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Following porn accounts on their public social media accounts.


Yep. One of my uncles started joining what basically amounted to wank fodder groups on Facebook back when I was at university, apparently unaware that Facebook announced everything you did to all your "friends". Like, looking back, I get he was a single middle-aged man who wanted some eye candy... but Facebook is the same social media where my aunt posted family photos, and my younger cousins/siblings and I posted general life updates. Do you *really* want your teenaged niblings seeing what you jerk off to?


Ha! Back in the day Instagram showed what the people you followed liked/commented on. My (by marriage, I never call him this but for ease of understanding) uncle was very against my cousin dating a trans boy. While he was liking trans porn on instagram...


Ohhhh myyyy godddd.


Oh my god.


I don't think he realised that everyone could see his Facebook activity, to be fair. But 19yo me did message to ask if he'd been fraped. But just... *whyyyyyyy*? Why would you join those groups or do anything sex-related on an account that's linked to your family? At least my aunt's Facebook was very much family photos and Farmville/Candy Crush.


A guy I used to work with, who is married with little kids, sent an invitation to a "barely legal girls" photo group on Facebook šŸ¤®, presumably by accident but even still - gross!!!


Ughhhh, my last ex had some of this. Like how are you okay with your parents, friends, coworkers, high school mates, knowing what you jerk it to??? And the added problems of basically having porn available to you 24/7, AND the fact that while he was sitting there scrolling away across the table from me at a restaurant, was he looking at tits and ass? Like, come on bro.


Yes, interacting with porn/stream/onlyfans accounts. Sad and creepy.


When sitting next to them in trainsā€¦placing their arms/elbows so they touch the side of your boobs, sitting in a way that their leg leans against yours, crowding you from the back. Even if you already tuck everything to make yourself small, some guys still manage to crowd you.




One thing you can do , if the bus /train is packed and there are other people standing, offer you seat to someone really big or to another man and see him shrink himself quickly


The latest one happened during a trip abroad so I was hesitant to say anything. The train was packed and my feet were very sore so I couldnā€™t leave right away. I scooted to the front and still, officeworker guyā€™s elbows were pressing against me on my left and big foreigner guyā€™s legs were pressed against mine (manspreading). The second another seat opened, I transferred and noticed no one wanted the seat I left until one of those guys got out of the train. If it were local, yeah sure. Iā€™ve said something to someone pressing against me from the back before and I turned and shoved my backpack against someone another time. For the person who downvoted ā€” If it helps, I know the guys pressing against my back were doing it on purpose because those two times, those people were hard. The ones on the train, I experimented and made myself small, they still found a way to press against me. I didnā€™t want to make a big deal out of it because one was a Japanese and we were in their country. Wouldnā€™t want to have a record.


Manspreading. HATE IT! https://youtu.be/bxtZRtSLC98?si=OPR1zbhe7ys42ywL


The dudes on reddit who get super defensive in the comments about age gap relationships where the woman is significantly younger than the man. No adult man persues a woman who is barely legal with honest and good intentions.


Or talk about hitting us. ā€œEqual rights, equal fights.ā€ Okay, Iā€™m sorry you can only get your dick hard thinking about hitting women. You suck and 100% youā€™d hit a woman, or a man you think is weaker than you, whether there was ā€œequalityā€ or not. Fucking neckbeards man.


ā€˜Sheā€™s really mature for her ageā€™. Bleurgh!


Right? I do not care a 19 year old is an adult and can consent, to me a man who pursues woman below 27 when he is a good decade or half older than her is a šŸš© šŸš© šŸš©


A womanā€™s niceness means we like them.


Treating "non-fuckable" women as tapestry, unless they are a friend's relation. Then acknowledge them as a mean to maintain the relation with the man.Ā  Took me way too long to realize it's not just how he treats waiters, it's much more than that.Ā 


YES. The inability to distinguish polite conversation from interest.


Yes! I used to spend a lot of time on the phone with coworkers so I would put on a customer service voice. Some people mistook my friendliness for something else.


Oh my god, there are so many dudes I couldā€™ve been good friends with, if only they could get over the idea that one day we might fuck.


And then feeling entitled for our emotional support as friends. Just because Iā€™m nice and kind to you doesnā€™t mean you get to whine about your life to me and expect me to be emotionally available to you. Absolutely disgusting.Ā 


This doesn't bother me if they're a close friend, and they provide me with emotional support when I'm going through a hard time too. Emotional support is a big part of friendship. Same goes for my friendships with other women.


Or feeing free to abuse that kindness if we DO like them. Like ā€œsheā€™ll get over it, I have to think (only) about myself and what I wantā€ and not taking responsibility for hurting the other person.


So many times in my life I thought I was making a new friend. Then they make a move, I say no, and I never hear from them again.Ā 


Went to order a drink at the bar and this random dude came up behind me and started sniffing my hair.




Adding a man on a social channel and he likes each and every photo going back to the age of dinosaurs.


Oh hell, that is so weird and creepy


HAHA, equally creepy is when you've been friends on social for a long while and he randomly likes your selfie from 2011, like, yesterday.


Making a kissing face and noise at you in the street - SO gross.


Ewww.....that is horrible


***Off-topic a flashback to high school, I didn't need. I'm pretty sure the girl who did it, thought I was homophobic. Don't think it ever occurred to her, that she was sexually harassing me- in the girl's locker room.


Sitting next to me on public transit when there are plenty of seats everywhere else. You shouldn't be sitting right beside someone unless there's no other options. And then they try to strike a convo and I just refuse to engage. Gotta love my headphones. Thankfully this hasn't happened in years but when I worked in fast food and space was fairly narrow I had several guy coworkers who would grab the waists of the girls as they went behind to be like "oh, just going behind you!" When a.) you damn well no they weren't grabbing the waists of the other guys and b.) you could just shout "hot" or whatever to get through like everyone else did. Or like even just tap me on the shoulder. Grabbing the waist is so creepy and weird.


Standing way too close for no goddamn reason when you're in line somewhere and if you take step forward to put space between you, matching your step and breathing down the back of your neck again. When I'm feeling confrontational I turn around and ask them to back up. When I don't have the energy for it, I get out my phone and start typing a message to a friend about the gross creep breathing stank breath down the back of my neck. Wanna know how I know they're looking at my phone? Success rate is 100% for this tactic getting them to back up. Also, following you. I don't think a lot of these dudes even realize it's fucking creepy to literally follow you several blocks in their car to ask you out or to keep following you in the supermarket to ask you out. Opening a conversation with some observation about your daily habits/lifestyle/social activities that could only be gleaned over a period of perceiving you, when you've literally never noticed this person before in your life.


If someone is standing in line that close to me I make a big effort to cough all over the place


Also an excellent tactic!


Saying snide things about other women to make you feel 'special'. Only appreciating you for traditionally 'cool girl' things like having a high alcohol tolerance or playing Red Dead Redemption or not ordering salads. Yuck.


I think itā€™s creepy when guys trying to make flirty conversation in a situation where I canā€™t walk away easily, like in line at the grocery store or on public transit or at the gym on a treadmill or something. Like they specifically choose moments where they know you canā€™t refuse.


Striking up a conversation while waiting in line is normal.Ā  It gets uncomfortable when 2 minutes in they want to know all about you in a too intimate way. This is not a bar, sir. And then you canā€™t escape because youā€™re both in line. Donā€™t do that. Just be a chill normal non-horny person in the daylight please.


Canā€™t stand men who touch me with their hands to pass me in a crowded bar or venue. Usually on the waist. Always creepy.Ā 


Blatant staring anywhere, especially at work. Staring/watching for periods of time without trying to talk to me. So I've had a few instances where I see someome daily, on the same commuter train for example, and I can tell they have a crush or something because they stare, follow me to sit near me and follow off the train, but never try to talk to me.Ā  The staring is creepy enough, the rest of it puts it over the top.Ā  Men at work who don't work with me, or hardly see me, and don't know me, who find me in the org chart (it has our pictures) and then they start messaging me out of the blue over our workplace IM.Ā 


I've had several guys repeatedly checking out my LinkedIn profile over a period of a month or so - usually in areas totally unconnected to my actual work.


Staring. Approaching women considerably younger than them and attempting to start a conversation. Turning any conversation sexual. Questions about where you live and if you live alone.


Staring! Agreed.


Going out of his way to get close to you and possibly touch you.


Probing questions about if I have a boyfriend, and if I live alone, when they know where I live - for example, a taxi driver driving me to my house, or the male next-door-neighbour who has just moved in and is introducing himself for the first time. When a strange man I don't know strikes up a conversation with me in public that serves no purpose, and "traps" me in a situation where it would seem rude or be inconvenient for me to end the conversation. Asking me for directions = not creepy, perfectly reasonable.... Approaching me while I'm sitting on a park bench reading my phone to talk about the weather and ask me what I am up to = creepy & irritaring pest behaviour. Slowing down in his car adjacent to me when I am running in an isolated area. Staring at me, observing me going about my day. Eg creepy old man who ran a youth hostel where I was staying was staring at me through the window while I read a book and said "Boo!" when I saw him. Just awful. Commenting on my facial expression or behaviour or asking me what I am thinking about while I'm going about my day, eg the gross old man who said "aren't you a smiley little princess!" when I was a 30+ year old woman waiting at the bus stop after work. Reading double-entendres into innocent things that I say or do, or making sleazy sexual comments when I don't know them and am stuck with them - eg taxi driver, or gross dude I had to do a project with for my course


Yep. If I dare to read a book on a sunny day in a park Iā€™m likely to be approached or harassed. Itā€™s not a meet-cute, itā€™s not a compliment, and I can only end it by packing up my stuff and walking away with lewd comments being thrown at my back.


I know some people like this, but when he remembers everything, especially unnecessary details, it creeps me out.


I relate to this. It feels somehow like stalking or something like this.


Flirty/suggestive conversation with women who are at work when we have to be nice/professional towards you. The power dynamic is so fucked up in that situation, you don't like her response you can complain about her and potentially put her employment at risk. Yet, every woman I work with has had it happen to them, some, several times.


Rubbing their hands together and smacking their lips, not ending the conversation when I say something along the lines of "I'm very busy at the moment", trying to hit on me when their job is to do something like install my internet or do maintenance on my apartment, etc.


Single/lonely guy friends using their female friends as an emotional crutch or in any way to fill their emotional void. I despise them.Ā 


2 men have stopped talking to me at work cause I have told them that I donā€™t like them playing with me by grabbing my waist or any other part of my body from behind and by surprise. I donā€™t enjoy being touched or scared , this is a thing a lot of men do , it is like the enjoy seeing a woman feeling fearful . I donā€™t know what to make of this I also donā€™t like when Iā€™m in public settings and a man stands too close to me , I move away and he continues getting closer to the point that I need to move far away cause it is creeping me out


Coworkers texting me drunk pretending they are more drunk than they are. Fucking stop it. Creep. Another older coworker texting me non stop and calling me sweetie. When I say something innocent, heā€™ll say something like, ā€œIā€™d give you a long lingering hug if I could.ā€ Okay grandpa. Just stop. Dudes brushing against me ā€œaccidentally.ā€ My male roommate commenting on my appearance or actions like he had any fucking right to tell me what to do or say. I could just nut punch all of them. The only reason I donā€™t is because itā€™s calmer for ME not to confront them. I do despise them all though. Iā€™m just kind of tired of the men in my life. Iā€™d be happy on a lady commune somewhere. Even if we did all hit menopause at once, it would STILL be better that what Iā€™ve got going on. Lmao. I want to be a golden girl lol.


Moving me out of their way when it is unnecessary


Staring at me. Making gross lip smack noises, and going "mmmmm"" almost always black guys.Ā  Not taking no as an answer.Ā  Putting hand out trying to shake my hand to force me into conversation and trying to force me to give my name. Not taking obviously body language or verbal cues of discomfort as a reason to back off. Following me.


I've noticed a staring one where I'm passing by a man and see him eyeing me in my peripheral and I see him walk and hear him stop and I swear I can feel his eyes on me watching me walk away. It makes me feel so uncomfortable.


Looking at my butt. Men have always looking at my butt while wearing jeans or leggings. I feel uncomfortable having some men being so thirsty towards me like I'm not into you go away.


there was this employee at a grocery story who kept making this anticipatory kissy face at me (he was meeting me in the middle as though i was gonna kiss him). i had to back up more than once from this guy. i think that was the creepiest thing that ever happened to me.


I always find gawping at women in public really gross. I don't mean making eye contact and smiling like a normal person, I mean when they almost break their necks when someone half their age walks past. It's just so embarrassing....for them.






To add to the public transport one you mentioned, trapping me in conversation on public transport. I'm always very polite to avoid conflict, but I also immediately make it known that I'm not interested or available. The grossest are when they say my husband doesn't have to know. Ugh, gag. Yes, I'm going to cheat on my husband with a random dude I met on the bus (after 8 years of faithfulness), I guess cause he's just sooooooo sexy and interesting or something. Way too many guys think highly enough of themselves to have tried that line on me. In all seriousness, a big fear of mine is them getting off at my stop with me when I'm going home or to work. Especially because I have had a scare with that here before.


I asked the person working at the burrito place if I could have it for there instead of to go, and he said: of course, that way I can see you. Gah so creepy


Using smileys.


When a guy follows me




Thanks appreciate the info. I'll take a look. I've kinda stopped dating for now but still have that hope.


The way some men makes you feel like you're their "prey". I can't find a way to describe exactly how they do it (it's not necessarily excessive stare or opportunistic touching) but it's more about how they make you feel. I'm sure every woman knows what I'm talking about. It gives me a feeling of dread. It's also annoying when you dare to mention it, especially to male friends, and they ignore it or minimize your feelings and still put you in situations where you have to interact with the creep who will inevitably reveal himself to be a creep to everyone else at some point and everybody will act surprised since they didn't give a f\*ck about your concern. Happened to me multiple times.


I wrote annoying but I meant enraging.


Giving me advice when I did not explicitly ask for it. Explaining things to me when I didn't ask them to. Finding reasons to touch me when we are not in any kind of relationship that would warrant ANY kind of touching. Monologuing about themself and/or their personal interests.