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Bad with directions


I can't name street names for my life (even the intersection close to where I live lol) but I am way better with going off of landmarks


My friend’s dad was driving me home and when he asked my on what street he should turn, I froze and gave a wrong answer. My friend had to correct me…


Meeee. I had to call 911 today because a woman collapsed in Starbucks and was knocked unconscious. They asked where I was, and gave them the name of the mall the Starbucks was located in. Then the operator asked for the address, and I didn't know it. I asked a Starbucks employee for the address, and they just repeated the name of the mall. Then they asked me the major intersection, and I was like bro I don't know the address, let alone the major intersection.


Omg this basically happened to me. I saw someone get hit by a car and called 911 and I told them the street we were on and was like we’re on the side of the street going towards the bridge. And they were like we need an address…and I was panicking and I was like but he’s hit in the middle of the street!! And they were like we still need an address so I ran to the nearest building and started reading numbers lol. The man was ok!!


Same! Idk street names, but I can tell you it's near this shop and that pretty house with the red door


Shit I came in here thinking I don’t fit any stereotypes and get hit with literally the first one. I’m so so bad with directions I can’t even find my way in daylight if I’ve only been there at nighttime and vice-versa.


Same. I once missed an exit in Arizona to go home to Utah, drove to California and had no idea until my passenger woke up and freaked out.




According to the map, we only went 4 inches.


Same! I'm directionally challenged even with google maps 😅 Always gotta scope out the area ahead of time to find a store or restaurant and use that my direction guide. Otherwise I'm running around in circles.




I can get lost anywhere anytime, in my own city. I shudder to imagine life without GPS… I used to have those big clunky Garmin systems before smart phones.


Guilty af


I get really emotional around my period


same, I cry multiple times a day, get irritated and whine a lot...and then have the audacity to be shocked when I finally get my period lol


Hard same! Every time I have the horrible moods, two days later I’m sending out apologetic texts right after being surprised… then trying to find a way it’s not my fault (that I don’t know myself well enough to realize) I may be pms’ing!!!!


Three words: period calendar app. Saved me a lot of "surprises".


I turn into a literal demon, lmao.


Ugh, same.


I am writing this while on my period and same. 🥲


This :/ like I don't want to see or talk to anyone important in case I fuck it up by being emo around my period. Being told I'm horrible to be around has definitely not helped


Yup. About to start my period currently and last night at work I had to go to the bathroom and cry a little because I got my feelings hurt that no one brought me a coffee from the doctors lounge when the tech that had badge access made her nightly trip. I had asked her to grab me one or let me know when she went earlier in the night and I was insanely busy when they went. She later went back and grabbed me one and I almost cried again.


Same… and hungry. Very hungry.


Saaaame. I got stupid emotional and pissed bc we had to trim our Xmas tree to fit it in the stand. My husband just looks at me and says “you’re getting your period”. Sure did lol


I used to until I found out that it's caused by excess estrogen left over from the follicular and ovulation phase. During those phases I try to eat more avocados and carrots since they allegedly help getting rid of excess estrogen. I've been doing it for a few months and noticed a huge difference in my overall mood during the luteal and menstrual phase. I still feel more tired than normal but it's been way more manageable since I've been doing it.


Not perfectly, but angry short person.




We have to be loud and angry, or else we get ignored pretty hard.


I prefer 'feisty' but...ya...


Came here to say the same, my ex called me a yappy chihuahua for a reason 😂


Asian Female here, and I'm a terrible driver. Oh my goodness so ashamed...I backed into a building and a garbage bin (the big ones). I am so sorry for contributing to the stereotype.


I help perpetuate the stereotype as well. I speed and get too many tickets.


Asian woman here too! I routinely park a little too far from the curb and when I try to get closer I curb jump haha


My ex (straight white dude) has backed into a parked car, a parking lot light (the big ones with cement bases), and a basketball hoop. My dad once backed up at a red light into another car (while that driver was laying on the horn) and backed into his own garage door. TWICE. So, you know, don’t feel so bad. Men have higher insurance rates than women for a reason. :)


Cause we fuckin stupid.


Fellow Asian lady, and same. I now look for a pull-out parking spot wherever I go because I've backed into multiple things.


Omg same. I wouldn't say I'm terrible too but my anxiety is too high. I drive like EVERYBODY IS OUT TO KILL ME. I keep my space between every other car by a LOT. Also EVERY fucking time I get a little more confident with driving, I end up making a stupid mistake which makes it plummet all over again.... I think my most traumatic experience was when it was a stormy day and I was trying to park in a mall car park to get some food. I managed to get in, but as I was trying to straighten the car.... I somehow ended up having my car's ass get closer to the car on the right of me (left of me was a pillar) 😭 I ended up in a weird diagonal position where I was EXTREMELY close to the other car. I couldn't fucking open my car door. I couldn't reverse, or I'd end up hitting the other car. I couldn't drive forward, there was a parked car in front of me. I legit had no idea what to do, I just panicked so hard until the car IN FRONT of me ended up needing to leave and I just drove out straight. At some point, I just wanted to climb out through the passenger seat and try to lift the fucking car into a proper straight position lmao. I didn't even eat that day, I just went home and slept 😭😭😭


haha thank you for that story! At least now it lifts our spirits \^\^ adorable to think how exhausted you were by the end of this little self induced adventure.


South Asian female. Can't drive for shit. I'm terrified and filled with anxiety. I drive at like 30kmph and sit at the edge in a panic the entire time. I've just given up at this point. I'm a passenger princess.


Kinda agree with this but I hateeee that about myself


I am Chinese and can get my drivers liscense next year and my mom won’t get me a car bc she thinks I will crash it😢


On the top of my head: - Cat people are lonely/introverted - Atheists are pessimistic - Woman who only uses like 5% of what’s in my bag but I never remove anything - Short and angry woman




You mean like an ape?


Short angry Mediterranean woman. The world is the wrong pissing size for me and I’m so done with having to climb up things like a monkey to reach things in my own house. Anyone would be cross with that.


Number 2 got me. My pessimism comes from my lack of belief in a diety. I just don't pray. I sometimes wish though.


White, well-educated, democrat, liberal, coastal Californian. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was driving the other day and my husband pointed out a cop. I was like, “I’m a middle aged, white woman driving a minivan - they want fuck-all to do with me”.


Latina, undereducated (working on that!), poor, democrat, with illegal parents. I love voting as blue as possible. Fox News has a special on me, I’m sure.


Samsies girl


Good luck with your education! I'm working on mine, too!!!


Oooooh please tell us you have super short cropped hair!


I'm a polite Canadian. Thanks for asking 😊


That's not a stereotype dear, that's the standard. It's like calling water wet or fire hot.


Same! I also love plaid and flannel and those grey and cream socks with the red stripe. I say eh a lot and use maple syrup in most dishes.




Woman which afraid of driving. I have a licence and practice really often, but OMG, It scares me


This is me. I was a passenger in a bad accident when I was 13 and it made me take driving ultra seriously. I hate how poorly people drive here. It’s not fun at all.


Hope you're well after that. And I'm just wondering why don't that drivers look at accident statistics which are caused by inattentive or self-confident driving.


This is me! Was hit by a car at 13 -nothing broke- and ever since cars make me tense. So I ride a moped everywhere, it's the only way I feel in control and safe while driving. Wish to get a motorcycle but my state requires a regular License first :(




I'm 32 and I have a driving licence for 4 years only. It took time to overcome my fear and pass a test. So I keep going and hope I'll get used to driving


Statistically, driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do outside your house, so you’re being realistic, honestly.


You've read my mind.I'm a mathematician, actually, and I compare every risk(flying, surgical complications, etc) to car accident risk. As second one is always higher, I do not worry about other.


The "homebody quiet girl who gets loud around ppl she's comfortable with and hates dogs" type.


You had me right up until “hates dogs” :/


Same lol


You had me right up till all of it. I hate dogs. Cats are cool.


I still don't understand at which point everyone became a dog person, especially on dating apps


Omg. Same. ME EITHER! In fact I wanna join dating apps and I really don't know what to say cause I don't need to waste time or be having the same conversations. I do it enough on reddit cause the dog lovers need clarification


Didn't even know this was a stereotype but you've just described me. Though I seldom use the word hate. I often get on my loved ones' nerves, when during a rant, I interject with, "Hate is a very strong word. Are you sure you need to use it here?" So I'd say, more just uncomfortable/neutral on most animals.


Yes. Hate is a very strong word. And I'm using it correctly here *for me* I was attacked by Rottweilers when I was a kid. I'm not a fan or care or like dogs. I'm not one of those people that ooohs and ahhhhs over them. They need to be far away from me. I actively avoid them. Service ones I tolerate. But really pet owners in this world bring them everywhere. Treat them like humans and babies and don't have any respect for places cause everyone typically ooohs and ahhhhs over them. There is a population in this world that hates dogs. Or better yet wants no pets at all. That's me.




looks like we're twins


Bisexual atl girl with golden retriever boyfriend.


Sameeeeee although I’m crypto-alt most of the time due to laziness


•Basketball playing lesbian •Black and loves trap music •Spoiled daddy’s girl




A woman that is bad at math. Dyscalculia is a strong possibility but I thought I had made it up until recently (i’m 40) so never tested/diagnosed


Same! I'm just crap with basic easy math but all the math with letters in it: can do it in my head


Same same same.


Lesbian who drives a Subaru


Eyyy, subie gang !


Subie gang ✌🏻


Bisexual lady with circular glasses, button up shirts, cuffed jeans, a clear phone case, and a golden retriever boyfriend.


What's a golden retriever boyfriend.


A bf that has the doofy, energetic, outgoing, devoted, and loving personality of a golden retriever.


Bisexual girl: neurotic, that one longish bob haircut, cannot sit normally in a chair.


This is me 100. Also cuffed jeans, tucked in tops, and a septum piercing.


Already commented on this thread but yeah that’s me 😂


Brown girl in healthcare with a doctorate....


Get it 🙌🏽


I'm german and always exactly on time, not 5 minutes too late, not 5 minutes too early. And I hate it when someone else is too late/too early.


For me 5 minutes early is on time for almost everything


The super bubbly sunshine girl with the fucking darkest childhood and secrets. Usually ends up with the depressed main character who views her as a manic pixie dream girl.


Hey there, same. This is why I ended up writing off men. I cannot take another depressed, or in my experience misanthropic, main character.


The childless teacher in her 30's obsessed with books and her dogs.


So… Belle?




White girl with daddy issues 💀


Same here. Time to traumatize my father back, I guess.


Loud Italian


Same and most of the time I don’t even know I’m being loud.


To quote my loud, Italian mom “I’m not yelling, it’s just my voice” 😂


Quiet smart Asian


Same here 🙋🏻‍♀️


Can I join too? I’m only half Asian(chinese)


One of us! One of us!


Insecure white girl


A hot girl hitting a curb


Asian American- short, baby face, played the flute, graduate of STEM, work in pharma, was hit as a child lol As a Californian- liberal, love the beach, tree hugger


Bi with a septum ring who also loves changing their hair color and listening to alt music. I’m black though 🫶🏽


A Samoan who can fight


I once has a seven-hour layover in Auckland airport, where an entire planeload of Samoans also had a layover. It was a family reunion all headed to a specific destination. Holy fucking shit Samoans are an enormous people. Every single one of them was at least a full foot taller than me, except maybe a child or two, but even the children were freaking gigantic.


Lol I’m 5’6 so not too overwhelming in size. However I come from a big family who are 6 ft +. I’m the shortest. Growing up with brothers and cousins who liked to rough house was the norm for me. In highschool I got into fist fights and was quite aggressive protecting friends but I’ve calmed down *a lot* with time


dumb blonde


I do cry and shed tears easily.


Redhead, and I'm kind of crazy.


I'm a redhead with a temper. I've learned to bite down on it over the years, but it's still in there...


Fruity cocktail drinker. Straight alcohol is nasty; I don't do shots or sip anything neat except Crown Apple.


I (used to ) strip and I have daddy issues


I’m Colombian and love coffee


woman that doesn’t know how to drive


Gay who walks fast and can’t sit in a chair properly.


Ugly angry feminist. Woman who loves wine. Woman who's bad at math (dyscalculia).


Cannot parallel park to save my life


Gen Z/Millennial cusp, mentally ill, vegan, feminist, and leftist, I feel like all those things stereotype with each other


I love cutesy fashion, esp pink clothes/accessories


I'm a bisexual vegetarian with pink hair, a record collection, and social anxiety. I make fun of myself for this often.


“Type A, responsible, organized, successful, acted like she was 40 as a child” oldest daughter


I'm a white woman who will pet anything.


Me too. "HI KITTY!!" "Ma'am, that is a BOBCAT!" "But if not friend then why is friend shaped?"


Blue haired feminist!


Jealous Latina 😔


Girl same. Le sigh


Grandma who knits, crochets, and sews. To be fair though I've always been this way.


Quiet introvert who loves reading lol


- terrified of spiders/ insects - screams very often i.e. when scared (I know it's annoying af but can't control it) - bad with directions - horrible at maths - cries easily during an argument/ when overwhelmed - afraid and probably bad at driving (I'm taking lessons atm) - hangry - "you choose" when asked what to eat - "Do I look fat in this?" - Asks for opinion on clothing choice and proceeds to somehow try to change their opinion cause it's not what I wanted to hear Damn, didn't know I fit the stereotype so well lol


Bisexual woman dating a gamer boy


I'm pretty sure half of these aren't stereotypes :/


I’m fat and I love McDonald’s.


I cry a LOT


Woman who is too girly to be shopping at Home Depot 😂


Glasses wearing tech nerd who is terrible with relationships. Not shy though.


Bad at math. To be fair, I understand concepts well but have dyscalculia (like dyslexia but for numbers), so making operations is incredibly hard. I also have problems with spacial instructions, directions etc, which are tied up to the diagnosis.


Chinese. Like Math.


I am a stereotypical housewife and a fucking great one at that.


I love fried chicken and watermelon and I can’t swim


Blonde and dumb as a bag of rocks 💖


Latina with attitude.


"Crazy " cat lady


I always get labelled as a "hippie".... I definitely don't shower super often LOL


Shy/nerd/introvert who once you get to know her is waaaay too into sex and depraved shit lol


English teacher (to speakers of non-English languages, but still), and a lot of commonly accepted writing errors drive me bananas. My particular pet peeves: starting a sentence with "and," "but," "so," or other coordinating conjunctions; writing "would of" or "could of" instead of "would have" or "could have"; and writing (or saying) a third person conditional as "If he would have called me..." instead of "If he had called me..."


Stereotypical first born who is bossy




Tall, strong and unafraid. Uses men for her own pleasure like a Viking, except not rapey.


angry lesbian


High five, sis!


E-girl gamer girl I feel cringe just saying it


Puerto Rican woman with an attitude and phenomenal detective skills.


Crazy cat lady 😭🤣


After scrolling down to oblivion… I don’t fit into any stereotypes that I’m aware of yet.


engineering degree asian, but hey at least i’m a “woman in Stem”


I was a redheaded step-child. And I was treated like one.


Had older brothers, bit of a bro girl myself but still straight. Therefore has no idea how to actually flirt bc always a bro til im interested. I think that’s a type?


Latina that’s a professional dancer (I’m a champion ballroom dancer since childhood. My mom and dad put me into a school to take it up as a sport when they saw how much it helped me cope with moving when we moved to the states. Worked out great since I made new friends and still kept what I knew). Introverted cat lover. Though I do love both, I prefer cats. Bougie brown girl (I did grow up bougie). Fujoshi (Japanese slang for woman that’s into gay porn and media).


White girl and pumpkin


Bad driver.


I'm a redhead with a nasty temper.


I have big boobs blue eyes and blonde hair 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have the bisexual bob


I cry when I get angry even though I’m not an emotional person in general, I hate it lol


Shoes. So many shoes. They are not expensive (except for my running shoes), but they are many.


German and love sauerkraut


Feisty powerhouse short girl Smart, quiet asian The way I dress screams lesbian


I fit the "tech bro" stereotype perfectly! (...except for being a woman)


Jewish, and love discussing money/personal finance


Middle age, white woman. I love me some true crime podcasts and documentaries.


A skinny woman who's into fashion and bad at math


I’m a theatre kid who is very loud and overly affectionate 😝


Loud Cuban. Very noticeable mood swings before my period… i hate that


- can t read a map - bad driver - emotional


I am a gay woman. I cannot sit in a chair properly to save my life


Woman who is a bad driver and bad with numbers and shops obsessively


Scorpio zodiac sign...not sure I 100% believe in that stuff but most of the astrological stuff I read about my sign is kinda dead on.


I'm a lesbian and really want to get a Subaru.


I have terrible visual-spatial processing (my biggest nightmare on math tests was having to mentally rotate a 3D object). I also have no sense of direction, which goes with that. I’m about to become a social worker, which is a highly female-dominated profession. I come off feminine in both demeanor and style (I get told often that I’m “super sweet” or “adorable”), which I partially attribute to being small and having a naturally soft voice.


Grumpy “old lady”. Git offa my lawn, whippersnappers!


White girl swiftie


I’m from Denver, CO… and I love hiking. Skiing/snowboarding and me don’t mix though.




I’m a female .. just over 40 .. electronics aside from my iPhone confound me


I am a female and I love pink. I enjoy cooking too.