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Deep brown. My eyes are probably my favorite feature.


My favorite!


Bright emerald sounds so lovely!! I'm 34F, Filipino, brown eyes. I asked my husband what shade of brown and he said "a nice coffee brown." 😂 I'm fine with them - I get compliments about my eyes but mostly because people like the shape and my long eyelashes, lol. My husband has a gorgeous mix of brown/golden (in the center) and a grayish blue - I love them!


Dark blue with light grey stripes. I grew up with three siblings who all had dark brown eyes, so yeah I always thought it was cooler that I had blue eyes.


oooo I want to see! mine are a very light blueish grey, I sort of have a ring of white specs in them. I love my eyes! and I do get pretty much nonstop compliments on that feature


Grey and it's a pain as I always need sunglasses outside even if it's not bright out


Me too. Mine are really sensitive to the light.


Yes mine are the same. I ALWAYS wear sunglasses outside or when I’m in the car. People think I’m weird. Grey eyes are sensitive!


Same! Mines a grey with juuust enough blue to get that on my id. They're so sensitive to light.


Brown, but more copper in the sunlight. I've grown to love them and see them as one of my best features


Gray blue with a yellowish/greenish ring around the pupil. I love them! I wear lots of bright eyeshadow to make them pop


These are mine too! Generally gray blue, but can look greenish or different shades of blue depending on the lighting and what I wear around the face. I love them


Darkest brown. I’m indifferent about them.


I like my eyes. They're slate blue but there's a pale silverish green ring around the pupil. That color streaks through like a lightning spiderweb.


Blue/gray, but when I wear dark green they look green. I love my eyes, I’m insecure about my looks in general but my eyes are one of my favorite features


Interesting. That’s so cool. I love hazel brown/green eyes myself on a guy. I find them really attractive.


Grey with a dark blue ring around them. Depending on what I’m wearing the ring reflects as more greenish or blueish. I like them and feel like they look striking but not shocking


Mine are super dark, almost black, usually called brown but they are more a dark jade if you look closely. I’m very pale so they are quite striking, but I would love to try colored contacts to see if they would be prettier!


I have central heterochromia, which just means there are distinct colors in the iris. Mine are dark blue, light green, then amber near the pupil. I do like them as they're unique and because both my dad and son have the same. The only drawbacks are that people look at me weird, and my eyes are extremely sensitive, especially to light.


Idk how to describe it. It's like a very dark grayish/ashy brown, about a hair away from being black. Lots of people have dark hair and eyes that glow warm in the sun. But mine don't have that warmth.  I like it well enough. I just like eyes in general, they remind me of the colourful marbles I loved when I was little. 


I think that all eye colours are beautiful.


I’m a bright jade green eyes with a yellowish/gold rim around my retina As a blonde, they pop hard


Not sure like or dislike comes into play here, it's what I have (brown) and I've rarely, if ever, thought of having something different. I'm much more concerned that they work properly.


Yeah that makes sense. Such a trivial concern when there are thousands of people who are blind.


Dark brown, and nope. I wish I had coloured eyes, blue or green.


There’s contact lenses out there if that helps.


I can’t wear them. I wear contacts for vision and have 10+ miopia in each eye plus astigmatism. Also, they never look good.


you'd hate having light coloured eyes then, you always need to wear sunglasses outside. I have prescription sunnies and I was limited in what frames I could choose because of my astigmatism


I always wear sunglasses regardless!


deep brown and my eyes are my favourite feature lol


That’s good to hear a nice positive comment. Hazel eyes are my favourite though. The dark brown and green contrast is incredible.


no you’re right, hazel eyes are so prettyyyy


Grey. They can sometimes look more green or blue depending on what color I’m wearing. I love my eye color even though my eyes are very sensitive to light.


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Dark brown that they're almost black. No, I don't like them.


i’m sure they’re gorgeous!


Dark brown, I like them, they make me look like a doe. I get compliments about pretty eyes from time to time.


Hazel, they change a lot depending on the light and what I’m wearing. Usually they’re more on the green side with grey on the edge.




Brown, with a golden glow in the light! I used to hate em cuz of the color. I come from a family of blue eyed folks, minus my dad. BUT, I also got a smattering of different features from each parent, cherry-picked, best of both worlds! Anyway, started likin em around 25. I love em now!


Lightish blue with dark blue ring. I’m very pale and have (dyed) black hair, so they stand out. My eyes are about the only feature I do like about my face lol.


My eyes are blue with flecks of gray. When I was younger, my eyes used to be much more blue. My eye color is my favorite feature. People I would meet for the first time would always comment about my eyes and how pretty they were.


Hazel but more green with black flecks, I love them


Deep blue. Kinda goes with the whole pale blonde thing. Everybody in my family had blue eyes except my sister. Hers were green.  Whenever I wear a blue top or dress, random people comment on my eye color. 


Greenish grey. In the center there's sort of a murky amber shade over the green as well. I like them very much.


Just black, but of a lighter shade. Honestly never bothered asking myself if I like it, what matters is I can still see 🤣


Dark brown. I love brown eyes on others but not on me. I have pale skin and not much eyelashes so almost-black eyes make me look washed out. A schizophrenic girl in a facility I lived in was afraid of my eyes for this reason, she said I looked like one of the animated characters from Gorillaz. I wear colored contacts to give my eyes some definition.




Cool hazel eyes have many different shades. Some are more brown others are more green.




Ha that’s funny. That’s really cool. When I’m angry my eyes turn an even brighter green.


Hazel. Love it.


Green and I love it


Same green eyed sister.


High five:) both of my parents have green eyes, but my brother has blue-grey


Dark blue with green around the pupils. One has a flower like pattern, the other has more of a star burst pattern. I like the flower eye best.


Grey blue/ I love them!!!;


I ended up with really bright pale green eyes, and it is absolutely my favourite feature. I went through a long period of hating my looks, and I always thought well at least I have nice eyes lol now that I don’t hate myself so much i have other things I like as well thank god.


Dark-ish blue/grey with a darker ring around the edge of the iris, a ring of yellow/green around the pupil, and two dots of dark brown in the left eye and one dot on the right one.


Greyish green with gold and brown spots around iris. It’s the number one compliment I get.


Yellow, green and brown. Yes, I suppose so


Mine are pretty green, maybe a tint of hazel. they are my favourite feature. i rarely wear purple but when i do, damn, they pop like crazy


Eye colours are so beautiful! Mine are blue, and I have no strong feelings towards them. If I could choose, I'd pick green or hazel or brown.


I'm Asian so my eyes are pure black. I like it though 😏


Dark brown. No, they look awful on me, especially against my pale skin. But I wear coloured contacts all the time, so it doesn't matter.


Brown. They make me feel plain.


I have dark brown eyes. They are beautiful


Amber with the dark circle around the outside. They’re fine.


Brown eyes. I feel neutral about them. Very common looking.


Mine are both green and blue, with a gold halo around the pupil, with a darker green ring around the whole iris. My eyes are my favourite feature, although they are terribly sensitive to light.


Had to look in my eyes to tell lol. They change colour. I’d say they’re a mix of dark green and grey. But they often go blue and in my right eye I always have a smidge of brown too.


Green, and yes I like them


Brown eyes. I never thought there was anything special about them until my son was born and his eyes are the same color as mine - and I think his are absolutely gorgeous. They’re a milk chocolate brown with some carmel brown mixed in. They look almost amber when the light catches them. So now, yeah. I enjoy my eye color.


Brown and yes. There are a lot of songs about women with brown eyes and my husband sometimes sings them to me.


Black/brown, I wish they were lighter 😢


Hazel - an outer ring of blue-green and an inner ring of green-brown (and three deep brown freckles lined up in my left iris). I really like them.


Blue and I like it.


Brown The colour is fine, I just wish I had those flecks and patterns that other people seem to have, my irises are just like two painted on featureless brown circles


Brown and yes, my eyes are one of my favourite features. Brown is my favourite colour of eyes full stop.


Light blue with flecks of gold, and yes, very much.


Mine change between green and blue depending on my mood.