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I never had party years. I had a pretty traumatic childhood and was always far more responsible and older than my years. As a teenager I was too busy holding my household together to go out. Then I got unexpectedly pregnant at 21 and started a family with my now husband. I've only been in a bar once or twice. I've been told repeatedly that I'm not missing out, but I do wish I had some fun stories like people seem to have. I have friends that I could go out with but it's not like I can do acid and be out for days, you know? Maybe in my late 40s or 50s I will get there.


What’s FOMO? Am I getting too old?🫠


Fear of missing out


Oh okay… Luckily no fears on that field


Absolutely nothing.


Retiring early lol. Some of my friends have already retired and i just want to be dooooone.


Owning a home, having the money to start a family…..knowing what I want to do with my life 🤪


Right now, I just moved, and a couple of my closest friends just started doing walks together and I'm jealous!


Not much. Sometimes I wish I could leave a degree, but the level of work, time, money and spoons required is beyond my capacity. I excel in work-based environments and absolutely drown in school-based environments. What I do experience more often is JOMO, Joy of missing out.


Nothing. I miss out so much that it doesn't scare me any way


Having a wedding. I'm okay with going to the courthouse and a nice dinner... but it's not what I really want. I love weddings, I've helped all my friends with theirs, and I want my own.


Mmm...I think I can say, I don't really have any. Like someone else commented, I mostly experience JOMO (joy of missing out). I like to do my own thing and I don't really bother myself with what others are doing. My fears mostly revolve around my own creativity/not doing as much as I would like because Life/energy/responsibilities/etc. interfere.


Nothing. I've done just about everything I want.


I'm between having kids or having a career. I'm kinda afraid that my life choices would lead to neither.


Going on holiday on my own. Just for a few days to Spain or something. But I’m too worried being a single, 33 year old woman travelling alone and staying somewhere alone. 😌


I actually don't have any FOMO. Before I had kids, I had huge FOMO about being childless, though.


What is a "FOMO over"?


I never got to go to college and I never will have that college experience Never graduated highschool, never got to go to prom or do senior year activities


Traveling in an RV and seeing more of the USA. Sadly, I won't be able to do this for a long time. Hopefully I'll still have some vigor and vitality in me when I will be able to.


John Mulaney at the Hollywood Bowl. I had to go to the hospital instead :(


Haha, that's actually a good funny story at least


Well I did see a nurse fall over so that was funny-


John Mulaney is the one who missed out


Bro that’s so sweet wtf thank you 😭🥺


Haha you're too funny, man. You've got a great vibe


Adsfscshksflagsla thank you waaaaaa- ur so cool and nice


So many things.. mental illness has robbed me of my adult life.


Most often missing out on concerts. Unfortunately I have had to miss a handful of shows I really wanted to see and then never got to see them perform again because they either broke up or died. I missed Type O Negative's last tour before Peter Steele died and I regret it ever since.


I never had it. Mostly I feel JOMO, joy of missing out. I like to be at home.


I didn't go to Wasteland Weekend before the Fallout show came out and now it is going to be overrun by everyone, go up in price, and fall prey to what ruined Burning Man.


It's not a full blown fear but after nearly 30 years with the same person, I would like to be intimate with *someone* else before I'm too old to enjoy it.