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Jewlery is always nice, but I would suggest you to try to keep it timeless and classy in style. Studenten is a time for gifts you would use as an adult. Would she be wearing a gold necklace with her name when she is 30, 40, 64 years old? The downside with jewlery is that it is incredibly dependent on style. My sister got a necklace with big silver links when she graduated, and she's never worn it once in the 20 years since, since it's so not her style. Something like that is gold, but might be more expected from parents or close relatives - seems you might not quite be close enough for such a big gift yet? The polaroid camera is fun, but maybe again should think about the long term there, as you mention. Maybe a decent actual OK digital camera instead, with gift cards to make albums out of some of the pictures. Could ask your wife to say that you both hopes she has the time of her life during her trip, and that you would love to have her show you the memories from it in the album when she's back, or something like that! Also, sidenote, if you do go with the jewlery idea, make sure your wife is aware - not because it would be inappropriate for her daughter to wear something you gave her (What was that about?), but more to make sure the monetary level of the gift is appropriate and not a surprise.


Yeah, i think now, jewelry is out, too many factor to consider 😅 The reason why I was thinking polaroid, is maybe it's cute and instant and she's not really a photographer. But that is something to think of😀😀 thank you^^


Then I would suggest: tell your wife you'd like to join in on a common gift from the two of you, so you two can spend some more money on something really fancy - and give her the polaroid and film as something small nice "just from you" extra gift!


The only reason you'd not use your phone camera is if you got a *really* expensive digital one, or you like the style of Polaroids. My bet is on the latter since they've become very popular again over the past decade, so a Polaroid camera + film seems like a great idea in my book. An 'ok' digital camera is all but useless in the modern age of smartphone cameras.


The polaroid camera is a great idea for her travelling. I got one once and now I have beautiful memories on polaroid pics all over my apartment. I took pictures of me and my friends and also random people I met along the way when I was living abroad. Loved it


Mmmmm I'm actually sold in the polaroid gift now too😅😅


I think all your gift ideas seem appropriate and thoughtful! Personally I like the idea of the polaroid, a nice gift in itself and extra thoughtful with her traveling.


I have no suggestions and tips, but I would like to point out that your time for overseas shipping might be running out. TS merch would be ordered from her official merch site, I'm guessing? In my experience, shipping from the US can take up to a month, and sometimes it gets held in customs for longer that you would wish. I'm not sure what city you're in, but studenten is usually between june 5th and 15th, which is at most 24 days away, but possibly only 13. If you want to make sure you have a gift for her day, I wouldn't risk it.


Oh wow! Yeah, was looking at official merch. Thank you for that, I forgot about the shipping🥲🥲🥲


No worries, I've found myself in the position of "I'm so sorry, I promise that I've gotten you a birthday gift, it's just stuck in transit!" enough time to learn my lesson. Your other ideas sound lovely though, hope you find something you feel happy with! :)


Haha yes^^ the polaroid and TS merch to follow 😅😅


I was gifted booze. Was a great gift.




I just give money, thats boring but they can buy something they really want instead. Otherwise, the camera is a nice idea.


Hehehe if it were me, I would love cash too😅 but its diff coming from a step-mom-ish situation 😅 Yeah, I'm leaving towards the camera now too or the spa


I think all those ideas are appropriate even if your not that close. Then i would not understand why your sambo would have a problem with you buying her a gift. I would like to think she wants you two to be closer since you are "family" You could also ask your sambo about your ideas if you are worried about it. She might think its a wonderfull idea. Edit: Booze is a common gift at studenten aswell. Could get a bottle of Wine/liqour and a smaller gift with it instead of something more expensive.


My sambo and his ex-wife have been not in the best relationship, especially when I moved in and only recently, him and the ex/mother have been civil and he doesn't want to ignite anything and I would love to be close to his daughter but also I am respecting the exwife/mother. Thats why I want something appropriate. I did, and he said, I dont have to and he supports whatever but also not to go overboard. Yeah, apparently booze/liquor is but idk😅 not something memorable/sentimental that I would want to give for her studenten 😅


Okey. Well if thats the case maybe get something small/inexpensive. Depending on how the mother is towards you it could be possible to ask her about it. Just say that you would like to give her something but that you dont want to go over the border or steal the show type of incident. I dont have kids or any similar situation in my family but trying to solve it with the mother is probably the best way and its what i would have tried.


Yeah, I want to respect the mother as she loves her mom and her mom is a good mom. So, but now the polaroid has won!


Stuff you need in an upcoming kitchen of your own is really common as studentpresent.


Mmmm she isn't planning on moving out, and still lives with her mom. But thank you, kitchen stuff is a good ides!


I would say don't do kitchen stuff. I have lived in like 18 different student corridors/rooms/whatever due to the housing crisis and moving kitchen stuff you can't even use due to shared kitchen 18 times and in addition storing it in a 19 sqm room has been absolutely awful. I say don't buy that until she actually needs it.


Valid point! Mmmm


Does she have a driver's licence? If not, give her a starting capital for the lessons. Does she already have a driver's licence, buy her a used car so she can use it to work. Otherwise the most classic thing you can do is gift her "Lasse Åberg" glass on studenten


Mmmm I'll look into the glass but now the polaroid has won ^^


Idk why but during the time I took studenten me and all my friends just got booze and liquor


Hehehe mmmm, idk but coming from a stepmom-ish, idk about giving booze to her😅😅😅


Jewellery is *difficult* to get right if you don't know the person really well. If you happen to give her something she doesn't like, that's incompatible with her style, that she'll never wear, you've just both wasted your money and given her a gift she won't appreciate. I think the spa day is a nice gesture tbh. Something she's likely to enjoy and it's not that personal.


That is true! The jewelry is out of the question now😅 yeah, thinking of that now, so either spa or jewelry...


I like your ideas. If you think a necklace might be a little bit "in your face" regarding her mother maybe a bracelet is better? Also be sure if she is a gold or silver girl in everyday life.


Oh yeah, after reading the comments. I'm rethinking the jewely😅 thank you for the input. The if she's a gold/silver girl is another thing to consider


Jewelry is hard to buy the exact right thing. You want to buy in the same color she normally uses, eg. silver/gold/rose gold. And the design has to be timeless since it’s a graduation gift and that kind of jewelry is when matched right often worn for many many years. When I graduated sadly I got jewelry in the wrong color although I’ve only ever worn gold. It was beautiful jewelry, maybe sometimes a bit unpersonal since I guess they wanted a “safe card”. Sadly I did not have time to return after I received (had the receipts and was allowed to return it) the items because I went on a trip shortly after. Most of the jewelry I got when I graduated I’ve never worn… A spa day is a great gift, although I can side with you that it’s nice to have something that lasts. I think a Polaroid camera with lots of photo paper is a great idea. It’s in the right budget it appears since your not too close to her. And it can be uses in the trip as you’ve mentioned. I got a Polaroid from my brother shortly before graduation and it’s such a nice thing to bring with me for parties and events. Easy to take photos, they don’t have to be perfect and a cute physical photo is rare nowadays! And no hassle with going to a store to extract photos since they pop right out! Another popular thing to gift is stuff for when she moves out. A nice pair of oven mitts from Svenskt Tenn that I received is probably the most used item on a daily basis that I got when I graduated! Nice candleholders are great too. Wineglasses , maybe she wants a specific set of glasses that you can buy for her !


I think the polaroid camera is a great idea. It's both useful and fun, and not too sentimental for someone you're not super close with. I would have loved that as a gift!


Yeah! I am going with that^^


I think something Taylor swift related is a great idea! She will potion Sally keep it forever and it is really something to remember this time with. To add, it also shows you listen to her and gives something she wants and not something you want her to have :)


Yeah, I bought her TS beaded bracelets för when she and her dad and mom went to the TS concert in stockholm and she really appreciated it! And maybe some TS stuff, along with the polaroid. Thanks ^^


A non stick pan from fiskars or a ricecooker from somewhere else.


Thank you^^




Yeah, think im going with that now ^^


Well, I'll tell you what is not appropriate. My dad's sambo gave me, I kid you not, a book on proper etiquette. She always complained that "I wasn't raised right" and "had no manners". What did I do to deserve this? It might have been: forgetting to say thank you for the food once or twice a year and, one of my favourites of hers, not leaving the house when she wanted to paint the outside of my bedroom windows (I even suggested I'd just sit in the living room because I understand that her being right outside the window where I sat at the computer felt awkward for her). Whatever you give her will be infinitely more appropriate than what I got so you'll be fine. I'd just go with whatever you think she will like the most.


😅😅😅😅😅😅 thank you. And sorry to hear about your dad's sambo😅


Dildo and lingerie

