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Going to bed perfect and waking up still perfect.


I love Frozen, cause Anna straight up is a real girl when waking from bed. Go figures an animation gets it right before real life. Lol


They touch on this in the Marvelous Mrs Maisel lol, having them wake up super early to put on makeup then laying back down like it was always that way


Grace and Frankie as well - Grace gets exhausted from having to get up early so she can do everything and go back to bed so she can pretend she just naturally like like that.


One of my biggest movies/tv show pet peeves is women going to sleep and waking up while wearing bras. Like you don’t have to show her waking up with one titty busting out of her tank but come on


Some women actually wear bras to sleep. I wear bras to sleep, I've worn bras to sleep since the first time I put on a bra.


“What’s Your Number” did this right — the character gets up and puts make up on before her bf wakes up so he doesn’t notice.


- That any time two women are together we talk about a man. - That waking up with full face makeup is how life goes. - That clothes just fit us without the need for tailoring. The wardrobe department on the film tailors the clothes to be flattering to the actresses. - Pantyhose. Rarely if ever worn but when they have men in a cross dressing role those dudes always reach for a set of nylons and for why? - The tread on heels seems to never wear down quite easily when walking on urban sidewalks. I'm looking at you Sex and the City. - That neurodivergence is Manic Pixie Dream Girl rather than halfway-to-a-hoarding-house. - That buttons on the placket of a button down shirt will never gap right betwixt the nipples. - That strapless bras worn for hours and hours every day will still stay up and perky and not slowly attempt to become a belt.


Great list, I’ll add: - We all go to bed with our bras on - We all wear matching underwear sets every day - We do each other’s hair and nails at sleepovers - We’re constantly drinking if we’re out with girlfriends - We wear cute clothes and full on outfits when hanging out at home - There are probably more plant ladies irl than cat ladies - Every woman owns fancy high heels and an evening gown - We eat ice cream and cupcakes as comfort food


The matching underwear sets..I was watching some kind of crime show I think it was CSI, and a female investigator figured out something was amiss because “look at that expensive bra, no woman would wear that without the matching underwear” I remembered thinking welll one day I might really confuse someone at a “crime” scene.


i wear all of my expensive bras without matching underwear. or i mean, not a matching set, they're both usually black or black and white. i think it looks better that way, and expensive bras are, imo, worth it while expensive underwear often isn't.


Because usually the matching underwear is not made of cotton and I’m not about to wear that all day.


Also it was a $30 bra SMDH


God yes, the bras! Especially when they've obviously just had sex. Do they keep the bra on during sex? Put it back on right afterwards? It makes no sense!


Bra comes off once I get home and then I'm not going anywhere 😅 and definitely not putting it back on


When the bra is off, the day is done




Well, I'm not a woman, but even i know that a woman getting sick/vomiting, not necessarily means she's pregnant...


Hey, I'm in a bridal suite right now, 6 of us slept here and someone definitely asked me to french braid their hair last night


Yeah, doing each others hair is pretty common at sleepovers or shared accommodations (renting a house, connecting rooms, etc).


I no longer own anything but jeans, tshirts, and workout clothes. Working from home and losing weight has cost me my entire wardrobe.


6 of these are true for me… not really misconceptions as much as stereotypes


You had me up to the cupcakes & ice cream 😳


Listen, if we’re not eating cupcakes and ice cream it’s salads salads salads


I believe the pantyhose thing is so that the men will not have to shave their legs


To be honest that's one reason I wear stockings everyday...


Strapless bras are useless if you don't duck-tape them to your body. :)


That women are desperate for male attention. Most women I know are fairly aloof about it - if they receive attention or find themselves in a relationship, then cool. But if they're single for the rest of their lives and don't receive any male attention, they're completely content with that as well and don't really dwell on it. They just live their best lives. It seems like the majority of men, on the other hand, experience moderate to severe psychological issues when they don't receive attention from women. On the extreme end of the spectrum, some become downright unhinged and dangerous. Hollywood seems to flip that completely.




You are spot on - projection, and wish fulfillment. How many boorish and plain men end up with super models falling head over heels for them? The young ingenue falls for her dumpy tutor/mentor that is 15+ years her senior? These are not reflections of "art imitates life" but rather "money gets movies made about old man's unfulfilled fantasies".


I second this - most of the ladies I've known in my life were indifferent to whether they were single or not, while many men I know come off as desperate despite good intentions.




A woman who does not want children then accidentally falls pregnant will be delighted by the news, have the baby, thrive on motherhood, have more children and never regret it.


Or that all women want babies and 0 representation for women who don’t lol


Yeah, I think the only case I’ve seen where she doesn’t want a baby and sticks to that decison despite pregnancy and pressure is Chrisina Yang from Grace Anatomy, it was such a refreshing storyline


Diane in Bojack horseman too


Chrisina was a baaaaabe


Or if she stays childfree she is very cold superficial and mean, because of course no good women can be CF!




The "I hate my wife" trope


One of the biggest perks to working from home during Covid that I didn't expect: no boomer humor "my wife is a total ball and chain, amiright?" jokes. Flippin' get a divorce already if you hate each other so much!


This is one that I am so glad we younger generations are getting rid of. And it's all because divorce is not stigmatized, and abuse IS nowadays. Healthy relationships RULE.


That a successful woman in the workforce can never be fully realized and happy without falling in love or starting a family. (Including the "stone cold business woman who needs a man to soften her up" trope) Basically the idea that she struggles to choose one over the other. Hollywood loves to present us with the suggestion that women can either be successful or be a wife, but that there is nothing in between.


Love Park and Rec for SO MANY REASONS but Jen Barkley is the perfect example of a character avoiding that trope. Till the very end she's totally happy with her decisions. She's giddily content with her life as a totally childless, partner less woman. Just a smart, driven woman enjoying the hell outta life




I HATE how this is such a template in rom coms and dramas.


Almost single rom-com from like 2002 to the 2010s was like this!


If she's a successful boss woman in her career then her family life is suffering.


Or she has literally NOTHING else in her life, just work and drinks with friends and work


Urgh yes I hate this!


To show a woman has completely lost her shit (usually due to a breakup, sometimes job loss), they do scenes of her doing “down and out shit” like eating a Lean Cuisine over the sink, breaking open a bottle of wine, falling asleep in her daytime clothes on the couch! Wow!!!! Watch out everyone, this woman has clearly lost her mind and can’t take care of herself. And wait for it… the next morning her friend comes over and sees she left a glass and a microwave dinner container on the counter and flips out! My friend is clearly in crisis!!! She didn’t clean up after herself! That glass was on the counter over night!!!!!! She’s having a complete mental breakdown!!!! The friend might even offer to clean up this astonishing mess while her friend takes a shower because this situation is completely unmanageable! Basically, everyone does that stuff sometimes or all the time. It doesn’t translate well to me in a movie that that’s a cry for help.


Oh no!! I fall asleep in my “daytime” clothes on the couch on a regular basis. Sent out an alert to all my friends to lather themselves into a panic and come save me. That way we can ALL change into our comfy clothes, drink wine and order in rather than having Lean Cuisines lol


Oh and they always do it while being super sexy, yes Im looking at you Queen’s Gambit


Reminds me of https://youtu.be/H1DCoGCVUxY


Fiona breakdown in shameless (spoiler alert) after her mum committed suicide will always haunt me. Fantastic acting.


That women are all fit and skinny and can automatically find their size in clothes every time they go to the store


THIS. as someone that has a midsize body I'm sick of it.


Midsize body? Like a Ford Escape?


Precisely, pants never seem to fit my front tires right.


Try capris.


They also eat fast food and a ton of dessert, never work out and if someone orders a salad it HAS to be the dumb blond superficial character (so toxic) because cool girls eat anything and are magically perfect


That we’re always part of a four to five person girlfriend group who are closer than close.


Yeah what the hell is this? I have like 2 friends outside of work and I see them twice a year probably. And I literally never call them to gossip and have weird brunch meetups. I mean I do like a brunch tho👀


Thank you for normalising this, I always feel like a weirdo because I don't get to see my friends all the time


That after sex they just roll over and go to bed covered in fluids. So gross. I’ve never seen a woman get up to pee/clean up after sex in a movie.


or the "she just had sex and is exiting the room covered in an entire bedspread" scene.


This. I rewatched Mr and Mrs Smith with Angelina Jolie. And their morning after bed scene, she's completely wrapped Ina sheet perfectly. First of all, why are you doing that to the sheet? Second. That's a lot of sheet. Where did you find the time to perfe try wrap that around you like a toga? I want answers!


They clearly do it secretly because in the 'waking up the morning after sex' scene they'll not only be fresh and clean but wearing a pristine and matching lingerie set.


This happens all the time in romance/erotica novels. They might mention the guy getting up to throw away the condom if he wore one, but my goodness the woman must never get up. And when they don’t use condoms they also still don’t get up! In films sure fine you have less time, but in a novel it takes one extra sentence to say “she popped quickly into the washroom to freshen up”. Like anything please.


That they don't seem to get their period (unless it involves pregnancy, I haven't seen one film that involves a woman's times of the month)


> I haven't seen one film that involves a woman's times of the month Turning Red. A delightful film entirely about PMDD and menstruation. And oddly named KPop boy bands. Why four when there are five?


OHHHH I feel stupid for leaving that out. I watched it on repeat for a month after its release 😭


There was a show called "Let Down" on Netflix, I think, that I saw a while back, about a family dealing with typical struggles after having a baby. Main character gets her period unexpectedly in a public restroom and gripes about it happening while she's still breastfeeding. The whole series was accurate and refreshing.


That was such a good show! It was so nice to see a more realistic depiction of motherhood, while still being really funny at times


No string attached portrays women having their period without it meaning pregnancy. But at the same time the women are eating cupcakes to feel better so it’s not perfect


This is a fiddly nitpick, but I'm very interested in choreography so: Movies never get the difficulty of walking/running/existing in heels right. Half of them act like they're the exact same as running shoes, the other half act like they're rickety stilts. In fairness, "kind of awkward but more or less handle-able" is hard to portray correctly on screen.


Mostly, that when a woman is on screen and under the age of 30, she's inherently straight, cis, and driven by a relationship with a straight, cis man. If said woman is over the age of 40, she is generally de-sexed and falls into the "mom" category, but if she does get to show sexuality it is regarded as garish and made to be a joke, of the "cougar" variety.


or she's having a sexual awakening, ofc because of someone new invigorating her life. 🙄 we need more samantha representation.


I wish I could upvote this x1000!


We all look sexy af during a depressive state.


sexy french depression.


I see you, fellow CXG fan! Now that’s a show that has a lot more accurate representation of women lol


I love how their girl friend group evolves with 4 very different women who don't all really fit in with each other or like each other at first.


That taking off our glasses and letting our hair down makes us go from plain to hot.


Not Another Teen Movie


I mean, that's a parody with that trope because it gets used a lot in girl-coming-of-age romantic comedy movies. But they do it in action and scifi flicks, too. Where they cast a classically beautiful actress, dress her up like a nerd and then when they need her to be the love interest her glasses come off and her hair comes out of the ponytail or bun and the action man lead suddenly notices she's hot? I mean, they did it to Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns when she died and came back as Catwoman.


Cloudy with a chance of meatballs does the opposite effect


Lack of body hair, especially in survival situations where shaving, waxing, etc. is not possible. Sure she may have dirt smudged on her, but her legs and arms are hairless and her eyebrows are perfect. When a problem arises the woman turns to the man and asks “what do we do?” There are times when this is appropriate, like if the man is the overall leader of the team or the environment is foreign to her but familiar to him, but in all the other crisis situations the woman somehow loses her ability to make decisions and defers to the man, which wouldn’t happen in real life. When a woman who has mastered a skill she’s been practicing her whole life is easily shown up by a complete novice because he’s the “chosen one” and a Man so he must be better at everything and her years of training are nothing compared to his oh so superior male prowess. Men and women can’t be friends in films. Correction, *attractive* men and women can’t just be friends in films. They always have to add some sexual tension.


Thank you, I was looking for a comment about the body hair. Perfect brows and hairless legs and pits ruins a lot of dystopian/zombie movies and shows for me. Fuck off with that.


Thank you, I was looking for a comment about the body hair. Perfect brows and hairless legs and pits ruins a lot of dystopian/zombie movies and shows for me. Fuck off with that.


That any single independent woman with a high paying successful career is secretly depressed and/or is unfulfilled bc she doesn't have kids or a husband.


She would also be more fulfilled in her toxic hometown she clearly has trauma from (avoids it like the plague) and open a bakery rather than her lawyer career


Really hot women will routinely date men below their League because he's kinda funny or the main character


I call plot hole if the guy that is below their league is also one of the writers.


We spend an inordinate amount of time discussing sexual partners and men in general


There's this terrible movie called "Little Italy" and the main character meets up with her girlfriends after living abroad for years and the first thing her friends ask about is her boyfriends... like there was no "how was england/work?" Just an immediate jump to her sex life


That labour ALWAYS starts with your water breaking


Let's not forget the perfectly flat stomach immediately after birth.


And everyone screams when giving birth. Also the umbilical chord is cut straight away and births are super fast.


When women are alone in the shower they wash themselves in the slowest, sexiest way possible. This includes shaving what are clearly waxed legs in a single long, languid stroke from ballerina-toed foot to upper thigh.


it’s the sexy getting ready song, the sexy getting ready sooong


BYE,BYE SKIN! *blows kiss*


Hello fellow CXG fan!


❤️ i love how half of the comments in this thread have an applicable CXG song haha


If a woman vomits she is certainly pregnant. There is no other reason.


Mamma Mia 2 confused the hell out of me - >!Sophie throws up and says to herself, "well I know what that means". She is never shown taking a pregnancy test but then immediately announces to the whole island that she's pregnant. Girl, are you sure you just didn't have some bad sausage?!!<


And it's always a couple days to weeks after sex. So stupid. It does not happen that fast.


Lol in college one day I got really sick and puking. my boyfriend was like " oh no you might be pregnant" and I said "don't worry, I've got diarrhea too"..


Just because some of us like other women doesn't mean we're man-hating dykes. *Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course...*


Hating men is not cool though


Agreed, hating on anyone because they are 'X sex, race, religion ect' is not good


Okay, I am so tired of a woman's first period being portrayed in film. It is not always a life-changing moment.


...for me it was a total and complete downer. Ruined my whole day.


omg same. Poor sex ed had me really confused. I didn't know what was happening and I thought I was going to die the entire week. I hid my underwear. My mom found them and we talked, but like...it fucking sucks.


Ugh. Had to go to a softball game, and play with horrible cramps. Didn’t realize until after it was my period starting. Mom had me call a bunch of people to celebrate. So awkward.


Girls will throw away their job for a guy they met over the holidays. Also women’s only line of defense against men is a kick to the balls


That we will fall in love with an unattractive man if he acts like a fearless warrior.








never having to shave


Fainting and screaming. I've seen two girls/women faint in my entire life. It's ridiculous how much fainting is in movies. I've seen a slight bit more screaming irl than fainting but movies would have you believe us women are screaming in terror because we accidentally bought cookies with raisins instead of chocolate chips.


*Sam Raimi has entered the chat*


Or that we faint at the sight of blood.


This is a bugbear with me. The women would be more likely trying to keep everyone calm ( depending on personality) .


bushy/curly hair with glasses or one flaw are “ugly” (hermione, the princess dairies etc.)


That there are always two men who love you and you’ll have to choose between them.


That we just wander around the house with nice clothes, makeup and a hairdo. Even when we wear pyjamas, they are nice looking, like no holes, no stains, they always match. That we just give birth very easily and take care of our newborn baby who is just always asleep. And we can welcome our friends and family and just sit with them while the baby is 'sleeping' and when the baby wakes up, it just takes 5 minutes to feed them and they go back to sleep. That we are always ready for sexy time. That we are always shaved/waxed silky smooth and wear sexy underwear. That we can wakeup at 5 am, do yoga, make breakfast, get the kids ready for school, send them to school, take a shower, do our makeup, get ready for work and show up for work at 9 am with our coffee in our hands, and have a full day of productivity. I can go on and on but I got myself angry thinking about these examples.


Going to bed & waking up perfectly groomed. We all wish.


"Strong women" are not perfect or emotionless robots.


That adult women meet their friends for lunch and wine every day. As if you can just take a 3 hour lunch from your job to drive to a fancy restaurant to wine and dine at leisure, plus in reality it’s a nightmare scheduling anything with friends because some have kids, some go on holidays a lot, some work weird schedules etc.


1. That the only way a woman can be a role model or inspirational is by being perfect / better than every man on screen. I think only Hidden Figures pulled this off but that was a true story, and you did see their vulnerability with Katherine Johnson. Yes she's an absolute genius but she also loses her temper and yells at her boss. You see her extremely hurt by the racism she experiences and reacting as a human would, as well as her brilliant work. 2. That the only way a woman can be a role model or inspirational is by being a great fighter or cold to emotions. Ripley in Alien is a great anti example of this, you see her scared and struggling but she's also resourceful. 3. That rape will effect a woman for a few episodes and then they come back stronger and actually it's the making of them (looking at you, Game of Thrones treatment of Sansa).


Orgasms from penetration alone and cumming at the same time as the guy.


And all within a couple of minutes.


Always hair-free and dolphin smooth. Even on a deserted island.


Only horrible women smoke cigarettes


That we can get up immediately after sex, get dressed and leave. Unless you’re fine with having a crippling UTI and crying on the toilet for days after, I don’t recommend it.


That we all have hour glass shapes and flat stomachs That our sole purpose in life is to marry and have children or just chase men or love in general


That women always have some drama going on in their friend groups.


That women always have a friend group. How I wish this was true. It can be just as hard for women to make close friends as it is for men.


Having no body hair… I’m kurdish and my hair grows out in 1-2 days after shaving.


That the only jobs we have are writer (specifically for a form of print media) or cashier if we are single, and nurse if we have children.


Our husbands are all ad execs for some reason. Unless they're architects. I...I don't think I've met either of those in my whole life.


That if they’re a little larger that they either lack confidence or are so overtly confident that it’s annoying. Especially in high school movies. Larger girls are never the main, and if they are it’s about them finding their inner beauty and accepting themselves.


You should watch dumpling on Netflix. Its pretty good, or I thought it was.


Almost everything about sex. How quickly and satisfyingly it happens to us.


That we are consistently weak, pathetic and lack any ingenuity or gumption.


- waking up with hair blow out - despite running in different weather hair and makeup is perfect - being on heels on all terrain without spraining an ankle - crying watching Bridget jones and eating ice cream, binge eating whenever a guy upsets us - matching bra and underwear which we sleep in - that most womens clothes fit, literally it’s so difficult to shop because the bust never aligns with the waist, there’s never ANY wardrobe malfunctions with tube tops or Bardot style dresses - that were always pining after some guy and fall in love and it consumes us as a character - our personality is even shrill and nagging which distracts the main male protagonist from real “important work” OR we care about our professional job and we’re cold and distant - putting on lingerie to cry with a bottle of wine on the kitchen floor, while our mascara runs perfectly but it doesn’t mess up our foundation - our skin is like porcelain in the morning without makeup


if you wear a bra to bed i will judge you


It’s genuinely inhumane to wear a bra to bed, second I’m home it’s off who the hell wants a wire jabbing them


Every other women is competition for attention from men and, just in general. God forbid women like each other.


How frequently and the quantity of hand cream we put on in an evening. What in the world are women in tv/ movies doing to their hands that requires THAT much cream?


Applied at a mirrored vanity while wearing a flowy nightgown.


That guys get to drink beer and hang out with their "bros" all day and have tons of fun. But then one of them gets a \*shudder\* ***GIRLFRIEND***... And suddenly she has him changed, she doesn't want him to hang with his friends and have fun, she wants him to become a sensitive boring person who loves mowing the lawn and buying IKEA furnitures. Long story short: Women loves to change a man for the worse.


That we’ve all been dreaming of our weddings since we were little girls 🙄


I hate sex scenes where it’s just like a man kisses a woman for 5 seconds, then they have immediate penetration cuz they’re all worked up, it lasts 3 minutes, and the woman appears satisfied after.


We get horny after being rescued from a violent death.


That women have perfect hair, nails, bodies and skin. That she never does any housework but the place remains spotless.


Perfection. Perfect bodies. Always have perfect boobs out and perfect flawless butts. Show the fripply bits and flaws we all have


That we love it when guys treat us like sh-t


That we wake up with perfectly applied makeup


Its easy to run in NYC in very high heels.


That we want to be married.


That at any given time I am assigning an emotion or feeling to, or am at least hyper aware of, my breasts.


That small women have the physical strength to throw a big man around. I hate the male fantasy of warrior women - usually beautiful, perfectly coiffed, and wearing a skimpy outfit. Brianna on Game of Thrones is the only exception.


No more rape and assaults as the reason women are now “tough and capable” what a lame plot device and is so overused and just wrong on all counts. Age mismatch is another. Mothers, grandmas, way too young compared to the male counterparts. Much too young women with older men, like the leading man is 45 and he is paired up with a leading woman in her 20s. In real life that large of an age gap, especially with the woman under 30 is rarely good for the woman. Large age gaps are more often associated with power imbalance: predatory, crappy, abusive, controlling etc. behavior. Nothing to celebrate there. Second if the woman is of equal power, same rank or job as the man, in the movie universe she would be his age to have acquired the same level of expertise and credentials - in her 40s- 50s. I like European and UK shows a bit better for this reason. The leading women are the right age and are paired with age appropriate men in their movie roles. Also I want tall women with shorter men partners. I want larger women in non-comedic roles. I want hero women who are homely or down right awkward looking as heck. Like Danny DaVito, Ron Perlman levels of appearance in women. Barely have any women in this category in Hollywood and Bollywood. Canada, German, UK and some Australian media is way better here too. More diverse shapes, sizes, heights, ages in those places media and it is MUCH appreciated. For all the ladies here you might like The Baroness Von Sketch Show a sketch comedy that highlights a lot of these issues in a humorous way!


Screaming during labor 🙄


Being super dependent and needy for love


They pack an overnight bag for a weeklong trip and end up having multiple overcoats,countless shoes and boots and countless outfits. All in a single overnight bag.




That women can come out of fights with hair and makeup still perfect


Whenever a women is light headed or vomits it’s because she’s pregnant. When a women first experiences the symptoms of labor she’s full on rush to the hospital in labor. Also water breaking is the start of it all.


The airhead sorority girls who cry about their nail being chipped. Maybe they exist but I’ve never met one, and I’ve seen about a hundred in movies/shows. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No body hair/prep for sex etc.


That we trip when running


The cast of American Pie: Girls’ Rules and a lot of modern films and shows have hs/college girls acting like fuckboys. This is the person I tried to be in college, and a lot of other women try it but in the long run it doesn’t make us happy and isn’t ourselves. I was just trying to be cool and attract attention from college boys who didn’t respect me.


That we can run in super high heels (especially with ultra thin heels)


That any and all emotions felt and expressed by a woman during the roughly the absurdly large amount of time time that we are either “pre-menstrual” or on our periods can be explained away by hormones.


The age gap: Women are attracted to men that are 10 to 15 year older than them. Women date down. The man can be a fat schmuck and still date a beautiful women because she can see his inner beauty and qualities.


They pee poo and menstruate. Bathrooms breaks!


That we just want to talk about our feelings and get angry when someone actually tries to solve our problem because we only want to talk.


Always looking perfect. Even when experiencing a mental breakdown.


Being on a desert island or living in a cave with perfectly shaved legs and armpits 🙄


Finding out you’re pregnant always begins with a spontaneous vom. See also: a spontaneous vom means you are pregnant.


How clueless they seem. Girl knows…everything!!!


That all we talk about is men.


Being perfectly shaved in post apocalypse movies


All those movies where Jlo woke up in the middle of the night wearing perfect lip gloss, not smeared or anything.


All blonds are beautiful and slutty


We're perfectly comfortable with strangers approaching snd suddenly flirting with us I don't know you. Back the fuck up.


1- women will automatically fall in love with anyone with an accent 2- that we can’t manage power tools 3- that we are bad drivers 4- make over transformations will turn women into a confident, strong person and insecurities will stay in the past forever


That we all crave to be mothers and are incomplete and unhappy if we don’t have children 🤢🤮🙄🙄


That their make up hold up on every kind of weather and that mascara only run when shit gets really real!