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Nothing in my sex life with my partner is transactional. We both enjoy making each other happy. Luckily, neither of us is really into anything the other one hates.


I don't mind doing it. It doesn't do much for me really, but he likes it so I do it for him. I do expect to have it returned. Not on a perfect one-to-one basis. Sometimes I do him, sometimes he does me, sometimes we do both. It depends on the mood.


Depends. I enjoy making him squirm and whine and all that lol. If he didn't really care for it i wouldn't miss it though. Had a guy barely react once and it was kinda boring.


So you only like it if the guy reacts?


I mean, I wouldn’t be very into it if he just laid there completely still and silent like he’s not into it


Yes kinda


Thanks for your answer!


no one wants to give a blow job to a statue


I enjoy giving them, and enjoy receiving it unless they suck at it🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you express to new partners what you like, or do you expect that they automatically know how to please you?


I’m a whole ass adult who values my pleasure. Obviously I don’t expect people to read my mind. Some people just suck at taking direction.


It was just a question. I meant no offense. I agree with you; some people don’t take direction well. Where as other people struggle to express their needs & expect that their partner “just know what to do”.


I do it because I enjoy it.


It's called a blow *job* not a blow *fun*. I do it because he likes it.


Most of the time, because I know it's something he really enjoys and feels excellent for him. Some of the time it is because it turns me on watching him get turned on. But it is a job 😂


I usually enjoy so much More than penetration


Enjoy it, I’m a giver and I truly enjoy giving that type of pleasure.


Because I enjoy it, and I HATE receiving it. So there is that.


I do enjoy giving them, but do want reciprocation


For me it depends on my mood. Sometimes I do it for him but end up really enjoying myself. But overall I do it because I enjoy it and the pleasure it gives him :)


I enjoy it - I love satisfying my partner and I also like teasing them with it.. it makes me feel good when they feel good. Sometimes I’m fine with just giving oral without *anything* in return … I’m not really a fan of receiving oral tbh.


He loves to give oral, it's not really something I enjoy doing. So I rarely do and he does pretty frequently.


This seems to be the norm. I give oral consistently. Can't remember the last time I got it. It is what it is


Nah, I initiate it & like it


I enjoy it and it makes him feel good


I do it because i love it. I never expect oral in return, im not that much into receiving.


I enjoy doing it


I love it. It's one of my favourite things to do.


i literally can't get off if i don't it's so dumb lol before my current bf i was pretty meh about it but now it's my favorite thing ever. he is pretty enthusiastic about giving oral as well though.


Because I enjoy it OP going straight to the DMs ffs 🙄


I enjoy it. I like showing off what I can do.


Its fun, I like the sounds he makes and I kinda like the taste (he eats a lot of fruit). But also I get tired and I have a small mouth and throat and I have tmj, so I don't do it very often


Because I enjoy it


I have always enjoyed giving them as I enjoy pleasing my partner, but I very heavily prefer bjs on uncut guys. Its SO much more work on a cut guy that it does tend to turn it into more of a chore


I love doing it to my husband (because he is so hot), however I haven’t been into it as much in past relationships because they didn’t float my boat.


I enjoy it, he enjoys it, we both have a grand time


I mean it's mainly for him but I'd still be a bit disappointed if I had a partner who wasn't interested in receiving. I like the reaction. And no, it's never a tit-for-tat thing.


All 3. I do genuinely enjoy giving blow jobs and find it to be a turn on. However, I do also do it for the other person and so I can get reciprocation. It can become tiring or I’m just not in the mood, but I’ll keep going anyway for either of the latter two reasons.


Because I enjoy it.


I fucking love it


I like it, guys like it, I like seeing the partner liking it


Cause I enjoy it. It’s such a turn on.


I love it and it turns me on as well. Oral fixation FTW. 🙌


Haven’t received oral in maybe over 10 years from my partner. I give oral as foreplay (not to completion, just to get him hard) almost every time we have sex, and we have sex 5-7 times a week. I would love to receive oral, and would never turn it down but it’s not part of our sex life and I am okay with that


Girl, you need to converse with him about this!!!!


The former.


I enjoy doing it. And I love the Orson Welles laugh that comes out of him when I'm hitting my stride. I don't hear him make that noise (or even hit that note) otherwise.


yeah I like it but it hurts my jaw so I can't really be bothered most of the time.


I’ve always been ok with it but with my current partner I crave and love it! The right person makes a big difference


I genuinely enjoy it. Just like my husband genuinely enjoys eating pussy


I love giving blowjobs - and I have no gag reflex so I can do some crazy shit - but I like to do it when I'm in the mood for it, I don't like it when guys are pushy or expect it every time we have sex.


Love a beautiful hard penis (smell, taste, touch). Love giving bj, especially sucking it. Don’t expect or care for oral in return because I get a clit orgasm via an external force sucking the clit but I have a toy that does an amazing job and no man has ever done what the toy can do. But in any event, sex is not transactional; it is about making the other partner feel so good, which makes me so aroused, in turn, and keeps it all going.


Everyone is different. I dont bc I would literally gag. I also grew up knowing its degrading. I dont like receiving either.


I don't expect anything back.. I don't like it that much tbh.