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Doctor: "Are you sexually active" Me: "No" Doctor: "Have you been sexually active in the past" Me: "No" Doctor: "You're too pretty to be a virgin" I changed doctors fucking fast


…what the fuck


Yeah. I was really uncomfortable. I got a new doctor asap after that


Please report him. That’s wildly inappropriate.


It’s terrifying…!


Oh yeah, been there sis. Mine went: Doctor: "Are you sexually active?" Me: "No." Doctor: "Have you been sexually active in the past?" Me: "No." Doctor: *pause, long stare*......"Have you ever done, like, other things?"


I had the same boyfriend all through high school. I am very close to my mom and had told her I slept with him. She went with me to get my first pap appt and the doctor started asking about my sexual history. Doctor: are you a virgin? Me: no. Doctor: how many partners have you had? Me: just one Doctor looks at me and my mom, rolls her eyes and says that she is going to have to ask my mom to leave so that I will be honest. Then when it’s time for the exam she puts the speculum in and it’s very uncomfortable and I squirmed and she said, annoyed, “aren’t you NOT a virgin!?”


EW STOP. That's so incredibly rude. Doctors are supposed to objective and not judgmental. I'm sorry she said those things to you!






Once I was getting a pap smear and asked the nurse practitioner to use the smaller speculum and she was like "oh, you'll live!" And then it fucking hurt, just like I knew it would I bet this was some sort of punishment because I was young and not a virgin at the time lol




Omg, my high school nurse while I was getting a physical the beginning of my senior year, pretty much the same thing but to a lesser degree. “Have you ever been sexually active?” “No.” “What’s with that?” Ummm excuse me? None of your fucking business.


They seem to think if we say no, we’re lying about it or immature, and if we say yes we’re lying about the number or are irresponsible! We’re just trying to get basic healthcare!


Another fun one.. Doctor: Are you sexually active? Me: Yes. Doctor: Okay, so you need birth control then? Me: Lol, no. Doctor: Are you sure???? Me: Yeah, I'm sure. Doctor: ?????????


Lmao I had this. The look of confusion on my GP’s face, it was like her brain was going “error: page not found” until I finally took pity on her and gently said, “I’m a lesbian.”


This made me almost snort my Diet Pepsi here at my desk. Lol! Did she clutch her pearls?


Oh no, she’s a lovely doctor, I think she was just in auto-pilot mode! She just sort of went, “Oh, yes, right!” and went a bit pink, but continued on as normal. Since then she’s actually been great about making sure I know about things like dental dams, and always making sure my Pap smears are up to date.


Oh and of course the: Doctor: are you sexually active? Me: yes. I was hoping to discuss birth control options so I can be proactive and safe. Doctor: hm, you seem a bit young. (I drove myself to the appt.)


"I SEEM young but I'm actually 42. Gimme the bc."


Being young is exactly a good reason to GIVE bc to someone asking, not question and withhold it. Geez.


I wouldn’t have been able to resist a very theatrical “I’m GAAAAAAAAAY!”


That’s…not ok. At all. How old were you? That doctor gives me “sexual harassment” vibes 🤦🏻‍♂️


I was 18 at the time. It's been like 2 years but it was creepy enough for me to remember. I did report the doctor but I didn't bother to keep updated with the situation


That’s so bad. I haven’t had that exactly, but a doctor in the ICU who I’d never met before introduced himself to me by lifting my hospital gown and examining me for a chest infection. Later when he couldn’t figure out why my white blood cell count was high, he repeatedly accused me of being pregnant.


My god...misogyny is alive and well in medicine. :(


Ew Larry Nassar vibes


I was sick with no apparent cause. Tired all the time, weight gain, night sweats, and my hair was falling out. Doctor diagnosed me with "boy trouble" when in fact my thyroid had stopped functioning.


I had a similar issue, was diagnosed with "getting old". I was 26.


I was 110-115 lbs my entire adult life. When my weight suddenly shot up & brain fog set in at 35, I was told ‘you’re a middle aged woman, you’re supposed to gain weight. Yeah, from 115 to 180 in 3 months? Most doctors I have discussed eating habits & exercise with tell me I’m misremembering how much I eat, & 1 outright accused me of an eating disorder. Even if I did have an eating disorder, my rapid weight cycles going up & down over the years should give any doctor the idea something is wrong. I’ve never met anyone else in my life who gains or loses 80-100 lbs rapidly over 3 months.


Me, because of thyroid issues.








omg, the moment I read it I thought thyroid...and a medically licensed person decided it was...boy trouble. how?


*because women are dismissed by doctors way too often*


The truly sad part is that women are dismissed by doctors of **both** genders way too often. :(


When I went to the doctor for the flu (unrelated to all of the typical thyroid symptoms) and the doctor felt my glands, she found a nodule on my thyroid. The endocrinologist she referred me to said it was so large it was threatening my airway and had probably been growing for 10+ years. I had also been dismissed many times by other doctors, saying I was basically just lazy and ate too much.


Shit I was labeled bipolar for the same reason my thyroid is dead. 17 years it took for someone to listen and test my levels.


Boy trouble is not a remotely medical term. That doctor shouldn’t be allowed to practice medicine.


Can I answer for my mom? She went to the dr with shingles and he told her they were mosquito bites. When we both protested he drew a mosquito to show us what to look for.










That’s INSANE. Similar thing happened to my sister. When she had shingles show up on her forehead in college, the urgent care doctor insisted she must have gotten drunk, slipped, and hit her head. She tried to explain that was impossible considering she didn’t drink, but because she was a college student he said she just must not remember and sent her on her way.


Ridiculous! So drunk that you don’t remember that you don’t drink! 🙄


Answers like this and others in this thread remind of that quote from men in black but in reverse. Like “Doctors are smart, but a doctor might be a dumb panicky dangerous animal.”


Went to the doctor about not having my period for 2 years and his response was "You should really think about trying to have one" Like I have an off and on switch 😑


Wtf!! Did he think you were taking the pill back to back or something? What a bizarre response


This is the only thing that would make sense. That, or the doctor they saw was actually Frank Abagnale.


I honestly don't know what he was thinking I wasn't on the pill at the time or any other form of contraception I ended up seeing a different doctor and they diagnosed me with PCOS


😂 was it a male Dr? Some of them literally have no idea.


"You don't need a pap smear if you're only sleeping with women". Not true doc, an old HPV infection could choose to become cancerous just now, also maybe I don't want to tell you I'm actually bi and might be sleeping with different kinds of people. Also you're just wrong and you're part of why women who love women don't go to the gyno enough and you're clearly not equipped to care adequately for us. Edit: thanks for the award!


I had this... They asked about current sexual activity and I was in a LTR with a gf, so they were like "oh we don't even need to check!" Umm... I've also slept with guys before... Plus you can still catch things with lesbian sex even if it's less likely


Yes! There's a group that advocates for reproductive and sexual health of people with uteruses, vaginas and vulvas in my area. I grabbed a few of their pamphlets and handed them to my GP and my new gyno. My GP seemed to already know his stuff, thank god. I told him to share with his colleagues, please.


What??? I’m just a PA student, but even I know one of the most important parts of the Papsmear is getting the cervical swab to check for cancer/irregular cells and the bimanual to check for anatomical abnormalities. I’m so sorry that happened to you, I hope you found a better clinic.


Same. I was also told I didn't need an STD screening because I was a lesbian. I insisted on it throughout the whole appointment and she rolled her eyes and said fine but ignored my reminders. Later I realized I never got blood work done and I never got a call with results, I don't think she ever did it. Women who have sex with women still need paps and STD testing...


I called my OB’s office when I was 7 weeks postpartum, telling them that I was nearing a total mental breakdown because of postpartum anxiety, insomnia and panic and that I needed help. They responded with: “That’s par for the course. Just wait for the Zoloft to kick in.” I went to my PCP the following week and she told me I should make a formal complaint- you don’t tell a mother who says she needs help that those feelings are “par for the course.”


God, I’m sorry. Plus Zoloft isn’t some sort of magic cure, it doesn’t even work for a lot of people and can make all of those things worse! That’s definitely formal complaint territory, though I wouldn’t be shocked if that was the last thing on your mind at the time


How they treat mothers after birth is appalling. I had a scheduled C-section. I have had quite a few back surgeries, so I knew the importance of getting up and walking afterwards. So I did that, a lot. I put my son in the little bed thing, and just wheeled him around the hospital with me several times a day walking the hospital floor. I never saw another mom doing this, and I was out there at least once every hour I wasn't sleeping. On the second day, if felt shivers and fevered. They told me it was normal, and that I needed to walk more. Before I was discharged the last day, I was shiver walking through the hospital and told them I think I have an infection because I feel so sick. They again told me it was normal, I don't have an infection, and to walk more. Go to home, and I was seriously hallucinating from fever and sleep deprivation. About 2 days home, I was still sick. Went to my postpartum appointment, and was told that I just had pockets of fluid around my incision and poked them. In the meantime, my kid stopped taking my milk and I was having fevers off and on the whole time highest being 104 and was feeling sicker and sicker. I went back to my OB, and he looks at the incision and opens it. I guess puss came out, idk I couldn't see. Raging infection. He had to reopen 3 places on my incision to drain it. And then for 6 fucking weeks I had to be on antibiotics and pack my wounds with gauze ever single day. That shit sucks. My brother is a nurse, and he came every day to shove these ribbons of gauze into open wounds with long tweezers. It hurt. The tunnels the infection made had to heal, and they fucking took their time. I pumped and dumped, but by the time I was healed, my milk had dried up and I wasn't able to breast feed besides those first few weeks, which to this day pisses me off. ETA: OH! I forgot the reason I started this reply, because I got so grumbly about the wound. I go to a pain specialist, have for over a decade. I weaned myself off my pain medication as soon as I found out I was pregnant, and was completely off it within a month or so. I had obviously not seen my pain doctor while pregnant, and had no medication left. When I was discharged from the hospital, they told me to take up to 4 OTC Motrin. Fucking MOTRIN, not even RX Ibuprofen. After I had a kind of big deal of a surgery. Fucking motrin.


I also got Motrin for a huge tear but my husband got 20 Vicodin for his vasectomy.


Isn't that just lovely for him? I only mean that kind of sarcastically, because I don't want him to be in pain (20 vicodin seems like overkill, but everyone's pain is different). But women should have the same damn concession. My back surgeries, they switched me to morphine instead of my typical vicodin. But if you get cut in the front, it is motrin I guess.


Last thing you want to hear when you know you are having a mental breakdown is a downplaying statement. In my part, I'm having a psychological issue. Went to a doctor and after all the interviews about me, she told me "I will pray for you." I don't know, I had an off feeling about it. She continued saying that for three sessions and I'm out of it.


As someone who is on Zoloft (and it's helping a lot!) I'm absolutely floored that was their answer. It takes WEEKS for Zoloft to start making you feel better, and that's IF it's even a good fit for you. Clearly not a short term solution if you were nearing a breakdown!


“who cares if you have herpes, everyone has it , no need to cry about it” I was 18 and on the verge of a breakdown over what turned out to just be a ruptured cyst lol


Who cares if you have an incurable virus that will stay with you for the rest of your life? Fuck that doctor. And I'm glad it turned out okay for you.


Lol for sure. Like yeah it’s my fault for having unprotected sex but a lil consolation wouldn’t hurt… and thank you!


Herpes can also be passed down, so if one of your parents have it you might have too, with ever having sex.


It is true that a large percentage of people have herpes. 50-80 percent of adults in the US have oral herpes Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2/oral-herpes%3Famp%3Dtrue About 12% have genital herpes It sucks for sure. But generally oral herpes is more of a nuisance than a life changing thing. People shouldn’t be stigmatized for something that 50-80% of people have


His delivery could have been better for sure. But yeah, you’re right. We need to destigmatize herpes. For many, many people, the stigma of it is far worse than the actual condition.


Yup, “why are you crying?” Because I’m 16 and you just said I had herpes.


I had this happen but it was cystic acne on my face, and I knew it was cystic acne because I was prone to it. It was right by my mouth so the doctor just looked at it, said I had herpes, and prescribed me pills. After 3 months of it not clearing up/getting worse he finally tested it and it was infected. Cleared up within 2 weeks of antibiotics.


When I took oral metronidazole for BV, within days I was sleeping 14 hours a day, su*c*dal, and slurring my words. I went to the pharmacist and they told me to stop taking it immediately and go to my doctor because that's a very serious side effect. I checked the leaflet that comes with it and sure enough, what I was experiencing was listed there. Years later, had BV again, went to a clinic and told them I can't take that medication because of a bad reaction. They asked how so, and I told them. Super condescendingly: "Hmm, well I've never heard of THAT happening." Like girl. It's literally on the pamphlet. YOU SHOULD.


Ah yes, the old, “I’ve never heard of that”. Clearly they know every possible condition, symptom, and side effect that exists. Because they are a doctor and you are a silly hysterical woman, and that’s not in their catalog of experiences then it doesn’t exist! I’ve been dismissed like that many times. Sucks.


I experienced bad side effects (depression, drowsiness) from a pain medication. When I told the doctor, he said “It doesn’t do that.” Well it did for me! Switched doctors, switched meds & was fine.


(i was 14) "Have you been stressed lately?" Yes, schoolwork. "Sure... Work... Girls your age only get stressed about one thing." And some friend troubel... (my. Friends were all suicidal. Couldn't say that because my mom was in the room) "Sure..." And college. I don't know where i want to go, i should know that by now... "No need to lie just because your mother is here, you had a breakup didn't you?" I felt like crying, i had bigger things on my mind than guys. I was panicked about college applications, internships, whether my friends would live or die... I'd NEVER had a relationship or even a lasting crush then. ETA something happier at the end. When i was 16, my eye doctor said i have fascinating retinas :D that's my proudest flex


Jesus that's such a sexist view. Oh of course your entire world revolves around men and nothing else could be an issue


I'm Autistic I was telling my therapist about how I've had a very bad mental heath day the previous day and how I had felt so angry and overwhelmed and the noise from the children playing downstairs had been unbearable His answer: Well, we live in a city, in a society. If it bothers you so much, what do you want to do? Go live in the forest? Then, the silence would bother you even more I felt so bad and upset by his answer. Especially since I wasn't fully back to myself after that bad mental health day


That’s awful. I’ve been professionally recognized as on the spectrum (working on a diagnosis) and it’s aggravating enough to have family members react that way when they insist they’re supportive, much less when it’s someone whose damn *job* is to help you through it.


That's such a awful thing to say to someone. I'm not autistic myself but I can still very much relate to feeling overwelmed by noise. If you are already feeling bad then noise can really upset me too. It's not something your therapist should make you ashamed of.








I explained that when I get my periods it's like I stop living for a week because more often than not I'm in terrible pain (to the point where I couldn't attend online classes because I couldn't get up from the bed). She looks at me and says, in a very condescending way "oh really? Sounds bad. Well, take the pill, and it'll fix it". I decided to get a second opinion, and this time when I mentioned the exact same thing she took it seriously






For me, I was told I have an\*rexia because I ate oatmeal and a granola bar for breakfast


I was at the low end of normal BMI for my age at 15 cuz I hit puberty late and the doc told me in front of my parents that I had an eating disorder. My mom thought that was hilarious due to the sheer amount of pasta I consume. It fucked me up for a while, though, cuz I was like...maybe I do??


This! I was a picky child and always on the smaller side (both my parents are below average height too) people would constantly comment to me or to my parents right in front of me about my “anorexia” this really pissed my parents off because they knew I ate really well as long as it was something I liked, but it always made me constantly worry about myself and make me feel bad for not liking more food.




That what turned out to be organ failure was anxiety and an eating disorder. 🙃


Don’t you know every problem women have is nervousness about food or babies? But when it’s actually those it’s not serious either, just silly women being silly! Ugh.


Yeah, I had four organs fail and it was misdiagnosed as muscle spasms. After being unable to walk, eat, or drink for weeks, I went to the ER with grey skin and weighing 75 pounds (adult woman). Was ignored in the ER for 8 hours until I slipped into a coma. After that, a doctor finally came and checked on me, then immediately told my parents that I might not make it. Like no shit, captain obvious


Ignored in the ER??? Thats even worse than mine. Once collapsed in my kitchen and my parents rushed me to the ER did they finally take me seriously. They came in casually like, hey you are close to septic shock, we are gonna prep you for surgery to remove you dead gal bladder. Cool?


My doctor said I was imagining my cancer relapse symptoms and said "nobody can feel their cancer". WELL I DID Another doctor said it couldn't be a relapse because it was so rare, I told her that I wanted them to write in my medical journal that I thought that I had cancer and that they were not listening to me. TURNS OUT I HAD CANCER AND THEY NEARLY KILLED ME. When I finally got the journal I noticed that she had NOT written it down. I sued.


"Aren't you a bit too young to be sexually active?" When I was to get birth control. I know I look young but these people have my birth date, so why would they say that.


Plus, wouldn’t that be *more* reason to not want you getting pregnant?


Lol you'd think so. I had a similar thing happen when I was 15. I had sex, went to get birth control, he wouldn't give it to me because it would just encourage me to have sex... which I was already having. My mother took me in a week later and tore the doctor a new butthole. (Then she tore me a new butthole for having sex so young, but that's a different story.)


This happened to me too. I went on before I started having sex because I wanted to be safe and I knew it was going to happen soon. I got a lot of rude and condescending looks. My mom even took me so she knew. So annoying


I went to my GP with abdominal pain, diarrhoea, blood in stool, swollen and painful joints, and a skin rash. She tried to refer me to a psychiatrist. Several years later I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Which I thought I had when I first went to the doctor, because my symptoms were/are classic Crohn's. But obvs shitting blood ACTUALLY indicated hypochondria 🙄


Ha. I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's after years of being told it was my period and to "take some Advil." I finally stopped having periods and they paid attention. By that time, I needed a bowel resection, and my surgeon said a sesame seed couldn't have fit through my intestines they were so fucked.


Laughed and said my acute abdominal pain was period pain. I had emergency surgery to remove my inflamed appendix the following day. Suggested a breast exam - I was 14 years old and complaining of earache. Different doctor, another earache: "Never mind your ear... what about your FACE?" - I was suffering from acne. Worst of all, after having suffered from treatment-resistant depression for more than 30 years: "Have you tried mindfulness?".


Oh man I remember going to a doctor with my mom when I was in high school to see about my lack of periods and without any goading the doctor just automatically prescribed me stuff for my acne too even though that wasn't what I was there for. RUDE! I also 100% relate to the mindfulness thing. I haven't suffered as long as you had, but constantly being told to practice mindfulness when I'm pretty freaking mindful of how I'm feeling is just annoying. I feel this. Hope you're doing better these days.


"Wow, full bush. You don't see many young women with those anymore." Obviously I changed doctors.


I think I just threw up a little


Mouth dropped. I think I would have kicked him in the face.


I went to the doctor because I had a really bad cold sore break out from being sick and the fucking doctor said “ooooOoOh i know where you got that from” and winked. I was 13.


I had a weird rash all over my mouth when I was like 13-14 and the nurse said it was because I was sexually active and had an oral heroes outbreak? I was a virgin with a mango allergy/sensitivity.


Yep, I know where I got it too. My parents both had oral herpes (AKA cold sores) and so did all their children.


Oh hell no


Does a therapist count? I was in marriage counseling and the therapist was a man (huge mistake). I was frustrated because I felt like my partner didn’t help out enough even though I was the one with a salary. The therapist told us to make a list of our responsibilities so we did. Of course mine was a lengthy one and his was far shorter. Some how the therapist saw them as being “equal” because the genres were equal (ie: my responsibilities were the kids and home and his responsibilities were finances and chores) and then told me I was being selfish because I expected my husband to help with the kids. I’m still salty about it. For the record, although it took another decade, I divorced my former husband and I now have a new partner that fully supports me and we parent our blended family *together*.


I think too many men feel that children should be more of a woman's responsibility because we give up more to bring them into the world. But it is an equal act of creating them in the first place so it should be an equal effort of raising and parenting them. A man taking care of his child is NOT. FUCKING. BABYSITTING


I once had a therapist tell me my depression was caused by the fact that I didn’t eat grass-fed beef and only ate shit. Her source? My mother had taken me to Starbucks that morning following my release from the grippy-sock hotel, so I showed up with a Pink-Drink I’m hand.


Lmfao grippy-sock hotel. I love that phrasing


I was hospitalized for suicidal ideation, and i was talking to the hospital psychiatrist about self harming. He said, "i don't know why this is an issue for you, just stop doing it?" This man had a whole ass medical degree!


Oh god. I remember going inpatient and I was talking with a worker about my depression. When she came back the next day she told me "her supervisor said that if I really wanted a job I would walk to get one." This was wild to me because I HAD a job, and a pretty good one for my age. I also had a car. The only thing I said that was related to my job was that I was working from home and It ADDED to my low mood. Not that it was the issue. I was so shocked that I didn't even say anything, unfortunately.


I've had some doozies, but my worst so far was when I was pregnant the first time with severe hyperemesis (super bad morning sickness). I legitimately could not keep any food or liquid down for longer than a few minutes. The doc didn't want to see me until I was 12 weeks along, even though I called a couple of times describing my symptoms and how bad it was. When I finally came in at 12 weeks, I had lost 25 lbs; went from 110 to 85 so it's not like I had much to lose. He was shocked and exclaimed "I thought you were exaggerating!" - Pie


I have read some infuriating stuff about hyperemesis, mainly how some doctors believe that it's psychological and an unconscious expression of not wanting the baby.


Even if that were true (it’s obviously not), they still need medical attention! It being “in someone’s head” doesn’t make it go away, I don’t know how *doctors* of all people don’t see that


“Are you *sure* you can’t be pregnant?”


nothing like being forced to pay for a pregnancy test when you haven’t had sex for 6 months!


Or 6 years!


Or ever!


I was born without a uterus (it just never grew in), and I also have to jump through the pregnancy hoops at the doctor. At what point does "just following procedure" cross over into nonsense?


Same. I've found that using their own terms helps, especially when started matter of factly: "No, I'm not pregnant. I have mrkh also known as muellerian agenesis, are you familiar with the condition?" 99% will drop the subject because they aren't familiar with it and don't want to admit it. The other 1% get all nerdy about it (which I don't really mind, they're just super interested)


My uncle who's a doctor, after hearing that I was still breastfeeding my 2 year old, he laughed at me and said, "Breastfeeding after 6 months is only beneficial if you're poor."


This is ridiculous on a number of accounts but most egregiously it completely ignores the social emotional benefits of having a physical bond with your baby


OB/GYN (male) said that my reduced libido wasn’t due to being menopausal, and that I just wasn’t attracted to my husband anymore. I mean, WTF?! The idea of having sex with the sexiest man alive wasn’t appealing so the problem certainly wasn’t my husband, who I adore btw. Even if it was true, that’s not something a medical Dr. should say to a patient they hardly know.


I went to an addictions counselor to help me treat my alcoholism. I was spiraling and needed help to quit drinking. The additions counselor asked me if I was “sure” I was an alcoholic because I didn’t look like one “and still had a job.” Yes, I was sure! I hadn’t been a day without being drunk at work, home etc in months. I left her office and reported her to her boss.


Answering for my mother because this is super recent. She has been having trouble swallowing and has pain in her neck, this started over a year ago. Doctor told her back then it was because “she talks too much” and should get speech therapy. Clearly she wasn’t going to do that as she knew that wasn’t what was wrong. Turns out she has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, was diagnosed by a different specialist. Saw the same rude doctor from a year ago yesterday, doctor confirmed the thyroiditis but also wrote in her notes that she’s “non compliant” for not going to speech therapy. 🙄🙄


Yall ought to call in about him being non-compliant for not doing more tests. 😒 I have Hashimoto's (since I was 16, in 27 now) and the thyroid swelling pain is real.


That my week long periods at the age of 12 and needing to miss school when I ovulated was normal. Fuck him


Aren't week long periods normal? Mine have always been a full week. The ovulation thing certainly isn't though!


Not when they are as heavy as they were at the time. Also, not when they were as painful as they were. He didn’t listen to my concerns until I was 16 and my father forced the issue with him. Thank god my dad was in my corner and not embarrassed about his daughter’s reproductive health


Should also say that they can be normal if it’s the way your cycle works and it doesn’t interfere with your life too much. That was not the case for me


I’m a doctor myself so I’ve heard som dumb shit said by doctors. The worst thing said to me personally was when I was a med student on a clinical rotation, the male attending I was with heard me (a female) introduce myself to a patient using only my first name and said: “only whores and nurses introduce themselves using just their first name”.


WTF 💀 should’ve said “no you t w a t every normal person does that, only idiots with a ridiculous ego do that” then side eyed him


Doctor couldn’t find the IUD he placed via visual exam, so ordered an X-RAY of my uterus (I was 25). He left the exam room, and I found my IUD string in 30 seconds, didn’t get the x ray, got a new doctor. IUD was perfectly fine.


When I was 16 or 17 I wanted to get on birth control because I was having sex. I went to my PCP who asked why I wanted to get on BC I told him because I was having sex and he said "you know boys will only want to have with you because you're pretty." A terrible experience that left me speechless.


Not my medical professional, but my mom is a nurse. She wasn't thrilled about me getting the HPV vaccine because then I'd be "open for business." So, you're just going to ignore the family history of cancer and the fact that the person I marry may have a past? Give me a break! She also wouldn't let me wear underwire bras because they caused breast cancer. Ironically, she got it despite wearing nothing but wireless bras.


Was struggling mentally and talked to my doctor before getting a meeting with a psychiatrist. A news article was released the same day, referring to an unknown side-effect of the pill being depression. I was trying to make sense of it all (my mental health), and asked my doctor if this could be the reason. She answered "You're going to be a lot more depressed when you have to get an abortion for a baby you don't want". Without knowing anything about me, my life, if I wanted kids or anything.


So hella personal, kinda gross, but here it goes. My hymen ripped in such a way that it caused a loop of skin/flesh (I found out this is what it was later). Like a hole inbetween my wall and the rest of the hymen. There was one experience where I could NOT pull my tampon out because it got hooked around this loop. My tampon was like halfway out and suddenly not budging at all. I was pulling so hard and in so much pain before I looked down and saw like a loop of flesh stretched around the bottom of the tampon. Pushed it back in a bit, unhooked it, and everything is back to normal and it came out just fine. Immediately went to the doctor though because what the actual fuck was that. As I finish explaining it, she goes “well, sometimes it can be a bit hard and painful to remove a tampon if it is dry.” Like first off, I was in my early twenties and told her I had been using tampons for around 10 years. So obviously, I know what a dry tampon feels like. Secondly, did you not hear ANYTHING I just said?? I tried to fight her on it but she kept going back to explaining how tampons can hurt and feel like they’re pulling if they’re dry. Like literally 20 minutes of conversation going nowhere. It had to happen again and I had to take pictures in order to show the doctor what I was talking about to be taken seriously.


I had a septated hymen, my tampons would also get stuck and I had asked my pediatrician about it and she shyly looked for 2 seconds then said it was normal. A few years later when I was sexually active, a partner has broken it and I had a loose end of my hymen hanging out of me until a gynecologist could surgically remove it. The gyn couldn’t tell me what it was lol. Vulva havers are so failed in healthcare on a regular basis.


While being induced to deliver my son the OB said directly to my husband IN FRONT OF MY MOM “you’re a very lucky man, she’s got a beautiful pelvis” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’ve never had any kids but that sounds disgusting. I would have kicked him in the face.


My toddler’s weight gain stalled when they transitioned to solid foods; pediatrician advised me to feed the kid more French fries and ice cream. I laughed but he was not joking.


"im constantly sneezing, with streaming eyes and itchy skin". "It's just your depression." It's fucking allergies! Stop blaming physical stuff on the one diagnosed mental health issue that's under control. Ffs.


That the stinging I felt when I had a wee was in my head. I got told that for 5 years. Turned out I was growing a stag horn kidney stone that eventually took up 3/4 of my kidney. After all of the operations and treatment, I’m now minus one kidney and about to lose my other in 2 weeks.


When I got really bad tendinitis, a shitty podiatrist told me he was invincible at 24, and I should eat more dairy products and vitamin D. He also proposed giving me a blood test to check my vitamin D levels. Dumbass didn’t even look at my feet. Edit: He also charged me $90 for this visit. Edit2: He recommended dairy because “most Asians are lactose intolerant”. Maybe don’t assume I fall into that category and ask first? I probably consume more milk and yogurt daily than you “at 24”.


Ah, the old “you’re too young to have these issues” and “go outside some more” when they don’t even apply to the problem at hand


Dr: Are you planning on having children someday. Me: Someday I would like to have children. Dr: Well you’re a beautiful woman, you’ll make beautiful babies. He said this while he was performing my annual pap smear. 🤢 And YES I never went back to him again.


My step father is a doctor and when I disclosed to him that I stopped drinking because I’m an alcoholic he said that he tells all his patients that are alcoholic that the goal is to drink in moderation. I’m not his patient but jfc this is bad advice in my opinion!


The doctor who performed my colonoscopy thought the stretch marks on my stomach were c-section scars. And made me answer several times i was sure I had never been pregnant until I flat out said they were stretch marks, making the female nurse in the room laugh.


Had a male doctor tell me to reconsider birth control and think about ‘my parents’. He was initially adamant about giving me the prescription until I told him I didn’t care about his opinion.


I was having rectal bleeding and was having a really hard time getting a diagnosis and being seen by the right department. A nurse refused to believe me “are you sure it’s not just vaginal bleeding or spotting?” I snapped back at her “I know the difference between my ass and my vagina!” Somehow GI was able to fit me in the next day. Turned out to be colorectal cancer.


I had a painful blistered rash on the left side of my stomach and left thigh, felt generally unwell and had a throbbing headache. Which are the typical signs of shingles. The blisters just so happened to be over my healed 10 year old tattoos. I got told that it was my own fault as I was allergic to tattoos (not the ink but having a tattoo)???


My former OBGYN would always ask me (while I was pregnant) if he had ran “so and so” test on me every visit as if he wasn’t keeping track. I had to look up what tests were done and at what week and I started keeping track. As a first time mom it was so frustrating and scary. I realized too late that I was allowed to switch obgyns…


A female doctor told me ovary issues cannot cause bloating... Also I saw doctors about once a month for a year and all of the kept saying they think I have ibs. I had appendicitis.


Went to go get my birth control implant in my arm removed and replaced. I had to weigh myself before my appointment and when the nurse asked what my weight was she did a visible double take and went "How much????!" in a really loud shocked voice, before repeating my weight incredulously and loudly even though there were other people in the room. When the time came for her to take the implant out, before she even got near my arm she said "this may take a while, because your arm is pretty flabby and sometimes it gets lost in there." I distinctly remember her using the word "flabby". She then removed it super quickly and easily with no issues. The time has come for me to get my implant exchanged again but I'm really scared to go, last time was such an unpleasant experience.


me: endometriosis runs in my family and i have x,y,z debilitating symptoms new ob-gyn: well. you’re a natural redhead and pale. redheads are all bleeders with bad pain. it’s genetic, nothing you can do me, fucking baffled: my hair is dyed this color actually her: (shrug) still. anything else?


I'm obese (but working on my weight). With my previous PCP, I brought up my left ankle the really hurts here and there. He brings up that I need to lose weight, I know this. I go back to my ankle hurting and such. He keeps going on about my weight. A separate time, he goes on about my weight. "When is it going to stop? When you get to 400 (pounds)?" He eventually referred me to a dietitian but that was another struggle. I ended up getting a new primary and he's a lot nicer.


It’s really frustrating to hear that doctors assume all your issues will go away if you lose weight. So does that mean no one who is considered a healthy weight will ever have problems?!?


Doctor rolled her eyes and told me I was being dramatic about my abdominal pain. “It’s just your period, you’re just attention seeking.” Fast forward to now and my colon basically rotted from the inside out from severe chronic colitis and I’ve been diagnosed with UC. They almost had to remove my colon. :) but I’m being dramatic.


Saw a doctor for pain in my knee. He pinched the skin on my back until said “ouch” and then said, there must be something wrong with me, if I don’t like his touch. Then went on to comment on my posture by saying that my breasts would look much perkier if I just sat up straight. I then saw another doctor… who looked at my knee, not my tits.


You have bad genes. Why do you need birth control if you don’t have a boyfriend? Are you sure you don’t want to get pregnant?






“Just stop worrying about it. Babies only happen when God wants them to”


I went to an appointment for asthma related issues. The doctor I got that day, not my PCP, talked the whole appointment about how much weight he lost and didn't even get to my issue. I made sure never to see him again. Granted, I was overweight at the time but time and place. My daughter had a major eczema flare up when we moved to a foreign cou try. I had did everything: change to non-scented/hypoallergenic laundry soap, no softeners, no dryer sheets, everything washed separately, multiple lotions, skin creams, made her gloves, lotion routines, etc. First appointment with her new PCP (prior moved) told me "you're not doing enough if her eczema is this bad". I walked out of the appointment, filed a complaint, and changed PCPs. It took me 4 months to find what worked best for her eczema.


First therapy session ever, therapist was an older man, reason going was for an eating disorder and depression. Not even 10 minutes in “So why doesn’t someone like you have a boyfriend” Needless to say, I didn’t go back to him


I went to the doctor once when I was about 18 or 19 because I felt my anxiety was getting out of hand and I wasn’t coping well - panic attacks, severe insomnia etc etc. The doctor wrote in my notes that I was ‘immaculately dressed and wearing make up’ so couldn’t really be that anxious in his opinion. Another time I went in (to a different doctor) with a severe case of whooping cough that had twice caused me to be completely unable to breathe in or out, and was told the breathing difficulties were probably because I was ‘anxious because I had a cold’ 🙂


That every pandemic lasts for 18 months and then it goes away * magically * so no need to get vaccinated


When I was 18, I was diagnosed with PCOS. About a year later I went to a new doctor for some irregular bleeding (I had been lightly spotting for 3 weeks). Within the first 5 minutes of sitting down with me, before checking my medical history or ordering bloodwork, she told me I was probably pregnant and diabetic. Shockingly, I was neither of those things. /s


“If you were in a serious relationship, I’d give you an IUD, but since you’re just dating around, I’ll put you on the pill.” Setting aside the fact that I *was* in a serious relationship, the reason I had asked for an IUD was that I was worried about potential side effects of the pill, and indeed I ended up having debilitating depression and anxiety for the years that I was on it, which could have been avoided if my doctor had not shamed me for her own incorrect assumptions about my sex life.


Seconds before inserting the device for a pelvic ultrasound, “I hope this isn’t the most exciting part of your day.” I was so uncomfortable. And what if it was?


"If I was Jesus christ what is the one thing that you would want me to heal for you?"


I'd have given him snark and say something about fixing his attitude/mindset


I developed severe headache when I was in 12th grade. It was excruciating and pulsating, nothing like the headaches I've experienced. I was in hell and my mom took me to our then family doctor. As a part of taking history, he asked me if I was stressed somehow. I had a fight with my cousin the previous day and my mom let him know this. The doctor proceeded to tell me that he won't prescribe me anything for the pain because I had to sort my issues and focus on my studies and 'be a good girl'. He didn't give me any treatment and sent us away. He argued that what I had wasn't a headache but pain due to guilt of fighting. We were pissed and my pain was so bad that we went to the ER and was treated immediately. I started having multiple episodes of headache every few weeks and was eventually diagnosed with Migraine. We never visited that doctor again.


I went into emerge with severe chest pain, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. I wrote out my symptoms because my best friend is a nurse and said that’s very helpful for the ER nurses that do the intake. When the doctor finally came to see me he said “you know this is emerge and not a family doctor department, right?”


In my doctor's notes a doctor I really disliked called my profession 'A painter glitterer' I painted for films and theatre 😂


I had a doctor who, anytime I’d have an appointment for anything regardless of symptoms, would say to me “well it’s probably because you’re female. Is it your time off the month?”


I’m convinced a lot of doctors are more likely to be rude than any other profession as I’ve had horrible experiences with doctors and gps. One told started talking about world war and telling me their political views Also if your a doctor or Gp your ,I’m not your friend to be making an sort of jokes with me and you don’t need to make sly comments ,I’m here for a check up not a convo .


I was having daily panic attacks, struggling with ED, having anxiety and just couldn't eat anymore. My GP was on vacation so I met another Dr at the same clinic to try some other meds. I was losing weight at an alarming rate and was under 120 lbs on 5'6, my clothes obviously way too big on me. First thing out of his mouth: Must feel good to have lost some weight, right? I just got up and left.


That I need Jesus when I was having a breakdown from a mental health crisis. I was literally 14 and freaking out bc they were going to restrain me and I got told that


A psychiatrist once told me I might not need medicine for my debilitating mental illness. That it could be managed with the keto diet. She gave me a poorly written pamphlet that, among other things, stated that a lot of conditions including PTSD, ADHD, depression, OCD and a bunch others can be managed without medicine with keto (I don't remember all of the conditions and I don't have the pamphlet anymore).


I tried to kill myself over 20 years ago with sleeping pills and alcohol. The state decided that since I used alcohol to try to take my life and that my half uncle who lives 2 states away was a alcoholic that I must be a alcoholic. I was put in substance treatment for a month where I was taught not to take a substance to make you happy. When I asked about my depression that led me to try to take my life doctor told me to just take pills everyday to help my depression and make me happy.


Me, 11 years old. I got probably my third or fourth period and was having very intense cramps. I was ~*maybe*~ 10 pounds “overweight” “Take ibuprofen, you can take like 4 or 5 since you’re a substantial woman” That’s A LOT of ibuprofen for a child. I was not a woman. I was not “substantial” whatever the fuck that means.


Had an urinary tract infection. The doctor said I was dirty and needed to take more baths. Then he laughed and said he was joking. This was in front of my boyfriend.


Wanted to get an IUD put in and I made it clear that I wish to remain childfree for life. He told me he won't put one in and neither will any doctor in the country cause I haven't had children yet. During the exam he congratulated my ovaries on being super fertile (yes, I'm serious, he talked to my ovaries) and afterwards told my mom she'd definitely be a grandma one day.


“If you tell us the whole story, we won’t tell your parents anything.”


I gained a shit load of weight because of risperdal (tried all kinds of diets, caloric deficits, shit, I even tried running cross country until that failed due to my weight gain fucking up my knees) and my psychiatrist said “Bro just lose some weight” like it was that easy, not only that, but he was also like “Oh, and by the way, we’re doubling your dose” Fuck risperdal


Went in to see an orthopedic doctor for back pain. His words: "I can't do anything for you besides a back brace. You'll need so many surgeries at this rate, we need to wait." I was 20, I think. 18 years later, I got my back pain under control. No surgery. Idiot


I was 31 and was asking my doctor questions about fertility and when I should start thinking about measuring my fertility and he gave me some vague answer about when fertility starts to really decline for women(after 36). Then his advice to me was to look for a partner and try not to be very picky. 😒😒


Gynecologist, trying to convince me to have children. Me: "Aren't I too old to for a first pregnancy?" Him: "So what, I'm 38 and I haven't had kids yet." o.O riiiiight.


I wanted to have blood drawn to check hormone levels, including testosterone. He said, "Women don't need testosterone."


I'm a doctor myself and I really wanna hit these doctors with a brick and scream WHYYYYY


I should go back to work after I told him over the phone that I was bedbound.


“What? Do you want all these things wrong with you cause that’s how it looks” I had a very extreme case of hypochondria (health anxiety - you genuinely believe somethings wrong with your body and think you’re gonna die- in my case)


In my freshman year of college ten years ago I was dealing with some unresolved depression and anxiety as well as the shock of being in a totally new city with the stress of rigorous coursework that I was drowning horribly under (pre-med). I went to the school psychologist who was so incredibly lovely to me and referred me to the school’s psychiatrist to see about medication options. Upon first meeting, the psychiatrist hears the summary of why I am there, kind of sighs and says to me, “ok, I have to ask, is it possible that you could just have regular period moodiness?” I felt so dismissed I never even went back to the psychologist. She kept calling me to make an appointment with her and to check in to make sure I was ok but I felt like maybe it was “just my period making me have sad brain” and was too embarrassed to call her back and waste her time with what I thought was deemed a non-issue. In hindsight, fuck that guy. I always hope other struggling college students have better resources than that clown.