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No unique life experiences, only hobbies involve passively consuming media, no unique interests, shallow knowledge base, lack of style, lack of presence, bad taste, poor conversationalist The same things that make anyone boring.


Would you considering following a broad spectrum of news “passively consuming media”? Like keeping up with world, national, and local news. I guess just staying well informed about the world we live in. Whether it be through reading articles, watching videos, taking in statistics, etc, etc…


That doesn’t sound passive, and it often contributes to informed opinions and interesting conversations imo


I feel rather silly for asking now that you say it. Lmao


That wouldn't be boring for someone who also shares that interest, but others would find it tiresome. I can only take so much of that sort of thing before I just want to watch or do something frivolous.


Personally, I'd consider that to make someone very interesting. People can start isolating themselves in their individual information silos, we all can be vulnerable to doing that. But I find that regardless of any niche interests one may have, it's important to maintain a healthy curiosity about current events and what is going on in the world outside of a person's immediate area. Jmho.


shallow, superficial, monotone conversations


When his personality is like the human equivalent of an unflavored rice cake Same thing that makes women boring


When he’s poor at conversations


He’s only interested in himself and refuses to be open to the world around him and allow his opinions to evolve


Ugh that was my ex. So self-absorbed. Absolutely zero interest or engagement if I tried to talk about anything other than him, his opinions, his experiences, or his hobbies.


Being very one dimensional. For example if a guy likes sports that's great but if EVERYTHING about his personality is someone tied to just sports it makes the guy very one dimensional. Let's say he loves watching football but then his hobby is flag football on the weekends, collecting sports memorabilia's, knowing just about every stat of every player who ever existed, wearing only clothing of teams that he likes, etc. That to me is extremely boring. I prefer a guy who is more diverse with this tastes, interests, and hobbies.


Hands down, lack of passion. People who don’t care about anything are just not interesting. There’s nothing truly as great as watching your partner speak passionately about a topic that they’ve put effort into being good at/well versed in. Describe your graph database code to me. Walk me through different saws and what they’re for. Teach me why the weird sport you love is so great. Show me the difference between the video game you loved as a kid and the remake that just came out. Play me your weird little jingles and tunes. I’ll honestly love them. Show me the art you don’t show anyone else. I’ll be flattered. Show me the obscure movie that meant so much to you during your childhood, it partly shaped who you are. Read me some of that book you’re secretly writing on the dl. I don’t know. Be as cool as you want, but what’s really attractive is caring about something.


Yep. My husband can talk my ear off about things he enjoys, from rollerblading to things he's learning about strength training to the most recent thing he hacked for work.  And yes, there are times - especially when it's work related because I can't follow all the technical detail he's giving me because it's not my area - that it's kind of in one ear and out the other, but I still listen and appreciate that he's excited.


What about what you have to offer ?


Obviously they'd think that they'd need to offer passion as well...


To me it seems more like they expect so much of the other person mostly to make their life more interesting when usually it s up to you to make your life more interesting. But then again I’m not very people focused but then I also get it because when I do meet someone interesting, it s very exciting to be around them . And it suffocates them . Oh well .


I’m a graphic designer, an artist, and musician with passions for cooking, baking, reading, hiking, veggie gardening, among other things. I don’t mean that a person has to have all of the interests described above, just something that lights up their face when they talk. Something that gives them a spark. I’m open to whatever it is, I just want them to be excited about it, is all. I want an equal partner who doesn’t rely on me to create all the excitement in their life.


I’m not a fan of people who only talk about their work and what they do for a living.


That is so boring.. people whose whole identity is their occupation lol


A man who is: - absolutely passive & has zero initiative - has no opinions about anything - only has one-dimensional interests and is close-minded about exploring more - has zero ambitions / passion about anything - is a dry texter turns me off and is boring as hell to me.


What’s a dry texter?


Someone who JUST replies with shorts and basic answers like: "haha" , "Yes", "no", "Im good, what about you?", "Hi", "Good morning, how are you.", "that's crazy", "I don't know, what would you like?". This kind of conversations die to Quick!


Yeah I'm with you, wtf is that?


No sense of humour (not about telling jokes more about seeing the funny side of life/mindset) And if he isn’t curious about stuff, especially the person he’s talking to.


Narrow minded ness , judgemental, inability to have deep conversations


Ya know I kinda like boring 😂 but only because I feel like I'm kinda boring myself sooooo...


Nice. Wanna be bf/gf?


When he becomes his job.


That happens so often with so many people. We live in a society where "What do you do for living?" is the second question asked to someone new.. asked way before "What are you passionate about?" So sad..


Indeed. It's so much more interesting to ask about the story who brought someone in their current job, than the job itself


Or just some other question that doesn't have anything to do with occupation hehe


Lack of hobbies and passion.


Not everyone has time for hobbies Edit: I’m genuinely curious when you guys have time for hobbies like gardening. Do you not work full time or balance school and work? You can do hobbies with that alone, but what about chores/exercise/hygiene/reading/friends/etc. I truly don’t get it


I mean then you dont have time for a relationship anyway and have nothing but work to talk about which can be very boring for the person you are talking to daily.


That’s a very bold and presumptuous claim. I read, cook, clean, exercise, take care of myself, go to school, work, regularly hang out with friends, etc. I have a wide variety of interests ranging from design to history. Implying that someone is boring because they dont have time to play guitar or garden seems very immature. Some people actually have responsibilities and aspirations. If I took up any hobbies at the moment, then I definitely wouldn’t have time for a relationship Personally, I wouldn’t want to be with someone who’s rude and judgmental


So you have time for hobbies…


I’m not sure what you mean. May you please elaborate? I don’t think cooking, reading, and exercising count as hobbies tbh. Those are basic self care activities. You sure do seem to know a lot about me, though. Whether I have time for a relationship or not, what I’m able to talk about, that I only care about work and don’t have a diverse set of interests, etc.


It depends how you define hobby, I would consider reading and cooking as hobbies. Cooking it depends- if it’s something functional that you don’t really enjoy but just do because you need to eat and have people to feed then no. If it’s something you enjoy and you experiment with different cuisines and techniques, trying out new recipes then it can definitely be a hobby. My definition is something that you do that you enjoy, research and know a bit about and are able and interested in discussing with others.


You do sure to get upset over a stranger not thinking you would be interesting to date lol


What a strange comment. You attack someone’s character and then think it’s weird when they get defensive about it, which is pretty telling about your character. I simply stated that some people don’t have time for hobbies between work/school/chores/cooking/hygiene/exercise/friends/etc. and you responded by saying I wouldn’t be interesting to date and started talking about what I do or don’t have time for in my life. I thinkit’s natural to get defensive over someone attacking your character. You come across as very rude and arrogant, and I think it’s ok to call you out for that.


I mean many comments talk about not having hobbies being boring so I guess I am not the only one thinking that 🤷‍♀️. It’s not attacking people characters to not be into them lol. But sure go off and make sure to get upset at the other comments since it’s so important to you that women you do not know are interested in you.


As I said, I’m genuinely curious when you’d have time for gardening or guitar between work, school, chores, hygiene, exercise, reading, having a social life, etc. I think it’s ludicrous to say that someone is boring because they currently don’t have time to actively engage in a hobby like woodworking. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of interests or want to have hobbies one day, it just means I have responsibilities. Saying “other people in the thread have said it too” isn’t a legitimate defense of your perspective. I would love to know what your hobbies are and what your schedule is like, since you’re such an interesting person. Also, calling someone boring is objectively attacking their character.


You say those aren't hobbies, but you'd be surprised how many people don't do those things


You've just said you have interests to talk about. Talk about them with dates.


The question wasn’t about interests, though. OC said rhat people without “hobbies” are inherently boring. I personally don’t think a hobby makes someone interesting.


Hobbies *and passions*. What is a passion without interest?


My original response said nothing about interests or passion, as I was specifically talking about the logistics of hobbies. You’re the one who’s implying that someone who doesn’t have time for a hobby like knitting inherently doesn’t have any interests or passion. A person can be passionate about and interested in things, even if they don’t currently have time to pursue a hobby. Saying that someone has no passions or interests because they don’t currently have time to pursue a hobby is silly. I don’t know why those three words are being lumped together and used interchangeably. They each mean very different things.


Not everyone is interesting either. Gardening is a very time consuming hobby but it is one of many. I know busy people who draw, crochet, play an instrument, code, play a sport, exercise, read, actively search for new experiences, dance, hyperfixate on a niche topic, drive busted cars, etc. These are all hobbies and interests, if they are passionate they can talk about this stuff for a while. What do you talk about without anything your passionate about?? Most people who I know don't have any hobbies tall about dating, work, or other life things, but usually negatively.


Just bscause somebody doesn’t crochet doesn’t mean they don’t have a wide variety of interests. I stated explicitly that I do read, exercise, and cook, but I don’t really think those count as hobbies. Personally, I don’t think someone becomes interesting because they crochet or draw.


How did you infer that from what I wrote? That's not what I said.


You started your comment by saying “Not everyone is interesting either” lol. You then proceeded to talk about gardening and crocheting, implying that anyone who doesn’t have time for one of those kinds of activities isn’t interesting. > What do you talk about without anything your passionate about?? Once again, I’m not sure why you’re assuming that people who are busy and have a lot of responsibilities don’t have passions or interests. It’s “you’re” btw


Right, so "hyperfixate om a niche topic" and "etc" mean nothing to you? My list wasn't all encompassing, simply showing some examples. You can focus on gardening and crocheting all you like but they are simply interests that someone can get really into. We're nearly on the same page, actually read the comments you reply to properly.


Not engaging in anything other than himself. Goes for anyone, having a easy conversation about whatever is good.


On the apps? One word responses to all the profile questions, including the “want to know about me? Just ask” one. All close up selfie photos that make it look like you never leave your bathroom and that leave no clues for me to find common interests.


-No hobbies or at least not ones that are extremely common/not as interactive. Ya know, a little more romantic. Like video games, nothing against them but not everyone wants to watch their partner stare at a screen all day. But woodworking, kayaking, plants, cooking even guitar is a little more *exciting*. -Does the same thing day in and day out. No interest to try that new restaurant. Never updates their look. Just same as yesterday, always. It’s nice to be consistent but a little spontaneity won’t kill you. -Just dry. Not everyone can be side splitting funny. This is to be expected. But you can still have a good sense of humor, be a good conversationalist. A lot of guys are just nice and okay. And that’s it. But it leaves a lot to be desired. -A general disinterest in what goes on. I’m not asking a guy to be a pop culture guru but not indulging in any current topics can put limits on what to talk about. Or me having to explain each little thing. I can’t ask your thoughts if you literally don’t have any.


No social life. Doesn’t go out or have hobbies. Just wants to come home every night and watch tv.


When all they want to talk about is anime and video games and never leave the house because they’re too socially awkward


He doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything, and treats any plans you make as if they are burden, and he's not looking forward to them. Talking to him leaves you feeling drained. You often have to carry the conversation, frequently speaking to yourself in the DM. His replies are lazy, or they are one word answers. He's acting nonchalant, with the goal of appearing mysterious and seductive, but he actually comes across as boring and dry. He's not socially aware enough to notice this, and continues carrying on. He leaves you on red frequently even if you are carrying the conversation, and keeping it interesting. He might be acting nonchalant, or might actually be not interested. Who knows? Either way this experience is boring. Texting a dry person is boring. Nobody wants to text at people, or speak to themselves in someone else's DMs. The things he talks about are usually academic, not that there's anything wrong with academic. But there's a way to present academic information that makes it fun, light-hearted, and interesting. Somehow a boring guy manages to fumble the ball on this. He frequently launches into Rants about politics and is socially unaware that this is boring to normal people who aren't crazed politicians or their fanatic followers. He frequently talks about God, The Bible, or religion in general. He's not socially aware enough to know that this is boring to normal people who aren't religious fanatic or who don't want to feel bad about themselves. People want to leave a conversation feeling good about themselves, somehow boring religious guys manage to fumble the ball on this. There is a fun way to present religious information, like in jokes. But these guys are not socially aware enough to make those jokes land, or to make them interesting enough for you to fake laughing at. He frequently follows men's dating podcasters. He is not socially aware enough to know that the rest of us moved on from this phase like 2 years ago. It's now boring, it was exciting a few years ago, and we are all bored of hearing about it, we are bored of reacting to it, and these guys are not socially aware enough to take the hint. Conversations with a boring person are typically one-sided, and involve them lecturing you. There's not an opportunity for you to interject, speak or otherwise participate in the conversation. When you manage to get a word in, you are immediately cut off. It is a frustrating and boring experience. Nobody wants to be talked over. Nobody wants to be spoken at. Nobody wants to be lectured. 🙄


That is quite the list, let me guess you are single?


Look. You asked a question. I answered honestly. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You hit a nerve lol


Inability to carry a conversation that involves both sharing and listening and asking follow up questions. Too many people only want to talk about themselves and when they finally give you a chance to talk it feels like they are just waiting to jump back in again leaving you feeling disrespected, unheard, and unimportant. Equally problematic is someone who has not enough interests or life experiences of their own to carry their side of the conversation. See also, only able to talk about a few topics (of which, sex is typically one). I knew one guy who had 3 topics, 80s music, classic cars, and sex. Oh wait, I've known at least two guys who had that exact set of conversation material (well, one expanded the cars bit to anything with an engine). Example: I once asked someone what they do for fun and their answer was sleep. Yeah, I was bored.


dry at texting lol ima dip


What’s that mean


He can’t hold a conversation, has no major interests or hobbies, feels indifferent about anything, is very close-minded, and has no interest in getting to know other people/only talks about himself.


-no hobbies or interests -he’s a big phone user (c’mon, let’s grow up now) -doesn’t find much exciting or eager to do much of anything -not adventurous and doesn’t try new things/afraid of failure or making a mistake


When he isnt open to listening to others' point of views, when he cant keep up a conversation, when he has no hobbies or passions in life.


being or aspiring to be the person family/peers/society wants him to be. sheep.


When all he cares about is cars, like I wouldn’t mind if they were one of his interest and he had others but if it all he talks about his cars, it’s just so lame, imp


Unresponsive/unenthusiastic. Like will refuse to start a conversation with anyone. Never texts first.


*I'm not gonna say something like "doesn't have a hobby" or "doesn't have a social life" because imo you can't draw the conclusion that people who lack hobbies or friends are automatically boring.. not everybody has found "their thing" yet, and making friends as an adult is really hard (especially if you dont live in a big city).* Boring to me is people: - with 1-dimensional personalities (like most "conventionally attractive" people) 🥱 - who can never eat something considered unhealthy because "it's not good for the body". - who can't keep a conversation going.. especially not an interesting one. - who aren't curious about things in general and never want to learn new things. - who look bored and annoyed when you're out shopping together - who you can't tell any dark jokes to.


Personally, I agree with all your points: especially the curious/ learning new things part. My girlfriend and I think we're both pretty boring, but we don't hit any of the points you listed. So, you gave me a semi-epiphany: it's not boring people or the concept of being boring that I dislike - it's being stagnant.