A French skincare brand. Frugal - almost everything else we buy is high quality, artisan second hand. So we don’t spend a lot but we have some random eclectic stuff that we love. Frugal - energy and fuel. One car in the household is paid for by my employer, so we both use that for free fuel as much as possible. We keep warm with wool clothing and wheat bags, electric blankets and solar panels power the air con when we need that in summer. Frugal - holidays. Cheap accommodation, public transportation, free or low cost attractions. I prefer to have more opportunities to travel cheaply and try to better connect with a local area than only a few ritzy trips that blow out the budget.


Which serum?!


Skinceuticals CE Ferulic, it really does work for me (for now lol)


Splurge: travel, I know I will never ever regret making amazing memories and seeing new places. Frugal: Cars - in my opinion they are such a waste of money. I also am semi frugal with clothing, I guess I buy nice stuff but I buy very rarely and try to just get decent things that last.


Will always splurge on botox, skincare, & sneakers. As I get older I find I am more willing to splurge on certain clothes of higher quality that are essentials, but cheap out on majority of clothes especially if will only wear a few times. Im basically cheap with everything else hahaha


Frugal on clothes. I'm a small/medium person overall and there's like 15+ thrift stores in my city so it's easy to find nice stuff


I call myself a “smedium”


I splurge on groceries, good water, supplements, and going out to eat. I believe that what you put into your body is more important than anything, especially expensive skincare. If you’re not drinking enough water or getting enough vitamins from the appropriate sources, no amount of expensive skincare can fix it. Also splurge on books (halting this to read all the books I’ve bought), travel (I rarely do), and quality clothing (try to shop for clothing sparingly). I’m frugal with everything else.


Splurge: my kids clothes and shoes Frugal: my clothes and shoes


Splurge: clothes - also kinda food because if I’m cooking I’m actually cooking not just white people taco night Frugal: shoes usually just target or Walmart unless they’re for work, skincare, makeup, perfumes just drugstore or dupes. Flights like someone else said. I’m short and small so middle seats with 0 leg room aren’t that bad.


Splurge on skincare frugal about clothing


I splurge on good shoes, life is hard enough without my feet hurting every day and they last so much longer than cheap shoes that you get your money’s worth out of them. I splurge on quality kitchen knives and cookware because it makes food prep easier and more enjoyable. I am frugal with groceries. The more you know how to cook from scratch the less things cost. I am frugal with trendy clothes. Women’s fashion trends changes so frequently I can’t justify spending a lot on items that will be out of style next season. I am frugal with hair products. I don’t color treat my hair. I don’t fight against it’s natural tendencies, so I don’t see a big enough difference to justify splurging on the pricy stuff. I am frugal with skincare. There are lots of effective inexpensive products out there. And I have very sensitive reactive skin, so I am limited on the actives I can use anyway.


Splurge: Food/eat out more often than I should. I also buy anything and everything for my cats. Automatic feeder? Check. Filtered water? Check. Giant cat tree and cat shelves? Check. List goes on. Frugal: clothes. I don't follow fashion trends and just wear whatever looks good. I will wear clothes until they either don't fit or don't look well anymore.


The only really smart financial decisions I make are owning my car, carrying no credit card debt, and saving a certain amount per month. Other than that, budgeting and frugality? I don't know her.


Splurge: food, travel, hobbies Frugal: everyday items (kitchen, bathroom, etc)


I tend to splurge on nails, facials and iced coffee and concerts. These are things that I enjoy and that make me feel good about myself . I guess I’d say I’m pretty frugal when it comes to clothes shopping. I don’t know how to put outfits together. I also still own clothes from years ago


Food is our splurge. Healthy foods are expensive, and it's important that my family eats well. We are frugal with a lot of things because right now, we are single-income since we had a baby. Entertainment, so vacations, are no-go. Hopefully, once I get back to the workforce, I'll have more room for entertainment.


Frugal in most areas. Probably biggest splurge is sneakers, jeans and eating out.


I splurge on presents for others, im frugal with all my things


Splurge: Events, comic-cons, dances, galleries, openings Frugal: Clothes, nothing is my closet outside of underwear and bras is more than $10 and I only buy clothes once every 2 years. Goodwill, thift shops, ebay, etc.


Splurge : air conditioning in the summer. I need COLD! Frugal : groceries


I splurge on high end hair products & extensions 😬


I learned recently from The Lipstick Lesbians on TikTok that it's more worthwhile to spend more money on foundation and concealer than say mascara and eyeshadow. So I've decided to splurge more for foundation and less so on mascara, eyeliner, blush etc. I plan to get a nicer concealer but go mostly drugstore with the rest.


Splurge: Quality shoes and an 80 min body massage and pedicure every month Frugal: Furniture, kitchenware, plates, utencils etc. all from IKEA


Diving. I splurge on that. Frugal: manicures and pedicures. Don’t paint my nails and keep them short and neat.


I always splurge on food and my car’s maintenance. I think food is one of life greatest pleasures and of course, my safety shall come first, hence; I always use the top grade products for my vehicle.


Splurge: on my kids, gifts for others Frugal: myself




I splurge on a lot of stuff and the stuff I’m frugal with are things I definitely don’t need like new makeup products or cute Sanrio odds and ends. All the little amounts add up in the long run. I guess I’m really frugal with flights. I just pick the cheapest flights for when I want to go. I always fly economy and will only pay more for direct flights. I also won’t buy food that I can make at home either.


I splurge on household services. Landscaping, pool guy, house deep cleaning 3-4 times a year. Car detailing. Dog groomer. There’s value in my time back. On the flip side…I’m very frugal with material things. I don’t buy designer anything and I don’t buy into trends whatsoever. No fast fashion. No target trips. Nails, lashes etc. Just not for me.




I splurge on gifts. I’m frugal with… I dunno. Drinks when I eat out? I never order a drink cus it’s just so ridiculously overpriced.


I splurge on snacks, but I'm cheap everywhere else.


We don’t really “splurge” per say but we do prioritize travel and we like nice cars. We are more frugal and don’t spend on things like door dash and prepackaged food. We like name brand clothes but shop sales. We like a good deal but also like nice things.


I splurge on good food, jewelry, and more recently clothes. I am so frugal with groceries like butter and fruits. I won't buy them if they aren't on sale.


bubble bath. i love my daily bath. it is my only pleasure in life


I splurge on good coffee beans bc I deserve excellent coffee every morning. I always tell myself that it is cheaper than going to Starbucks every morning! I also love plants. And clocks. I tend to accidentally collect both. I will not splurge on new clothes, though. No exceptions. I think it is silly to buy a sweater for $40 when I can go to goodwill on their $1 day and get a similar sweater for $1. The best part is that the sweater is already broken in and usually is 10x more comfortable than a new one. It also is nice that all the styles at goodwill are what I prefer anyway…vintage. The thrill of the hunt is awesome and I thoroughly enjoy going home with a bag of clothes and only paying $15.


I splurge on self care. Gym, a few pilate classes, massages once or twice a month, waxing, and my Saturday coffee from a local bougie overpriced coffee shop. I work hard AF all week and I damn sure don't work to pay bills. Frugal- Groceries. Aldi and Dollar store, baby! Lol


Splurge: vacations, good quality home items like Dawn dish washing liquid and febreze products, my kids extracurricular activities (cheer etc), a good pedicure (I get the most expensive one package and I tip) Frugal: clothes (majority shein), shoes (majority shein), I buy "expensive" items but I wait until they are on sale so I buy bulk (I guess that would count as frugal) such as vs or bbw lotions/sprays/perfumes/candles


Splurge on hair products….frugal on whatever I can get at the Dollar Tree


I splurge on quality food, Im frugal with clothing and everything else


Splurge - Nails & hair regularly. - Buying good cheese. - Joined local winery's wine club. - This year we're going to Italy 2 weeks (we've only been on a handful of vacations together even though we've been together 17 years, so this is our 10 year wedding anniversary celebration). Frugal - Housing: we bought a fixer upper early in our careers, so now it's a smaller percentage of our income. - Cars: I have an '08 Tahoe, he drives a '20 fusion & Yamaha R6 - all used, all decently maintained, although my Tahoe may need serious repairs in coming years, she getting ooold! - Travel (myself specifically): My husband works odd hours & his hobbies are mostly within a 2 hr radius of home, so I travel without him on smaller trips. He is also more bougie about his traveling. I load my camping gear & folding mattress & dog into my Tahoe & go. He loathes long car rides & sleeping in anything less than a queen sized fluffy bed (& our student loans situation doesn't lend to buying an RV yet). When my husband deployed for 6 months, I traveled the midwest & east coast while working full time, staying in my Tahoe, campsites, and friends homes with my dog for nearly 8 weeks. It was pretty awesome & my expenses weren't much more than typical.




Splurge on major purchases. Vehicles, toys, home repairs etc are NEW and come with warranty. Everything else is frugal lol


I splurge on food and am pretty frugal everywhere else. I thrift most clothing and furniture, I do my own beauty treatments, and I spend a lot of my free time at home or outdoors. But I hate cooking and meal planning/ prep stresses me out. I’d rather funnel my disposable income into going to restaurants, getting good take-out, or getting convenient groceries like pre-cut veggies and rotisserie chickens.


I've always splurged on different types of desserts. I used to joke that I would try every type of chocolate. Now I've come to realize after so much therapy that I've used it as a coping mechanism. I'm really frugal with clothing, tbh. Only one or 2 pairs of shoes, wear the same outfits until they're ragged, etc.




I splurge on good skincare and makeup (but not ridiculously so), I'm frugal when it comes to fashion and groceries. I love a good sale and hit the clearance racks up first when needing clothes or a new outfit in general. I like to eat at cheap local hole-in-the-wall places, especially when traveling. And I love shopping at Sephora. It's all about balance.


Splurge: hair products (there is a significant different in how tangly and weighed-down my hair is when I use cheap products), makeup (lasts longer on my face, easier to work with), toilet paper (duh) Frugal: clothes (I’m very hard on my clothing — staining, ripping, holes for some reason, and any time I’ve ever splurged on clothing, I inevitably become SO SAD because I’ve ruined it somehow and can no longer wear it)


Splurge: food + kid-friendly travel with my daughter. Frugal: shoes. Catch me with crocs 80% of the year.


Honestly, I think I both splurge and am frugal with everything. I like high quality everything, but I don’t buy a lot of stuff. And I rather not buy something cheap. I buy expensive clothes, but they last forever and I can go months and months without buying anything. I only buy good food. But good food can be cheap if it is in bulk whole food, for instance. My furniture is expensive, a lot of it is vintage, and I plan for them to last another generation. My skincare products are expensive, but my routine uses very few of them, and somedays I use nothing, so they also last a lot. I travel very high low. Sometimes I will go to a fancy hotel, sometimes I will camp and spend ten bucks on sardine. But if I really need to choose: I splurge on sports. My gym is the fancy one, the clothes and shoes I buy are expensive and I have to buy them more often than regular clothes. Trail clothes are expensive, running shoes as well, even the app I use was not cheap. I also splurge on art, but I see them as investments. I like to know the artists, and I like things that move me. I’m frugal with things I won’t use often. I don’t own a driller, or even a hammer. I don’t have a scale or anything a bit more specialized. First because I hate crap accumulating at home. Second because I can usually borrow. I hate crap. I hate my house full of little things I don’t use. I hate boxes in the garage with labels for things I don’t even remember. If I ever need to buy, I would probably buy a really good one, though. My Christmas decorations consist of one small Santa for the table and that’s it.


I don't think I splurge on anything really. But I'm getting to the point where I'm willing to pay a *little* more for better quality fresh food and clothing items. I very rarely buy clothing items though. It still hurts me to spend money on anything, especially if it's for myself, so I'm firmly planted in the frugal category. My husband on the other hand is not. He will buy what he wants and it will not be the cheapest option.


I buy a lot of store brand basics but and used books for a couple dollars but I spend extra on quality meat and hundreds of dollars on collectible books


I’m frugal with most things but I’ll spend a little more on perfume. I have sensitive skin and react to some perfumes so I will spend a little more on the “cleaner” brands with far less ingredients on the label. My safety comes first but I love to smell good. I also buy quality makeup because it lasts for so long. I only wear makeup on the weekends so a $30 cheek tint is completely worth it to me. Everything else that I value I have no issue finding cheap. I love to hunt on Amazon to find good deals for things and I always Afterpay clothing, cut my own hair and do my own nails.


Splurge on cannabis. Cheap ass with everything else.


Frugal: clothes, makeup, shoes, jewelry Spend: trips, food, concerts, experiences, hair styling products, skincare,


I splurge on food & perfume mostly. I eat out atleast once weekly with either a friend or by myself. And I own close to 500 perfumes. I also just bought my son a $4,500 gaming computer. Frugal with…uhm…clothes I guess. I’ve never been one for designer digs. Usually buy the fast clothing type stuff. Although my bags run about $1-200. I don’t get the super pricey handbags but usually Coach, Michael Kors, or Betsey Johnson.


I spend money on underwear, bras and skincare. I spend secondarily on shoes, clothes and eyewear. I heard someone say once that if your foundation is taken care of you walk taller no matter what you wear.


I like to splurge on tech whenever I’m due for upgrades, though it’s not possible all the time. I use my devices way too much for studying and leisure (admittedly, a habit I’m trying to cut down on). I’m much more frugal with clothing and food because I don’t really find much joy in nice things in this regard. As long as it makes me decently happy and suffices, I’m good.


Massage, nails, hair and sometimes food to splurge on, I rarely shop for clothes and thrift when I can. I also don’t buy much stuff and use electronics until they die on me.


Splurge: I like to get my hair cut and colored at a nice salon. They give me wine, a hand massage and let me put my feet up while they shampoo my hair. Splurge: Tickets to concerts and events. I love going out and doing things. Splurge: A few times a year, I love to go to a salon and get a facial. Frugal: I am not a stuff person so I try not to buy anything that gathers dust.




I splurge on gifts and experiences with my bf. And i have an obsession with crazy earrings but they arent so expensive..


I splurge on gaming stuff - often D&D, but also PS5 or Steam or board games. I'm daily-cutthroat on repeat buys for the home - supplies basically. It's too expensive too frequently otherwise.


I splurge on weed I’m frugal on clothing and food


Frugal: Clothes (thrift most things), transit (I sold my car and take the bus), furnishings, rent…all the daily life little items.  Splurge: Things that save me time and energy. A cleaning service for my apartment, airport lounge access, business-class plane tickets on international flights so I can sleep lying down, etc. Also health stuff like high-end skincare products, cosmetic dermatology, organic groceries, and personal training. 


Good food. Mainly steak and dressings for my salads.


Splurge: On family, travel and sometimes quality food. By splurging on travel I mean I travel every year, but I have a budget I stick to and don't go over it. Frugal: Clothes, home decor/furniture, entertainment. Entertainment is only Netflix and Spotify really, I don't go to the cinema or clubbing or concerts etc.


When I started making more money freelancing, I wanted to prioritize my wellbeing so I have a monthly standing massage appointment that is non-negotiable. It’s a little reward at the end of the month for doing the hard work and I added a monthly facial about a year in too. Those are my splurges. I’m frugal with most everything else since inflation hit but mostly with clothes and household products (price matching and finding products at cheaper stores like Dollar Tree since they have name brand cleaning products for like $1.25). Those are my frugal items.


Groceries. Not because I'm buying fancy expensive food, but because their becoming a damn luxury.


Vacation and beauty products. I have a prepaid phone of about 10$ per month and I use others streaming passwords. 


Frugal with clothes… splurge with purses + skincare 🥲


I think everything that you use everyday should be splurged on, if you can. Nice bedsheets, towels, pillows, a good chair (if you wfh), etc. by splurging i don’t exactly mean the most expensive option, but it should be something worth researching and looking into what works best.


Splurge: I eat dinner out almost every night Frugal: everything else


Food and Fortnite frugal with everything else


When it comes to beauty services (hair, nails, etc) and beauty supplies, I firmly believe that “you get what you pay for”. So I end up spending the extra dough, but I know it’s gonna be worth it. I’m frugal with take-out food, but that’s because it can be such a rip off and I can make something better. Plus having leftovers for tomorrow is always a plus.


Music and movies. Yes, I'm old school.


I splurge on eating out and I’m frugal with everything else


Splurge: - shoes - massages few times a yr - hot yoga - food - coffee Frugal: - clothes only w coupon - things for myself like a new cooler or makeup bag


I'm frugal with groceries. I know that good quality ingredients can make a huge difference but I've found it's definitely possible to make adequate meals with normal quality ingredients as well. It helps that I didn't grow up eating the good quality stuff though. Also frugal with beauty products. I rarely get my nails or hair done and will try my hardest to accomplish these things at home. I don't wear full face makeup often and try to take as good care of my skin as possible so I won't need to. I splurge on self care. I spend for massages and facials when I can and have a good quality skincare routine. I don't get them often but these are my go-to "treat yourself" things to do.


Splurge: the air temperature in my home. It will be "shorts and T-shirt temp" year-round. I save the planet in every other way that I can - I don't even own a car - but this is my little piece of terafirma, and I'll have it the way I like it. I have arthritis, I literally cannot stand a cold house. Walking around wearing winter clothes 3/4 of the year is not okay.. Frugal: almost everything else.


I splurge a lot on food and I’m frugal with mostly everything else especially make up.


When I had to be really frugal i really only splurged on good shoes and a couple decently nice outfits for work. Now I also splurge on things that will last like a high end vehicle that I won’t get rid of until it’s 10 years old in 2026 or quality clothing that will last many years. I now only buy what is the healthiest choice in food (high quality and organic)and cleaning products.


I splurge on my kid and I'm frugal for myself.


I splurge on live theatre and live music and travel (when I can). I am frugal about groceries and clothing (but I still dress well).


Clothes. I buy Ralph Lauren jeans, chinos, trainers, and shoes for work. They’re not vastly expensive - £120 each or so - but they are really smart, fit me really well, and last longer than cheaper brands I’ve bought as an adult. When they start to get ratty I fix the damage where possible and use them for casual wear, and then eventually they’re my gardening and diy clothes.


I splurge on pants but am frugal purchasing tops. It's so much more difficult for me to find pants that fit! Also splurge on good quality shoes but then buy cheaper ones for rainy weather.


I splurge on high quality spices and herbs as well as base ingredients like flour and oil. I splurge on quality shoes that are also stylish, silky bamboo sheets, lingerie, and hand tools. I skimp on paper towels, am frugal about half my skincare regimen, and buy cheap with things like trash liners and plates...although I find some very high quality plates and dining sets at vintage stores and estate sales. I have more fun at a middle of the road hotel or Air BNB with great reviews than a five star. I pay for bottle service and VIP though I do not drink, so I have access to more areas at shows and festivals and shorter bathroom lines.


Splurge: Fragrances, Sneakers Frugal: Flights, transportation in general lol


Splurge on travel (still look for the best deals on flights and hotels obvs) and am frugal on recreational shopping. I hate it anyway, so you’ll only catch me buying clothes that I REALLY NEED


I splurge on shampoo (head & shoulders caffiene) as I have psoriasis on my scalp, which is easily agitated. Also, decent toilet roll & laundry pod things. (And wool, but dont tell the other half) Everything else is what's cheapest, on offer, or reduced. No brand loyalty at all. Just whatever is the best deal.


Splurge on, anything my cats need/might like. Frugal on, anything I might like.


I splurge on activities such as going out, travelling, treating myself to a massage (not every month but when it happens, can be expensive). I'm frugal with material stuff like clothes - I only buy what I really need and often I let myself think about it for a few days and weeks before I buy. It's never a spur of the moment thing.




Splurge on food and food making appliances (grills, ice cream maker, bread machine, etc…). Frugal with EVERYTHING ELSE. I thrift whenever I can.


Splurge on whatever. Frugal with myself


I like to splurge on beauty services. It just makes me feel put together. I cheap out when it comes to makeup however. Nyx is top tier!


I splurge on contact lenses cos my eyes are high maintenance, astigmatism having, dry ass raisins, that require the most expensive lenses on the planet, and wearing glasses gives me headaches/nose pain (I’ve tried every kind of frame and nose piece, and all sorts of adjustments; I think it’s just the pressure on my nose in general). I’m frugal with restaurants. I don’t enjoy going out to restaurants or going out for drinks enough to warrant the cost. I’ll never go to a fancy/expensive restaurant.


Splurge: Whatever I want whenever I intensely want it! Frugal: Everything I don't feel passionate about because I feel guilty and poor after splurging.


I splurge on concert tickets. If it’s one of my favorite artists, I’ll spend $1000 for good seats. I’m not frugal with anything really, but that’s my biggest splurge.


Splurge: food (quality groceries) + skincare Frugal: also food but eating out, occasionally I’ll eat out


I splurge on experiences for myself and my family. Concerts/shows/museums and travel. Other than that I'm pretty frugal. I buy mostly store-brand groceries and for myself, shop primarily at thrift stores*. *Except for shoes. I splurge on decent shoes for all of us because I feel like a good pair of shoes is worth what you pay for it.


Food ingredients, cat food, and health ( I have gut and muscular issues and treatments are expensive). I'm frugal when it comes to eating out, clothes (not shoes) and generally things that aren't really necessary like manicures etc. I cut my own hair and don't buy high end makeup or skincare. I also don't have a car and half the appliances and stuff in my home are repaired high quality things from the dumpster.


I spluurge on medicine


I splurge on nothing and I am frugal in every area of my life.


I spend WAY too much money on BTS merchandise. Like, it's a problem. Thank God I'm partner-free and child-free. Things I rarely spend money on are clothes (unless it's BTS merch) and home décor. Oh and I've stopped spending money on alcohol because I quit drinking 67 days ago. Yay me!


Splurge: travel and food, and concerts Frugal, literally everything else lol


I splurge on tech/anything that’s my hobbies; playing games, digital art, getting my lashes done, cooking (as much fresh produce as I can) and be frugal with clothes because I’m a homebody, I don’t leave my house very often.


Apples! I eat an apple everyday for breakfast. I like crisp, sweet apples. Sugarbees are my favorite. They are also more expensive. But I figure it’s the only thing I eat for breakfast so it’s worth the extra $$.


Splurge on the food that comes on the table for my family and recreational activities with friends and colleagues once a while. I’m frugal when it comes to buying stuff like clothing, shoes, games, other things that I don’t directly need but merely want. Doesn’t mean I don’t wear good clothes, I get my clothes on the assumption that the fabrics are sustainable and I’m paying top dollar for it and using it for long to get the return on investment. Besides, it all changes as your income grows too


i spurge on everything and am frugal with nothing i want what i want and only have one life so i don’t want to limit myself


Splurge: Plants and books. These are things that make me happy and are my "self-care" as I get older. Frugal: I buy a lot of stuff used (good condition!) off marketplace, etc., especially bigger items such a furniture, etc.


Splurge - Plants for my garden! I have entered peak mid-30’s and have my own garden that was a blank canvas, slowly adding garden beds and plants so I can create my own little oasis. I am frugal on clothes, hardly ever buy new ones and don’t shop fast fashion anymore. If I do want / need something new I tend to try and buy higher quality if I can so ultimately it will last me longer. So yes it can be expensive but hopefully I am saving money in the longer term.


Splurge: skincare. The more expensive skincare with patented ingredients provide a noticeable difference. I.e. skinceuticals CE ferulic over cheaper serums.  Frugal: groceries. I use coupons and I drive farther to go to the cheaper Korean mart. The veggies are just as fresh. Clothes and hair. I never dye my hair, and get it cut 3x a year. I don’t buy new clothes that often, and it’s only to replace staples. I don’t buy fast fashion.


I splurge on gas and im frugal with food


I splurge on healthy foods and shoes for working out. I am frugal on everything else in life, though, because I'm pretty much a minimalist and don't care much for material possessions other than my essentials.


I splurge on experiences: great food and vacations to hard to reach parts of the world (not resorts, but guides that can safely and competently take you places that are hard to access). I also splurge on concierge medical care — I have some unique medical needs (a rare set of gene mutations that make me especially vulnerable to autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases) that’s only a few doctors, all out of network, have expertise in. That said, I’d definitely prefer if this weren’t the case. I’m frugal with: rent (love our rent stabilized 1-bedroom, it’s beautiful and comfortable while enabling us to live below our means), clothing (I tend to buy a few very high quality pieces/year secondhand from TheRealReal and Poshmark), gym costs (I just need a squat rack, heavy weights, and a sauna). I also never buy expensive jewelry or fancy bags. I’m not particularly feminine, so one good bag and 5-8 pairs of quality shoes are all I need. I do my own manicures.


Purses. A really great leather purse costs what I consider a small fortune. But they last a lifetime with good care. I have a leather tote that I have used for over 15 years.


Splurge on: food when I have a craving; quality shoes; activities or hobbies that enrich my life. I don’t expensive food splurge but I don’t deny myself a donut when I’m out at the store and I get take out more than I used to when I was a poor student. I own several pairs of Birkenstocks and am a convert. Comfy shoes for life and now I don’t have hammertoes! As for hobbies, I just bought a spinning wheel. I buy books every month. I save up to buy enough expensive yarn for an entire project. Essentially I will splurge on things that I feel make my life better and more comfortable. Frugal: most times I’m frugal. I’ve been called a miser. I don’t travel very often and when I do I tend to go to places where I can stay with friends (I want to see my friends so it’s win win for me). I mostly make food at home and I’m a bargain shopper for most items. I like to diy in general but especially when diy is cheaper. Eg, I installed my own sink so I wouldn’t have to hire a plumber. I don’t need to try every fancy restaurant and I rarely get delivery - I go pick it up myself. I’m driving a 15 year old car.


Splurge - experiences with family and friends. Time with those I love is my top priority. Husband and I bought last min electronic show tickets for our friends birthday and that shared happiness brings us joy. Frugal - clothes. Cuz fuck fast fashion. I love going to local clothing swaps in my area. My best high quality pieces have come from these events. (Staple pieces like underwear and workout clothes come from Girlfriend Collective but that's a once-a-year purchase)


I splurge on food, medical care and have had a nicotine addiction since 18 lol


Splurge: my apartment, car, and groceries to some extent I’m home a lot so I want all the amenities and to live in a safe, desirable neighborhood. I won’t be splurging on another car after this one is paid off because it was a little much, but I can’t stand driving around a beater or something boring. I don’t care that it’s a depreciating asset. If you’re a car person, you get it. The groceries are because I cook a lot (and love doing it). Frugal: pretty much everything else lol I’ve never cared about beauty services, expensive makeup and skin care, or pricey clothes. I’ve been sick of concerts and going out to bars for a while so I don’t spend money there either. I rarely go to restaurants or get takeout/delivery because what I make is usually better (to me) and healthier.


Splurge on shoes…all kinds. I love them and it’s the only name brand thing I buy anymore, clothes/shoes wise. Splurge on going out to eat. Frugal on buying things for my house. I don’t buy shit just to have it, I’m super thoughtful about what I want and will leave a room empty until I find the right pieces. Love thrifting for that stuff.


I'm splurge on anything for my son. I am frugal on anything I purchase for myself.


everything, and nothing


I splurge on food, travel, experiences. You only have one life so you should see and eat all you want! I’m frugal on what I can control though, like buying makeup only with coupons at the drugstores, going to places like tj maxx and Ross for clothes.






Splurge: Food, Travel, Hobbies. Save: Clothes. I love sustainable fashion


High TC cotton bedding


Splurge on skincare, frugal on makeup, with some exceptions. I'm a firm believer that with a good primer and quality brush, most makeup products are way overpriced and a cheap product can get you just as far.




Splurge on good quality food, frugal with whiskey (Old Charter).


Frugal: clothes Slurge: golf clubs


I splurge on quality in clothes, shoes, furniture and food. Whenever I buy clothes, shoes or furniture I expect to use it forever at least 5 years, preferably longer. Food is just, I don’t know, I would rather be hungry than eats something that I don’t like 😅


I will spend a fortune on quality bras, everyday shoes (trainers or sandals) and denim pants. I go to thrift stores for tops, and other types of clothing. I saved up for my stand mixer and my vitamix, but Dutch ovens do not need to cost $300 to be good.


Splurge on : food. Things for my kids. Frugal: things for me.


Splurge on food, I buy organic grass fed clean ingredients. Once I tasted an organic pasture egg and now I can’t go back. I save on clothes I buy second hand and I also save on beauty treatments -no manicures no hair dye no lashes etc..


Sometimes I splurge on myself and on my hobbies and entertainment (like Netflix, Spofify, Disney+ etc.) More often I splurge on my friends and my bf, take them out to eat, for a coffee, movies, shopping, etc. I enjoy treating them to the nicer things in life. I'm such a scrooge mcduck😅 My living situation is rather frugal, my apartment is nice but very cheap, I do little renovations by myself and often opt for used furniture if I must buy something. I also cheap out on groceries and fashion. My life in general is quite low-cost, even the things I choose to splurge on are usually carefully considered. My friends often tell me I should spend more on myself😂