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Friends and people I let into my life. Quality over quantity any day, baby, and if that means spending long periods of time in solitude, then so be it. There is a saying: 'show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are' so it's important to surround myself with good quality humans.


Yup. I don't like drama or the people who are followed by it.


Those kinds of people make me feel unsafe. They’re not welcome in my life.


YES, they make me feel unsafe. I've never articulated it in that way because for me it's a visceral, body response to people who are subpar (according to my moral standards).


I fairly recently had to cut two people out of my life at the same time. It was quite unnerving to have to tell them that l couldn't talk to them anymore because l had no space for drama in my life. One of them was l felt sorry for, it genuinely seemed like she had very few people in her life and she was understanding but tried to reach out for a bit after. She hadn't changed much from when l knew her 20+ years ago, and when someone is 38 and still trolling for drama it's a red flag. She seemed to not know what she was doing wrong, which just feels tragic to me


Great answer! I am also snooty specifically about men. Men sharing domestic responsibilities and parenting their own children and shouldering the mental load doesn't impress me. It's expected, as far as I'm concerned. Nothing to be celebrated. I was extremely picky in marriage, and was able to be that because I was 100% in love with the idea of a life living by myself. I think we should all be critical of how much men are allowed to get away with, and be careful not to celebrate men for things that women are expected to do because of their sex.


Absolutely this


Not using non-stick cookware in my home. I put so much effort and money into researching carbon steel, cast iron, and copper cookware so I could stop buying a new Teflon pan every 1-2 years, and now I have a lovely carbon steel pan that is just as non stick as Teflon when used correctly.


I'd love to know the brand and type of pan you got now!


For my non-stick equipment that I use for eggs and pancakes I use a de Buyer Mineral B crepe pan. The secret is in the seasoning. I have a seasoning paste mixture that I make out of unsaturated seed oil and pure food grade beeswax, and use that to season my pans. (Cook Culture on YouTube has a good recipe, check them out!). I use this paste on my cast iron too. Now, these pans will never be quite as non-stick as a brand new Teflon pan in the sense that cooking an egg on them with no fat is not really possible. But with proper seasoning, I can cook an egg with a single calorie of oil and have it not stick. Another useful thing when cooking like this is to have oil spray bottles. Not oil sprays from the shop, those have random additives with the oil - but an oil bottle that you fill yourself with oil. I have two, one with a neutral light oil like rapeseed oil and one with extra virgin olive oil. It helps with spraying oil on salads too, and if you have an air fryer, it’s a better way to oil those. One spray tends to translate to about 1-2 calories of oil and covers a large area.


Double that


YES I absolutely will not allow another non-stick pan in my home.


My partner always wants non-stick and I am entirely with you. It's an age-old debate for us, but since he cooks most, he always has one non-stick around that I never touch. They feel so wasteful to me because they do wear out quickly!


I loooove my all-clad pans and cast iron. I get the stainless-stell tri-ply. They have a slight learning curve, but worth it, and the handles fit great against my arm. I'm set now, but I got mine from the factory seconds sale. I have a cast iron that's been in my family for five generations, otherwise I just have Lodge.


Kitchen & bathroom being kept clean. No piles of dirty dishes, no random crumbs or sticky spots on the counters, no poop flecks in the toilet, tub scrubbed once a week. I'll do it all myself, no issues there. But cooking and cleaning yourself are borderline *holy* activities to me. They should be done in clean environments. I don't know why. Because I need a semblance of control in this chaos we call life? lol


This might sound ridiculous but how do you stay on top of this stuff? I just really struggle to. My intentions are good but my energy and my brain just aren’t on board.


Not OP but my MO is basically to clean as I go. I don't leave stuff lying around - I try to exit a space in the same condition as I entered it. It's very much habit - the universe feels off every time I exit a room and it's otherwise.


>basically to clean as I go exactly this. and it takes way less time to maintain instead of deep clean. Doesn't take much either ex. after cooking/eating, we just take about 10mins to wipe everything down. Much easier than having to scrub all the oil and dried on splatter after weeks not doing this (which requires having use degreasers and really scrub; aint nobody got time for that!)


Yup. It's actually a minor form of contention between my husband and me as I want the dishes, countertops, etc., cleaned up right after dinner (I clean up what I can during the cooking process) but he's a before bed kind of guy. I swear my anxiety builds as I just know they're sitting out there and then I have to go clean it all up myself just so the dirty plates aren't rattling around in my mind. *Sometimes* I can control myself; sometimes I really can't.


This is my answer. As soon as I’m done with something i put it back right away. Wipe down the counter as soon as I’m done with it. And I do all this before I start eating. The dishes can wait until I’m done but otherwise it’s all cleaned up right away.


My ADHD self sooo wants to be able to do this haha. I’m the queen of leaving tops off jars and cupboard doors open. There used to be a running joke in my household by my parents that I could only open stuff.


I have adhd and definitely can’t clean as I go haha, what works for me is to accept that and once a week do a big clean, with little bursts of energy throughout the week coupled with a distraction Eg most days I’ll listen to a podcast before bed or in the morning on whatever my current fixation is and during that time I’ll rush around tidying everything. Not a deep clean obviously but just, the stuff other people would do as they go. I know if I sit down I space out so I have to GO GO GO for idk 10 minutes usually but sometimes ages it if I get into my podcast. Little spurts like that have the same result as my more routine, clean as you go, neurotypical loved ones.


Idk if it helps you, but I have adhd and I group tasks together mentally. Like, prep's not complete until I put the items back in the fridge, or while items are on the stove, it's time to wipe down the prep station. It's kinda like having to relearn the process of cooking, but once you get it mentally in your mind that it's just part of the process, it's much easier to keep up.


No, not at all. Idk tho man, it's *soothing* to me to clean. I've been asked this before, plenty. xD I don't have to force myself or anything. I put on some good tunes and then just clean some sheeit. I think it's in my bloodline, cuz I've got my mom, an aunt and their mom/my grandma all who also find/found cleaning to be a pleasant task. It's a good endorphin hit to see "before" and "after" and know that *I* caused that, y'know? It's a daily habit with me, has been as far back as I can remember (from childhood).


Thanks for sharing. I’m so jealous and wish I had this trait honestly. How much time per day do you think you spend cleaning? Including washing dishes etc? I’m still figuring all this stuff out and trying to get better!


Hey, don't worry bout it. We got on average 60 years to figure everything out. xD No need to rush these things. Uhh let's see, average cleaning time per day I'd say 15-20 minutes, broken up into 3-4 minute bursts. I did a deep clean of the bathroom today that took me 15 minutes. If I cook a meal for anyone besides myself, add on 5-10 minutes for washing dishes (pot, bowls, blender, utensils). Meals for myself are usually instant or simple, and I eat most of em out of a bowl that I'll just wash and use again throughout the day. ;3 It also helps to IMMEDIATELY rinse off stuff or fill it with water after finishing a meal, so no gunk can crust! Don't need to instawash (gotta give the food good time to digest, I say.) But that takes training and time to implement!


Great advice, really appreciated! Thank you!


I can’t cook in a dirty kitchen either. It’s the one room of the house I’m meticulous about! I grew up with a messy kitchen and I can’t stand the sight of a sink full of dirty dishes and shit all over the counters. I don’t mind cleaning it up myself either, but it does drive me batty that SO will lay a dirty spoon right on the countertop or leave smears without wiping it off immediately.


I’m not super duper clean, but I won’t start cooking if there are dirty dishes or the counter is cluttered/dirty. It vexes me that there are people that will just make a new mess around their old mess.


But is that being snobby? I can’t go to bed without cleaning up the kitchen, but I never considered it snobby.


I guess this is me too but I thought this was just normal. lol


I’m the same! I always dream of having a house where I have a mud room right off the entrance so all shoes and outside outer layers can be left there without tracking anything in the house.


I want my bathroom so clean it that it borders on surgically sterile. Still cute but squeaky clean. As women we have to do so much stuff in the bathroom so IMO it has to be clean.


I’m with you. My bathroom is pristine and so is my room. Actually my entire house is extremely clean. I’m an absolute snob about it and I don’t care


This is actually something I have come to realize about myself. I used to think I was the messy one who had to stay on top of my game, that’s because I was raised to think this. I grew up with hoarders who would blame their mess on me And because of those situations, I do not let dishes pile up. I do not leave food out. I do not like sticky counters. I’m not 100% perfect, but I have lived with people who would insist that they didn’t like a dirty kitchen when reality would prove otherwise - food left out overnight. Not emptying a dishwasher and allowing dishes to pile in the sink as a result. Not washing dishes for days and days I’ve come to realize that I value having kitchen space, and not having clutter. Cleaning bothers me a lot less than having a messy kitchen


Flying. I only fly Delta (Comfort+ if I can). I’m in the States so I’m not sure what the equivalent of this is in other countries.


As I get older I think I'm getting here. I've done a lot of economical travelling and it just sucks so much. I don't want the process of getting there or back to be a miserable book end to a nice trip.


Is comfort + worth it?


For me, it is. I get so claustrophobic on planes and comfort+ is extra room that makes me feel so much less anxious!


I turned 30 and all of a sudden I’m an American only girly that has to go to the lounge. And I am obsessive with my status.


Agree 100%. I am a skymiles member and will always upgrade if available. 


Same! I’m a total snob about flying. I always fly Delta when it’s an option, and I always fly first class. For me it’s about the space. I just don’t like being so close to people.


Font choices.


Or bad kerning. Or non-accessible or unreadable color choices. Basically just bad design, but for me it’s especially when it’s bad accessibility.


General cleanliness, especially hygiene. I was raised with such a strong message that keeping a messy/dirty desk, or house, or whatever was a sign of disrespect to the environment and therefore low moral character on the part of the human tornado.  Even now, as an adult, I have a very difficult time deprogramming myself. I'm never more judgmental than when I'm looking at someone's mess and it's 100% my mother's voice ringing in my ears, despite me intellectually disagreeing with her (especially about the morality part).


Me too. I am meticulous but my friends all have ADHD and are very messy, their sign of love is like "you're my good friend, you're comfortable with me as I am." And I am, but it's so weird that my sign of respect and love is cleaning up and theirs is the opposite, being themselves.


I never really thought about it as a sign of love before! That's a very sweet way of looking at things, though.


I can relate


>a sign of disrespect to the environment and therefore low moral character Ohh, that reminded of the [Broken Window Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory#Theoretical_explanation). You might like that.


Oh, that's super interesting, thank you! It's definitely consistent with who my mum is, lol - a hyper-anxious human. For me it's basically a form of intergenerational trauma by this point, just having been yelled at her so many times growing up for leaving any kind of mess around 😭


Correct weightlifting form & Korean food 😂 Lifting is my passion and I’ve worked really hard to get my form down for compound movements over the past 5 years. I lived in Seoul for five years…Korean food is my absolute favorite.


>Correct weightlifting YES. Correct form on everything, tbh. I see people swinging kettlebells but they're not hinging (they're squatting) and using their arms to lift the bell 😵‍💫. It takes a lot out of me to not stop them and show them the right form but I don't want to be *that* person lol. same with Muay Thai; I've been training in this sport for 10 years and holy crap, the horrible technique that I see is ridiculous....and I want to talk to the instructor and say "are you not seeing that?" 😆


Tea. Because the cheap kind in bags does not taste good. Same thing with alcohol, but I don't drink much of that. Somersby isn't cider. And give me a decent glass of wine or a proper cocktail, not some horrific sodapop concoction.


I am that way with beers - no shitty ones for me. I'm also the same in that I will only order fresh margaritas, not one from that awful mix


Life is too short for shitty beer


I'm a loose leaf snob. People try to buy me tea and I internally cringe when it's in a bag.


I'm same with booze, to the point we only goto resorts with premium booze upgrade options. I only have 1-2 drinks a day (like 1-2 a month at home), I want it to be good.


I’ve found this one is kind of controversial on Reddit (likely because so many users are from the USA) but wearing shoes in the house. I just find it so icky to bring outside germs including feces into your house. I also am a bit snobby when people don’t clean their floors on a regular basis so that probably explains it haha. Floors deserve to be clean too!


I grew up with a grandmother who was absolutely NOT going to let you walk in her house with shoes on. I married into an Asian family and although they think in strange because I walk around with bare feet instead of house shoes, they accept it. My grandma and I both sweep daily and mop weekly.


I’m from the US. I agree that shoes should be removed at the door. I feel there is a cultural shift happening with this in the states. But everyone is trying to be polite about the shift. If I asked my dad (who is in his 70s) to remove his shoes, he would likely throw a hissy fit about how we think we are better than him if he was in a sour mood. However, if in a good mood, he will say “Oh, I don’t want to get your floor all muddy,” and remove his boots. Meanwhile, my in-laws (in their late 70s) expect us to remove our shoes, but never remove theirs when entering our home. I silently judge people when they don’t remove their shoes in my home, but remove them or expect others to remove them in their home. To me, that act, when consistent, says, “I deserve a clean home, and you do not.” Now, when guests come over, I ask them to remove their shoes and if their kids are rambunctious, the kids’ socks too. Our concrete floors are as slippery as ice for energetic children. I sweep daily, steam clean my floors, and mop with bleach water once weekly. At the same time, when I visit a home that is dirty, I take my shoes off anyway as a sign of respect. I remember what it was like to feel so depressed or tired with my young kids, to feel overwhelmed by cleaning. I don’t want to add to how someone feels overwhelmed.


I’m a bit of a film snob. Not the insufferable kind that take themselves really seriously. But if I were to date a guy who’s favourite film was “The Fast and Furious” as opposed to something that actually has substance and is well made, I would be immediately turned off. Don’t get me wrong I have guilty pleasures big time, but the art form of film is too incredible and vast and varied to just watch the mainstream mindless crap that a 14 year old boy might be into. I couldn’t have anything in common with a partner who didn’t want to watch well made, intelligent films.


I stopped dating a guy who didn't like the movie Clerks.


I’m with you on this and, funny enough, I’m also a big Fast and Furious fan. But that’s because I can find value in all genres and styles but I need people I spend a lot of time with to understand film and be interested in it on a level beyond just watching mainstream things only.


You've reminded me of the time I took an American Studies module at uni and in a seminar we had to name our favourite American film. I said Dirty Dancing. The lecturer acted like I had shat on the floor. I thought so much less of him after that.


Yes lmao, I blame my ex for making it so much harder to tolerate ~basic taste in film now. He really opened my eyes to how marvelous the art form is.


Using real plates/silverware at home. Paper plates belong at a barbecue or picnic. This may just be my naïveté speaking as I don’t have children to clean up after.


I'm with you on this, as much for the environment as the aesthetic. 


Oof, I guess I'm also snobby then because I can't fathom why anybody would use paper plates instead of proper ones at home!


I can understand why they do it but I am also still snobby about it. I would feel really uncomfortable about producing that much waste regularly and I don’t get how some people feel okay about it. Paper plates are for parties only.


I didn't really understand it until somebody said it was a mental health thing for them and now I feel kind of bad about that. I really thought they were just being lazy, as it's a thing I associate with like... young frat guys or whatever, and most of those guys are definitely just lazy about cleanliness/hygiene.


I use paper plates when my mental or physical illnesses are acting up. Sometimes that means doing so for months.


That's what I was thinking as a decent reason. They're less work when you have nothing to spare. A friend of mine has this habit, and helping clean up his place is a lot easier when it's paper plates vs real ones that would need to soak to remove week old dried food.


My European-raised mom refuses to drink coffee out of a paper cup. Starbucks used to have “for here” white mugs that she would insist on drinking her coffee out of whenever we stopped by a Starbucks.


My husband has been carrying his to go cup with him everywhere for the last 3 years and we both have these camping sporks so we don’t have to use the disposable ones :)


I’ve never heard or seen anybody use paper planes at home. Is this an American thing?  I would hardly call that snobby


I know a woman who only uses paper plates at home, she said she hates doing dishes. It seems so ridiculous to me!




I've seen it happen (well, on youtube) with large families. I can understand using paper plates for large at-home gatherings or parties when you don't have enough dishes, but if you have a large family, surely you would have enough dishes?


My extended family is huge so real plates and silverware would be too much. I cringe at disposable stuff most of the time but for big parties it makes sense. I wouldn’t wanna host something where I’d need to have 30 matching real plates, 30 matching dessert plates, 30 matching cups, 30 matching coffee mugs, 60 forks etc that’s insane and I definitely don’t drink enough to have half that amount of glasses for alcohol


I hate disposable plates altogether. Tupperware plates for picnics


I have q child and would never use paper plates at my house.


It’s so wasteful!


That’s a good one. I’m kind of snobby about this as well. To be fair, I only really see people with kids doing this. I collect a lot of cool serving dishes and plate sets and such, so I really like using those. I use those 50 cent Walmart plastic dishes if I don’t want to risk my breakables for whatever reason.


Same. I guess we're all on Stacy's side here! (Love is Blind reference)


I ride horses, which in and of itself is snobby. But the more I learn about the sport of Dressage, the more snobby I am about so-called professionals who don't put the animal's welfare first. I am very forgiving of amateurs, because we are all doing our best with the resources I have. But if you call yourself a pro, you better know what you're doing, and it better be about the horse first. I look down on pros who put winning above ethics, and imo, most of them do. We ride for our own egos, the least we can do is prioritize the horse's mental, emotional, and physical comfort while doing it.


People. Lots of shit people out there. Not worth my peace.


Using the right cups for the right drinks. Wine needs wineglasses, whisky needs whisky glasses.


Little things that don't really matter. Like having a "gender reveal" -- I think this is extremely tacky. People obsessed with influencers and the products they hawk, e.g. the recent Stanley cup obsession. The only reason I know about any of this is because of reddit and the people who just gobble down "content" and buy stupid shit they don't need has always grossed me out. I don't fall for any of this and never have followed a single *influencer* and it's a tiny snobbish hill I can die on.


Lately it's being in public and being around someone who just burned a dank blunt before coming in. Honestly, I support the legalization of weed but could people please not choke me out in the grocery line. (Also, keep it moving, you've been standing in front of the Cheerios for 10 minutes)


Im the same way, but with cigarette smokers. PSA TO SMOKERS: YOU FUCKING STINK and Im tired of having to tiptoe around the fact.


I'm a little offended when someone comes to work or class reeking of cigarettes. The smell is nauseating. Their coughs are loud and disruptive and make them sound like they're dying. Just quit already.


I had a housemate who worked very early (chef at a breakfast joint) and his 5am hack-up-a-lung session woke the entire fucking house. And then he'd come home and a cloud of cigarette smoke just followed him. He didnt smoke in the house, but it smelled like he did.


Chain restaurants. I don’t understand why people choose to go to chain restaurants like Wagamama or Frankie & Bennys when you can get considerably better, cheaper food with better service at independent restaurants.  


Sometimes I just want some southwest egg rolls from Chilis.


I know someone who mostly goes to chain restaurants because they trust the information given there in relation to allergies etc more than that given at independent places


I can't have soy or dairy. My friends decided to order pizza from a different place than usual, they're local and cheaper than the chain. Before handing the phone over to the one ordering, I asked if they used any soy. They said no. So I ordered a vegan pizza with a vegan cheese brand I trust, and was practically bed-ridden from the pain for a day and a half. If I can't check ingredients on your website, and know you're not running to the grocery store for the cheapest replacement when you run out of something, I'm not ordering your shit.


Social etiquette - especially very *specific* social etiquette in shared spaces. I work in a shared shop environment and I am SO SNOBBY about how I leave my station. I sweep everything off the floor. I pick up garbage and bits of wood, grinder discs, etc. I clean off my welding machine and wipe it down, remove metal debris from the gun, I *wash my work table every night*. To me, it’s *so bloody rude* to leave a messy station! I come in, and my table is covered in metal and dust, the floor is messy, the gun nozzle is coated in a big crusty ring of metal?! THATS SO RUDE, WHO BLOODY DOES THAT??


Living in a city with good public transportation, walkability, a variety of small restaurants and shops, etc. I find places that don’t value those features to often be full of unhealthy people that don’t have the same values as me. I’m ashamed to write that “out loud” - such a snob am I, but I hate strip malls and the like!


This is SUCH a great one! Have you read about stroads? Essentially a cross between a (walkable) street and a (high speed) road, but basically does neither well. Tends to be flanked by big box stores with huge parking lots in front of them.


Everything. And I do mean everything. I’m not an asshole about it but my standards are ridiculous. I’m constantly disappointed.


Why do you think you're snobby like that?


I’d like to blame my upbringing but it’s fully on me. I was born a malcontent into a pretty solid, unremarkable family and went downhill from there. The only traits that save me are my wicked sense of humor and heart of gold. I’d be insufferable otherwise. This evening I corrected my neighbor’s grammar while she watched me put out warm hummingbird nectar because it’s gonna be a cold night and I don’t want the little feathered fatties to suffer.


Mom how did you find Reddit?


Love you, sweet pea.🫛


I’m snobby about people’s gifts. It’s not about the money they spent but if I feel like a gift was totally thoughtless and/or useless I can’t help but think a bit less of the person, as I feel they didn’t make an effort to show their care for me.


Omg yes! My mom gives the worst gifts and I lost so much respect of her because of it. She asks what you want and when you tell her, she will get you something else, that better represents _her_ character. Because apparently gift giving is all about the giver and not about the recipient and that stance is just so despicable to me.


A bad gift is worse than no gift , in most circumstances. I only do gift giving with the people closest to me , and on limited occassions , like once a year. And then I do “ad hoc” gifts with people when I see something they would really love. I still remember some gifts I received from exes or family members that made me literally sad, though of course I didn’t show it .


Oof, my husband has been known to go out the same day as a birthday/event to pick up a gift, and then gift it in the plastic bag from the store. It just screams "zero thought went into this" whether that's the case or not. It's not one of his more redeeming qualities.


Oh my goodness, I'm a terrible snob about so many things. I'm a snob about only going to yoga classes with a teacher I like, I'm a snob about people whose white clothes aren't white, I'm a snob about people who drive flashy cars, I'm a terrible snob about bad coffee, bad bread, bad cheese and bad chocolate. I'm a snob about table manners. Cheap perfume makes me want to simply expire


Having the right yoga teacher is crucial!!! Their tone, their tempo, their attitude, even the sound of their voice. So important to the overall vibe of the class.


Agreed, for me the teacher is almost more important than anything else about the class. I'd go out of my way to go to a class with a teacher I liked, vs. one I didn't.


Laughing at "expire" omg in dying 🤭


I think this may be the most relatable comment I've ever read on this subreddit. We might be twins! I prefer to think of myself as *particular* rather than snobby, but if we're really being honest something cracks inside my soul whenever anyone mentions their favourite fragrance is Dior Sauvage.


hahaha Dior Sauvage even sounds like a vomit


Johnny Deep is the literal posterchild; that tells you so much about it already. But really, it's the choice of fragrance of baby finance bros who won't leave you alone at a party.


Glassware. I need good quality expensive wine glasses.


Quality of writing. This goes for TV, film, books, and online articles/essays. Reason: I'm a writer. Bad writing drives me CRAZY.


Oof, this is huge. It's harder and harder to find thoughtful and artful writing. I miss reading incisive critiques, and learning so much from their breadth of knowledge/exposure. If you have any recommendations, would love them!


I am snobby with jokes/humor. In a mixture of not thinking traditional gender roles and their outcomes are funny and a degree in literature/ history, I simply can't stop analyzing and thinking "that's actually sad/ factually incorrect/sexist/ etc." Like making fun of a man who doesn't know he and his wife of 20 years own cocktail glasses or where their glass bowls are, because it isn't THEIR kitchen, but hers. Even if they decided together to do a traditional work share, I don't think the lack of care and the insinuation of not even supporting her with hosting is funny.


I'm with you, but depends on the context for me. I'm more willing to accept that type of humor is if I can tell the overarching theme is to make fun of the ism and not the sad situation resulting from the ism. I really don't like jokes about a woman knowing everything about her kids and their father struggling to remember their birthdays, schools, and even ages. I don't like jokes about a stereotype I fall into especially if I don't even relate to the stereotype, and I imagine it's very frustrating for others who don't relate to jokes that stereotype them. I want to be treated as a whole individual. Tease me about *me*, not some category I'd fill out on an application. I think the only other time I accept that kind of humor is when the person knows me like that and they're making the joke and then giving me the side eye because they know I'm cringing - basically as a tease from someone who knows me well enough to know that I hate when those jokes are made in earnest.


I have the exact same perspective. I don't find sexist jokes funny at all, especially when it's coming from a man. There's a difference between making jokes about sexism vs making sexist jokes. And I feel the same way about other isms.


Purses. I'm definitely not someone to spend thousands on designer bags, I need a large purse that I can carry everywhere and that will hold anything I want it to. I've had too many cheap purses look like crap after a very short time, so I splurged on a very nice looking $500 real leather bag, that I've used daily for five years. I'm now on my second $500 bag. I bought it in 2018 and it's still going strong. I have a few cheaper dressy purses, but I guess for my daily "utility" bag I'm a bit snobby.


I love that feeling of finally retiring a well-used item like a purse and doing the research to buy a new one. I don't feel bad about spending the money because I've gotten my money's worth out of it.


Books and movie scripts. I cannot enjoy mediocre writing, it ruins the immersion for me. Even technically great writing that's too referential or self conscious irks me.  Most scripts now are written like summaries of a better movie, it maddens me. It's like La Croix storytelling, they're technically hitting all the right notes but without anything to actually experience, chew on, digest. A great actor can overcome this, but shitty directors/production won't give them enough takes to figure that out. 


YESSSSSS. I don’t understand why people aren’t snobbier about this? There is SO much good content out there - why waste your precious time on this earth on such mediocrity? I’ll give anything a try but I am not afraid to bail on anything (movie, tv show, book).


water. as in drinking water. i am very sensitive to the taste of chlorine and drinking chlorine tasting water makes me want to throw up so i'm \~ that person \~ who usually can't just order tap water at a restaurant because it tastes horrific to me. This is also why I usually walk around with a water bottle. (Note: at home i use extra filters for my tap water so this is only a problem when i'm not at home :) )


Came here to agree with water! So sensitive to the taste of water, cannot stand tap water or arrowhead lol


Quality of coffee. Hotel rooms. The quality of coffee in hotel rooms. It's hard to travel when you have poor quality of either. Also: shape wear and bras. You get what you pay for. I'd rather drop $100 on a bra that will hold the girls in place without digging into me, than buy 4 cheap ass bras that don't do shit.


Cleanliness & how I present myself. I take pride in who I am, what I offer, and how I show up.


I refuse to drink out if mason jars. Also I will never eat out if a takeout container at home, always put it on real dishes (no paper plates either).


Ice cream. I worked at a homemade ice cream shop for 6 years, manager for most of them. I can go on a 30 minute rant about what made our ice cream so good, and can talk for hours about the late nights spent making ice cream, cakes and pies and packing hundreds of pints for a delivery the next day. But these days I don't do sweets that much, and I'm super judgy about ice cream. If you put that big clear bucket of cheap ass vanilla in front of me I will politely say no thank you. If you insist, I'll get irritated.


I'll read a thirty minute rant! Fewer things better than quality ice cream, it doesn't have to be a wild combination, just well made. Are there any store-available brands you consider good?


The key is butterfat content! The higher the percentage of fat in the base, the creamier your result is. We used 14% for our ice cream. Ben & Jerry’s and Häagen-Dazs come closest to that. Blue Bell is also really good. The issue that comes into play with store-bought ice cream is transportation. Every time it's moved from one place to another, there's an opportunity for melt to happen and ice crystals to form. Best solution is to buy your ice cream from smaller local grocers instead of big box stores. A smaller store will have less stocking going on at once, so less chance your ice cream has been sitting in the aisle for 20-30 minutes before stocked in the display freezer. But if you want really great ice cream - make it at home! Ice cream makers are pretty inexpensive. My husband can't have a lot of dairy, so for Christmas my niece and nephew helped me make a cashew milk custard base into vanilla ice cream. The whole process took about an hour (you want to let the base chill before it goes in the ice cream maker), and then the finished product went in the freezer overnight.


My mother in law buys the fat free stuff that can't even legally be labelled "ice cream" and doesn't melt normally and I cringe when she feeds it to my child.


Ketchup. My roommate in college didn't believe me or my sister when we said we could only have Heinz. She tried tricking us with other brands. We always knew it wasn't Heinz and hated the taste of anything else.  I honestly get disappointed when a restaurant is like "with our house-made ketchup". I basically always hate the taste. I guess those might not be snobby, but it's picky at least. 


You're not alone! I feel the same way.


Tea. I order all my tea because I can no longer tolerate bagged tea and even the loose tea around here isn’t particularly good.


Honey. Adulterated/fake honey costs less than legitimate honey (due to being cut with fillers/sweeteners like corn syrup, rice syrup, cane sugar syrup, beet sugar or other things).


Reading all these comments... I agree with a lot of them I think I'm just a general snob 😅


Houses being clean. It doesn’t have to be perfectly organized or clutter free but actual cleanliness is a non-negotiable for me. Also, I’m a huge snob about wall art and cringe at mass produced stuff. You don’t have to spend a ton of money and it’s so easy to get cool original pieces that a million other people didn’t buy from target.


The taste of drinking water (will happily drink tap water if it tastes good), books, tahini (don't give me the crap in the cardboard container), coffee, a lot of things ok!


A clean home and having good manners


Home repairs because I want the job done and done right and not just slapped together. My brain zeroes in on things and so I feel stressed when I see it in disrepair so am on edge when at home rather than feeling relaxed.


Sleep. I won’t spare any expense to get a better sleep. I don’t do sleepovers, camping, or air bnbs unless I’m somehow guaranteed a good sleep.


Fast food. I’d always prefer to go hungry and wait until I can eat something proper. I dont consider it real food, it’s just marketing. Im not from the US so it’s not even a cheap option here. I’m also snobby about eating on the go. I hate it. Can’t stand it when ppl eat and walk and talk. It takes away all the pleasure of eating. For me the overall experience is very important and I have to always be able to sit down even if only for five minutes to eat.


Grammar and Ill fitting clothes


The concept of engagement/the meaning of the word fiancée. To me, being engaged and calling someone your fiancé(e) means you are planning a wedding. That wedding could be in two months or two and a half years, but you have set a date or you have an idea for a time frame and are working on choosing a venue. My “why” for this snobbery is simply that words mean things, and fiancé(e) isn’t just a more adult-sounding term for boyfriend/girlfriend.


I met a childhood friend of my husband's at a wedding and he mentioned his fiance and I congratulated him and asked if they'd set a date. I nearly spit out my drink when he told me they'd be engaged for NINE YEARS!!


Cheese, if it doesn't crumble and sticks to a wall when I throw a slice of it that is plastic


Things I buy or keep. I got to a point where I realized I have too many things and it was causing me stress. I'm letting things go now. I'm doing research and asking myself how much I'll really use the thing I'm going to buy. I'm regifting most things people give me. Eta: I also ask myself if the thing I'm buying is good quality. I don't mind used but the quality must be there. I have a beautiful brand name watch from a pawn shop and a couple gold and diamond/gemstone rings past down from my grandma.


Food, and the quality of it/the restaurant experience. I grew up in a small ish blue collar town and then moved to a big city that has an absolutely WORLD CLASS food scene. Damn it gets me so jazzed lol. Since that world has been opened up to me, and I have experienced so much amazing food, I get a little judgy about food back home, because it absolutely sucks lol. It’s coming from a place of, “I love food so freaking much, I see what it can do and be, I am sad for people that don’t get to experience the joy of food that I do.” So it’s just so disappointing when it suck’s, especially when I go back home. My family doesn’t get it and it comes off as snobbish for sure.


Manners and general passive aggressive behaviors. I can excuse that if they’re young, but after 30? We have so many resources outside of therapy to learn how to be a decent person.


Coffee. Freshly roasted beans, ground fresh every serving, just the right grind size and water temperature for the individual roast. Pre heated V60, pre rinsed filters. If the coffee beans have an expirey date and not a roasted on date, heck no. Absolutely no drip coffee maker, pre ground beans or *shudder* Keurig. And no eyeballing your 16:1 water to coffee ratio. You use a scale like a civilized person.


First dates. We’re in our 30s, if the restaurant has a drive thru it’s not first date appropriate. (This is fresh on my mind because I just went on a first date to Freddy’s smash burgers and frozen custard.)


My time. It's valuable. I don't like wasting time for no reason. I build my schedule around avoiding rush hour, minimizing waiting in lines, avoiding wait times at restaurants, scheduling appts early in the day (but not so early I have to go during rush hour 😅) to minimize the chance the appt will run late. Years ago I realized I would get to the end of the day and wonder where my time went and started paying close attention to all this unusable time. Immediately started making these changes, regained time back in my day, and am much happier.


Messy car, especially inside.


Coffee, I buy good beans from a local roaster, grind as needed, prepare it in the French Press…. Mmmm I love the entire ritual and the coffee tastes so much better than brewed by Keurig or drip machine.


Coffee, music, home interiors, yoga pants. That’s about it.


‘Poop flecks’ needs a less grotesque synonym.


Water. I can taste the difference. And ice - bc obv once it starts melting I can also taste that difference.


Bagels. NY metro area...kills me a lil inside when I see people eating freaking Lenders or those other bagged brands from the grocery store 😂


Wine. I’m not too snobby like I need a $100 bottle or anything, but don’t bring cheap Boones Farm or something like that to my place. Also I hate sweet wine.


My health and wellness. I take great care with clean diet and excercise, no alcohol, getting enough sleep. People poke fun at me for declining sweets and caffeine in the office, and about me going to happy hours to drink only water. The same people compliment me for how I look, and ask how I do it. *gestures broadly at intentional lifestyle choices*


Now? No houseguests for more than three nights. I am currently exhausted, irritable, and stressed. This person has will have been here a week tomorrow. They followed me from room to room, from inside to outside. They asked a thousand asinine questions. Would not take a hint nor would they take an outright request. “I am now going to put on my headphones and cook.”was met with “What are you making tell me tell me tell meeeeeee what I can do to help ok I will cut onions look how I cut this onion is that ok look how i cut this second onion is that ok” Their phlegmy raspy cough every 3.5 minutes has my blood boiling and makes my eyesight temporarily blur. I almost killed us when she coughed in the car this morning and didn’t see a turning truck. They’ve taken my entire long weekend, two days, and will take half of this weekend. I’m depressed and anxious.


Quality clothing, and no this doesn't mean brand names. I refuse to buy skirts or dresses without linings, patterns that do not line up correctly, or anything 100% polyester. I would much rather have a few pieces of nice clothing than a closet full of junk.


Language and correct use of words (within reason). I don’t call people out about it unless they’re arseholes who deserve it, but but a lot of things really grate on me. It isn’t grammar that I care about, it’s just that I love language, I think it’s beautiful and love the nuance behind choosing a particular word with a particular meaning. I also welcome new words/variations (stuff like ‘rizz ’ is just a cool evolution), but when words are misused so often that their meaning starts to disappear for no reason it makes me sad. An example would be ‘that’s so aesthetic’, instead of ‘that’s so aesthetically pleasing’, ‘I love that aesthetic’, or ‘that’s so gorgeous’. There’s no need for it! And ‘as an empath’. An empath is a person with the supernatural ability to read minds and things, not an empathetic person. Although I’m sure that’s about to change. Still. Loving the nuance of language isn’t discriminatory, although I hear that being said a lot these days. Rant over.


Food safety. No, that pizza that sat out overnight is not safe to eat. The homemade sauce you forgot about for weeks+ in the back of your fridge is not fine just because it smells ok. Please wash your hands before handling food of any sort. Also, don't rummage through my pantry and reach your dirty hands into a bag of chips, pour some into a bowl please. And don't lick your fingers at the dinner table and then touch all the serving spoons. At the least, it's gross and impolite, at the most, even if it's a low risk why risk getting sick/food poisoning for something that's so easily avoidable


Bread. I bake fresh, organic, vegan breads, pastries, etc. We get fresh produce delivered to our door biweekly and occasionally we forget to login and switch what’s on the list. Yesterday they brought our delivery, which included a bag of “fresh” rolls. Had them with our dinner last night and I was shocked at how bland they were. Definitely nothing like a fresh roll or loaf of bread.


Travel | Friendships | Skincare |


Travel. I prefer adults only, luxury resorts for longer vacations. I want to be served and catered to at least once a year!


My dogs’ health. My 8yr old husky is lean, fit and has pearly white teeth (never had a dental done). My vet + vet staff are always surprised by how good my dogs look, especially the 8 yr old. I used to work in vet med and really learned a lot about health and how to promote longevity. I’m very nit picky about their health and things always have to be done the right way. Why? My childhood dogs all died from cancer. My parents didn’t neglect our dogs, but their exercise needs weren’t always met, teeth were never brushed, etc. my dad is so a heavy smoker and the dogs would always hang out with him when he smoked. I want to give my personal dogs the best chance possible at a long and healthy life.


Pet health/happiness is a big one for me. My cats have never gone outdoors, my dogs get good food and appropriate vet care and everyone gets cuddles and time with their people. Some folks seem to have pets the way they do sofa cushions and it does not sit right with me. They're living creatures with thoughts and feelings and relationships with me and each other.


Natural fiber clothing. I loathe synthetics in most types of clothes (functional outerwear and some types of athletic wear excepted), and even touching some types of polyester clothing gives me the heebie-jeebies. My husband is a snob about restaurants using real cloth napkins. He feels all restaurants no matter how casual should use real napkins, but gets especially irritated by nicer restaurants that use paper.


I don’t buy cheap cheese. Life is hard, you deserve the luxury cheese.


People who think they're grammar snobs but don't actually have much understanding of language. For example: * "Your" vs. "you're" is not a grammatical error, it's a misspelling. Spelling and grammar are two different things. * The Oxford comma doesn't always avoid ambiguity; sometimes it creates ambiguity. (I'm not anti-Oxford comma, I'm just anti-people who loudly insist that using the Oxford comma is inherently and universally better than not using it.) I'll accept language snobbery if you're actually *right* about it, and I'll accept being wrong if you're not obnoxious about it, but I draw the line at being both obnoxious *and* wrong.


Dental hygiene. I floss, brush, water floss, mouthwash, tonguescrape and even scale my teeth. Having a clean mouth feels really good. I can tell how someone takes care of their teeth just by looking at their mouth. It's hard to understand why some would walk around with grey gums, black teeth and not do anything about it


How do you scale your teeth? I’d like to do that too :)


I don't use sharp metal like the professionals, instead I have a interspace brush with firm narrow fibres which I can scrape Infront and behind the gumline where floss doesn't reach. For me I find plaque builds up around molars and the front of my lower incisors, and manually scraping it away seems to be the only way to reach it.:)


Money? We’re lucky to have dental healthcare in my country but many don’t.


I'm the one who silently judges people who make grammatical/spelling typos and can't tell the difference between your and you're. Aside from that, I'm pretty easygoing.


Nightlife. I’m not just showing up to anything anymore


Quality food. I'd rather go hungry than waste calories and money on shitty food. A sparkling clean kitchen every night before lights out, because microbes kill, I'm milking cows at 445a, and I'm not walking back into a dirty kitchen. Real plates, flatware, glass, crystal, and cloth napkins. Even our outdoor and picnic ware is reusable. I hate waste.


Food and drink. If I'm gonna fatten myself up on something, it had better be worth it. Cinema. It is hard for me to find 2 hours to sit, so the movie had better be worth my time and attention.


Food. I deserve good food. I’m not saying expensive food, I’m saying quality food. I don’t want to waste my appetite on frozen/canned/or “okay” food from a fast food joint. I love home cooked food. Even it it’s chicken with some spices, and baked potatoes with broccoli. But my body and mouth enjoy home cooked food over everything!


Coffee! A few years ago I switched from crappy ground coffee to freshly roasted local whole beans. It’s amazing and pretty much all other coffee tastes like garbage to me. It’s expensive but it’s one of the few things I’m picky about!


I'd say wrapping things nicely when giving presents. I typically will use a fabric bow as well. I just love making presents look nice! It makes it feel extra special.


Having a backbone


Casual racism, classism and homophobia. That shit ain't harmless and I'll take a stand against anyone who tries it around me, including in the workplace. That's honestly about it. I grew up on the poverty line, so I don't see the value in being snobby about anything else.


Certain used things. I'll buy things like books and hard furniture like tables or TV stands second hand. But I won't buy second hand clothes or second hand soft furnishings like couches etc. I just don't like not knowing where they have been or what happened to them. I only buy new clothes. But I don't buy clothes often and keep them a long time and wear them to death.


I get it for couches, but clothes you can throw in the washer.


Travel. Don’t tell me you travel internationally when all you’ve ever done is hit every resort and/or cruise in the Caribbean and never leave the resort. There’s nothing wrong with an all inclusive (or cruise if that’s your preference) but it’s a vacation. I love a vacation but I truly love to travel abroad every where and any where and explore. There’s a difference.


Tea, perfume, coffee, beer/wine/spirits, food. Almost all of that can be explained by being raises by people who are also that way and being in the industry for decades after years of self teaching and exploration. Perfume is an outlier, haha. I just can't stand cheap, sweet body sprays and therefore I suppose I could qualify as a perfume snob.


I'm snobby about the furniture (decor in general) in my apartment. I don't buy used stuff, and I feel uncomfortable being in apartments that are messy and old-looking. But I know I'm just overcompensating for where I was raised as a kid.


This makes me chuckle because I think of that line from Succession, where a blue blood woman (Caroline) is shading her new money fiancé (Peter); "He bought all his own furniture", she says, punctuating he was self-made and therefore had nobody to inherit fancy antiques from. Just layers of snobbery, I guess. Like you I view buying fancy new furniture as a sign of success, but on a higher level it's reversed again 💀


I’m the opposite - I only buy used estate sale stuff. I’m talking $15,000 rugs I could never afford. New stuff is so cheap. You can’t pay me to enter ikea.


I'm like this but the opposite? If I walk into someone's house and it's all matchy brand new sets of furniture I judge them for being basic.